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Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording

Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording

#1Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 10:21pm

When will this be available? At the show they only have the concept recording.

#2re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 10:28pm

i hope it is soon the broadway cast cd.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 10:34pm

I'd love for there to be a Broadway cast recording considering all the changes that have been made since the concept CD, but unfortunately with the reviews, I'm sure the big labels won't want to touch it. Not enough money to be made.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#3re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 10:43pm

At least there is A recording of this one.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#4re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 11:16pm

"I'd love for there to be a Broadway cast recording considering all the changes that have been made since the concept CD, but unfortunately with the reviews, I'm sure the big labels won't want to touch it. Not enough money to be made."

If people keep enjoying it the way they seem to be a label could be interested in the show no matter what the reviews said. Everyone I've spoken to about it has loved as well as many people on here. I wouldn't be surprised to see one.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#5re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 11:24pm

Because they know they'll sell the most CDs at the theatre the window of opportunity is dwindling fast. A record label can't be sure if the show will still be open in four months.

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#6re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/8/08 at 11:29pm

There will be a cast album.Details will be announced very soon.

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on

#7re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 3:24am

...should be recorded in October, so after that. I've heard this since about two months ago, and some of the actors have mentioned it on their blogs.
A cast recording with the Broadway cast is a "must". I, for one, would like to have James Barbour's versions of Sydney's songs (although I like the Sydney on the concept CD, it is nothing compared), and I know there are hundreds out there who feel the same.
Why do we still insist that this show is closing in four months, CATS? Common, I thought you were cool!

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#8re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 3:31am

Why do we still insist that this show is closing in four months

Because it sucks.

And nobody's going.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#9re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 4:02am

Yes, WANNABE, and that's why Julie Andrews (among many other celebrities) just patroned the show the other night, right?
And, that's why they are packing the house and getting standing ovations, EVERY performance re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#10re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 4:34am

Look at the numbers. They're not packing the house and standing ovations mean nothing in the United States. Yes, the audiences are mostly receptive, but that does not mean anyone is willing to pay for a cast recording. We're talking about a couple hundred thousand dollars here. A cast recording would be great, but we have to be reasonable. If it happens it will be a blessing for the fans and nothing more. Certainly not a blessing for anyone who invests in it as they most likely will not get that money back. Having said that similar situations have lucked out with some fantastically produced cast albums. The Pirate Queen comes to mind. Not the best show, but a very nice cast recording.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#11re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 10:21am

<< Why do we still insist that this show is closing in four months

Because it sucks.

And nobody's going.

Whether or not "it sucks" is obviously objective, but I would not say nobody is going--- Both times I have been to the show, the theatre seemed to be around 80-85% full.

As far as the OBCR--- Really need one !!! Barbour worth the price !!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#12re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 10:36am

I really hope this show is recorded. The cast is outstanding and Jill's score needs to be preserved on disc with James, Brandi, Aaron, etc.

SillySara Profile Photo
#13re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/9/08 at 1:07pm

as withoutatrace said, the performances of the cast deserve to be preserved. because, whether or a not a person thinks the show "sucks" or not, congratulations need to be given to the cast that is performing on that stage every night.

i can't wait to be able to hear lazar or barbour sing the score whenever i want to. :)

#14re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 1:01am

"The cast is outstanding and Jill's score needs to be preserved on disc with James, Brandi, Aaron, etc."
...nicely said.
I, for one, do not give stading ovations just like that. And I am very careful which performers I will stand for. Sometimes the ensemble is worth it, not all times some leading actors deserve it. So, if a show is getting "consistently' standing ovations, then there must be something there: Why, yes! It must be those outstanding voices/performers in Tale re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#15re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 1:27am

Check out this discussion on standing ovations in the United States...

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#16re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 2:19am

I have been going to Broadway shows for well over a decade, and I can say that although on Broadway standing ovations are pretty standard unless the show is dreadful, the thunderous applause and cheering that went with the curtain call at the TOTC preview performance I saw was definitely among the loudest and most enthusaistic I have ever witnessed. Theater snobs (like myself) acknowledge the mediocrity of the show, but obviously the tourists love it. And I would buy a cast recording simply because I love James Barbour's voice.

winston89 Profile Photo
#17re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 2:21am

Speaking of standing ovations. I was at a performance of Chicago over the summer. I must have been not only the only New Yorker in the theatre but the only American. I was sitting in the Mezz and everyone around me was talking in different languages. The usher was happy to seat someone with a new york accent. That being said, when the show was over almost no one stood up. I found that funny because tourists usually give standing O's for everything but when I saw it no one did.

Honestly, this show isn't doing as bad as people are making it out to be. It is doing a very good job of filling the theatre despite negative reviews. If The Pirate Queen could get a cast album then this show sure could.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

NGD2225 Profile Photo
#18re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 2:26am

Yeah but Pirate Queen had "Boublil & Schonberg" attached to it.

winston89 Profile Photo
#19re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 2:43am

"Yeah but Pirate Queen had "Boublil & Schonberg" attached to it."

And that clearly did jack to sell the show. The Pirate Queen was billed as "Boublil & Schonberg's The Pirate Queen." As if they thought that the public would know right off the bat who they were and that REALLY worked out fine and dandy.

I remember having a PM conversation with Phantom Of London. He said that he at first thought that The Pirate Queen didn't sell because they were marketing it as a Boublil and Schonberg show and no one in America knew who they were and that he thought that more people in England might know who they are. But, that was proven to be wrong when their show Marguerite had to close early due to bad ticket sales and that too was billed as a Boublil and Schonberg show.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#20re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 2:58am

Was it really? Schönberg didn't write the music for Marguerite. That's sort of false advertisement.

winston89 Profile Photo
#21re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 3:27am

Yes it was billed as a Boublil and Schonberg show. I don't think it is technically false advertising because Schonberg was involved with the show. Boublil and Schonberg did the book and the lyrics so it technically isn't false advertising.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Steve2 Profile Photo
#22re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 9:03am

I was a little bothered that they were selling the concept CD in the lobby. I imagine many people might be upset that what they purchased is different than what they saw/heard.

#23re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 2:30pm

we bought it then realized what it was and returned it for james' cd. i'm a theatre snob too but the voices in this show are amazing. i was impressed with the show, granted not the best thing i've ever seen, but still really good.

tazber Profile Photo
#24re: Tale of Two Cities Broadway Cast Recording
Posted: 10/10/08 at 3:56pm

I love all the mysterious "it will happen" posts.

I don't believe for a second that it will be recorded, and from a business standpoint it should not be recorded.
Why would someone produce a cd that will lose money?

....but the world goes 'round
