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Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)- Page 11

Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#250Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 6:50pm

If the mods deleted this thread, I would be certain to go directly to American Theater Magazine and all theater-related media outlets and let them know that BWW has no interest in the conversation about race.


So, you would lie.


I have no interest in insulting you.


That's sort of true.  You are definitely interested in insulting as many as possible.


Rather than continue the conversation, you choose to make jabs at me and others who move the conversation along.


Not only is that untrue, it's wildly hypocritical (as is 99% of almost everything you said regarding the subject of racism).  You don't move the conversation along at all.  You insult those who disagree with you, ignore their questions, then repeat the same unsolicited information again and again (you'd make an excellent white conservative Christian "Libertarian"...same methodology).  Then just repeat that cycle again.  Spinning your tires in the mud doesn't move anything forward at all.  Now, I don't speak for everyone, but I know that I've heard your theories countless times in almost twenty years (to my best recollection) and you're not introducing anything new or thought provoking.  


You have already made up your mind about who we are, how we think and invented fictional motivations to fit your one-sided narrative.  You've made up your mind, insulted and ignored them.  You are not interested in a conversation.  You are interested in lecture and conversion, not a conversation.


YES! I invite more playmates!


That pretty much sums up your agenda.  It's not about enlightenment, conversation or thought.  It's just to incite others to disagree with you in order to feed your ego.  Hopefully, you're full.  I'm done feeding the broadwaybelter self-admitted troll.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#251Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 7:08pm

 Now, I don't speak for everyone, but I know that I've heard your theories countless times in almost twenty years (to my best recollection) and you're not introducing anything new or thought provoking.  


I agree with you there. The ideas are profess are hardly new. Racism has been around for too many years to count. The only new variable to the equation is that people of color now have ardent white supporters, too, which makes their voices louder -- except, I forgot, you hate loud voices. If you've heard this conversation for the last twenty-years, it is evident that you have no wish to give people of color that voice they deserve.



'Racist' and 'White Supremacist' are hardly insults in my book. They are indeed words loaded with negative, vile connotations at time, certainly. But those words are mostly used to describe a type of person who ascribes to a particular ideology.


@Haterboics said: 'The majority of people telling white people to check themselves for racism and privilege are white. It's a hot trend right now'. 


I'm sorry that you feel betrayed that other white people are finally realizing when they commit acts of racism. I would hope this 'trend' continues to catch on and that one day, people of color will be able to clap along to a play without an entire thread telling them they can't.


Updated On: 12/18/15 at 07:08 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#252Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 7:23pm

I just remembered something that happened to me several years ago. I bought tickets to see a concert by a reggae singer  I had admired for most of my life. At the Beacon Theater, I believe. When my friend and I got to our seats, they were occupied  already. I guess I should mention that as far as I could see by looking around the house we were the only white people there.


Anyway, I told the people in our seats that those were my seats. Not only did they not move, they didn't turn their heads to look at us. The show hadn't started  yet, so looking straight at the stage was telling us something. We tried to speak to them, but they refused to acknowledge us. 


Finally we got an usher. This couple also refused to look at the usher, who was black. It became obvious that we weren't going to get our seats. The usher said he was sorry but there was nothing he could do about it. We ended up leaving.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#253Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 7:31pm

Then broadwaybelter would say that proves you are the one who is racist and demonstrating white supremacy.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#254Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 7:33pm

Oh, I know he'll have something ridiculous to say. I don't care. I totally forgot about that night all these years until now, reflecting on this race issue.


#255Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 7:51pm

Broadwaybelter said : one day, people of color will be able to clap along to a play without an entire thread telling them they can't.

You have absolutely no idea this occured, other than what the playwright put forward in her article. Your problem is that you jump to conclusions and prejudge the people on this board based on what you read in a book or NY Post article.  Maybe you should stop reading and experience real life

haterobics Profile Photo
#256Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 8:12pm

broadwaybelter said: "If the mods deleted this thread, I would be certain to go directly to American Theater Magazine and all theater-related media outlets and let them know that BWW has no interest in the conversation about race. But I know that BWW is better than that, well, at least the mods are."


Is facilitating conversations about race part of BWW's charter? I would be curious to see if you could get anyone to care that a website deleted a forum where everyone was calling each other racists.


haterobics Profile Photo
#257Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 8:14pm

broadwaybelter said: "I'm sorry that you feel betrayed that other white people are finally realizing when they commit acts of racism. I would hope this 'trend' continues to catch on and that one day, people of color will be able to clap along to a play without an entire thread telling them they can't."


It must be strange to read everything posted on BWW literally (and I am using the old definition of literally).

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#258Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 8:14pm

Oh, dear. Now you're resorting to completely irrelevant moments that have nothing to do with engaged audience behavior. 


@Jane2: You are talking about a pre-show incident prior to the event itself. It sounds like the people you were dealing with were jerks. There's no doubt about that. I would've had some words with them if they were in the seats I had reserved. They were in seats they knew were not their own and refused to leave.  You're also talking about a completely different live event. Theatre has a notoriously homogeneous audience. Concerts tend to be some of the most diverse outings depending on the performer - in this instance, it was a reggae concert.


@smidge: Experience real life? Uh. I'm just...why don't you..I...need a drink. When you say 'experience real life' do you suggest I live blissfully unaware of racism? Or do you suggest I live, as I do, constantly facing the utterly deplorable nature of race dynamics? If you intend to mean the former, I'd rather choose the latter in hopes it can one day be vastly overhauled. The actions Ms. Morisseau describes are consistent with that of engaged black audience behavior in conflict with monolithic, conservative white audience behavior. In response to your jab about the NY Post article: they merely served as a conduit for a survey regarding audience demographics that other media outlets also posted. Are you also suggesting that you disagree that theatre is a mostly white audience? You would be wrong. I have no other way of telling you that. Just because you've seen a handful of black people in the audience of a play once does not make theatre diverse. I wish that were the case. But it's not. I also suggest you read more. You would be malcontent with social structure, and this thread for that matter, if you had more information at your disposal.

Updated On: 12/18/15 at 08:14 PM

#259Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 8:24pm

Bitch, you don't know my life. NO MORE! (hand up)

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#260Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 8:30pm

Again, I welcome the insults if you are unable to provide an articulate, critical assessment. Hell, it makes this thread a little fun. But it seems as if you don't, so insult away!

sabrelady Profile Photo
#261Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 9:00pm

Mister Matt once again you have completely nailed it.


Broadwaybelter- go find a hall of mirrors to perform to. In the end you're the only one who is listening and believes your tired worn out victimhood. G*d forgive your poor benighted  soul. I will pray for you.


Updated On: 12/18/15 at 09:00 PM

SNAFU Profile Photo
#263Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 10:09pm

Ah, I see "Jane" was at that screening too!


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#264Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/18/15 at 10:51pm

Oh dear, a movie theater just FILLED with racists!


songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#265Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 4:55pm

Ok as a GAY white man ( yes gays go through just as much as any person of color) I've read this whole thread and I'm appalled. I'm sat here with one of my friends who is black and he's been reading it and sorry to say Broadway Belter but he thinks you are insane. He thinks the woman who wrote the blog over reacted hugely and cried 'racism' without any proof of racism whatsoever, the gum remark is odd but why that has anything to do with race we have no idea.


also been disruptive in a theatre has nothing to do with race, it has to do with rudeness by people of any background who don't care about the people sat around them. As an. 'Award winning' writer and director myself I see a lot of disruption in the theatre, I never even think about race.....just rudeness. 


In the words of my friend Avron who is reading this 'this woman is just trying to make something a race issue, I bet it's not the first time'


'People of color have been told be quiet their whole lives and now are finally putting their foot down and saying "NO".


Also this is so damn melodramatic in the context of live theatre behaviour that it's making me cringe. 



Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#266Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 4:56pm

smidge said: "Broadwaybelter said : one day, people of color will be able to clap along to a play without an entire thread telling them they can't.


You have absolutely no idea this occured, other than what the playwright put forward in her article. Your problem is that you jump to conclusions and prejudge the people on this board based on what you read in a book or NY Post article.  Maybe you should stop reading and experience real life



Your post sent me back to the original link, because I couldn't remember any mention of what other black people in the audience were doing. There are two such mentions: the writer ("DM"Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre) mentions that her companion was also laughing loudly at what they considered appropriate moments (but accuses the companion of no other distracting behavior); and DM also notes that "Jane's" husband sat stoically throughout the performance (for reasons DM considers inexplicable).


As a result, nearly every post on this thread (including mine) addresses the issue as if DM and Jane were the only two people in the audience, each a token representative of her race. Since DM wants to extrapolate her experience to two entire races, how odd that she never mentions how other African Americans were reacting to the performance!


With so few examples, isn't it just as possible that Jane's issue wasn't "white privilege", but a feeling that since she had paid for everyone's ticket, she should be allowed to enjoy the play without distraction?

Jane2 Profile Photo
#267Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 5:16pm

"one of my friends who is black and he's been reading it and sorry to say Broadway Belter but he thinks you are insane."


BINGO! and thank you, friend of Song and Dance.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#268Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 6:05pm

Only broadwaybelter can tell us the race of our friends and how they feel.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#269Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 8:11pm

Everyone responding to this thread isn't white.  I'm African-American and I wouldn't say that broadway belter is insane (although I haven't read all of his/her posts).  I agree that it's hard to know what happened between Dominique and Jane because information about that interaction is incomplete, but I also don't think that it's totally and completely impossible that Jane was responding to Dominique in a discriminatory way.  For me that's honestly less of an issue.  I think that some African-Americans feel uncomfortable in spaces where there are large numbers of whites who came of age prior to the 1960s.  I can empathize with that, the same way I can empathize with some of my gay friends who feel uncomfortable in a room that is predominantly Christian.  That's not to say that any individual in either of those groups is prone to discriminatory behavior, just that there are often sensitives associated with being in a minority group due to larger social forces.


#270Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 8:24pm

I'd love it if everybody everywhere read A People's History of The United States and did a values clarification seminar and maybe did some sort of Racism 101 learning.  To start. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jane2 Profile Photo
#271Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 8:31pm

" I agree that it's hard to know what happened between Dominique and Jane because information about that interaction is incomplete, but I also don't think that it's totally and completely impossible that Jane was responding to Dominique in a discriminatory way."


Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, that is correct-she might be. We will never know and we have no way of knowing for sure. 


Jane2 Profile Photo
#272Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 8:43pm

Namo said "I'd love it if everybody everywhere read A People's History of The United States and did a values clarification seminar and maybe did some sort of Racism 101 learning.  To start."


Yes, NAMO, there is racism in the US!!!!!!!!


We are arguing about deciding one woman must be a racist because she asked a black person to quiet down in a theater. Again - YES, there is racism in the US


#273Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/19/15 at 9:43pm

Jane2 said: "We are arguing about deciding one woman must be a racist because she asked a black person to quiet down in a theater."


But must we?  From my read, the larger issue is whether there is room for different types of responses to theatre, based on cultural background.  The Op-Ed written by Ms. Morisseau presented one perspective, but it's almost as if no one is willing to engage the broader issue raised unless it is fully determined who was "right" or "wrong" in that instance.  So let's say that's a bad example.  Are there any good examples that would allow us to engage the broader issue?  

The US is becoming more diverse, and some (but not all) theatre is including diverse perspectives on stage.  Are there cultural differences in audience behavior that would/could be acceptable in the theatre?  For example would head nodding/bobbing be acceptable audience behavior at Hamilton?  It's not gum popping or seat kicking, but is (for some) a common response to rap/hip hop.  I can't (and won't presume to) speak for others, but personally don't always see head nodding in NYC theatre.


Phyllis Rogers Stone
