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Member Name: OhHiii
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Playbill Ceases Operations for Touring Productions
 Sep 22 2024, 03:14:21 PM

It's definitely a venue by venue thing. For the smaller cities, it would make sense they'd need to cut more expenses than a Chicago or San Fransisco would.

BCEFA flea market 2024 collectors unite
 Sep 22 2024, 10:14:21 AM

Is the Marquis bathroom still unlocked when there isn't a show running currently? I've tried this and some times you need a room key.

SUNSET BOULEVARD 2024 West End Cast Recording Thread
 Sep 20 2024, 11:21:29 AM

iluvtheatertrash said: "Pyrotechnics? There’s nothing on stage and the costumes are pathetic and the cast barely make eye contact. What pyrotechnics?"

It doesn’t take a genius to know what I was referring to. To say that the technical feat of how the title number is staged is extraordinary in scope. Stop being obtuse. 

Marla Mindelle's BIG GAY JAMBOREE at the Orpheum Off-Bway, produced by Margot Robbie. Fall 2024.
 Sep 20 2024, 09:35:46 AM

QueenAlice said: "If the name of a show is causing people to stop and ask what its about on a subway,it's doing it's job. If they are asking 'what is a gay jamboree?" the title is doing its job.


Right?? Just proves the branding is garnering attention which is *literally* the job of advertising. 

SUNSET BOULEVARD 2024 West End Cast Recording Thread
 Sep 20 2024, 08:25:08 AM

The title song has always been one of my least favorites. When I saw it staged for the Glenn revival me and the person I went with had to stifle back laughter at how horrible the song itself is. The pyrotechnics of this production’s staging is what has seemed to elevate it. The Olivier’s performance made me forget all about how horrible I thought the song was previously. 

Adam Lambert -Cabaret
 Sep 20 2024, 08:16:47 AM

Alexa, play “A New Day Has Come” by Celine Dion please.

Marla Mindelle's BIG GAY JAMBOREE at the Orpheum Off-Bway, produced by Margot Robbie. Fall 2024.
 Sep 20 2024, 08:13:46 AM

The title of a show has zero to do with if it will catch on are yall being purposefully obtuse here? Very clear that they wouldn’t be targeting tourists for this, particularly in previews. They’ll very much be a Titanique/Oh, Mary audience which is proving to be a financially successful audience.

I’m just glad very few if any of you are actually marketing these things. We’d be in trouble.

Audra McDonald-led GYPSY for 2024-2025 Season!
 Sep 18 2024, 07:22:28 AM

Broadway Flash said: "SUTTON FOSTER GYPSY
Rose, the role she was BORN to play

I can honestly say I’ve never wanted something less.

Adam Lambert -Cabaret
 Sep 18 2024, 07:17:04 AM

BoringBoredBoard40 said: "most theater workers (ushers, house managers, porters, stagedoor people) get time and a half pay on sunday performances, if you notice more and more shows are cutting sunday performances to avoid paying these rates"

This is absurd lol. These rates are a drop in the bucket compared to overall operating costs. They’re cutting Sunday matinees because they don’t sell as well. Quite simple. 

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 9/15/24
 Sep 18 2024, 07:14:00 AM

I should have qualified that Universal is not the *lead* producer and will be making its LEAD producing Broadway debut with DBH (and is financing it entirely). And often, the studios will get producer credits in the billing without investment (if they had significant investment in any of the shows you list, they would be much farther up on the title page billing block). In the case of BTTF, they’re on the same line as Zemeckis, so it’s quite likely these are a term of the lic

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 9/15/24
 Sep 17 2024, 09:08:18 PM

Universal is not a producer on BTTF. Universal *Pictures* is the licensor of the film rights, that’s all. Collin Ingram is the lead producer as laid out on the title page. Universal *Theatrical* as an entity will be making its Broadway debut with Death Becomes Her. Even the involvement on Wicked is not through the Theatrical entity, but Universal Pictures above title because the theatrical arm didn’t exist when Wicked started. It’s weird but it’s how it is. <

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 9/15/24
 Sep 17 2024, 03:59:21 PM

Anyone else think Back to the Future will be a thing of the past come 2025? These numbers have end of the year closing written all over it to me. Esp since it hasn't proven to be a holiday juggernaut to make up for losses that one may initially think given brand recognition. That said, I'm sure the Shuberts would prefer the house have a tenant, so they may cut a deal that extends. I can't think of any large scale musicals that would be eyeing the Winter Garden is there?

Audra McDonald-led GYPSY for 2024-2025 Season!
 Sep 13 2024, 05:53:20 AM

TBFL said: "Broadway Flash said: "They will need to bring in tons and tons of money if they want to recoup. This is going to be a big show. They have to get people to pay full price, no discount tickets. It’ll be interesting to see if Sunset Blvd ends up at Tkts"

Has there ever been a show at that theatre, that hasnt been at Tkts?

….you mean the theatre that’s had the same show in it for 36 years that was famously cat

Lear deBessonet will be Lincoln Center Theater's new artistic director; Bartlett Sher will be executive producer
 Sep 11 2024, 09:51:17 AM

Not everything requires a dissertation.

Lear deBessonet will be Lincoln Center Theater's new artistic director; Bartlett Sher will be executive producer
 Sep 10 2024, 11:22:56 AM

She has had two EXCELLENT seasons at NYCC after her rather disastrous first year. LCT feels like a much more appropriate fit for what she thought she was attempting to do with the works NYCC was putting on where people just want to see the rare show presented the way it was written with top notch casts. Lincoln Center has more latitude to interrogate pieces rather than trying to dissect and reconstruct established pieces with 2 weeks of rehearsal time to see if it even works.

NYT: Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Join the EGOT Club. What Does That Mean?
 Sep 9 2024, 11:05:30 AM

The impact (derogatory) these two have had on current musical theater sound has is one thing I wish we could reverse. 

Hilty & Simard to lead DEATH BECOMES HER in Chicago spring 2024
 Sep 5 2024, 09:12:37 PM

I’m not saying I hate it, just something wasn’t landing for me and it’s honestly just the size of Megan’s head. I LOVE the images they have of the two of them and Michelle and Chris Seiber in the video ad they’re running on Instagram

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Sep 5 2024, 07:13:55 PM

Kad said: "The song is only 3 minutes long, he can't go that far. And if he's walking from Shubert Alley to the St. James, he doesn't need to go into Times Square or over to 8th avenue at all."

He traveled rather far at the Oliviers in those 3 minutes. Thats not a short amount of time for someone who is moving the entire time. But we’ll see!

Hilty & Simard to lead DEATH BECOMES HER in Chicago spring 2024
 Sep 5 2024, 07:02:35 PM

BroadwayNYC2 said: "Comments here say otherwise. I think it’s great!"

not sure why an illustration would require a full glam team, gowns, wigs, nails and a…smoke bomb pyrotechnician, but maybe I’m just too dense to actually look into it to find out what it actually is before I comment. I dunno. 

It’s a heavily altered photoshoot and it’s the same photographer as did Sweeney Todd. Save your snark. 

Hilty & Simard to lead DEATH BECOMES HER in Chicago spring 2024
 Sep 5 2024, 02:23:14 PM

VintageSnarker said: "For me the issue is on the Hilty side of the image. The way the neck twists is poorly done and it looks like they just stuck her head onto a different body. The head is too small in proportion to the body."

This is exactly it. Her head is far too small proportionally. And if the argument is it’s an illustration (it’s not, there’s a photographer credited on Instagram), it’s not reading as such. 

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