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the show that got you hooked- Page 4

the show that got you hooked

#75re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/6/06 at 10:52pm

I guess technically it would have to be "Wizard of Oz" the movie. I probably watched it everyday when I was a toddler. But the theatre production that got me hooked was Phantom.


#76re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/6/06 at 11:01pm

Well, a lot of shows got me interested, but only one got me hooked, and that was "West Side Story". When I was 6, I was in a summer workshop in which we learned songs from musicals and put them to dance. Anyways, the songs we learned were classics from "West Side Story", "My Fair Lady", "The Sound of Music", "Oliver" and other older musicals. I fell in love with a lot of the songs, so I made my mom buy me the cast recordings of all the shows we were doing songs from. I liked them all, but the one I loved the most was "West Side Story". I saw the movie a little while later and loved it even more. I was a totally obsessed theatre dork from then on.

James885 Profile Photo
#77re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/6/06 at 11:02pm

The show that got me interested in musical theatre was the touring production of Beauty and The Beast. I saw it at the Kennedy Center when I was around 11 or 12, and it blew me away.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

alterego Profile Photo
#78re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 12:45am

When I was VERY young in the sixties here in Melbourne I saw CAMELOT. It was designed by the wonderful John Truscott, his designs were used in the Drury Lane London production and later the movie (for which he won an Oscar). I don't remember much about the show but I remembered the sets! Although I saw many childrens pantomimes growing up I didn't see another musical until the English musical CHARLIE GIRL starring Dame Anna Neagle in 1972. Well, that was it (I think I saw it 7 times in six months). next up was NO, NO, NANETTE (with Cyd Charisse/Yvonne De Carlo) 10 times. Then GREASE, TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA, PIPPIN, IRENE, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, GYPSY and so forth.

My first trip to New York was in 1978, I did 10 shows in 7 days. You could say I was hooked. (Though I have to admit I lost faith for a while in the 1980's/90's) during the era of CATS, PHANTOM, LES MISERABLES, MISS SAIGON. Updated On: 3/7/06 at 12:45 AM

Sandy in Sable Profile Photo
Sandy in Sable
#79re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 1:03am

Gospel and R&B led my family to Dreamgirls, and that's pretty much where we stayed. :>
But I'll never forget when the touring company of Chicago came to D.C. when I was high school. All the theatre kids were talking about it ("Yo, that's Lilith!"). I was drawn to the dark sexiness of it, I always associated musicals with "cheese" up until that point.
Updated On: 3/7/06 at 01:03 AM

wishinguweresomehow Profile Photo
#80re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 1:10am

Phantom of the Opera...I was like 2 when the show opened and I had the entire album memorized by the time I was 4...dancing around the living room pretending my teddy bear was the phantom, I thought I was sooo cool. But seriously, when I finally got to see it, I was hooked for good.

re: the show that got you hooked

"Not everyone can come and go by bubble"

#81re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 7:04am

"West Side Story". Of course I had seen the odd musical before that, but I purchased WSS on tape on a whim one day (it was cheap) and listened to it and listened to it and listened to it some more.

The show now proberly wouldn't rank Top 10 for me (I have discovered so many brilliant shows over the years it will be next to impossible to do a Top 10 list that wouldn't be revised daily because I had forgotten a show or increased the rating of another). Anyway, it may not be Top 10, but it will proberly always be my number one sentimental show.

MTQ Profile Photo
#82re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 8:52pm

Listening to the My Fair Lady OCR when I was 7.

Watching Peter Pan (Mary Martin) on TV (don't remember my age).

The film of West Side Story when I was a young teenager.

First live show on Broadway: Cabaret (original production) when I was 18. I took "Wilkommen" as a personal welcoming to Broadway. I sat in the last row of the Imperial Theater; the ticket cost $2 (thank you, Hal Prince) and I saw Cabaret six (6) times before going to see any other show.

#83re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 9:03pm

Ever since I remember, I've enjoyed musicals. When I was six years old, I came home from school one day and my mom had rented every single Rodgers and Hammerstein movie musical they had at the video store, along with Singin' in the Rain, Hello Dolly! and Show Boat. I watched a few, and I liked them, but I didn't love them. I saw a lot of musicals when I was younger, but never the one that got me hooked.

Then, when I was in sixth grade, I saw the movie version of Chicago and I was hooked. The movie was so vibrant- I had never seen a movie like it before. The movie made me even more interested in theater than I already was, but I was more interested in acting in movies as a career than Broadway.

December '04 I saw my first Broadway show. It truly made me appreciate the musical as an art form and its the only thing I want to do know. It was Wicked. I understand that there are other musicals besides Wicked- it isn't my favorite musical or anything, but I was going through a period of depression at the time when I saw it, and for the first time, there was a heroine that I could actually relate to, who wasn't a typical ingenue. I wanted to go back the next day and see it again. It was one of the hilights in my life.

There's a lot I am not certain of...
Updated On: 3/7/06 at 09:03 PM

sanda Profile Photo
#84re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 9:07pm

Les Miserables

I was 24, first came to this country and watched my first Broadway show.

I have never imagined a show that I hardly understood the lyrics could touch me so deep.

leon1489 Profile Photo
#85re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/7/06 at 9:44pm

So totally random, but Fame in Español... haha. It was a touring company that went around when I used to live in Venezuela, and basically it was the same show that they have here, only in Spanish. I just remember the quality of the production being amazing, and that I fell in love with the show. Even though it's kind of a crap show, I love it because it's the show that made me want to be in theatre.

Funny story - So I misunderstood what "Can't Keep it Down" meant, since I was like six, so I thought it was about making noise, as in "Ah, I make so much noise because I'm partying all the time." So I would sing it loudly in public, and in front of family ALL the time, but in reality, the song is not so much about noise.

#86re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 1:10pm

I have been hearing musicals since I was little. Sweeney is one of the first I remember hearing, and I grew up on the movies of The Sound of Music and Annie. But the musical that cemented my love for theatre came many years later with Wicked.

"I wouldn't let Esparza's Bobby take my kids to the zoo...I'd be afraid he'd steal their ice cream and laugh."- YankeeFan
"People who like Sondheim enjoy cruelty."-LuvtheEmcee

Pippin Profile Photo
#87re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 1:27pm

titanic was my first broadway show- loved it.

then a year later I went back and saw ragtime with the OBC. and that's when I was hooked for the rest of my life.

"I'm an American, Damnit!!! And if it's three things I don't believe in, it's quitting and math."

Barihunk Profile Photo
#88re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 1:37pm

June 25, 1978 - Carol Channing and "Hello, Dolly" at the Lunt-Fontanne. The writing was writ large on the wall...

"When you're a gay man, you have to feel good about yourself when a urologist says, "Yeah. I pick you". - Happy Endings

veryownplanetz Profile Photo
#89re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:18pm

my parents took me to see Annie and that was it. Next was probably Les Mis or Phantom... I knew after those shows I loved Broadway and I wanted to become an actress

justagirl2 Profile Photo
#90re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 2:57pm

The King and I. After my family saw a production of it, I made my mom and my sisters watch the movie with me every single day. I also went around saying "Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." No wonder I'm not their favorite.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#91re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 7:15pm

PBS' broadcast of "Into The Woods."

Becky2 Profile Photo
#92re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 8:04pm

I saw Phantom of the Opera for my eighth birthday. Sandra Joseph was Christine - enough said. :)

MissElphie Profile Photo
#93re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 8:21pm

I became obsessed with Phantom at like 7 and learned every word and acted it out for people and for no one in my bedroom. That show made me love musicals and want to be in them.

caitlincanfly Profile Photo
#94re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 9:27pm

I'd have to say Wizard of Oz. I was about 2 or 3, and my temporary goal in life was to be Dorothy when I grew up. (Who am I kidding, temporary. Dorothy is still my dream role.)

Since then, my love of musicals has spanned to at least 40 more, my list of favorites starting with RENT and Wicked and undoubtedly ending with The Sound of Music.

Seeing RENT on...FRIDAY!

#95re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 9:36pm

I happened to see the cast of Hairspray perform "You Can't Stop The Beat" at the Tony's years ago, and that, in my mind, is the song I heard that got me interested in Broadway. From there, I went and looked up what this 'Hairspray' thing was, and got instantly hooked to EVERYTHING Broadway.

But on the same note, I was introduced in 7th grade to Rent (that was 5 years ago). I heard "Tango: Maureen" and "La Vie Boheme", and was interested, but not enough to get me to be a Broadway junkie.

#96re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 11:47pm gives me a bit of a sense of maturity to be able to give an answer with at least some perspective when some people have such recent shows/people (NLB on the Tonys -- not that that's not a valid moment for being "hooked").

Anyway, I fell in love with the movie of "The Sound of Music" as a child, and that's what I'd ultimately cite as the first window for me into the world of musicals, though "Singing in the Rain," "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," and "Calamity Jane" (and its delightful lesbian undertones) were also great movies that got me hooked.

The show that first really hooked me in as a slightly older kid was "Sweeney Todd" a local children's theatre writer recommended the cast album to me, and I was hooked for months and months, and it's still one of my favorites.

As embarrassing as it is to say, the Disney musicals ("Beauty and the Beast" and "The Lion King") were the first musicals I saw on Broadway, and they definitely sparked me to go see more and more shows ("Seussical" and "Annie Get Your Gun" next).

#97re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/8/06 at 11:59pm

TheaterAddict7652 -- It's sad that you have to be so defensive about "Wicked"! As much as some of us (me as well) get annoyed at people who only like "Wicked," we have to remember there are people like you (and me) who like the show, but who aren't limited to seeing Broadway as Wickedville or something like that (forgive me). I'm glad the show brought you through tough times. I know a few people myself who used Elphaba as a role model during times of depression, and I think that's one of the greatest things about the show.

buffyactsing Profile Photo
#98re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/9/06 at 12:02am

Passion and Sunday In The Park With George. I was bored the first two times I watched both of them, but guessed I must be missing something because others liked them. By golly did I.

"This ocean runs more dark and deep than you may think you know...I'll be the fear of the fire at sea." -Marie Christine

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#99re: the show that got you hooked
Posted: 3/9/06 at 6:59am

42nd Street tour. It was an amazing feeling to be inside the theater. My first cast album was the year before, Beauty and the Beast, and since then I had been collecting more albums. But 42nd Street was the first show I saw and I remember just being wowed by the tap dancing. I was 15 years old. Too bad I didn't "discover" Broadway at an earlier age.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
