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Why is Wicked all I hear about?

#1Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 12:31pm

There are so many phenomenal shows like Pippin, Kinky Boots, Phantom of the Opera, etc but all I hear about is Wicked! I liked it but I have seen better things! What stokes all the hype about Wicked?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 12:38pm

Are we back in 2004?

#2Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 12:42pm

It feels we haven't moved on from 2004.

#3Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 12:42pm

Updated On: 5/2/15 at 12:42 PM

#4Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 12:48pm

Do you hear people talking about Wicked POTO and Lion King? Also I would love to see the classics! I have known many people who saw My Fair Lady! They say its very well done.

fyeahmaria Profile Photo
#5Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 12:55pm

As a Norwegian, all I hear other Norwegians talk about is The Lion King. It's like that's the only show on Broadway. Every time it's brought up it makes me so frustrated.

Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#6Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 1:22pm

Because you hang out with people who like Wicked? Or people who don't often attend the theatre? Or people who have different opinions than yours? Wicked is the most recent global hit musical. That's just sorta how it works.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#7Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 1:36pm

Who are still this "everybody"? It's not talked about in my circles all that much. It's only talked about here by a few (usually teens and newbies to live theater).

Maybe you just need to hang out with different people if it bothers you so much.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 11/2/14 at 01:36 PM

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#8Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 2:14pm

"Do you hear people talking about Wicked POTO and Lion King? Also I would love to see the classics"

That's why we get revivals every single season, to introduce the classics to a whole new generation! But with that being said, I do think it's great to have the big box office juggernauts on Broadway like The Phantom of the Opera, The Lion King, Mamma Mia!, Wicked, Jersey Boys, The Book of Mormon, Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, and Aladdin as they open up Broadway to a much wider audience. Updated On: 11/6/14 at 02:14 PM

JoseLee_ Profile Photo
#9Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 5:04pm

I LOVE Wicked, but I don't talk about it at all unless someone brings it up. I can never say that ONE SHOW is my favorite because there are so many shows out there. I can't stand when someone knows something is good like Wicked or any other show but purposely tries to hate it and talks bad about it just because a lot of people DO like it. If a post is on "why we like *show*", you do not need to go and post why you hate it. No one cares and it is off topic. Trolls.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#10Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 5:07pm

So, Jose, what I'm reading here is that we should PM you with our reasons for hating Wicked?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#11Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 5:08pm

I never hear about Wicked. I guess I have a better life than the OP?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#12Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 5:18pm

Beats me.

Poster Emeritus

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#13Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 6:17pm

"Many 'Broadway-Lovers' really have just experienced POTO, Wicked, and The Lion King, but they have yet to inquire in the true Broadway classics"

Now that's not entirely fair. While Phantom is my favorite show, and I have a love for the newer musicals, it doesn't mean I haven't watched/listened to many of the classics. (My Fair Lady has a sturdy place in my Top Ten list, and of course I have watched the film versions of shows such as The King and I, Sound of Music, Chicago, etc.)

The thing is that, as much as we may all be saddened by it, Broadway is changing and will continue to change. Newer generations will like the newer shows because those are the kind that speak to them the most, so naturally musicals such as Phantom and Wicked are going to become classics in their own right. The reason Phantom is my favorite show is not because I'm "uneducated" or a "newbie," but because I happened to enjoy it the most out of all the shows I've seen/listened to; I really do think one should be able to like whatever show they wish without being accused of not being a "true" Broadway fan.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#14Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 6:38pm

First of all, I do NOT hate it! Second of all it should make you happy (if you care that much about it) to know that people are out there raving about it. I am just saying that there are other shows that don't get the credit that they deserve and die out and then there is Wicked that could stay on for 11 years and still sell out like GANGBUSTERS. I was not being a troll by any means Joselee!

#15Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 6:40pm

First of all, I do NOT hate it! Second of all it should make you happy (if you care that much about it) to know that people are out there raving about it. I am just saying that there are other shows that don't get the credit that they deserve and die out and then there is Wicked that could stay on for 11 years and still sell out like GANGBUSTERS. I was not being a troll by any means Joselee!

#16Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 6:42pm

Oh yeah you're right, I have a sad life!

#17Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 8:22pm


I agree, and I welcome newer shows. These newer shows are of my generation, so I totally get it! I do plan on seeing Wicked and POTO as well.

I don't think that liking these "modern musicals" makes anyone less of a Broadway fan at all. It just sort of bums me out when they become the standard, and the classics are sort of shoved aside, which is something I fear will happen in the future. What if people stop going to revivals of these musicals? What if producers just don't see the use in reviving the classics?

Many nowadays consider themselves "Broadway Mega-Fans", when in actuality, they are just fans of a few of the "modern musicals"

Why is Wicked all I hear about?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#18Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 8:30pm

jm10112, where have you been hanging out, online or off? Maybe you need a change of scenery.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#19Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 8:56pm

I totally agree. I love the Lion King and it's my favorite show butthats because I can't find anything that gives me the same emotional infliction and is good to my taste but I am looking for something else. P.S Don't misjudge the Lion King as a kids show or dismiss it because of what you see. :)

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#20Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/2/14 at 9:36pm

I am just saying that there are other shows that don't get the credit that they deserve and die out and then there is Wicked that could stay on for 11 years and still sell out like GANGBUSTERS.

The same could be said about Phantom of the Opera or The Lion King, both of which still sell like GANGBUSTERS and have been running longer than Wicked. It was the same for Mamma Mia, Jersey Boys, Chicago, Les Miserables, Cats, A Chorus Line...

There will always be long-running hits. Wicked is not unique in that respect. It's just the newest. People love it and that's why it is doing so well. Other shows come and go, just like always.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 11/3/14 at 09:36 PM

Broadwaydreaming Profile Photo
#21Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/3/14 at 12:13am

Wicked is one of those shows most people have seen and understand enough to talk about. If they haven't seen it, they know the soundtrack. Also let's not get into the cheno/menzel hype. I really do like Wicked. The show came out when I was younger, and I fell in love with it. It ultimately led to a love of musicals both old and new.

1. Wicked is an experience. It's a very dramatic/ full out show with a modern flair.
2. It's family friendly (big attraction) and resonates with many.
3. It's a global hit...tourists are going to know about it and will want to see it.

There are tons of great shows out now, but Wicked has an undeniable X factor. As long as there are angsty teenagers, there will be Wicked! Hopefully Wicked has the same effect on others as it had on me. It opened me up to all sorts of musicals that I may never have experienced if it wasn't for my impulsive 13 year old desire to replay defying gravity.

Updated On: 11/3/14 at 12:13 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#22Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/3/14 at 11:26am

If a post is on "why we like *show*", you do not need to go and post why you hate it. No one cares and it is off topic. Trolls.

Who was doing that?

P.S Don't misjudge the Lion King as a kids show or dismiss it because of what you see.

Who was doing that?

Also let's not get into the cheno/menzel hype.

Who was doing that?

Are there a bunch of posts that I somehow missed? This is one of the weirdest threads I've seen in a while.

As long as there are angsty teenagers, there will be Wicked!

It didn't work as well for Spring Awakening, so I don't think the teen angst angle is what keeps Wicked going.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Broadwaydreaming Profile Photo
#23Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/3/14 at 11:59am

Wasn't really responding to anyone on here but the first person who posted. They asked why wicked was popular... well it took off from the beginning. Idina and Kristen were two amazing performers who stole the show and received a lot of hype from it. Not bashing it, just mentioning it.

The show does attract many teens. Whether angsty or not, it appeals to them.

CurtainsUpat8 Profile Photo
#24Why is Wicked all I hear about?
Posted: 11/3/14 at 12:05pm

I think there are lots of Unsophisticated Theatre Goers. They are told they should like a certain show and they believe the hype. Cats is a great example of this. It was an awful show, but the press made such a big deal about it at the time. It also appealed to people who's first language wasn't English. MANY People are easily led. They don't know what they should like, and so they are told, and so they go.
