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Profile for Auggie27

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Member Name: Auggie27
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Why Did You Join BWW?
 Sep 21 2024, 12:07:18 PM

I also joined in 2003, a lifetime ago, because internet participation in impromptu salons was still a relatively new pastime, and the discussions that arose here were full-throated and impassioned, with richly debated topics, highly subjective takes, a little rage, a little glibness, a few wounds but seldom permanent scars, and much enjoyment. I made a handful of friends here that I cherish, away from this board; they have lasted over two decades, and I never forget - or t

OUR TOWN Previews
 Sep 18 2024, 11:34:24 AM

Can't quite get over the hand-wringing above about the removed intermissions. The play was written when the three act form was routine in modern drama, a strictly if not universally observed structural conceit in a world with a different attention span, a different expectation of audience behavior/needs, and different ideas as to how theatrical storytelling best serves a venue and captive witnesses. The play is in three distinct and labeled movements, to be sure, but directors have long f

 Sep 18 2024, 09:41:09 AM

NO SPECIFIC SPOILERS. Saw this last night, and come down in the middle of the reactions I've encountered on the boards. The play ultimately gains genuine power, once its second of three acts burrows deeply into the core event defining the heartbreaking story. Butterworth's ability to shape an overly familiar situation - a stage mother who will sacrifice literally anything for her children's success - into something new and disturbing earns attention and respect. And when the plot

 Sep 13 2024, 10:23:45 AM

Last spring, two friends - admirers of her work in film - wondered if Farrow would be up to matching her stage-dwelling duet partner. Remembering her strong work in Romantic Comedy my first year in NYC, I had my fingers crossed. From a quick scan of the reviews, it seems that her performance is the de facto centerpiece of this production, in effect its raison d'etre now that it's been unveiled. A lovely turn in a vividly front and center career (and life) that features a trul

 Sep 10 2024, 01:00:58 PM

Back on TDF again, this time with a handful of matinees - and at 1 p.m. yet. Can't wait to see this.

 Aug 30 2024, 12:12:29 PM

As I noted elsewhere, one model, or at least, recognizable example, of this particular type of two-hander might be the much produced - and off-Broadway, brilliantly cast/recast - A Couple of White Chicks Sitting Around Talking. Though the plot proper is not similar, this feels like the sub-genre: sharp women with oppositional characteristics who find a Venn diagram of overlapping issues and try to inhabit that space; consequences ensue. My reductive frame is not intended to minimize;

 Aug 30 2024, 09:42:26 AM

These reports of Farrow's considerable strengths track with my ancient memory of her first B'way gig, Romantic Comedy. To my surprise, and I was in my late 20s when I thought I knew everything about movie actors turning to the stage  (!), she was formidable, with a strong voice, solid chops, and an unexpected gravitas. She played opposite the less persuasive Anthony Perkins, and Farrow was the production's center, even in early previews.  I have read people

SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Sunset Blvd in Sydney
 Aug 29 2024, 11:30:19 AM

I've only seen her in the national tour of Aspects of Love, in which she used her full voice but decidedly favored her classical sound. She was vocally and physically robust, a decisive factor in her success there (if one liked both the show and her overall performance, which was chilly). As I noted above, I'm not necessarily against this fragile, flute-note-centric Norma. If Brightman were acting the song with this register, it might be heartbreaking, as I said above. But sh

SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Sunset Blvd in Sydney
 Aug 29 2024, 06:46:51 AM

I had thought that the Brightman voice might bring a kind of Havisham-like dimension to the role, the operatic reaches would suggest the melancholy life of a shut-in, the thin, ethereal tones creating a distinctive older character; we'd lose the belt and thus vocal energy of prior Normas but the trade-off might be intriguing. Though I see evidence that such a take might work, her tentativeness in the clip - she seems to be working hard to place the song, like an imitation of an

 Aug 29 2024, 06:33:26 AM

I knew that Silverman's play has been produced elsewhere, including ATL (2015) and Williamstown (2017), but I just learned it's actually already published by Samuel French (2017). One can assume all rights have been withheld for this brand new debut. But the good news here: like "Appropriate," which was first developed at Sundance in 2011 and reached Broadway in the fall of 2023, plays have longer and fuller lives than ever before. I'm as happy for the gifted Ms. Silverm

Imelda Staunton Hello, Dolly starts tonight!
 Jul 12 2024, 01:59:23 PM

I'm in that sliver of the theatergoing public that doesn't find stagedoor behavior Exhibit A in measuring an actor's generosity of spirit or even attitude toward a fan base. We live in a post-Covid world, and intimate contact with anyone is a personal decision. But even before the pandemic, pausing at a stage door is not required to serve a show or embrace its admirers. Terse, perfunctory exchanges can happen when actors have reason to rush on. They do, as everyone does leaving a

Imelda Staunton Hello, Dolly starts tonight!
 Jul 7 2024, 12:36:33 PM

Just a question, so don't beat me up if you disagree strongly: But doesn't an older Irene raise the stakes and the poignancy? This is a story of two successful businesswomen who have made period-specific sacrifices to hold onto agency. They had no vote, likely had trouble with banks and small business startups (unmarried American woman got credit cards in their names in the 1970s; seriously, not unrelated). These are fascinating contemporary issues. Irene wearing ribbons down her

Titanic at City Center
 Jun 22 2024, 07:39:37 PM

I was there this afternoon. Rapturous. I must second Nyadgal's take on Eddie Cooper's Etches: for me, a standout in a company that had no weaknesses. These vocals - separately and together - are so elegantly handled, they raised the bar.  But Cooper's work, played differently from the sublime Allan Corduner, turned Etches into a front and center major player, which changed the dynamic in every scene he was in: Cooper brings an unexpected agency - as if the show found a n

THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL to close on June 23
 Jun 18 2024, 12:30:02 PM

I still believe the problem here the absence of a target audience. It clearly didn't have Carol King or Neil Diamond crowds. And lack of a star(s). The era of the music covers both boomers in their late 20s/early 30s in the 80s (yes, we watched MTV, too) and Gen X. Yet Lewis isn't a high profile enough figure to push the decade's nostalgia buttons (See The Wedding Singer) nor an influencer earning a theatrical look. Maybe a big TV star in the lead would've s

The 77th Annual TONY Awards Performances
 Jun 18 2024, 09:44:25 AM

I thought Water for Elephants and Merrily came off best because they looked like, you know, musical numbers from Broadway musicals. It's still a critical stylistic necessity: show us pieces of shows. Elephants rushed the splice but recovered and wisely focused on its catchiest melodic hook. Merrily was an actual scene from the show. I loved Illinoise in the St. James, but moving the singers down to the floor (likely required) made the

This past weekend of understudies
 Jun 18 2024, 09:29:27 AM

A minority opinion: Mendez's was straddling two categories, leading and supporting, and it made her win in either a challenge this season. Arguably from a storytelling perspective, Mary is a leading player - it's always been a show about three people tethered to one another, as the last heartbreaker of a scene makes clear. Gussie and Beth are the supporting female characters in Merrily. But in relegating Mendez to supporting - one of the most competitive c

 Jun 6 2024, 12:13:34 PM

The show was in gorgeous shape at yesterday's matinee. This is one of the hardest working companies on Broadway, the trio of young characters all at the top of their game. I've become a major fan of Paul Alexander Nolan's, the production's MVP indeed, a musical theater machine as the force of antagonism. Gustin has grown, as has - at least to my eyes - Edelman. The divided/shared character seemed especially moving in the second act yesterday. Obse

Your thoughts on the 2010 Promises, Promises revival
 Jun 6 2024, 11:55:25 AM

As a longtime fan of the OBC - I saw it tryout in DC when I was a senior in high school (fall of '68) - I was majorly disappointed. The show is about a nebbish-in-a-crowd and a naif, two young cogs in a dehumanizing corporate wheel, the strength of the storytelling the ways these relative kids are exploited. Hayes wasn't entirely wrong, but his comic self-awareness was at odds with the everyman-ness of Chuck. Hayes was something Chuck can't be: cute. And aware of his cut

 Jun 5 2024, 09:26:31 AM

To my surprise, I'm actually returning two months later, thanks to TDF, seeing the matinee this afternoon. Since my initial exposure, I've kinda fallen for the dropped score on Spotify, and believe much of it is the real deal. It's a rare show nowadays that doesn't depend on a succession of pop power ballads. If the second act numbers offer fewer hooks ("Wild" aside, which is both sweet and hot), the music here - evoking the best of Bright Star

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