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Rumer Willis in Chicago

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#1Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/8/15 at 11:12pm

Went back to Chicago tonight to check out Rumer Willis' performance and was pleasantly surprised by her vocal and dancing abilities. Her voice is strong and she has a lovely vibrato. I was most impressed with her phrasing, which must have been largely intuitive as she doesn't appear to have much theater on her resume.
This is also the most difficult choreography I've seen a Roxie attempt in years. This was no Christie Brinkley stand and step touch deal. More importantly she seemed like she was having a lot of fun with the dances, especially Me and My Baby. Her line delivery had a few weak moments and bits of the Roxie monologue felt rushed/didn't land, but she displayed good timing during the courtroom sequence. All in all I thought her performance was a success and I'd be happy to see her on stage again.


The biggest shock was when the curtain went up and there was a different conductor than the usual woman who's been doing it for YEARS. I wonder if she's just on vacation or she finally left the show. Honestly, it just wasn't the same without her, though the orchestra still sounded great.


The weak link was Ryan Silverman who was a little too cold and stand-offish as Billy. He looks the part, but needs to tap into Flynn's playful side.


Chicago is easily my favorite of the long-running shows to return to; I never tire of hearing K&E's brilliant score and the book isn't too shabby either!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

abbagirl Profile Photo
#2Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/9/15 at 4:27pm

(Conductor) Leslie Stifelman is still in the Playbill, so I assume just on vaca. :)

#3Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/9/15 at 4:30pm

Friend of mine wanted to see her in the show and dragged me along. This was the first time I saw the show in what felt like forever, however, I love the show as in the book and music. However, this production, not so much. I just feel that the ensemble was simply sleep walking  their way through the show and gave off the impression that they had been there since the dawn of time. Not a good thing. I feel that there should a mass overhaul for the ensemble and bring in some new blood. Other than that, Rumer was very good. Far better than I thought she would be going in. But, she won me over very quickly. 

#4Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/9/15 at 4:48pm

I would still kill for a recorded version of Brandy singing the songs from Chicago, still one of the best vocalists alive in my opinion (tone, runs, beauty, personality, range).

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#5Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/9/15 at 7:20pm

Silverman is a surprise.  He's a charming, charismatic performer.  On the other hand, it doesn't necessarily seem a perfect fit. I don't believe every traditional leading man makes a good Billy, though others disagree.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

#6Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/9/15 at 11:50pm

im surprised in this review considering her performance on kelly and michael was terrible, but i guess her whole performance is good. 

and Jammin, theres a whole video of Brandy doing it on youtube lol she was BRILLIANT!!!!!! I was totally shocked!!! the video is called @4everbrandy in Chicago

Updated On: 10/10/15 at 11:50 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#7Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/10/15 at 12:06am

What happened to your name, Whizzer?!

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#8Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/10/15 at 1:18am

I know! I feel like Hedwig, left with only an angry inch of a name! 


I just woke up one morning and the mods had lopped off poor Trina, Jason and Mendel. At least Whizzer and Marvin avoided being separated.  

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#9Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/10/15 at 1:23am

I was soooo confused. I thought maybe I was having an acid flashback.    This site is so weird.  

haterobics Profile Photo
#10Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/10/15 at 1:45am

WhizzerMarvin said: "I know! I feel like Hedwig, left with only an angry inch of a name! "


We still love the front of you.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#11Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/10/15 at 7:54am

Wtf. Did they give any eplanation for the name chopping?

#12Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/25/15 at 8:51am

Went to try to see the show on Saturday but rescheduled for next week because Rumer was out.

She has been out since Wednesday-Sunday according to the staff.

JBradshaw Profile Photo
#13Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/28/15 at 4:04am

Yes she was out most of the week. 


JBradshaw Profile Photo
#14Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 10/28/15 at 4:04am

Yes she was out most of the week. 


#15Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 8:04am

Finally got to see Chicago after waiting for Rumer to return to the show after being out last weekend.  Unfortunately, I thought this production of Chicago was not up to par to my expectations.  I felt not having a set (only using the band as a set) was a bad choice and felt that I couldn't get into the show. It was difficult seeing the other actors sitting on their chairs on the side of the stage waiting for their turn.  I felt that most of the actors were simply going through the motions and didn't give a great performance.  The only person who I felt cared about the show and their performance was Rumer.  Maybe since the role is new for her she had a bit more life?   I would not recommend spending money on seeing this.  Instead go and see the movie.

haterobics Profile Photo
#16Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 8:53am

Monty12112 said: "I felt not having a set (only using the band as a set) was a bad choice and felt that I couldn't get into the show."


Hasn't it been that way for years now?!

carolineorchange21 Profile Photo
#17Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 9:09am

Yes! 20 years later and using the Encores staging for the Chicago revival still irks some.

"...ah, gays and their wit. Hell must be a laugh a minute!" -Evie Harris

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#18Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 2:45pm

"Some" people apparently didn't get the memo.  crying

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)

#19Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 9:01pm

I think it's pretty normal for a long runnin show to produces robotic performances especially from ensemble members who have stayed there for god knows how long lol. 

Personally I wouldn't spend money to watch Chicago on broadway. It's just something that isn't Thhhhhhat special compared to other shows.

The thing is, besides being an utter toad of a human being, Riedel usually has the least knowledge of the topic in the room. He doesn't usually understand the content or approach of a show, and is always completely and unfailingly socially ignorant, which makes it really infuriating when Susan can't get a word in edgewise. A definitive mansplainer; it's always painful when he has female guests. I watch the show sporadically when I really want to see a guest, because it's the only theatre talkshow we have, but it would be so much better without this hateful clown in a dadcoat. (thanks ScaryWarhol)

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#20Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 10:09pm

c0113g3b0y said: "I think it's pretty normal for a long runnin show to produces robotic performances especially from ensemble members who have stayed there for god knows how long lol.

Personally I wouldn't spend money to watch Chicago on broadway. It's just something that isn't Thhhhhhat special compared to other shows.

So, you say that this show produces robotic performances.  Yet, you say you haven't spent any money to watch Chicago on Broadway.  So....let me take a wild haven't seen the show then?  Thought so.   Let's state some simple facts (courtesy of  The current revival had its first preview on Oct. 23, 1996 and opened on November 14, 1996.  As of October 25, 2015 "Chicago" has played 7,869 performances and its total gross (so far) is $538,132,293...and counting.  It's also the second longest running show in Broadway history.  Any show that has garned that many performances and earned that much $$$ is verrrrry ssssspecial indeed.  Like it or not, Chicago is like the Energizer Bunny of Broadway.  It keeps going and going and going.  Many shows have come and gone, but Chicago is still here.  And  "Thhhhhhat's"    the truth!cheeky




"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)
Updated On: 11/1/15 at 10:09 PM

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#21Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 10:14pm

I saw it for the first time in a while a few weeks ago and I was surprised at how bad it was. I really don't understand how people can sit through it multiple times.

#22Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/1/15 at 11:20pm

Chicago is a wonderful show, however, I think they should clean shop and start new. Rehearse a completely new cast that is new to the material. That is what will bring this production to life again. They should also really stop recycling the same Velma's and Roxie's.

#23Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/2/15 at 12:55am

I see Chicago fairly frequently and usually from the first couple rows of the orchestra.  I am always ready to to catch some of this long-runitis but I never do.  Only thing I can think of is perhaps some of the posters here misinterpret the cool, detached vibe of some of the ensemble as tired and dull.  I think a big part of it too is that many of us go into such an old show expecting to see stale performances and convince ourselves that we did 

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#24Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/2/15 at 1:04am

That same philosophy works in reverse too.

haterobics Profile Photo
#25Rumer Willis in Chicago
Posted: 11/2/15 at 2:06am

CATSNYrevival said: "That same philosophy works in reverse too."


So Chicago is the Broadway equivalent of tofu, it takes on the flavor of whatever is comes into contact with?
