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CARRIE Reviews

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#50CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:15pm

Listen- its nice that some of the fringe press have been kind, but the only two reviews that are going to be reach a really sizable audience are the Times and the Post and they both say this production is a bore. I for one really don't find that assessment better than the reviews that greeted the original - I think like the Post review says boring is the worst thing any show can be-- I would much rather have a show I directed be met with a heated and divisive response than apathy.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#51CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:18pm

lol, please, they have hardly any money in this production lol

No, everyone knows i like the show, i like the original as big old mess that had a decent show in there somewhere, and i like this production which i thought they put together with a lot of love and hard work and have created a far better show for it. Is it the way i would have directed it? no, i would have taken a few more chances, however i don't (and it would appear many in the press dont) see it as the disaster that some people so desperately want it to be

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

blaxx Profile Photo
#52CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:23pm

It's not that we wanted it to be a disaster, Captain Paranoid. It's that the earlier was infamous because it managed to stand out. This one managed to...nothing.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

blaxx Profile Photo
#53CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:26pm

lol OK find me ONE director or producer who would rather have a pan than a mixed review.

Uh, any cult classic? Just start with Rocky Horror and go from there. They might have gotten trashed in its original productions, but the original extreme reaction has kept shows alive for decades.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

Kad Profile Photo
#54CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:28pm

By my count, so far it's

Positive: 5
Mixed: 6
Mixed-Negative: 6

Which, I would think, sort of lodges this production in the D+/C- range... failing or just squeaking into adequate.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#55CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:28pm

I did not mean you Blaxx my darling, but some on here (not this thread) really have been.

And when the shows/films that got bad reviews opened before gaining any kind of cult status im pretty sure the producers and directors were not happy with them, they did not jump around and say 'brilliant, in years we just MIGHT become a cult classic because our reviews were so bad'

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 3/1/12 at 11:28 PM

ticenewyorkcity Profile Photo
#56CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:34pm

I am amazed by the gramatical errors made daily on this board.

Since most of you are elderly...I'll just say you are "bitter hacks"

What show did these critics see?

Marin was not a wise choice. Ranson is brilliant.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#57CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:37pm

But Carrie is ALREADY a cult classic musical- that's what ultimately made this production so bizarre- its as if the writers of the Rocky Horror Show had been embarrassed all these years and did the production they'd always dreamed of and what showed up on stage was Boy Meets Girl,

Almost none of the major reviews feels like this production for audiences surpasses the experience of the original so why did they try so hard to suffocate the memory of it?

If they do decide to license Carrie they are going to have to just surrender because there WILL be productions done that try to recreate the camp excess of the Terry Hands production- and why shouldn't they? That's what's made the show a conversation piece and a cult classic for 20 years

Updated On: 3/1/12 at 11:37 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#58CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:40pm

I for one hope the rights are released, my company will be first in line to do this in the UK. And i hope many groups that present the show WILL put their own spin on the show and present it how they would like too, i know i sure as hell will. That's the great thing with Carrie, it can be played so many ways, i just happen to think that Stafford and Co delivered on what THEY wanted to achieve, and i take my hat off to them.

'Almost none of the major reviews feels like this production for audiences surpasses the experience of the original so why did they try so hard to suffocate the memory of it?'

First of all i don't agree with the 'major' critics thing, a critic is a critic, just my thought. To answer the rest of that though, forever people have laughed at how bad the show was, inc many of these critics who have done articles on the original, why on earth would ANYBODY choose to recreate something that was such a mess? That is just idiotic and something i could see silly 'fan boys' doing. Also many (most) people have always said the only way the show could work now without becoming a spoof would be to do a show grounded in reality, that's exactly what they did. Sure they could have taken certain aspects so much further, but that is their choice.

I find it funny that nearly everyone on here has said how Mazzie's portrayal of a more human Mrs White was such a terrible thing but that seems to be something many critics are praising.

I guess it goes to show that this show will always split opinions on every aspect of it, something i find quite unique

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 3/1/12 at 11:40 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#59CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:50pm

^I hope they release the rights too. And record it! It's time.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#60CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:54pm

Why isn't Molly getting the Raves everyone says she so deserves?
I thought this was gonna make her a player.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#61CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/1/12 at 11:57pm

'Why isn't Molly getting the Raves everyone says she so deserves?
I thought this was gonna make her a player.'

I thought she was great in the show and even though the critics like her im shocked they are not raving. Saying that my co producer did not like her that much and said he did not buy her as this terribly put upon young girl.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

binau Profile Photo
#62CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 12:22am

Cool description of Mazzie from Brantley

But when she sings, in a pure fire-edged soprano, an intensity emerges that shades into something more sinister. And the line between fierce maternal solicitude and obsessive, homicidal madness blurs in ways that take you by surprise.

Let's just record it and call it a day, shall we?

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

missthemountains Profile Photo
#63CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 1:44am

If this rights are released, community theatres and colleges will have a field day with it. I don't think high schools will touch this - a lot of the material even as watered down as it is is too much for a lot of high schools. I know I for one will be ordering these rights if/when they come out.

I too am surprised at the lack of praise for Molly. She gave a genuinely stellar performance and should have been reviewed as such. As for Marin, I'm hardly surprised at a lot of these reviews who don't think she's intense enough. Again, nothing I fault her for - it's all in the direction, I think.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#64CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 7:41am

I should note that at the performance I saw, there was a technical glitch for the big, blood-spilling climax, which meant the play wasn’t saturated in red light, as it was meant to be.


Too timid to make a simple bucket-of-blood work, in the end, they couldn't even pull off a lighting cue.

Thus ends the Carrie-the-musical story, to borrow from Eliot, "not with a bang, but with a whimper."

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#65CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 8:10am

The more I think about it, the more I realize that Carrie's badness is what drew people to it. Duh, right?

And the more reviews I read, the more I realize how misguided and pretentious it was to ever think this thing could ever be a er..."respectable" musical. Fat chance.

The idea of a possibility it could've been something along the middle between bad-awful and deliciously-awful was naive because from the beginning they wanted to make it good. Really good.

Carrie is no good. It's a trashy, campy show at its core.

Making it "good" is taking the good out of it.

Ah, well.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#66CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 8:24am

Well with most reviews in it's tally is
Positive: 5
Mixed: 6
Mixed-Negative: 6

Not a bad night for the show (not a brilliant one either) but for the show to walk away with 5 positive reviews and some better reviews than before i think the team should be happy. Now let the rights get released and lets see what regional companies can do with this show. I think the team have done a great job on the score (much of it works well) but their fear of not wanting to get destroyed by the press has made them play it safe a little, i don't think regional productions will do the same.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#67CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 8:26am

PS I love the curtain call pictures, it most be the only curtain call i have seen where the 2 leads covered in blood lol

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#68CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 8:29am

^Speaking of that, for those of you who have seen the production, why are they both covered in blood in the end if they didn't use the bucket of blood? I thought Carrie just got doused with red light instead of a bucket of blood. I'm guessing Marin's fake blood is from the final scene, but why is Molly covered?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#69CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 8:49am

Even though its just a cool light effect used during the actual blood drop scene, when Carrie comes back on stage after the prom when she goes home she is covered from head to toe in blood, its quite a chilling image. Mazzie has it on her because she is hugging Carrie who is covered in it.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 3/2/12 at 08:49 AM

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#70CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 9:09am

Got it.

newintown Profile Photo
#71CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 9:35am

"Not a bad night for the show..."

Good Lord, songanddance, your desperation to believe that anyone thinks this material is in anyway "good" is just pathetic.

The show is a pedestrian, banal, boring piece of crap in this production; at least in the original, they kept the audience awake by camping it up and going way over the top, masking the sad fact that these three writers are plain old hacks, dressing up their lump of mud with glitter and lipstick.

Frantically tallying reviews from sources who have less impact upon the theatre than a hummingbird's fart is a gargantuan exercise in pointlessness; the Times is the only review with any weight, (and that weight is quickly diminishing) and that review was in no way positive for the show. It's a bad review.

So wrap it up, everyone, put this turkey back into its deserved place in history, and move on to something good.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#72CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 9:41am

"I am amazed by the gramatical errors made daily on this board

that should be "grammatical."

CARRIE Reviews


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#73CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 9:43am


I like how you miss off the rest of my sentence just so you can yet again be a total c**k

In reality as much as it may pain you to admit it the show did not have a BAD night walking away with positive reviews and mixed as well as bad. And the review links that were posted here are the same publications that are posted in EVERY review thread, oddly nobody says anything about the other threads.

So you did not like the show (that you watched twice), great, thats your right, but just as my opinion is not the final say neither is yours.

I am not trying to big the reviews up (hell i posted many of the good and bad reviews) but to try and make out it has been slammed out and out is absurd, but i expect nothing less from you.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#74CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 9:47am

But I agree. I think SOME people (not all, just some...I do not want to offend) act as if this show is a masterpiece hiding behind a flawed original production simply because it flopped big time. They want to feel "cool" and "get" something that the general population did not. I am POSITIVE that if the show had a respectable run rather then the massive failure it endured people on here would generally hate the show.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."
