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Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out

Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out

#1Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/10/22 at 9:10pm don’t understand why someone would do this. It’s a sick thing and a violation. I mean, what would the person who did this say when told to put his phone in a Yondr pouch? I don’t have a cellphone? 

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/10/22 at 9:28pm

It's absolutely disgusting. 

Sho-Tunes-R-Us Profile Photo
#3Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 2:32am

ljay889 said: "It's absolutely disgusting."


Arrest and prosecute if possible.


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#4Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 7:26am

I would guess it's practically impossible. Sigh. Or not not worth the effort in the eyes of those with the say-so.


They could have had a borrowed or second cell - it would be that hard to slip a second phone through. And ushers would be less likely to be on the lookout (for the few that ever are) for one.

Horrible to hear about, though.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#5Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 7:32am

I hope the show has some effective legal recourse.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 5/11/22 at 07:32 AM

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#6Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 7:39am

I’m curious if Williams was aware of the leak by the time he got on Watch What Happens Live that same day. He talked about nudity and said, “Everybody makes such a big deal. It’s a body. Once you see it, you realize, whatever, it’s a body!”

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#7Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 7:39am

I’m curious if Williams was aware of the leak by the time he got on Watch What Happens Live that same day. He talked about nudity and said, “Everybody makes such a big deal. It’s a body. Once you see it, you realize, whatever, it’s a body!”

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

#8Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 8:00am

They don’t tape WWHL live anymore, so he had probably been there earlier in the day or another day entirely.

#9Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 8:09am

Today a functioning micro-size camera can be placed inside the top button on a shirt. And, yes, there are bad people in the world that will happily do it for fun and profit. Accordingly, all actors should be forever advised never to appear unclothed on stage unless they are prepared for that image to appear on the internet in perpetuity. 

John Adams Profile Photo
John Adams
#10Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 8:44am

Tom5 said: "...all actors should be forever advised never to appear unclothed on stage unless they are prepared for that image to appear on the internet in perpetuity."

I feel pretty sure all of the actors who appear nude in this show were/are aware of the inevitability that their image(s) would appear on the internet at some point. It would be extremely naive to think anything else.

I also think that the statement, "It’s a body. Once you see it, you realize, whatever, it’s a body!” is a mentally/socially healthy attitude, but basically untrue. It's not just any body... it's *his* body, and one he obviously takes care to enhance its attractiveness (genetic endowments aside). Also, I think it would be just as naive to mask the fact that at least part of the reason he was cast in this role is *because* of his attractive body. 

I don't share the outrage some have expressed. Why would I be outraged by such an obviously inevitable event? 

That said, I'm grateful for the responses/actions effected that provide as much control over the situation, and  protect the actors as much as can be reasonably expected. I also believe that these actors are mature enough to understand the risk(s) of performing nude, given an understanding of 21st century technology.

If the actors can feel as reasonably safe/protected as meets their comfortability level, and those who are charged with keeping the situation under control do *their* jobs to the best of their abilities, there's not much more to be said.

Kad Profile Photo
#11Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 9:10am

I hope everyone who is outraged is also outraged about bootlegs in general, because it’s the exact same principle. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#12Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 9:26am

dramamama611 said: "They could have had a borrowed or second cell - it would be that hard to slip a second phone through. And ushers would be less likely to be on the lookout (for the few that ever are) for one."

This was my first theatrical experience that used Yondr, so I don't know if they have a different policy, but based on the comedy shows I've been to you wouldn't even have to come up with a second phone - you can just tell the Yondr attendant that you didn't bring it. In my case I have just left it in the car before to avoid an extra step on the way in and out, but it would be super easy to lie.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#13Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 9:59am

Kad said: "I hope everyone who is outraged is also outraged about bootlegs in general, because it’s the exact same principle."

The theater goes out of their way to lock up people’s phones for this show. One would assume the agreement of the actors to appear nude was contingent upon this extra security measure. Appearing nude onstage is inherently more vulnerable, and this is about a much more egregious breach of bodily consent, so no….I don’t believe this is the same issue at all. 

#14Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:06am

I wear knee-high compression socks and they've served as an excellent place to store my passport, wallet and other small items when I travel. I could easily tuck a phone or camera in there and walk into a theater undetected.

That said, I don't approve of what this person did.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#15Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:10am

Kad said: "I hope everyone who is outraged is also outraged about bootlegs in general, because it’s the exact same principle."

I understand your comparison and I'm not saying I approve of either, but sharing a video of someone naked and sharing a video of someone performing the finale of Hamilton is not in any way the same thing. Both are wrong and both should be stopped, but in the same way it would be wrong to randomly film some tourist walking down the street, it would be far worse to film that person in the shower.

Kad Profile Photo
#16Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:11am

BroadwayGirl107 said: "Kad said: "I hope everyone who is outraged is also outraged about bootlegs in general, because it’s the exact same principle."

The theater goes out of their way to lock up people’s phones for this show. One would assume the agreement of the actors to appear nude was contingent upon this extra security measure. Appearing nude onstage is inherently more vulnerable, and this is about a much more egregious breach of bodily consent, so no….I don’t believe this is the same issue at all.

It’s photo / video taken without the consent of those appearing onstage, against the explicitly stated rules of the theater, and against the law, is it not? The fact there was extra security to enforce those already existing rules is beside the point. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#17Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:12am

The perp might not even have had to lie or smuggle in an extra phone. When I saw TMO last week the usher at the door put my and my party’s phones in pouches and handed them to us…open. We closed them ourselves, but it would have been so easy to remove our phones once we were out of sight. We even talked about how ridiculously lax the system was. 

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#18Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:18am

Kad said: "BroadwayGirl107 said: "Kad said: "I hope everyone who is outraged is also outraged about bootlegs in general, because it’s the exact same principle."

The theater goes out of their way to lock up people’s phones for this show. One would assume the agreement of the actors to appear nude was contingent upon this extra security measure. Appearing nude onstage is inherently more vulnerable, and this is about a much more egregious breach of bodily consent, so no….I don’t believe this is the same issue at all.

It’s photo / video taken without the consent of those appearing onstage, against the explicitly stated rules of the theater, and against the law, is it not? The fact there was extra security to enforce those already existing rulesis beside the point.


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being intentionally obtuse or not here, but I’ll assume your sincerity for a moment. The issue of most bootlegs is less about consent and more about how that art is being distributed without the proper compensation for the artists who put in the work—much like any video of their work would require licensing. Most artists would be thrilled for more people to see their work shared( properly recorded of course) and reach a wider audience. This is why there is always a debate around bootlegs, as some bootlegs of great performances actually bolster the reputation of the show or performer—the issue is they are. It compensated for their creation.


This is video completely out of context taken 100% for the sharing of the nude body of the person it captures. It goes beyond the realm of exploiting the labor of the artists but again, the consent of their bodies. 

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#19Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:24am

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "I’m curious if Williams was aware of the leak by the time he got on Watch What Happens Live that same day. He talked about nudity and said, “Everybody makes such a big deal.It’s a body. Once you see it, you realize, whatever, it’s a body!”"

Due to Andy’s schedule WWHL no longer airs live.  Episodes are now taped in advance and sometimes a week earlier than air date.  

Kad Profile Photo
#20Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:28am

I am being 100% sincere because I think, frankly, this is a lot of performative outrage and hypocrisy. These are not nudes sent in confidence from one individual to another. This is not an intimate setting between Williams and a  partner. This is a Broadway production being seen by thousands of people in 2022. Discussing this in terms that until recently were reserved for things such as revenge porn is obfuscating the point and, ironically, has shades of a puritanical view of the human body. 

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether someone is nude onstage or not (and there has been plenty, plenty of nudity of onstage): the rules are the same. If the producers of Funny Girl had decided to have audiences lock up their phones so Beanie’s vocals didn’t leak out, would people be as accommodating? Would they be as outraged when it is inevitably breached? Most likely not. 

If the idea is that theater stays between the performers and the audience, in the performance, as an ephemeral thing, then it needs to be consistent, not convenient. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#21Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:30am

It is both gross that this happened and impossible to completely prevent it from happening. It is frustrating that there is no great solution for this kind of thing.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#22Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:31am

It's horrible and a huge violation. Even if an actor is comfortable in their skin, it's not ok for someone to use their naked image without their consent. I hope the source is caught and prosecuted.

I will agree that in today's world the only guarantee of not having on stage nudes leaked is to not perform nude. I caught a woman filming Moulin Rouge in HD from a camera in her hair bun. She bolted from the theatre before she could be addressed. 

It's interesting that Equity is taking the time to address this. Are they only addressing it because of the Yondr pouches, because there are nude bootlegs from shows all over the internet. Why were they not issuing statements for The Little Dog Laughed Cast, Mike Doyle, Audra, etc? They have proven how toothless they are throughout the pandemic so I don't imagine they will address this in any effective way. Issuing a statement that they condemn this. Who wouldn't condemn this? Groundbreaking AEA. 

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#23Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 10:40am

Bettyboy72 said: "It's interesting that Equity is taking the time to address this. Are they only addressing it because of the Yondr pouches, because there are nude bootlegs from shows all over the internet. Why were they not issuing statements for The Little Dog Laughed Cast, Mike Doyle, Audra, etc? They have proven how toothless they are throughout the pandemic so I don't imagine they will address this in any effective way. Issuing a statement that they condemn this. Who wouldn't condemn this? Groundbreaking AEA."

My guess is AEA addressed it for one of the following reasons:

a) Second Stage asked them to.
b) the video was widely distributed on social and in media publications.
c) they are trying to crack down on bootlegging and they want to make a point that it is not okay for an audience member to film a nude actor without consent.

This doesn't just impact the two actors in that scene –– nearly the whole cast is nude in that play, and that's a vulnerable position to be in. Especially when you're earning a 2nd Stage salary.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#24Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 11:31am

I actually tried to avoid it on Twitter, but their algorithms thought otherwise. While I'll admit I was curious, I feel so bad that this leaked and angry that this person captured such intimacy. If anything, hopefully this will enforce stronger rules, even more Yondr pouches, on Broadway.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

markypoo Profile Photo
#25Someone took and leaked nude photos at Take Me Out
Posted: 5/11/22 at 1:07pm

In another time, another era, some ballsy individual managed to shoot a video of the entire, original production.
