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Member Name: PipingHotPiccolo
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Adam Lambert -Cabaret
 Sep 22 2024, 08:51:02 PM

Jarethan said: "Kad said: "Per Rob in a PM, Flash has been banned."

Why has he been banned? I find him annoying as hell, but do t remember reading anything truly offensive…mostly stupid and hyperbolic.

Its anyones guess what broke the proverbial camel's back, but off the top of my head, Flash has accused The Outsiders of being appealing only to gay men who want to ogle the young case, complained about too many Orthodox Jews i

Sean Combs in Raisin in the Sun
 Sep 22 2024, 08:47:22 PM

Shocked the reference to The Show About That Guy is still up--i think the moderators have a full time intern policing that conduct.

But until I hear that what P Diddy was accused of (credibly, in a major Federal complaint, unlike various other unsubstantiated rumors that gossipmongers like to discuss in these parts) was evident to the other people in the production, I'm not sure what the big deal is. 

OUR TOWN Previews
 Sep 22 2024, 12:33:23 AM

i was bored, too. this is a classic, overly earnest play that i havent seen performed since high school, and thats where it belongs. i dont mean that as a slight- schools should make kids read this and maybe see this, but for adults, its stultifying boring to sit through, until the emotional hammer gets dropped on your head towards the end. 

its a handsome production and the way the set changes for act 3 was well done. but because the play is so one note, Leon attempts to mystify

Marla Mindelle's BIG GAY JAMBOREE at the Orpheum Off-Bway, produced by Margot Robbie. Fall 2024.
 Sep 19 2024, 10:12:39 PM

this has to be the dumbest named show in a long while. i was on subway platform today and overheard tourists just looking at the different posters (oh we saw six, oh id like to see cabaret) and they just did not know what to make of a gay jamboree. as im typing this i cant even tell you what its really about, and i say that knowing how talented marla mindelle is. 

Little Shop...Who Leads? Anyone know?
 Sep 19 2024, 10:01:03 PM

Kad said: "I think recent years have demonstrated that Little Shop is such a strongly written show that it basically always just works, with performers of different backgrounds bringing new things to it."

This is the right answer. Audrey works as a clueless young'n, and is a different kind of tragic as an older woman still in this vulnerable position. SEYMOUR, however, doesnt make sense to me as an older guy- his nebbish naivete seems more hardwired into

Little Shop...Who Leads? Anyone know?
 Sep 18 2024, 09:46:57 PM

willep said: "I wonder who is going to play the role for the next month while Christopher is still in Hamilton."

The silhouette and the two clues (bloody hands, Hamilton reference) sure suggest Nicholas Christopher but he seems too mature/strapping for the part and hes IN Hamilton so I dont get it?

What would the "waiting for you" reference be re Sherie Rene Scott?

STEREOPHONIC Announces Final Extension
 Sep 16 2024, 03:00:43 PM

ColorTheHours048 said: "Even more noteworthy is that Tom Pecinka, Sarah Pidgeon, and JulianaCanfield are taking their final bows in just two weeks! And Rebecca Naomi Jones will be replacing as Holly!

I suspect a West End transfer announcement is soon.

Yeah, the extension of one week sorta buries the lede re RNJ here, though I'd love to see what she could do with the more central role of Diana. Cute shes back with Will Brill on Broadway. 

 Sep 15 2024, 03:26:10 PM

Tom5 said: "'Highland Guy": First poster to be concerned for Mia's well being and wishing her well. I'll be number 2."

I certainly wish her well and you are right that we should all be doing that first and foremost, but to be fair my understanding was that she is fine, and tested positive due to ongoing screenings, not because she was suffering any symptoms, etc. 

 Sep 15 2024, 03:07:28 PM

Marsha Mason isnt a draw, but I think her name triggers enough memory bells that it still feels like youre seeing Someone and Not The Understudy--especially for the older crowds this play is surely targeting.

I know her mostly from her time on Frasier, but I can see her doing nicely with this role. Hope today goes smoothly. V curious to hear reports.

OH, MARY! Reviews
 Sep 15 2024, 12:44:13 PM

theyve made numerous ugly comments about various ethnicities, the moderators have no problem with it at all.

 Sep 15 2024, 12:41:59 PM

Unfortunate situation because Mia it the real reason to see this

Also amplifies the silliness of the decision to scream the two stars names at the start of the show

 Sep 15 2024, 12:41:46 AM

i agree with many of the criticisms/points made here but i enjoyed this quite a bit. it could be shorter, but there is an onion-being-peeled way the plot unfolds, and i really dug the performances and the use of the set. nothing mindblowing but since I was not as enamored with The Ferryman as everyone else was, I found myself pleasantly surprised this evening.

one thing this play has in common with Ferryman is problems at the end. I found the "shocking" end to Ferryman to be

 Sep 7 2024, 11:19:28 PM

one irritating inappropriate person does not turn a whole audience into a bad one? 

 Sep 7 2024, 11:08:41 PM

audience was fine, even better than fine, though I was seated (front right mezz) next to someone who loudly reacted to EVERY moment in the show- WOW! OH NO! OMIGOD! NO! WOW!-- and therefore belongs in prison. 

but an anomaly for sure, audience was overall great and very enthusiastic (and sold out upstairs)

 Sep 7 2024, 10:20:04 PM

i was there tonight. i think this play could really benefit from an intermission because it felt longer than it actually was. 

i found myself thinking it was a sit-commy slight whiff of a play, but it grew some meat on the bones towards the end that kicked up a notch for me. 

patti lupone feels somewhat miscast- shes playing patti in a strangely bad wig. im not sure if any other actress could really fix the imbalance here, though: her character Robin is a supporting role to Shar

GHOST OF JOHN MCCAIN at Soho Playhouse
 Sep 3 2024, 10:20:01 PM

this subject matter and this cast both right up my alley, but an ad making a pun out of Jan 6 is a wild turn off. yes its a free country, and they can/should do whatever they want, but the VERY POINT of advertising is to cause a reaction. im just having the opposite one of what they intended.

MCC's 'SH!T. MEET. FAN.' Cast Announced
 Sep 3 2024, 10:14:54 PM

this is a rare treat: big names that are also genuinely talented and belong on stage. Messing and Krakowski are two of the greatest comedic TV actresses ever, so I'm thrilled to hear this will be a comedy that will show off their strengths. Really excited.

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 8/18/24
 Aug 21 2024, 12:06:02 AM

TotallyEffed said: "Am I way too on the internet for wondering if JK Rowling’s relentless bullying is starting to affect the Cursed Child audience, especially this week?"

You're too on the internet (I am too, its not a criticism). The universe of people who were going to see a Harry Potter show but are now too angry about JK Rowling's ongoing descent into ugliness--is a tiny one. 

JOB Previews
 Aug 19 2024, 10:36:51 PM

this has happened numerous times. meltdowns caught on film at the workplace? literally a regular occurrence and one of the more believable, ripped-from-real-life elements of this play.

OH, MARY! Reviews
 Aug 18 2024, 12:32:31 AM

i'm sadly the dissenting voice here, though i DO appreciate the mad genius of Cole Escola. the whole thing is just over the top brilliant witty looniness, and Escola is hysterical, but i found the madcap weirdness somewhat exhausting pretty quickly?  It felt overly absurdist to start, then settled into a groove I really liked, and then went off the deep end at the end. 

I can see liking this more in a small theater, with the wit coming out of nowhere, but for $175 on a Sa

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