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Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine

Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 11:45am

In his interview with Cuomo just now, Faucci says that by the beginning of April, everyone else whos not in the first phases should be able to receive the vaccine, meaning by May the full effects of Covid disappearing could be felt.

Thats a lot sooner than others had been saying up to this point so its a really hopeful sign and April is only 15 weeks away!

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#2Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 11:54am

He also mentioned that 49% of people aren't willing to take the vaccine. The percentage goes up with communities of color. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#3Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 11:57am

I, and most others, imagine with a robust campaign to get people educated on it, that number will go up though.

#4Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:22pm

Sutton Ross said: "He also mentioned that 49% of people aren't willing to take the vaccine. The percentage goes up with communities of color."

Almost 50% doesn't shock me...I'm guessing most of that percentage is anti vaxxers. There are others who've said unless the right people and institutions say it's viable, they wouldn't take it since it's been on a fast track. Which is...yeah, no kidding I guess? As for communities of color...they're the ones faced by a high infection percentage rate the most, so...why is it the percentage of those saying they're unwilling to take it go up in their community? Legit question. 

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#5Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:28pm

Among other things, it could be age-old suspicion, considering communities of color were often the unwitting guinea pigs in the past for a number of dangerous medical experiments that were disguised as treatments or vaccine trials for something else. One handy example is the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.

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Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#6Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:30pm

It might also become a thing where in order to work or travel you might be required to have the vaccine as well.

But I think once the administration transition happens and we have people who believe that this real in charge we will see a shift in public opinion around the vaccine.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#7Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:32pm

Jenn, it dates back to the horrifying Tuskegee experiments that went on for 40 years.

Many people I talk to frequently don't trust the government to help them and they feel abandoned by the health care system. Many people of color living in poor and urban neighborhoods also don't have doctors or healthcare facilities near their homes. They also lack transportation.

When you've never had to think about any of those things, it's really easy to think that everyone will be on board with this. But, that just isn't reality. 

Updated On: 12/7/20 at 12:32 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#8Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:34pm

He also said that he feels the vaccinations will go through mid summer to early fall. I am assuming he gave it that time frame because of the time in between the two shots.

Just give the world Love.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#9Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:36pm

The podcast “You’re Wrong About” did a deep dive on this issue, and for sure worth a listen.

uncageg Profile Photo
#10Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:44pm

Lavieboheme3090 said: "The podcast “You’re Wrong About” did a deep dive on this issue, and for sure worth a listen.


Didn't listen as I know about the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment. This is a big reason why African Americans are afraid of getting shots. Over the years the fear has been "handed down", so to speak, and a lot of black people don't even know that is where the fear stemmed from. I kind of did a "survey" of my family members in their 40's and they didn't know about it.


Just give the world Love.

Tag Profile Photo
#11Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:47pm

uncageg said: "He also said that he feels the vaccinations will go through mid summer to early fall. I am assuming he gave it that time frame because of the time in between the two shots."

And then does it start all again when we need to get it again next winter?  Sigh.

Kad Profile Photo
#12Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 12:55pm

A nationwide vaccination requires a lot of trust, which is sorely lacking. It's kind of a perfect storm of historical failures (see the above Tuskagee atrocities), capitalist failures (exploitative profit-above-people practices of pharma companies, see: opioid crisis), institutional failures (see: the government in general and the current administration in particular), and the hold of the anti-vax nonsense of the "wellness" snake oil salesmen and a resurgence of conspiracy theorists.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 12/7/20 at 12:55 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#13Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 1:05pm

Tag said: "uncageg said: "He also said that he feels the vaccinations will go through mid summer to early fall. I am assuming he gave it that time frame because of the time in between the two shots."

And then does it start all again when we need to get it again next winter? Sigh.

Will it even stop for the next few years? I suspect that if all goes well with these vaccines, there will be those who get it and are fine and those who don't who will continue to spread it among those refusing to get it. So it could just continue on.


Just give the world Love.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#14Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 1:30pm

Tag said:

And then does it start all again when we need to get it again next winter? Sigh."


This should not be like a flu shot. They are not seeing a seasonal mutation the way we do with the flu. 

It might require a booster at some point, but it should not be yearly shot. 


HogansHero Profile Photo
#15Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 1:55pm

uncageg said: "I suspect that if all goes well with these vaccines, there will be those who get it and are fine and those who don't who will continue to spread it among those refusing to get it. So it could just continue on."

What the smart people are saying is that the resistance to the vaccine will ebb. If it is roughly 50% now, that number includes the hardcore anti-vaxxers and also the (larger, I think) scared (or otherwise influenced for the many reasons Kad lists). Once it has been demonstrated that it is safe across a broad spectrum, and once we have a government that isn't distrusted for good reason, the latter group will get vaccinated. The goal is not 100% and those who don't get vaccinated will become less epidemiologically important. And if it is true that the resistance is highest in minority communities, bear in mind that those are also the communities that have had covid in the highest proportion. And finally bear in mind that (depending on the source) in NYC between 20-40% of the population is already infected and, even though they should still get the vaccine, they are far less at risk. I don't know what the numbers are elsewhere but with the current torrent of infections, I think we will see a similar pattern in a lot of places. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#16Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 2:06pm

Lavieboheme3090 said: "Tag said:

And then does it start all again when we need to get it again next winter? Sigh."

This should not be like a flu shot. They are not seeing a seasonal mutation the way we do with the flu.

It might require a booster at some point, but it should not be yearly shot.


What I have been hearing is that they are not sure right now about a mutation. And they aren't sure if it will be a yearly shot. I am not a doctor, but I would suspect that people would need to get the shot as long as it is around. At this point we really don't know how long that will be. Hopefully more people will get the vaccine after they see that it is safe but I know members of my family will not get it unless they have to. I plan to get it as soon as it is offered to me.


Just give the world Love.

#17Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 2:25pm

We don't know how long protection from the vaccine will last - is it a few months, a year, etc?  We don't know if it will prevent transmission to others.  It won't be offered to kids under 18 until more testing is done.  I don't believe it will be offered to pregnant women either. Perhaps people are aware of the lawsuits surrounding the anthrax vaccine for veterans. Ultimately, we don't know how many people will take the vaccine and how long any effectiveness will last.  I believe I read masks and social distancing would still be required for some time after the vaccine, which would make theater economics unfeasible for somewhat longer. We don't know what Governor Cuomo will decide this spring/summer.  Depending on what happens, perhaps he will allow theaters to open, and perhaps he won't.

Updated On: 12/7/20 at 02:25 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#18Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 2:48pm

So this is a question that has been swirling in my mind...

If theater is to "re-open" in June, will the Governor see to it that those in the theatre and entertainment field start getting vaccinated in April so that they can have both shots by June? I think I heard there is something like a 3 week window after the second shot for it to fully take. I would suspect that it might be mandatory for people in the theatre to get vaccinated seeing the closeness backstage and front of house's close interaction with the public.

Your thoughts.

Just give the world Love.

itsjustmejonhotmailcom Profile Photo
#19Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 2:51pm

uncageg said: "So this is a question that has been swirling in my mind...

If theater is to "re-open" in June, will the Governor see to it that those in the theatre and entertainment field start getting vaccinatedin April so that they can have both shots by June? I think I heard there is something like a 3 week window after the second shot for it to fully take. I would suspect that it might be mandatory for people in the theatreto get vaccinated seeing the closeness backstage and front of house's close interaction with the public.

Your thoughts.

My guess is that there won't be an official policy that allows Broadway companies to get vaccinated before others, but that they will anyway. Just like when this started and it was very difficult to get tested and get the results back in a timely manner, many showed managed to do that for their casts. Unfairly, money and power get you to the front of the line in this country regardless of the actual policies.

Kad Profile Photo
#20Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 2:55pm

Gird yourselves for the deluge of protests and lawsuits against organizations and employers requiring people to get vaccinated.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

uncageg Profile Photo
#21Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 3:45pm

itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "uncageg said: "So this is a question that has been swirling in my mind...

If theater is to "re-open" in June, will the Governor see to it that those in the theatre and entertainment field start getting vaccinatedin April so that they can have both shots by June? I think I heard there is something like a 3 week window after the second shot for it to fully take. I would suspect that it might be mandatory for people in the theatreto get vaccinated seeing the closeness backstage and front of house's close interaction with the public.

Your thoughts.

My guess is that there won't be an official policy that allows Broadway companies to get vaccinated before others, but that they will anyway. Just like when this started and it was very difficult to get tested and get the results back in a timely manner, many showed managed to do that for their casts. Unfairly, money and power get you to the front of the line in this country regardless of the actual policies.


Interesting you say that about money and power. Thinking the same and it came to mind the other night while watching the news. I the sports segment they said the Knicks would be starting their season at MSG. A few thoughts went through my head. We are seeing the football league reporting cases and exposure left and right. They didn't do a bubble. Are they going to trust basketball players or are they somehow going to get vaccines ahead of the rest of us.

Kad, oh yeah. That is going to be a mess but I don't think there will be as much push back in the theatre community. Most people I know have been praying for the vaccine so they can get back to work and to their shows. But we will see when it is available.

I know of a few people in the hotel industry that have said they will not get the vaccine and don't want to wear masks. I know one person who just quit her job over a conspiracy theory. 


Just give the world Love.

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#22Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 4:16pm

The anti vaxxers who believe they’re being micro-chipped through the vaccine and Facebook are a lost cause I’m afraid.

Once the vaccine is offered and taken Covid cease to be a possible fatal virus and becomes a preventative illness, so if you don’t take the vaccine and go down, it is down to you I’m afraid.

I bet in March/April you wouldn’t have so many anti vaxxers.

uncageg Profile Photo
#23Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 5:30pm

I heard a doctor say today that he expects there will also be those "you first" people who will wait until a friend of family member gets it and waits to see if they have a bad reaction before they make a decision.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 12/8/20 at 05:30 PM

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#24Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 5:35pm

Well I guess if it kills every doctor and nurse in this country that takes it over the next month, I guess we will know pretty quick.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#25Faucci Says By Beginning of April, Everyone Could Get Vaccine
Posted: 12/7/20 at 5:35pm

Well I guess if it kills every doctor and nurse in this country that takes it over the next month, I guess we will know pretty quick.
