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Profile for Urban

Member Name: Urban
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Gender: Male
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Occupation: Wannabe Ski Bum

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Showtunes that evoke nostalgia and maybe a little regret?
 Sep 21 2020, 11:01:16 PM
For me it has always been "The Next Ten Minutes" from "The Last Five Years"
Favourite Phantom?
 Sep 21 2020, 10:54:22 PM
Anthony Warlow.

Its a shame there never was a cast recording with him and only those snippets on the Anniversary CRs.

What shows will we never see again on broadway
 Jun 19 2020, 12:34:00 AM

In My Life


As somebody that is interested in obscure or half-forgotten musicals, the one that comes to mind is The Redhead - even though it won Best Musical and 3/4 Musical Acting Awards. Some shows are just so wrapped around one person (in this case Gwen Verdon), it would be bloody hard to remount with somebody else (okay not impossible, but highly unlikely short of a triple threat with the name recognition of say... Beyoncé willing to do it).

To be caddy...
 Aug 30 2012, 08:11:49 AM
When I saw him a few years back in "Who's Line..." I was pleasantly surprised Sid Ceaser was still around.

And in terms of writers, Harper Lee is still alive and kicking.

Have you ever been at a show where someone had to leave mid-show?
 Aug 22 2012, 08:47:30 AM
The only one I saw was Wicked where Amanda Harrison left at intermission to be replaced by Jemma Stevenson (who I previously saw in a matinee performance).
10 performances a week??
 Aug 22 2012, 08:41:26 AM
Easy answer - it is clear all those French Canadians just sold their souls to Satan.

Your Favorite
 Aug 22 2012, 08:32:01 AM
Even though it is only about sevenish minutes long, mine is "The Next Ten Minutes" from "The Last Five Years".
Lack of good musicals upcoming...
 Aug 22 2012, 08:30:39 AM
Matilda is the biggest thing to hit the West End in years. I cannot imagine it not being as good on Broadway.

I couldn't get even a single seat when I was there in June. In terms of popularity it is like Wicked multiplied by Book Of Mormon.

The reviews from critics and the public alike have been nothing but down right stellar and glowing.

Plus don't be put of by it being 'family fare', if it is even a smidgeon like any of Dahl's works, including its own source m

Information about Titanic the musical
 Aug 21 2012, 06:10:14 AM
The Australian production unfortunately closed way to early, not because of reviews or lack of ticket says (both where actually pretty good), but the sheer cost of the production IIRC totally outweighed any potential revenue earner.

It was annoying to me, because I was planning to fly up to see the show at some point (in fact i remember seeing a large advertisement for it on the side of the QPAC building in Brisbane).

Thanks for the Youtube link though!

INTO THE WOODS Cast Recordings
 Aug 13 2012, 08:59:12 AM
In a bizarre way, I say go revival first only because - and to quote Vanessa Williams - save the best for last!

That was it for me - I brought with the Revival CR first and it was the starting point for my obsession into the show, and thus after then buying the OBCR, I had one of those rare beautiful moments were... an awesome show just got even better!

Oh the revival is still quiet nice in a lot of the ways people have previously mentioned (Benanti, Williams et al) though I do really skip over any of the Baker's Wife songs these days (which is a shame because some of Sondheim's better wordplaying is in a few of those songs).

It really is just nails on chalkboard for me to listen to the Baker's Wife being done on the Revival CR, especially in light of knowing how brilliantly Joanna Gleeson shows how it should be down in the OBCR. Joanna Gleeson has just plain spoilt me. Hehe

I've also been lucky that I have (somewhere anyway) a very high quality live recording of the Sydney Theater Company production from the mid 90s which starred almost a whose-who of Australian Theater Royalty. Thus a forth English Cast to at least compare to.

CHESS Revival?
 Sep 22 2011, 07:50:45 AM
I will say a local community theatre production of "Chess" I saw a few years back gave me much unintentional amusement that still makes me chuckle to this day.

I actually like the show and have a soft spot for it, but when Anatoly looks like he is 20 and BOTH Svetlana and Florence look to be on the wrong side of 50... I am suprised I didn't stop the show with all me giggling at the thoughts of Anatoly being a granny-chaser every time one of the combinations appeared on stage...

Mame: the motion picture extravaganza
 Aug 24 2011, 01:46:27 AM
Didn't Lucy also throw alot of money into the movie or something to the point where they had to accept her?
How Far Would You Travel To See Your Favorite Show?
 Aug 1 2011, 08:53:50 AM
You where in Melbourne and you didn't call Lizzie? I could've got a real life barb in person! :)

Well I've occasionally here going to a suburban production. These days it depends on the theatre group - some I know are good and I have no problem revisiting - others are known awful and I'd avoid.

Saying that I've been to London and seen shows and will be in NYC in September - so I guess I will be travelling around the world to see a show :) Granted I ain't going to either place s

New Poll: What Would You Like to See Next from GLEE?
 Jul 31 2011, 05:42:11 AM
Considering a number of other shows have successfully spread one school year over two seasons (Degrass (original), Beverley Hills 90210 & Sabrina, The Teenage Witch are three off the top of my head), I am suprised they didn't try that here.

Instead we will get Saved By The Bell: The New Class.

I doubt will get past season 4.

New Poll: Who Would You Like to See as 'Fanny Brice' in the Revival of FUNN
 Jul 21 2011, 04:46:45 AM
Drag Queen Tammie Brown (best remembered from RuPaul's drag show competitions), I actually think has the perfect 'look' of Fannie Brice. Yeah, can you imagine, lipsynching on a Broadway stage to Barbra? :)
Choosing who to watch with
 Jul 19 2011, 09:21:06 AM
Thankfully I have a select small group of people (okay two or three!) I regularly see shows with. And even if one of us isn't a fan of a show we see we often have interesting and enjoyable conversations about it afterwards - so I guess with those to people even bad shows work! :)

As to everybody else - the phrase of YMMV is really the only thing I can think of. From friends who where so theatre ettiquette rude that I wanted to slap them to others where we had a fun night out, it often d

MJ wanted to play the Phantom
 Jul 4 2011, 08:13:54 AM
That 10 year old boy still would've given a better performance then Emmy Rossum I think!
What I don't get about People seeing BoM multiple times
 Jul 4 2011, 08:12:46 AM
I can't even imagine seeing a show enough times to get into the double digits. I saw 'West Side Story' three times and by the third time that was enough!

Though more power to thoses that do I guess, definately not taking anything away from one who gets pleasure from it.

Shows that have won best musical but were not particularly good?
 Jul 2 2011, 08:48:14 AM
Err... my comment about 'Starmites' was a joke. Seriously - little smilie face :) and all. I thought it was pretty obvious... oh well
Shows that have won best musical but were not particularly good?
 Jun 29 2011, 09:37:19 AM
Maybe that poster was a big 'Starmites' fan...
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