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Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)- Page 8

Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#175Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 6:28pm

I mean, if you don't want to discuss it, that's fine.

Updated On: 12/14/15 at 06:28 PM

#176Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 6:36pm

Kad said: "Her anecdotes- all about older white patrons- are experiences that I, a middle-class white boy, have had with that exact same group. I have dealt with that group of theatre patron very closely in two of my past jobs. They claim seats that aren't theirs- ushers often are needed to dislodge them, sometimes only after much cajoling. They shush and fuss and gripe. She offers no evidence of any act or word that is unambigiuously racist in those accounts, other than the fact they happened and they happened to her, a black woman."



I think this is an important point to make.  Most people have no clue why individuals behave rudely towards them.  When you're a person of color in a space that is white and elite and those people are rude to you, you won't necessarily think that they are rude to everyone.  We all know racists exist, so when older white people are rude to African-Americans, unless you personally see them being rude to non-African-Americans, you might attribute their behavior to racism just as easily as you would attribute it to some other characteristic.  Does that mean that everything is racist??  No.



Jane2 Profile Photo
#177Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 6:40pm

If you call what we've all been doing in this thread discussing, then I have been discussing the entire time. It doesn't seem exactly like a discussion to me though, because many of us feel we've been unfairly accused of being racists. Perhaps if you gave sensible reasons for your accusations, a discussion could've taken place.


#178Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 6:49pm

I was accused of being racist in this thread as well, but I don't recall ever stating that anyone else was racist. That particular accusation seems to be going both ways.


For me the issue is how theatre can be more inclusive--the demographics of the United States are changing and many other modes of entertainment are trying to tap into different markets to stay viable.  I do think that it is tough to know what happened the day Ms. Morisseau attended the theatre and sat next to the older white woman.  But I think her Op-Ed raises larger issues about the theatre that can be discussed, independent of the two individuals involved.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#179Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 6:55pm

"but I don't recall ever stating that anyone else was racist. "


?? I was talking to Cringes.


#180Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 7:07pm

"Jane2 said: "Diva Prof said "Assumed income level because she didn't have her own ticket? " 




NO. NO ASSUMPTION was made. A question was asked.  My comments, if you are referring to me, come from not believing the whole story. She may have been the richest person on the planet. So why didn't she use a credit card? Why did she comment she didn't have the money because she hadn't received her "award winning" check? Oh, come on.




And, speaking for myself, is gum chewing assumed to be a black "thing?" You mean she mentioned gum chewing as a racist comment? I never heard that before. Most people I've seen chewing gum are white. You sound racist in assuming they are black."



Clarification, I was told in the post above that I SOUNDED racist.

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#181Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 7:08pm

Sorry if my incredibly tepid Avenue Q reference offended you.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#182Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 8:08pm

broadwaybelter said: "I am aware I intimidated you with by exposing your lack of resourcefulness and general knowledge of history of race in America. Well, at the very least, you're not denying that you engage in this behavior. I'll take the small victories where I can.



With respect, belter, your historical argument is confused. Neither race nor racism are "facts" in the scientific sense. They are social constructions that vary from society to society, based on who is in power, who has the greater numbers, etc. Read a history of Japan if you want learn about hundreds of years of racism without any Western influence until the mid-19th century. This isn't to say social constructions aren't "real", since they result in offenses from segregation to lynching, only to say they are constructed rather that inherent, and are therefore liable to considerable variation.


Most posters here are defining racism in terms of individual intent, which is another way to define it and perhaps seems the most common sensical. But Marxism--not a dirty word in my book--with its concern for group and relative power in relationships argues that racism is only worthy of the name when the group in question has the power to implement and enforce discriminatory policies. So, in the Marxist view, although a black individual may have derogatory feelings about white people, that individual doesn't have the power to act out those feelings in a significant manner. So s/he is not "racist" in the sense of group power dynamics, which is the central concern of Marxist ideology.


Since we were talking about two individuals, however, it shouldn't surprise us that most people are using definitions of race and racism based on individual intent. 


ETA: I have since seen that Liza's Headband quoted a source that summed up my remarks here quite nicely: "prejudice + power = racism". That is essentially the Marxist argument and it has its usefulness. But as others have noted, imposing group constructions on two individuals can be problematic, if not misleading.

Updated On: 12/14/15 at 08:08 PM

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#183Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 8:57pm

Like I've said multiple times, whether or not you think she's overreacting, she does indicate that her reaction is in line with a long series of similar, racially charged events. That's the important thing here, the cumulative effect of a structurally racist society. The concept of the microaggression isn't new.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#184Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 9:16pm

Kringas, like I've said multiple times, you and I are not on the same page. We're not talking about the same thing. Yes, of course there's racism in this country, in this world. No one denies that in this thread. I personally do not deny that a black person can be sensitive and "touchy."


However, I don't think that's what some of us are talking about. I know that at least a few of us took umbrage at individual accusations of racism. I don't want to repeat this again, and it seems like you don't want to address it.


I'm tired of this. Nite!


Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#185Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 9:19pm

Then what are you talking about? If you're "just" talking about a woman overreacting in a situation, then at least recognize that that overreaction comes from a serious and legitimate place. I don't know why that's hard.

Updated On: 12/14/15 at 09:19 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#186Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 9:22pm

O. M. G. 


I know I said good nite, but O.M.G.


Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
Jane2 Profile Photo
#188Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 9:29pm

Kringas, I don't know you but I think you seem like a nice guy. I'm going to end my time in  this thread with that thought! Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)


broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#189Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/14/15 at 9:31pm

What is whiteness? "The useful part of white identity’s vagueness is that whites don’t have to shoulder the burden of race in America, which, at the least, is utterly exhausting".

Again, who. created. the. social. construct. of. race. WHITE PEOPLE. White people have conditioned everyone else that such a social construct should exist, therefore creating a stigma among other races. The behavior all of you speak of the seemingly prejudice behavior between non-white cultures is a result of white supremacy. Again, white supremacy can exist in the absence of white people.

@NewInTown: Damn. It sounds like Cousin Debbie is calling you on your racist behavior. It's very easy to remain in your whiteness and engage in racism when your entire family and community continue to perpetuate this ideology. So what are a few tears? I'd rather have someone's mother cry than have an entire race of people constantly at the mercy of another. I would love to meet Debbie. She sounds like a sensible person.

"For white people, their identities rest on the idea of racism as about good or bad people, about moral or immoral singular acts, and if we’re good, moral people we can’t be racist – we don’t engage in those acts. This is one of the most effective adaptations of racism over time—that we can think of racism as only something that individuals either are or are not 'doing.'

In large part, white fragility—the defensiveness, the fear of conflict—is rooted in this good/bad binary. If you call someone out, they think to themselves, “What you just said was that I am a bad person, and that is intolerable to me.” It’s a deep challenge to the core of our identity as good, moral people."

A great read that describes the antics of most of those posting in this board:

@KAD: I cannot accept that we can deem another audience member's reaction invalid. I cannot. It is no secret that a majority of theater is comprised of white people. Approximately 80%, if not more. It is safe to say that the behavior that has been deemed acceptable has been shaped by an audience that is primarily white. Any behavior that deviates from the norm of whiteness--as demonstrated in the article we've been discussing--causes audiences to become uncomfortable, angry even because their comfort zone has been challenged. It is also no secret that Black audiences tend to be more vocal when attending the performing arts. I'm not saying all black audiences engage in this manner, but it is certainly a cultural tendency. By choosing to remain complicit with whitness and shushing patrons who are responding to theater in a truthful, emotional manner is racist. 

I'll respond to the other posts when I have another moment. I am not saying any of you are bad people. I'm not. This is a very healthy and necessary discussion we need to have. Racism has gone on far too long and just recently people of color have gained traction to FINALLY speak up for themselves in large numbers. People of color are finally calling out what some posters may deem innocuous jokes about black audience members. By continuing those jokes, you reinforce stereotypes.

hork Profile Photo
#190Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 2:12am

"Race" and "racist" are just words, just symbols to which we arbitrarily assign meaning, like any other words. They have different meanings based on the context and intent in which they're used, but they mean nothing by themselves. White people may have created the social construct of race, but you, broadwaybelter, are perpetuating it by assigning culturally learned behaviors to specific races, and making it into an "us" versus "them" situation. Being a vocal audience member, or being a silent audience member, have nothing to do with race (which doesn't exist), they have to do with culture and social customs. Some behaviors are acceptable in a certain milieu, others are not. I don't go to a movie theater in Baldwin Hills and expect to have a quiet movie experience, for instance, and that's fine. It's understood that people will be talking to the screen at that theater. Likewise, I don't go to the ballet and expect to be able to shout things at the dancers. There are social rules specific to every institution and individual locale that have been developed through decades and centuries of habit and mutual agreement.


Now, I have no idea if the award winning playwright's behavior was acceptable or not. I wasn't there, don't know the show, etc. But if anything, this was a culture clash, not a racial incident. You began your last post by asking what is whiteness, and then went on to refer to the "norm of whiteness," as if there is one normative behavior for being white. I find that a little troubling. Even Charley admits that this one incident is not what's important, that it's the cumulative effect of racial aggressions that's what's really the issue here. It's possible Jane misread or misunderstood the show's intent and the acceptable audience behaviors for it; it's possible she's just easily annoyed (made more probable by the gum comment) and lashed out. It's also possible Dominique wasn't aware of her own behaviors and the annoyance they might cause in others. But to unequivocally slap on the "R" word to this situation and dismiss it as whitey being elitist is not productive. It doesn't address the issue, and in fact shuts down conversation, because it automatically puts Jane in the wrong when what is needed is an agreement on what went wrong in this particular social situation, what caused it, and what both ladies should have done differently.

Liza's Headband
#191Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 8:53am



Also... Approximately 80%, if not more. 


Do you have any legitimate data to actually back up this ridiculous number?

tazber Profile Photo
#192Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 10:04am

Charley Kringas Inc said: "Like I've said multiple times, whether or not you think she's overreacting, she does indicate that her reaction is in line with a long series of similar, racially charged events. That's the important thing here, the cumulative effect of a structurally racist society. The concept of the microaggression isn't new.



It does make one wonder if she's had so many similar situations in theater* maybe she, as a person - not a black person, really doesn't understand how to behave.


*assuming these situations are all theater related because if not then the quoted comment has no bearing on this discussion.

....but the world goes 'round

Jane2 Profile Photo
#193Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 10:09am

I'm sorry, but I'm not swallowing the story. Some of it doesn't make sense to me.



newintown Profile Photo
#194Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 10:16am

broadwaybelter wrote "I would love to meet Debbie. She sounds like a sensible person."


Oh, good. I was concerned that my point may have been too subtle, but it appears that you got it. I'll try to pass your message on to Debbie, but she's pretty much avoided by everyone these days (except maybe her meth dealer, depending on where she is at present in her addiction cycle). She's rather toxic, you know. (But of course you know!)

Kad Profile Photo
#195Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 10:55am

"I cannot accept that we can deem another audience member's reaction invalid. I cannot. It is no secret that a majority of theater is comprised of white people. Approximately 80%, if not more. It is safe to say that the behavior that has been deemed acceptable has been shaped by an audience that is primarily white. Any behavior that deviates from the norm of whiteness--as demonstrated in the article we've been discussing--causes audiences to become uncomfortable, angry even because their comfort zone has been challenged. It is also no secret that Black audiences tend to be more vocal when attending the performing arts. I'm not saying all black audiences engage in this manner, but it is certainly a cultural tendency. By choosing to remain complicit with whitness and shushing patrons who are responding to theater in a truthful, emotional manner is racist."

I never said it was invalid. Just, to other people, disruptive. And if someone finds it disruptive, it is well within their right as an audience member ALSO seeking to respond and engage in their OWN truthful, emotional way to politely ask for consideration.

And your entire argument hinges on the assumption that she was hushed because of her race- when, even in her own retelling, very little indicates, unambigiously, that is true.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Jane2 Profile Photo
#196Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 11:06am

I said I was done with this thread, but this gets me angry- providing this is a true story - 




You have no business making that accusation unless you are living inside  her  mind. Period.


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#197Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 2:06pm

I never said it was invalid. Just, to other people, disruptive. And if someone finds it disruptive, it is well within their right as an audience member ALSO seeking to respond and engage in their OWN truthful, emotional way to politely ask for consideration.?


You'll need to request the neo-racist definition of "disruptive".  It probably says something like only whites are capable of being disruptive.  Or that engaging in a performance cannot ever be considered disruptive to any white person for any reason. If the white person is unable to hear what's happening on stage due to another person's engagement, it is the white person's fault.


And your entire argument hinges on the assumption that she was hushed because of her race- when, even in her own retelling, very little indicates, unambigiously, that is true.


You have no business making that accusation unless you are living inside  her  mind.


But Kad and Jane, without mind-reading and assumption, how would you tell everyone they are all racists? 

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 12/15/15 at 02:06 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#198Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 2:40pm

Kind of sad this is the longest thread about Playwrights Horizon, and it has nothing to do with any of the great work they put onstage...

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#199Award Winning Playwright Almost Slaps a Theatre Patron (and what that apparently says about our theatre)
Posted: 12/15/15 at 2:59pm



Oh, I know.


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
