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Profile for lizzie1326

Member Name: lizzie1326
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re: Worst Show You've ever seen..
 Apr 2 2006, 09:48:39 PM
Cats. I was 6 and so excited to see it. Well, I convinced my parents to take me home at intermission I was so bored out of my mind. At least they were free tickets so my parents didn't really mind.

(Normally I would never walk out at intermission during a show, but I was only 6 at the time and really didn't know any better.)

re: the show that got you hooked
 Mar 6 2006, 11:01:28 PM
Well, a lot of shows got me interested, but only one got me hooked, and that was "West Side Story". When I was 6, I was in a summer workshop in which we learned songs from musicals and put them to dance. Anyways, the songs we learned were classics from "West Side Story", "My Fair Lady", "The Sound of Music", "Oliver" and other older musicals. I fell in love with a lot of the songs, so I made my mom buy me the cast recordings of all the shows we were doing songs from. I liked them all, but th
re: Best Cirque du Soliel Show?
 Feb 16 2006, 01:50:13 PM
I've only seen two, "O" and Mystere, and out of those two, "O" was better in my opinion. It was amazing!
re: Which Sondheim Musical are You?
 Jan 25 2006, 11:23:46 PM
re: What was your most recent cast recording purchase?
 Jan 24 2006, 08:51:03 PM
The Color Purple. I also pre-ordered the Sweeney revival when I was at the show last month. So I should be getting that soon.
re: International Thespian Society
 Nov 29 2005, 07:00:46 PM
I am! We just started ours this year, and I was one of the 20 members that got inducted in our first ceremony that we had in October!
re: One question, Yes or No answer (about RENT)
 Nov 28 2005, 05:33:58 PM
re: so who is currently working on/in a production?
 Nov 27 2005, 06:07:26 PM
Just finished playing a ghost in "The Legend of Sleep Hollow" at the end of last month, and I am now starting rehearsals for "Into the Woods", in which I am playing Little Red. I am excited!
Rent Attendance Anecdotes
 Nov 27 2005, 06:01:30 PM
I've already posted here, but I got to go to the movie for the third time today, and I wanted to post here again.

Anyway, this audience was the best out of the the 3 I have been a part of. There were actually like 3 other RENTheads in there instead of just me. The audience was really respectful, and I think they enjoyed it the most out of the three audiences I have been a part of. They were laughing at all the funny stuff, and a lot of them cried. At the end, I heard people who obvi

re: Fredi's on for awhile
 Nov 25 2005, 09:37:22 PM
Hi Fredi! I just wanted to pop in and say that I think you are awesome! Sadly, I was too young to see the OBC of RENT, but I listen to the cast recording all the time. I also think that it is awesome that performers like yourself are a part of this message board.

Anyways, I would love to stay and chat, but I have to go do something with my family. Hopeully I can come back later!

 Nov 25 2005, 09:19:10 PM
Yea, I actually enjoy it more if I see it alone. I mean, it's nice to see it with other people, but most of the time the people I would go with I would have to explain what is going on. If I'm alone, I can just watch it and enjoy it and be completely immersed in it. I'm glad I got to see it alone earlier today, because it's an amazing experience. And I'm glad I didn't have anybody to laugh at me when I cried (like my mom did). I mean, my mom loves RENT, but she was laughing at me while I wa
my viewings..........
 Nov 25 2005, 06:01:32 PM
Just got back from seeing it for the second time. Anyways, I live in Avondale, Arizona, which is a pretty conservative city lying in a conservative state.

The first time I went, on Wednesday, the audience turnout was about 3/4. It was a diverse group of people, aging from about 5 year olds to 50 year olds. They were a respectful audience for the most part, except during the "Tango: Maureen" when Maureen kissed the woman. Somebody yelled "Ewwww!". That was pretty much the only disre

re: Musicals that you hated the first time you listened to it, but gave it
 Nov 14 2005, 09:25:17 PM
The Last 5 Years. When I first listened to it, I hated it and didn't listen to it for a while because of that. But recently I decided to listen to it again, and I am starting to like it. I don't love it yet, but I like it. :)
Welcome Back, Anthony!
 Nov 14 2005, 09:16:38 PM
Hey everyone! I've been a lurker for a long time, and for some reason I just decided to post today!

Anyways, my name is Liz, and obviously I am a fan of Anthony Rapp. The first thing I ever saw him in was Adventures in Babysitting, and that's pretty much when I became a fan of his. I didn't see him in RENT live (because I was only 6 when it opened on Broadway), so I am very excited that he is in the movie so I can see him in that!

Well, I can't think of anything else to

re: What are you working on?
 Oct 19 2005, 02:01:33 AM
In rehearsals for a student directed one act of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".
re: Once on This Island
 Oct 5 2005, 09:02:30 PM
I love the show! I sang a couple songs from it a few years ago and my high school did it last year and I think it is an amazing show.
re: Who's on your RENT Soundtrack Cover?
 Oct 2 2005, 03:35:13 AM
I had a choice between Mimi and Mark, and since one of my friends wanted the CD, I bought both and took the covers for myself. My friend doesn't know who any of the characters or actors are (she only likes the music) so she wouldn't care that I took both covers.
re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
 Aug 28 2005, 12:57:20 AM
Yay! Thanks for letting me use it! I am putting it in my LJ userinfo at this moment, and I'm definitely crediting. :)

And it would make an AWESOME t-shirt. My mom just bought a ton of t-shirts for me to put on iron-ons of theater related graphics I have made, so I may just print that out and put it on a t-shirt!

And the Assassins soap opera thing that was on your LJ was hilarious! It was one of the best things I have ever read

Never ask a lady her age.
 Aug 25 2005, 08:58:40 PM
Fifteen for 128 more days. I turn sixteen on January 2nd!
re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
 Aug 23 2005, 09:03:37 PM
Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in a long time. School has been keeping me busy, I haven't had much time to come on here!

Anyways, Sarah, that is an awesome colorbar! Can I use it in my LJ userinfo?

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