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Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)- Page 13

Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)

SNAFU Profile Photo
#300Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/26/15 at 3:04pm

broadwaybelter , when you look for racism inder every rock you will find it. There is alsoo racism when it comes to when an entitled Playwright calls out an older White woman for shushing her and claiming racism. NOT ONLY racism but ageism on the side of the Playwright as well. Don't give me the horse **** that racism can ONLY be a white issue and don't hand me the self serving bull **** that racism in other communities is merely prejudice. 

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#301Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/26/15 at 3:30pm

bwaybelter is like the Shirley Phelps of BWW.  No point in arguing with them or applying logic and reason.  Best not to feed the troll at all.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

SNAFU Profile Photo
#302Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/26/15 at 4:20pm

"Award Winning Playwrights HATE aging white women!"

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#303Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/26/15 at 8:14pm

I wish we had an editorial from the white woman in question. She hardly sounds like the stereotypically cranky matinee lady, considering she actually confronted the group discussing her behavior at intermission or after the show. ("I'm the woman you are talking about."Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)


If we had the white lady's account, I suspect we might learn that from her view, the "award-winning playwright" wasn't responding to the actual show with the rest of the patrons, she was responding loudly in an attempt to create the theatrical experience she thought the play should provide. And in the process, the playwright was making herself the star of the event.


This is mere speculation on my part, obviously. But the white woman's assertiveness suggests to me she is not a casual theatergoer.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#304Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/26/15 at 9:41pm

GavestonPS. BINGO!


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

RippedMan Profile Photo
#305Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/7/16 at 1:18am

Sorry, I just.....Broadway Belter you're an idiot... had to say it. 

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#306Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/7/16 at 1:29am

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Oh, the irony. It hurts. If you're curious as to what I mean, I would simply go back and read all of your completely mangled, inarticulate posts and try to make sense of them.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#307Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/7/16 at 1:33am

Agreed, broadwaybelter is a delusional mess.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#308Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/7/16 at 1:37am

@Gypsy @Matt Rogers @RippedMan: I thought you might be interested in attending this event coming up. It seems up your alley:

BeadleDeedle Profile Photo
goldenboy Profile Photo
#310Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/8/16 at 1:24am

They say never look a gift horse in the mouth. Jane gave her a free ticket. So shut the fXx up. The gum chewing comment but was indeed odd but this author got a free ticket. So shut the fXx. And just because you are black (or white) doesn't give  you the right to clap, shout alright and converse with the actor. So again...shut the fX up.


And she was gonna slap someone who gave her free tickets? Really?


The moral? don't give anyone free tickets

Updated On: 1/8/16 at 01:24 AM

A Director
#311Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/8/16 at 2:42am

Please read and think about what it being said.  Thank you.


The third principle is that no individual, regardless of their stance on these issues, deserves to be singled out for harassment and threats. Unfortunately, we’re seeing an increase in aggressively hostile rhetoric directed toward people of color who take a stand on these issues. There is a place for respectful disagreement and thoughtful debate—we need more conversation that leads to action, not less. But when debate is replaced by a parade of online insults from strangers, it’s clear we’ve crossed the line from debate to hate—and our community should not be willing to tolerate these deliberate attempts to silence and threaten artists of color. We oppose all attempts to silence and diminish these artists who have bravely taken a stand for equity and the rights of playwrights. We stand with Lloyd, Katori, and all advocates for racial justice."

Kad Profile Photo
#312Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/8/16 at 9:57am

Where did that come from and how does it pertain to this incident?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

SNAFU Profile Photo
#313Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/8/16 at 2:42pm

Who was trying to silence an artist? One woman asked a noisey audience member to keep it down. The loud woman happened to be an artist but that is of no consequence. She was audience member first.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#314Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/8/16 at 3:12pm

A Director...what is the reference of that quote?  It's impossible to discuss without context.  It could be something specific or it could be broadwaybelter making stuff up again.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#315Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 12:01am

@A Director is referring to a quote from Lloyd Suh who issued a statement after the controversy over the casting of his play Jesus in India at Clarion University. While that quote more directly applies to artists of color specifically, it definitely applies in this instance, too. Rather than say "Wow. I'm exhibiting some unfavorable behavior. I should change that", white people tend to default to, "AAAAH!! I'M NOT RACIST. OMGOMGOMGOMG. I'M GOING TO DO WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE I KNOW I'M NOT RACIST. I'M NOT RACIST, RIGHT? IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT RACE. I HAVE A BLACK FRIEND". Maybe, just maybe, if someone is calling you out on abhorrent behavior, they have a good reason. I'm not here to blindly point fingers at people and call them bad names (though, admittedly, some have deserved it). If you continue to post ill-informed information about audience behavior and race in theater, I will call you out on it. And if all you have to say is "BRO ur n idiot", then you best continue to practice your supremacy outside the realm of this thread.


It's amazing how not a single person sided with the playwright. Then again, this board and thread is comprised of almost entirely white people....


What do you say to audience members who enjoy other enthusiastic audience behavior? Are they in the wrong? Actors will make it known to stage management if an audience member is being rowdy or disruptive. It seems as if all of the additional comments to this thread have not attempted to consider the side of Ms. Morisseau whatsoever. It seems that everyone has labeled her as a loud, black freeloader that needs to shut the **** up and be grateful that she got a free ticket. And this is why audiences in theaters across the country and the world will remain mostly white.


Updated On: 1/9/16 at 12:01 AM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#316Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 1:01am

I didn't side with the playwright cause biddy got a HAND OUT from a nice patron and then proceeded to bash her through the whole article. You wouldn't have even been in that situation if she had not given you a ticket, so hush. I could understand if she had bought a ticket and been seated next to this lady, but she got a free ticket from her and continued to complain. 

Here's my issue. Sometimes people just suck. Doesn't matter about race, sex, gender. Sometimes you just don't like a person. But, as a white male, it's almost impossible for people to understand that without pulling the race card. But you know what? Sometimes a person is just an awful person. 

Kad Profile Photo
#317Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 1:46am

Are you, Broadwaybelter, a person of color?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#318Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 3:18pm

I mean, some of us understand the shading and nuance inherent in a situation like this, but have posted enough in similarly-themed threads over the years to understand that many people on this board don't.  And that it's a losing proposition to even try. 

goldenboy Profile Photo
#319Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 5:39pm

Totally agree with you on this one Kad!


Where does a broke playwright whose offered a FREE ticket get the right to complain about a woman who gave her the ticket in the first place? People are entitled to  relative quiet enjoyment of a show. It seems this playwright has given her broke self a sense of entitlement that is unwarranted 

#320Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 5:42pm

Is there a petition I can sign to get Dominique Morisseau to write a play for Tonya Pinkins?

tazber Profile Photo
#322Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 8:33pm

VintageSnarker said: "Is there a petition I can sign to get Dominique Morisseau to write a play for Tonya Pinkins?




....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 1/9/16 at 08:33 PM

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#323Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 8:47pm

broadwaybelter said: "@Gypsy @Matt Rogers @RippedMan: I thought you might be interested in attending this event coming up. It seems up your alley:




What at the hell are you dragging me into this for? And for the record, I think Trump is one of the biggest assholes on earth.


Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#324Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 1/9/16 at 9:08pm

goldenboy said: "They say never look a gift horse in the mouth. Jane gave her a free ticket. So shut the fXx up. The gum chewing comment but was indeed odd but this author got a free ticket. So shut the fXx. And just because you are black (or white) doesn't give  you the right to clap, shout alright and converse with the actor. So again...shut the fX up.




And she was gonna slap someone who gave her free tickets? Really?




The moral? don't give anyone free tickets



Indeed, why complain when someone forces you to have sex with him or her when this person pays you quite decently? "It's not for a whore to say 'yes, sir' or 'no sir'. It's not for the harlot to pick and to choose or to lead me to dance."
