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INTO THE WOODS reviews.....- Page 4

INTO THE WOODS reviews.....

#75INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 12:35pm

they could save a lot of money on the transfer if they dumped the 3 level set and went with simple backdrops they fly in and a gently sloping platform that can move around the stage.

dreaming Profile Photo
#76INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 12:39pm

Brian-I've no doubt they will change the set drastically. How much remains to be seen (any announcement of a transfer pending naturally). It all depends who is producing this (I assume the Public will co-produce on a certain level) and what they want.

#77INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 12:45pm

I wasn't really bothered by the set. The costumes on the other hand I hated because from my seat in the back they blended in too much with the set. I understood that they were trying to go more normal/realistic (whatever word you want to describe them as) but from a distance they didn't pop.

dreaming Profile Photo
#78INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 12:50pm

Point taken, but I liked the integration of costumes and set. I know other people didn't like it either-I happen to think it's a neat touch. It allows the lyrics and acting to do their job.

Updated On: 8/10/12 at 12:50 PM

#79INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 1:21pm

Again, I have only seen the Regents Park production, and from looking at photos of the set, though much the same, it seems much further away from the first row than in London. Adding that fact to the three stories, the intimacy of the original might have been lost (but might be regained in a smaller Broadway house). There was a charm to that production that at the time, wishing against hope (hoping against wish?) it might play Central Park, I feared might be lost as the Regents Park stage (usually a beautiful oak platform) had been removed, and the grove of real actual park trees behind it were incorporated into the set. I knew that couldn't happen in Central Park.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#80INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 1:36pm

Actually, outside of institutional theaters (Roundabout, Lincoln Center) limited runs are generally employed only when entirely financially feasible; that means at least break-even in the short run, and the hope of a small profit. This one still seems dubious, because of the cast and rehearsal costs and considerable re-design challenges. As for the precedent, park-to-Brodway shows: Remember, DROOD, PIRATES, TWO GENTS and HAIR all ran with replacement casts; both DROOD and PIRATES had fairly long runs by replacing stars with stars, albeit lesser ones. If that is viable with this production, I'm sure it will have to be considered. But with the staging and stylization conceit panned by the paper of record, this transfer presents myriad commercial challenges. Everyone hates the power of the Times, but in this case, its power is an unavoidable factor when blended into a financial equation.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#81INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 1:37pm

Amy Adams is one of the biggest actresses right now, she's a three time Oscar nominee, she has been in critical *and* popular hit films, she's definitely a huge draw, much more than the title INTO THE WOODS.
Any chance this would transfer at all with a different big name as the Baker's Wife if Adams is unable to transfer? Also, I wonder if they'll pursue a big name to replace Murphy, I can't imagine she'll be able to commit to a Broadway run with her new CBS show coming out in the Fall. Though that show looks soooo bad that hopefully it'll get cancelled soon and she can do this on Broadway were it to transfer.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#82INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 2:38pm

A "limited run", I believe, uses a different contract for most unions, thus bringing down the costs significantly. If a limited run extends, something happens monitarily retroactively...don't quote me exactly on this exactly though, its just bits and pieces I've picked up on the way...

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#83INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 2:51pm

No, it doesn't.

A Broadway Production Contract is a Broadway Production Contract. The length of the run does not matter. If a show wants to extend, then there are new contract negotiations and new opportunities for the agents to get more for their clients, but that's irrelevant. Contracts only specify minimum terms, and those don't change because a show extends.

Nonprofits have a different contract, so if this transfers as a Public Theater production (like a Roundabout or a Lincoln Center production) then they would be under a LORT contract and have cheaper terms. But again, the length of the run does not matter.

ANYTHING GOES has the same contract type and, therefore, the same minimum terms, as HARVEY, even though AG was an open run. THE BOOK OF MORMON has the same contract type as THE BEST MAN.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#84INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 4:23pm

This would only turn a profit in a limited run if Ricky Martin played the Narrator.

wicked1492 Profile Photo
#85INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 4:33pm

I could see Ricky running away from home after a fight with his "daddy."

"These rabid fans...possess the acting talent to portray the hooker...Linda Eder..." -The New York Times

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#86INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 5:41pm

Precisely. Brantley would definitely have a change of heart.

dreaming Profile Photo
#87INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 5:42pm

I think it's marketable for a limited run with Amy Adams.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#88INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 5:49pm

If they do transfer I hope they put back "Our Little World." I miss it. INTO THE WOODS reviews.....

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#89INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 5:52pm

After watching the video clips, I have decided that Donna Murphy's Witch costume is one of the coolest and creepiest things I have seen. Especially during in Stay With Me when she unfurls her talons from her crutches.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#90INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/10/12 at 6:57pm

I couldn't tell she had talons. I only saw a walking mouth on crutches since she just blended into the set. These costumes benefit from close-up shots. They were not designed for the Park.

jayinchelsea Profile Photo
#91INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 12:12am

I love the show, have seen it countless times in its original Broadway production, but that production has never been equaled, and certainly not here.

The show does need more focus, several of the leads would have to be recast, and a limited run would be no more profitable than it has in earlier productions.

It's a wonderful show, glad I saw it even with its flaws, but a move to Broadway? I think not.

keb2 Profile Photo
#92INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 12:28am

I mostly agree with the Time Out New York review.

It can be difficult to revisit a show one knows well without the baggage of hope and expectation. Into the Woods is lovely, dark and deep—but it has promises to keep. The Public’s outdoor staging, directed by England’s Timothy Sheader (with Liam Steel as codirector), doesn’t try to keep those promises so much as liberate them; rather than retracing the familiar route of Lapine’s original direction, it takes new paths. Some come to thorny ends; others reach fresh discoveries. The journey is not painless, but by the end I was firmly on this production’s side.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#93INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 1:29am

So basically, it needs better direction and focus. Not unlike what the negative reviews have stated.

I honestly think many are siding with this production because they know the show so well. I wonder how someone without prior knowledge to the show would react to it. I would imagine they would be confused. I know some people near me thought the show ended after act 1. They were also finally realizing by intermission that these were the characters from the famous fairy tales.

#94INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 1:46am

Venessa Williams is better than Donna and it looked amazing and this does not . Why see this it looks awful but they could have casted anyone why not someone who can act the role

#95INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 1:49am

Mr. Music. There were people who thought the play was over after Act One in the original production as well. And people probably WISHED the show was finished after Act One during the Vanessa Williams revival..

#96INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 1:51am

Amy can sing but her acting is very bland and great for the movies but not the stage. Natascha Richardson managed why can't Amy?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#97INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 1:53am

I know some people near me thought the show ended after act 1. They were also finally realizing by intermission that these were the characters from the famous fairy tales.

I have seen three different productions of Into the Woods. Every time someone thinks it is over after act 1. As for people not knowing they were fairy tale creatures... well I don't know what they missed. With names like Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel, I do not know how they could miss it even if the costumes are modern...

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

keb2 Profile Photo
#98INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 2:03am

HeyMrMusic—I'd never seen the show before (somehow, don't know how I didn't, suppose I live under a rock or something), but I agree with the Time Out review.

#99INTO THE WOODS reviews.....
Posted: 8/11/12 at 2:07am

Dear Mr. Music. Excuse the run-on sentence but Would you please stop trying to throw shade on this revival by either being stupid about one of your favorite musicals or (as I believe) furthering an agenda of attempting to swerve opinion on a production you don't like by exaggerating and trying to confuse people by reinterpreting reviews and making inane comments such as this production of Into the Woods and this production only making people think it was over after Act One.

The Time Out review actually praises the directors, its there in black and white. Are you just assuming we're all too lazy to read for ourselves?
