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OUR TOWN Previews

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#25OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 11:34am

Can't quite get over the hand-wringing above about the removed intermissions. The play was written when the three act form was routine in modern drama, a strictly if not universally observed structural conceit in a world with a different attention span, a different expectation of audience behavior/needs, and different ideas as to how theatrical storytelling best serves a venue and captive witnesses. The play is in three distinct and labeled movements, to be sure, but directors have long found ways to replace the intermission's interrupting role via a sleight of hand, some lighting or other device that places the same set of periods on finished sections of dramatic action. The idea that spectators must rise, exit to a lobby, and return for the shape of the play to work has long been banished. 

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 9/18/24 at 11:34 AM

desperateAndee Profile Photo
#26OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 11:44am

Was at the first preview last night. Show ran pretty smoothly and at a quick pace. Begins with cast members coming through the audience all whispering the same prayer in different languages. Some in modern dress, others in period clothing. It's been awhile since I've read the text (lacking true familiarity) but it felt like there were clear excisions, and I would be interested to know what was cut/why. They provided a hardcopy of the play for all of us as a first preview gift. 

Holmes, Parsons, and Deutch are fantastic, but Julie Halston has a few show stealing moments, as does Michelle Wilson. As others noted, the set is fairly simple (wood panels, chairs bolted to the wall, and a gorgeous lamp display that extends out into the audience.) 

While the P!nk song does feel a little schmaltzy, it oddly worked for me, and was quite powerful after that gut punch of an ending punctuated by Deutch's deft hand with the material. There is a theatrical device utilized throughout that I felt could've been embodied more, but that will come with time. 

I can honestly only see this getting stronger and stronger as previews continue and could prove to be a huge hit for Leon & Co. 

Updated On: 9/18/24 at 11:44 AM

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
#27OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 12:11pm

"Hand-wringing" feels really dramatic for what was said. Obviously, they can do what they want and I have no doubt that it could play really well without the intermissions... but I can't think of a play that feels more dependent on its intermissions for resonance and intention. Perhaps August: Osage County and Proof... but still. The intermissions feels like a part of the play to me in a way I can't quite say they do in other plays. Again, will it probably work? Sure! 

"there were clear excisions and I would be interested to know what was cut/why." I'm interested to know why you think there were excisions when you aren't familiar with the play? I'm not saying you're wrong... you're probably not! I'm just curious as to what led you to think that. Could you spoil and describe the device? I'm interested. Thanks!


Jesus saves. I spend.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#28OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 1:19pm

Seeing this next month....was tempted by the on stage seats, but they weren't covered by the discount code. (And I'm a sucker for 30% off Gibbs30)


I was in awe of Cromer's OT of a few years ago. Uncontrollably sobbing.  (Which has only happened in a handful of shows.)  So this will have to be pretty damn special to top or even equal that one. 


But I hope.


Thanks to whomever said an act structure is NOT determined by the number of intermissions.  I was about to write something similar.   (Matt Rogers seems to have become our resident grouch, finding fault with nearly everything, sight unseen.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#29OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 5:54pm

dramamama611 said: "Seeing this next month....was tempted by the on stage seats, but they weren't covered by the discount code. (And I'm a sucker for 30% off Gibbs30)

I was in awe of Cromer's OT of a few years ago. Uncontrollably sobbing. (Which has only happened in a handful of shows.) So this will have to be pretty damn special to top or even equal that one.

But I hope.

Thanks to whomever said an act structure is NOT determined by the number of intermissions. I was about to write something similar. (Matt Rogers seems to have become our resident grouch, finding fault with nearly everything, sight unseen.)

Incorrect, sweetie. Where have I found fault with “nearly everything”? Go feed your low life snark to someone else. 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#30OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 6:14pm

Let's start with your disdain of most of the people on this board.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#31OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 6:22pm

dramamama611 said: "Let's start with your disdain of most of the people on this board."

Like who? Broadway Flash? I’m in good company. And congratulations for detailing the thread. 

darquegk Profile Photo
#32OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/18/24 at 7:44pm

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "I've seen highly effective productions with two intermissions and the actors speaking slowly (which is, I recall, Wilder's intention). These are smalltown people who move at their own pace."

This is one of those very small handful of shows that I find shines brightest in what can generously be called both an amateur and amateurish production. No star power or charisma, real community members acting with unvarnished sincerity and struggling slightly with language JUST above their everyday vernacular.

You can have great performances from real actors, but it loses some of that almost Brechtian quality of "this is fake but it's also real; think about the implications." Updated On: 9/18/24 at 07:44 PM

BroadwayLuv2 Profile Photo
#33OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/20/24 at 9:54am

Anyone try for rush tickets yet or know where the rush seats are located? 

sinister teashop Profile Photo
sinister teashop
#34OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/20/24 at 12:19pm

I wouldn’t say that Wilder wrote his play in three acts which were intended to be separated by intermissions because it was the commercial convention of the day. Wilder also wrote short plays where time is condensed like “The Long Christmas Dinner”. 

It is fine to cut longer plays down for commercial runs. Those longer plays probably wouldn’t be on Broadway today if they weren’t cut. Problem is the editing of a play is one other element in a production that requires skill and thought. You can change the meaning of a play, particularly a play that is about a community as much as the leading performances, with bad cuts.

Updated On: 9/20/24 at 12:19 PM

quizking101 Profile Photo
#35OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/20/24 at 7:19pm


Katie Holmes will be out September 27-28 with Heather Ayers on as Mrs. Webb.

Zoey Deutch will be out October 27 with (likely) Ephie Aardema on as Emily Webb

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

#36OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/21/24 at 12:24pm

I rushed this morning for the matinee and got row E far side, partial view.

#37OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/21/24 at 2:56pm

bellelinus said: "I rushed this morning for the matinee and got row E far side, partial view."

Please let us know what you think! A bit frustrating that of 36 posts on the preview thread, there's a total of one so far from someone who's actually seen the show. 

#38OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/21/24 at 5:06pm

I saw this last night and found it to be a lovely and enchanting. The lighting effect is truly beautiful. I was L front mezz 4 seats off the center aisle (thanks Gibbs30) view was wonderful, I’m not sure I’d enjoy rear mezz for this. The entire cast is giving strong performances and I found Jim Parsons to be a master story teller and narrator. As reference, this is my first time seeing Our Town performed  (gasp!)  The elimination of intermission (as properly defined) did not affect my experience at all, in fact, I was happy to not have the interruption of the story. The Pink song, what about us, (mentioned in this thread) was not played at curtain call and I would like to gather more information about the music included in this production. My final thoughts, Our Town is timeless and I really enjoyed this production. Would love to see it again after it opens and wish the production much success!! Also have to mention the lighting again, just beautiful, and I loved the set & sound design. Highly recommend. 

#39OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/21/24 at 5:37pm

I never review shows because truly you need to see a show and decide for yourself if it works for you, not listen to someone else. But first, seating. I rushed just after box office opening this morning (no wait) and paid $45 for Orchestra E, seat 13. In this seat you can't see the onstage seating on stage right, but otherwise I didn't think I missed anything and loved being close. Great value. I also had thought about the onstage seats being a fun choice, but having seen it now I think it would be better for a subsequent visit rather than a first one. Much of the time I think your view would be blocked somewhat by performers, or you would be looking at performers' backs. If the seats were inexpensive, fine, but given that they are pretty expensive, I don't think they are worth it unless you are going back and want that feeling of being onstage for a second viewing. In general, this production makes you feel a part of Grovers Corners (at least, in the Orchestra) anyway, with the aisles being used a lot. On this production: I saw the Cromer off-Broadway production twice back in the day, and it gutted me. This did not affect me quite so strongly, although it is still Our Town and I enjoyed it of course. I was a little taken aback with the audience laughing at many many of Jim Parson's lines as Stage Manager that I didn't think were intended to be funny (and that took a little of the emotional heft out of it for me). No disrespect to him, as he is quite good, but more what the audience seemed primed to feel just because it was him. Kenny Leon is clearly going in some new directions with the material, and I'm not opposed to that - it's part of the reasoning behind putting on a production of something most people have already seen. Some of it worked for me, some of it didn't. 

#40OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/21/24 at 7:07pm

Dan6 said: "bellelinus said: "I rushed this morning for the matinee and got row E far side, partial view."

Please let us know what you think! A bit frustrating that of 36 posts on the preview thread, there's a total of one so far from someone who's actually seen the show.

I was bored.  Only thing that kept me up was trying to count all the years separating Richard Thomas and Katie Holmes.


#41OUR TOWN Previews
Posted: 9/22/24 at 12:33am

i was bored, too. this is a classic, overly earnest play that i havent seen performed since high school, and thats where it belongs. i dont mean that as a slight- schools should make kids read this and maybe see this, but for adults, its stultifying boring to sit through, until the emotional hammer gets dropped on your head towards the end. 

its a handsome production and the way the set changes for act 3 was well done. but because the play is so one note, Leon attempts to mystify it when he can-- mostly harmlessly, but the opening is a mess. [Before telling us how 96% Christian this town is, the play opens with Hebrew and Arabic prayers blaring over the loudspeakers while the enormous cast assembles on stage]. 

Jim Parsons seems perfectly cast here, and he does a fine job as our buddy and friend and narrator. The rest of the casting was...perplexing. Katie Holmes and Richard Thomas are both fine but read 25 years apart. Billy Eugene Jones was fantastic, as was Julie Halston here and there. Eph Sykes had even cynics like me choking up at the end, but they have him in a tanktop with prominent tattoos for one scene, not exactly the Grovers Corners 16 year old hes meant to be playing? I think Donald Webber Jr was a standout, and they let him sing a bit, too.

Biggest surprise of the night was how empty the mezzanine was. The onstage seating looks like a complete waste of money, and I would have felt so uncomfortable yawning in the actors faces. 
