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CARRIE Reviews

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#75CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 9:51am

It is a very flawed show, prob not even in my top 30 musicals, the show has problems that no matter what they do with it will never get worked out.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#76CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:11am


I am totally in awe of your ignorance.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#77CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:17am

A link to all the major reviews for CARRIE, including a couple I don't see mentioned in this thread
CARRIE reviews

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#78CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:22am

thanks for posting the links all in one place, it's such an odd night that it can get 5 stars from one place and 1 star from another. Most seem to be mixed.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#79CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:29am

I think you have to take mixed with a little bit of a grain of salt -- I think most of the praise in the mixed reviews are for the cast; almost all of the reviews think the material is pretty bad and not especially well directed.

newintown Profile Photo
#80CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:36am


You're a blithering idiot.

My - that IS so much easier than exchanging ideas, isn't it? Thank you for lowering the bar. Updated On: 3/2/12 at 10:36 AM

#81CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:40am

Dear SongandDanceMan2:

"First of all i don't agree with the 'major' critics thing, a critic is a critic, just my thought."

This is why I can't stand you. I don't mind your hyping this show, I actually liked it with extreme reservations on some of its angles. Okay, I mind it a little, basically you keep going on and on and on about it.

But please. You appear to have knowledge about how New York theatre works, but just because said "major" critics don't like your precious "Carrie" you discount them by basically calling the term "major critics" a misnomer. You know there is only one real "major critic" that makes ANY difference here, right? This "thing" you disqualify is all that really matters to a New York production, unless you don't give a hoot at all about critics, which doesn't seem to be the case with you as you keep vomiting up reviews on this thread.

newintown Profile Photo
#82CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:48am

A review that says "the show doesn't work, but Mazzie sings well" is NOT a "mixed" review.

A mixed review would say "the show has some problems that could be solved, and works much of the time."

The reviews for this show are almost all negative.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#83CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:50am

Owen i don't care if you cant stand me, i also think you are jumped up moron who cant apologize when he is wrong so i guess that's fine. I WORK as a critic here in the UK for What's on Stage and have written articles for my column here about how a critic is a critic, the only difference is a pay grade. Of course some publications reach further a field, but that is the publication. All i meant was Ben Brantley's opinion is the same as Linda at Newsday etc.

'You know there is only one real "major critic" that makes ANY difference here, right?'

Oh lord, really? yes maybe 30 years ago but i think it's safe to say (and this has bugger all to do with Carrie) that the NY Times review is no longer a make or break publication, if so Wicked would be dead and Lysistrata Jones would be still running.

'A review that says "the show doesn't work, but Mazzie sings well" is NOT a "mixed" review.

A mixed review would say "the show has some problems that could be solved, and works much of the time."

The reviews for this show are almost all negative'

Maybe you should re read the reviews, yes Marin was praised but several things about the show received praise.

The bottom line is people get p****d at me because i have an opinion and stick to it, i verbalize my opinion and don't back down from what i want to say because the usual suspects on here disagree. Is Carrie perfect? No not at all, that is what i have ALWAYS said, i enjoy the show, this production did well (not how i would have done it, as i have always said), it has many flaws (as i have always said) and many issues will never be fixed (as i have always said). However i refuse to jump on the 'oh its a huge flop again' bandwagon when that is not what the critics are saying. Sorry, if you don't like that you know what you can do.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 3/2/12 at 10:50 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#84CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 10:57am

"Ben Brantley's opinion is the same as Linda at Newsday etc."

If you believe that, then you really know nothing at all about New York theatre.

#85CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:00am am I wrong? but of course you would see it that way. Good on you.

And what is it with this bull that "Carrie" isn't even one of your top 30 favorite musicals??? Again: BULL-expletive. You freakin' LOVE this show. You haunt these Carrie boards.

But the thing that makes me the angriest is that you have a theatre company. You are going to do this show so the revamped Carrie will probably be to your specifications, that the Brits first look at this version will be filtered through your perspective, a perspective that seems to indulge the worst aspects of this revival. How awful.

And if indeed you ARE a theatre critic, you are much more than an ass of serial theatrical board poster. You are truly dangerous.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#86CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:01am

More pointless and narcissistic CARRIE bitching! YAY!!!

Stay tuned for next week's episode: GHOST

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#87CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:01am

How is his OPINION any different, we all have one, a critic at the end of the day is somebody who has a love of theatre who is giving an opinion about theatre. Both Ben and Linda do the same. I am not talking about who more people read or who (thinks) they have bigger clout. It's an opinion. Your opinion is no more important than mine and the other way around.

That's all i meant.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#88CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:07am

owen you know exactly how you were wrong but never responded to my PM.

And i am seen as a very good critic than you very much, a very fair one.

And Carrie is NOT one of my 30 best musicals at all, not even close, it's one of my fave flop musicals. I have been on this board for many years talking about many things, it's only recently that i have gone on to Carrie overload as every aspect of this production has interested me, from a production point of view.

And i would hope in the future to produce Carrie (which by the way would not be the Brits first exposure to the musical since it started life in UK) and our production would be vastly different from what is currently playing. I enjoyed what is playing now but as i have said numerous times it's not how i (or any of my team) would do it.

As for the 'dangerous' comment, you are more melodramatic than this musical itself, you are absurd.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
Updated On: 3/2/12 at 11:07 AM

Idiot Profile Photo
#89CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:10am

There is an incarnation of this show that can be neither bad nor timid. So far we only have evidence of both.

I deeply hope that it becomes licensable. If so, we'll definitely hear about a production that is just plain ol' good, scary fun without being absurdly bad like the original 1988 production.

I don't think it can be 'seminal theatre', and I don't think it wants to be. But it most certainly can be satisfying theatre.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#90CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:12am

Idiot i agree 100 percent, and that is the way we would love to do it, keep it grounded in reality and human but at the same time have fun with it, a thrill ride, lighten it up. Enjoy the madness.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

best12bars Profile Photo
#91CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:14am

After reading all the reviews and this thread ... the thread wins, hands down.

Brilliant entertainment.

As for all the freak-outs over Marin's use of head voice, who the hell cares? The question should be about impact, not if she mixes her upper notes or not. If that's how you grade "stage presence" and "impact," I feel sorry for you. You've been American Idolized. There are enough whiny shrill belters on Broadway and in the pop world, and I find nothing in a screamed high-pitched note fed through an overly amplified sound system. It's more surprising and daring when someone relies on acting talent and not a brassy note to convey "impact." Brantley seemed to love Marin, and he saw her when she was sick and the stupid blood effect didn't even work. He still singled out her "impact" in the role.

But if what you really crave is vocal gymnastics, okay, then.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 3/2/12 at 11:14 AM

#92CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:18am

Good lord there sure are a lot of over-inflated, moronic, and obnoxious fools on this board. Owen and Newintown being the leaders of the pack in my opinion. Blaxx is up there too.

If you have a negative opinion of something that is FINE. It is also fine to share that opinion and to MATURELY discuss why it is that you don't like something. But to constantly belittle something with the same arguments over and over is just stupid. You're being stupid. And yes, you may have the critics on your side, but who gives a damn about critics anymore!? Movie critics, book critics, theater critics? No one cares what they have to say anymore and people go to see what they want to see. Furthermore did anyone stop to think that PERHAPS these theater critics went in to the show (as the rest of you negative fools did) already hating the show and refusing to give it a positive review? I bet you that half the critics went to see the show with their review already written and saved on their computer. People WANT Carrie to stay buried in history marked as the worst show that was ever created. And that simply isn't so. There are far worse shows out there. But it all depends on personal taste. And so you can have your opinion and hate the show, the cast, the director, score, book, set, theater in general. That is fine. But don't keep attacking the show and the people that do like it because WE HEAR YOU! You're like little children in 1st grade. They keep screaming mean and nasty things until someone finally says "Yes, we see you. You can sit down now." So, yes, Newintown, Owen, Blaxx ... We see you.

And before anyone here decides to flame me for being a "lurker" who DARED to speak up on YOUR message boards .... Yes I am a lurker. I read these boards all the time. Why I don't know because they are only EVER negative nasty remarks on the theater that you supposedly love so much. But I don't care to post because, frankly, I have more important things to do than waste my time arguing with people who only ever have nasty things to say. And while I'm on the subject ... what EXACTLY makes you feel that your word is ALWAYS the final word on ANY subject regarding theater? If you were all that successful in big time theater you'd be far too busy to continually write on these boards and tear things apart. What'd you do that makes you such an expert on what's good or bad? Community theater? Ok.... I'm not saying that my word is greater than yours because it's all just an opinion but you don't see me here tearing things apart and blasting people for liking something.

Lastly, I saw CARRIE twice in it's previews. And I really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure what to expect because the photos I had seen made it look less than thrilling. What I got was really exciting and creative theater and a beautiful story. Are there things that maybe could have been better? Sure. I too would have liked to see Margaret a bit more scary than so loving. And the line in "The World According To Chris" where Tommy tells Sue to simply apologize and she says "Tommy, you're a genius!" is a bit stupid to me. But over all the show, to me, was fantastic. Maybe because I was bullied so much as a child. Maybe that's why it touches me and moves me more than some others (because I find it hard to believe that some of you haven't been bullies your entire life). But I will tell you that the second time I saw the show I took a bunch of people with me who don't know anything about theater and have nothing invested in this show either way and they loved it and thought the cast was wonderful. And BOTH times I looked around and saw people crying, gasping, laughing, and enjoying the show and both times it got a standing ovation. So, you can think what you want, but I think that what you want is to hate something. So go ahead and hate it. But I rather enjoyed it and so have a lot of people. And that's fine too.

#93CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:22am

Dude, I still have no idea what I was wrong about, and this: "owen you know exactly how you were wrong but never responded to my PM." doesn't make sense to me.

And I will reiterate one more time for you. I don't care that you disagree with me, I don't care that you have strong opinions that don't jibe with mine, I don't care that you don't waiver from them. I care and am irritated by HOW you defend your opinions. How your overinflated ego and exaggeration are always part of your opinions. (all of us have egos or we wouldn't be posting opinions. yours is just off-the-chart.) You leave out specifics in your retorts to support your opinions (responding to the fact that I thought the Brits had never seen Carrie, when its in black in white where i purposely indicate its this "revamped" version I was referencing). I also believe you are a liar, though that, of course, can't be proven. But I'm pretty sure you are.

newintown Profile Photo
#94CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:24am

I do dearly love when lowbrow lurkers get on their high horse and tell us all off. That's good theatre.

Well, better than Carrie, at least...

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#95CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:27am

A liar about what luv? come on, do tell, i would love to hear. You said i had lied about watching a DVD copy of the show just to try and support my opinions so i sent you by PM screen grabs of the DVD. Do you think i am lying about being a critic, owning a company? those things i can prove to you straight away, what else?

And as for an ego, i don't believe for a second i have an ego because i am posting my opinions, i may get angry etc but that is only because people like you p**s me off by attacking me all the time so i have to defend myself.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#96CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:33am

"And as for an ego, i don't believe for a second i have an ego because i am posting my opinions, i may get angry etc but that is only because people like you p**s me off by attacking me all the time so i have to defend myself."

Well, there you go. :)

And please don't pretend I'm the only one on these boards that has ever inferred that you lie.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#97CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 11:38am

You pretty much are since most know i run a company and write for What's on Stage and Broadway World.

And how is what i said above any indication of me having an ego?

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#98CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 2:40pm

The thing that the writers are going to have to watch for, should they license it, are people continuing to tinker with it. Look at how many people complained about certain songs, such as "I'm Not Alone," being cut. With how widely available recordings, the original scripts, and original scores are you would have to be completely naive to believe that nobody is going to try to toss that one back in, amongst others.

If licensed it's going to become the next Cabaret, with community theatre directors and college professors endlessly cutting and rewriting and restoring various sections of the show so they can make the version of Carrie that they think works the best.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#99CARRIE Reviews
Posted: 3/2/12 at 3:31pm

I agree AEA and honestly, though the writers are probably way too uptight to actually do so, should the show be licensed they should just lighten up and allow the original material to be 'optional' (much as Rupert Holmes has for the licensed version of DROOD.
