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Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)- Page 6

Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)

SNAFU Profile Photo
#125Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 8:29pm

Whatever you say broadwaybelter, whatever you say!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

SNAFU Profile Photo
#126Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 8:31pm

broadwaybelter, a question? Are you an Award Winning Playwright awaiting their Award Winning Check?


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#128Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 8:35pm

"White men. Therefore, any non-white person cannot be racist. It is not a custom tailored definition. It is history and fact. I do not care to console your white fragility."


Again, that statement is just not true. And it's the internet. You can't just assume everyone who disagrees with you is white.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#130Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 8:55pm

Definition of racism (according to Merriam-Webster): 

1:  a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2:  racial prejudice or discrimination


I couldn't find anything that specified whites or non-whites.  Huh.


I do not care to console your white fragility.


Oh, believe me, you haven't and you don't need to.  You are adept at avoiding questions anyway, so just feel free to keep doing that if you wish.


Do you know how many times on this board that posters have referred to moments with  a black audience as "CP time"?


Yes.  It was one poster in one conversation regarding A Raisin in the Sun on March 10th last year.  I have no problem doing a little research.


Any time a person of color is given a platform, they are immediately shut down and told their story does not matter. I do not care to hear of the one or two examples where this was not the case.


That contradictory statement (on many levels) pretty much sums up everything you've said thus far.


I am aware I intimidated you with by exposing your lack of resourcefulness and general knowledge of history of race in America. Well, at the very least, you're not denying that you engage in this behavior. I'll take the small victories where I can.?


Oh, now I get it.  You don't actually read what anyone else says.  You'll also need to provide us with your custom-tailored definitions of "intimidation" and "victory" (how you define "history" and "fact" would be useful as well) so we can understand your context.  You only gave us the white definition of "disengaged".  Why is that?


I know it's difficult to realize the truth sometimes.


Which truth?  Yours?  I would agree that it had to have been extremely difficult to realize your truth and that you probably worked very hard at it.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#131Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 8:55pm

Everybody's a little bit racist, especially on Broadway World! 

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#132Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 9:11pm

I've replied to almost all of these posts. How have I not read all of these posts?

The definition you have acquired is correct. yes. But it is only one component of what is actually comprised of racism. Are you denying the existence of the social construct of race? Again, I'm not providing custom tailored definitions. Perhaps in a community that chooses to live blissfully unaware and uninterested in progressing a healthy rhetoric regarding race, then, perhaps my definition may seem custom made. But in the eyes of an informed individual, then it does not. I suggest you reach beyond Fox News and the Merriam-Webster dictionary to assist you in your quest of understanding race.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#133Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 9:24pm

But only whites are...we'll call it "neo-racist".  Because they invented race, but are not a race, because non-whites cannot be neo-racist, ergo whites are not a race.  And we all know there is only one kind of white person.  Which sounds racist but it can't be because white isn't a race, so it must be neo-racist.  So when a non-white person makes a derogatory remark about another non-white person specifically based on their race, it's not neo-racism because there isn't a honky cracker around.  And that's not neo-racist because I'm white and I used those terms about white people.  And maybe because I'm gay.  Which isn't a race (but as a white person, I may decide to change that), but it is a minority (for now).  Of course, we'll have to wait to get a lesson in the useful brand new alternate etymology and definitions of "majority" and "minority".  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#135Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 9:36pm

White people benefit from racism, particularly of the systemic variety. Black people get put down in lots of ways that are invisible to white people. Whether or not you think the tone of Morisseau's essay is out of line, it's incredibly obvious (and, in fact, stated) that this is just one of many similar and entirely legitimate altercations involving her race, which stem from the systemic racism and white supremacy that our society takes part in.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#137Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 10:02pm

How have I not read all of these posts?


Well, if you read what I said, then you would understand.  You really should publish your new dictionary so people know what you think you mean.   


I suggest you reach beyond Fox News and the Merriam-Webster dictionary to assist you in your quest of understanding race.


I'm sorry you couldn't understand me.  You invoked Merriam-Webster.  I have plenty of resources and I've never watched Fox News.  But feel free to make assumptions based on your perceived generalizations.  You highlight your own hypocrisy better than I ever could.


But in the eyes of an informed individual, then it does not.


Well, it's obvious you believe that anyone who disagrees with you is not informed.  It doesn't make you right.  Just as there has been no victory for you, either big or small, in any way.  


Well, at the very least, you're not denying that you engage in this behavior.


You obviously believe this is indicative of something specific.  Well, at the very least, it's not.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#138Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/13/15 at 10:20pm

Examples of racism on BWW, including one where a poster decided to dedicate an ENTIRE thread regarding a black audience


How many more would you like?


Oh there are way more threads of people making racist remarks followed by the opposition of those remarks on BWW than that.  You didn't post all of them.  But then, I'm not sure why you did post them.  To what did you imagine it was a response?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 12/13/15 at 10:20 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#139Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 8:04am

In the fall of 2003, cousin Debbie went off to Wellesley (my father's sister's daughter). From the age of about 9, she had always been a real attention demander, generally trying to show contempt of others, which we all knew came from a lack of real self-confidence. She had gone through a princess phase, a Goth phase, an artsy phase - none of them particularly successful.


At her first Christmas break, after one semester of Psych and Soc 100, she came home for the holiday gathering and made a great nuisance of herself, accusing the rest of the family (including her mother, who finally broke down in tears and left the room) of being racists, fascists, and Fox News watchers. (This to a rather homogeneously leftie family.) She made it quite clear that she knew that she was vastly more evolved morally and psychologically than anyone else there. (She was also a lesbian during that visit, but before the end of that freshman year, she was pregnant, dropping out, and planning to marry the father of her child. That marriage lasted less than 2 years, her mother is now raising Debbie's daughter, and Debbie has been in and out of rehab and is now living on some kind of disability payments. Apropos of nothing).


If there's a point to this, it's that there are a great number of Debbies in the world, all hoping to make everyone else feel truly awful about themselves (in order to feel better [smarter, more moral] about themselves). But if you just wait 'em out long enough, they do tend to go away.

Updated On: 12/14/15 at 08:04 AM

Liza's Headband
#140Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 8:22am

Hey, Broadwaybelter. Maybe you should read this article... 


Stanford Daily Op-Ed: Everyone can be racist


Reading a scholarly paper that begins with the definition that “racism = prejudice + power” and concludes that “only whites can be racist” is, to say the least, an interesting intellectual exercise. After reading many of these papers, it seems as if these scholars commit the flaw of circular reasoning: they assume what they need to prove – that only whites can be racist – and tailor the definition of power accordingly. While there is not enough room here to extensively cover the derivation, at the core of the argument is the claim that only whites have power. Thus, for these scholars, an Arab state that degrades black people is not an abuse of power, as such a state falls under the broader influence of white, Western hegemony. And minorities, even the wealthiest and/or most politically connected, still remain powerless as white people established the system within which they operate.

hork Profile Photo
#141Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 12:07pm

Sadly, it's getting to the point where you have to stop caring what people consider racist, because it's meaningless. It's the new "offensive." Complaining about audience members shouting during The Color Purple is "racist"? Okay, so what? It's better to be thought racist than to be forced to restrict all negative comments or satire to the behaviors of white people only.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#142Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 12:52pm

That's right, Hork. 


And how's this for a scenario? Broadway Belter is attending a broadway performance. Someone behind him is kicking the back of his seat. Belter turns around to see that it is a black kid who's doing it. The kicking continues, but belter doesn't say anything because that would mean he/she's a racist. So Belter endures the kicking for the entire show.

Updated On: 12/14/15 at 12:52 PM

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#143Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 2:54pm

Everyone's a little bit racist but little white kids don't get shot dead by the cops you weirdos

haterobics Profile Photo
#144Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 2:55pm

Charley Kringas Inc said: "Everyone's a little bit racist but little white kids don't get shot dead by the cops you weirdos"


Neither does anyone in the theater. Stay focused, honey.

Kad Profile Photo
#145Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 2:57pm

This thread makes me almost want to slap many people.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#146Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 3:01pm

The argument is that "everyone can be racist" in a discussion relating to whether or not a black woman's self-defense is out of proportion to a real event that comes in a long line of what I am entirely sure are legitimate moments of racist aggression. To dismiss it as "everyone can be racist" is to dismiss the bigger picture, which is that racial tensions and the overall culture are stacked hugely against black people, who are made to constantly feel like outsiders. Morriseau's complaint is in response to the same problem that provokes a cop to jump out of his car and pump a twelve-year-old full of bullets.

Updated On: 12/14/15 at 03:01 PM

Michael Kras Profile Photo
Michael Kras
#147Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 3:10pm

You're missing a key distinction: People are describing behaviours that are direct disturbances unconnected from the show entirely. Morisseau explicitly says her vocal reaction was in reception to the work. She wasn't disrupting, she was engaging. There's a huge difference, 

Kad Profile Photo
#148Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 3:12pm

I just do not see how THIS incident- a pissy little spat at an off-Broadway theatre- is anything representative of the larger issues of race in theatre or in the country. To bring it to that point, a lot of assumptions and leaps have to be made; but the writer has framed it in such a way that questioning her account gets shut down (this thread is an example).

Even in the biased account of the blog post, I just don't see it as being anything more than a conflict between one woman who is passive-aggressive and one woman who is aggressive.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Kad Profile Photo
#149Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 3:14pm

"She wasn't disrupting, she was engaging. There's a huge difference."

But, by her own account, her engagement was disruptive to at least one person. Plenty of people, regardless of race, have been told to "laugh quieter" or "keep it down."

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
