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Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?

Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?

Tim Barstow
#1Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/10/19 at 11:24pm

Im considering going to New York to see Oklahoma. I was wondering if its worth going to New York to see Oklahoma

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/10/19 at 11:27pm

Well, I doubt it will tour - as this isnt your grandmother's OK. Its very, i think impossible for anyone else to answer for you. Im seei g it in a few weeks....but Im only traveling from Boston.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#3Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/10/19 at 11:35pm

I was seriously thinking of skipping the show. I am not a fan of OK at all. We ended up getting tickets last minute. It was freaking amazing. The best version I have ever seen. That being said, it is extremely dark. One of my favorite shows of the season. So glad we went.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#4Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/10/19 at 11:42pm

I would see this production once a week if I could.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/10/19 at 11:48pm

I really hated it. But that just proves that some people love it and others hate it. It’s theatre - you have to decide if you want to take the risk and go see it for yourself.

broadway86 Profile Photo
#6Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 12:01am

If you're aware of the concept, and willing to go with it, it's more than worth the leap. I loved it.

#7Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 12:02am

dramamama611 said: "Well, I doubt it will tour - as this isnt your grandmother's OK. Its very, i think impossible for anyone else to answer for you. Im seei g it in a few weeks....but Im only traveling from Boston."

A tour has been planned and will be launching in Oklahoma City in fall 2020...that being said, I think it’s absolutely worth seeing it at Circle in the Square 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#8Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 12:08am

I like in Oklahoma City and I think the average theater goer here will not like this production at all based on reports I’ve heard. I will decide for myself when I hopefully see it during my September trip this year.

#9Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 12:12am

And you get vegetarian chili and corn bread at intermission. yummy.

goldenboy Profile Photo
#10Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 12:20am

I am a traditionalist and I stayed away. Somehow I snagged a low price ticket. 

And I thought it was ingenious!! To really appreciate it,  I would see the movie first or a traditional production first and see what they did. Quite wonderful.

Worth the money.

Changed the meaning of the show without changing a word.

#11Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 12:42am

If their performance on Sunday night was any indication, it is most definitely worth the cost.

#12Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 2:59am

Is it worth the cost of a ticket? Most definitely. It's a wonderful production. Is it worth the cost of a ticket plus a $400-500 plane ticket and a $200 hotel room and meals and transfers to and from both airports etc. if you have absolutely no other reason for going other than to see this show? You'll have to decide that yourself. No one can decide that for you.

#13Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 4:03am

I enjoyed the Oklahoma! revival a lot, but many people whose opinion I respect did not, and it was the show that my wife and I debated whether to see. So don't assume you will like it. You might; you might agree with Jordan Catalano. Watch a few videos, which might give a better sense of whether you'd like it. The Tony performance emphasized the rousing songs from the show, but it has a darker side and some avant garde elements that are more controversial.

The cost of tickets are reasonable enough, especially the available discounts, but there are plenty of other costs involved in a New York City trip, as UncleCharlie points out. (There are, of course, other reasons to go to New York City.)

JeaniusIsMe Profile Photo
#14Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 11:19am

I loved the production when I saw it last month (it was absolutely riveting and I found it much more emotionally resonate than past "traditional" stagings I've seen). But, not sure if that's worth shelling out the money for a trip to NYC- that depends on your personal financial situation, costs of travel/hotel/ticket, etc. I do think it's worth the price of a ticket to see it, for sure. But only you know the travel side of things.

And, if you are near a major city that will likely get the tour, you could feasibly wait for it to hit you there.

Ken Finkelstein
#15Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 11:31am

If you can go standing room or see it for free. Otherwise it is a mess and not worth more than $50. The orchestrations are magnificent, though.

#16Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 2:48pm

I saw it last week for the first time after winning the lottery. It was MOST certainly worth the price I paid for the lotto ticket and then some! I knew nothing about the show, never heard the music, didn’t know the story (I know it’s a classic, but something I had missed in the past). I LOVED it!!! Thought they did such a great job and the theater they are in - circle in the square - is incredibly unique and intimate. I honestly have no clue how they have ever done this show at a different theater. It just felt perfect in this theater with the way they set it up. The chili and cornbread at intermission was a great touch. I would definitely see it if you can — but in terms of flying to New York JUST to see it? I don’t know. I don’t think I would fly anywhere to see a show. If I was going to a place where shows were available I would definitely try to see them but wouldn’t base my entire travels on it. To each is own though!

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#17Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 2:57pm

Right there with IdinaBellFoster. I would see it every week if I had the money and time. Absolutely worth it for me.

#18Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 3:16pm

I agree with what most folks have said here.  So long as you will not be disappointed by a total reimagining of the shaw and the absence of a traditional musical, the show is wonderful.  I am likely to see it again.

Tim Barstow
#19Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 4:17pm

What is the concept of this production?

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#20Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 4:39pm

Tim Barstow said: "What is the concept of this production?"

Anything you need to know is here, or you can just google:


#21Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 4:45pm

In short, it's a more avant garde production that leans into the book's darker plot points, though no lyrics have been changed. 

I've seen it twice and would pay to see it a third time. Loved it.

Updated On: 6/11/19 at 04:45 PM

#22Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 6/11/19 at 4:54pm

I saw it and I loved the different take on it. Not only the country twang of it, but the point of view and the performers as well.

The country take on the music was great. A totally familiar score sounded much different to me. But, I like divergently alternate covers of popular songs, so it fit my wheelhouse quite nicely. 

The interaction between the characters seemed more realistic, playful, dangerous. Not just pie-eyed lovebirds.

The performers are just awesome... Mary Testa is one of my all time favorite actors, Ali Stroker was a powerhouse devilish Ado Annie, and the three leads - Daunno, Jones, Vaill were just awesome. I have been able to see Rebecca Naomi Jones in three of her Broadway shows and she is just so damned good. How she missed being nominated, let alone win the Tony is just lost on me.

Lastly, the whole ambiance of the theater and the set was an experience. Some did not like the house lights up high, the tables around the stage, the decorations overhead (streamers and the like). I found it very environmental - and that theater is a great venue (not a bad seat).

I bought a ticket months ago, but kinda meh about seeing it. I got more enthused as I read about how different this is and it was worth it for me. I will be seeing whatever things Fish (the director) does going forward (kinda like Chavkin was after the Great Comet and she did Hadestown). Guys like him have a vision, but it is not to all people's taste.

Hope this helps.

taylortrensch Profile Photo
#23Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 11/25/19 at 10:03pm

speaking of the cost... does anyone have the code for lotto loser?

don't message me thinking im taylor trensch?? what would he be doing on bww?? you can't possibly be that dumb bye

#24Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 11/25/19 at 10:44pm

If you're going just to see this, no. It's a low-rent, "audacious for the sake of being audacious" college production that's trading on a gimmick that runs out of steam and fizzles completely with the Act Two opener. I do not understand the fascination for this thing, sorry. The country music adaptation is nice, but everything else screams MONEY GRAB!

#25Is seeing Oklahoma worth the cost?
Posted: 11/25/19 at 11:46pm

brdway411 said: "I was seriously thinking of skipping the show. I am not a fan of OK at all. We ended up getting tickets last minute. It was freaking amazing. The best version I have ever seen. That being said, it is extremely dark. One of my favorite shows of the season. So glad we went. "

I have the same exact opinion.  Absolutely worth it.
