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Member Name: HogansHero
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 Sep 14 2024, 08:18:36 PM

It is on this website as confirmed by Mia's official account on Twitter. I understand it is also posted elsewhere on social media. It has also been reported (but to my knowledge not confirmed) that she was seen leaving the theatre just after half hour. (Dans un masque)., 

West Bank Cafe?
 Aug 24 2024, 09:01:13 PM

When the GFM started, it was represented that they needed $850k to avoid closing before the end of this month. They have raised a little over $100k (a little under, net of fees). To me, if the money was for back rent and debt servicing, they are far from satisfying any landlord or bank. Even more disappointing is what the donations show. The average donation is about $120. (I pitched in $100, so one thing it shows is that I must be cheap. lol) There are only about 820 total donors. That

JOB Previews
 Aug 24 2024, 12:01:02 AM

@quizking101 I have long felt that any play that treads too close to an area with which I have significant professional experience is (almost) invariably a disappointment. And I have heard the same from friends in other fields. So don't feel bad. 

In general, I am not someone who gets hung up on verisimilitude, but it's impossible for me not to when I know more about the nuance and intricacies than it seems the author does. I don't have a cure to offer. I did like the

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 8/11/24
 Aug 13 2024, 02:15:57 PM

Suffs is an interesting question. On the one hand, I obviously get the election tie-in, but on the other there is an overload issue. With folks getting increasingly focused on the election IRT, the historical may take a back seat.

Lincoln center will get a new leader
 Aug 11 2024, 12:17:11 AM

When you let us see the list, make sure to also fill us in on who made up the list (literally, I'm afraid). And the reason that is important is because, as most of us here know, but you remarkably don't (at least not in your pose du jour), no information on this subject is "coming from the intelligence community and all the security officials across the government," because information of this sort is classified. Which gets us back to the questions about the list, w

Lincoln center will get a new leader
 Aug 10 2024, 03:06:24 PM

The degree of utter cluelessness increases geometrically when the apparent obliviousness to the level of surveillance and intelligence already in place, both in house at Lincoln Center and much more importantly (and for better or worse) through the intelligence and counter-terrorism task forces of the NYPD and federal government.It is also clueless to think that it is the job of head of Lincoln Center to micromanage this type of work. But there is a pathology that drives some to lob rhetorica

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