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musical theater/colleges

wicked4good2 Profile Photo
#0musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 1:51pm

i'm thinking about minoring in musical theater or double majoring in musical theater and 3d computer animation. however i'm having some problems finding a school where i could do both. does anyone know of a school that has good programs in both areas? and maybe one up north around NJ, NY, the new england area?

"It is a curious thought, but it's only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them."

#1re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 2:49pm

sorry cant help u

"Let the little girl go, and that poor little dog? Dodo." That's my favorite line in the whole show (Wicked). My next favorite line is "Oh! It seems the artichoke is steamed."

Merrydothe Profile Photo
#2re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 4:51pm

Wow thats tough. You could do Westminster Choir College in Princeton,NJ and take the computer classes over at Rider University-that might be possible. Although the college is choir and ensemble based, its great for voice and the Music Theater program is growing every year! Just a thought...
Westminster Choir College

#3re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 5:07pm

Check out the University of Hartford/Hartt School of Music. It is a conservatory within a regular University. The music school is very competitive (at least it was when I went there many years ago). They have a good business school, too.

#4re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 5:32pm

You should definitely look into NYU if you can afford it. There is no other place that offers a conservatory type training AND a really amazing liberal arts background. They have a entire school dedicated to computer science and it is very feasible to double major. I went there and had a really amazing experience, not to mention really good training!! Everyone will have their own opinion but spend some time looking into Tisch!


#5re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 5:45pm

NYU has an excellent computer science department in the College of Arts and Science but I'm not sure what is offered in 3d animation. That's usually something you'd take at a tech type school. Generally, most MT programs do not allow for a minor, just a major.

Roses,for MT, Tisch is definitely one of the 'Ivy's' but you wouldn't be able to double major in MT and CS, although you could do a minor in CS if you were in Tisch. NYU is not the only place to combine great conservatory training with academics. UMich does the same. Updated On: 11/2/04 at 05:45 PM

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#6re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/2/04 at 7:43pm

Its nearly impossible to major in something and musical theatre (BFA). Musical theatre is a very demanding and time comsuming major---and most schools want a student who is commited only to that.

However, it is possible to do a double major in like a BA in Drama or something, b/c it isnt so course specific.

wicked4good2 Profile Photo
#7re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/3/04 at 10:47pm

would it be possible to major in musical theatre/drama of some sort and minor in a computer science?

"It is a curious thought, but it's only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them."

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#8re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/3/04 at 10:51pm

I'm not depends on the school. All I know is that most colleges are very selective, and very strict.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#9re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/3/04 at 11:13pm

My daughter is a music theater and music education double major and will be a five year program. Her school encourages incoming MT freshmen to consider a double major with either Music Ed or Vocal Performance. A lot of thought appears to have gone into making those combination workable.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

edenespinosalover Profile Photo
#10re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/3/04 at 11:15pm

Your daughter is majoring in BOTH?! I've always heard most schools won't let you do that because the 2 majors are so demanding. If you don't mind me asking - what school does she go to?

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#11re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/4/04 at 12:14am

Anyone who wants to double major (note: not minor) in two subjects is killing themselves. I would seriously consider if they indeed want tobe in the musical theater business. By double majoring, you are taking away important time needed to develop your MT skills. answer the question that's comming..I'm sure you or your daughter handle it just splendidly. But the point much time are you able to spend in the practice rooms EACH night. No..not ever other night or every day or so. And how are you going to juggle 18 units a semester? What if you get cast in a show? A minor is whole different ballgame that can be done eventhough it will probably take 5 years to graduate.

The MT business is just that..a business. You need to devote your full attention to one major in order to be good. And even in this business..good is not always enough. I would also carefully examine any school that allows you to fully double major.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#12re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/4/04 at 12:56am

EElover....I will answer via PM.

Mr. T... I'm sure that what you say is true in many cases. With the particular school and program that she has chosen, it seems to be working well...for her. I think that by looking around carefully, people can find a school that meets specific needs and interests, and doesn't kill them in the process. There is quite a bit of overlap in the courses required by the two majors in my daughter's program. It is similar in concept to majoring in musical theater in NYU's Steinhardt School of Education. It might be less feasible to attempt a less synchronized duo such as MT and computer animation, but I see no harm in exploring the possibilities.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10
Updated On: 11/4/04 at 12:56 AM

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#13re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/4/04 at 1:29am

You should explore all the options.

However, bottom line: Any college that allows you to major in a music program and another program does not offer a top notch music program.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#14re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/4/04 at 1:35am

Not always, Mr. T.

Oddly enough, the program she attends is in a well-respected music school, where one would be hard pressed to find a better music education.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

#15re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/4/04 at 7:28am

iflitifloat it's odd that you won't name your daughters school here. You must not be too sure of the musical theater program or you'd say what school it is. Youre right mr. T, I agree with you, Any college that allows you to major in a music program and another program does not offer a top notch music program.

#16re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 5:03pm

After reading this, I couldn't help but stick my nose in. Admissions officers at NYU have told me repeatedly that it is possible to double major in musical theatre (Steinhardt or Tisch) and something else of your own choosing, and as far as I'm concerned, NYU's musical theatre programs are most definitely top notch. If I've been grossly misinformed, then please forgive me, but I've been told that it's possible to do such a thing on multiple occassions by various people.

But if you kiss me,
If we touch,
Warning's fair:
I don't care
Very much

#17re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 5:08pm

I can't imagine a school would care too much how many years you take classes there for.
Check out any University. They are big enough to have both a theater and a solid education program. UCF (my school in Orlando) for one has a pretty good theater program and a computer science department second only to Poly Cal Tech.
Do you want to minor or double major in musical theater because you love it, or because you really want to persue it as a career. You might want to be careful. I love theater dearly but know I won't have a good career in it, thus not majoring in it.

Broadway_Bound_Star Profile Photo
#18re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 5:17pm

I was thinking about double majoring too... but it will kill me, I won't have any time to do anything and I will have so much homework But a good musical theater college/university is University of Michigan, it is perfect.

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#19re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 5:56pm

Many colleges will allow you to double major. The big question is why would anyone put themselves through that? Do you really want to be in college for seven years to get two degrees? Do many colleges care? No. They're getting you to pay for two degrees so they're making the money.

But what are you as a student paying? You paying with your life. As I mentioned above, the incredible stress and time constraints that a student like this would go through is incredible. No matter how wonderful or talented your child or you are, it aint' worth it. The money you spend on two degrees will be follwed by even more money spent on medical bills.

There are several music schools that will not allow you to do a music double major and good for them. They're obviosuly concerned about a student's well being.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

FOCI Profile Photo
#20re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 7:16pm

"Anyone who wants to double major (note: not minor) in two subjects is killing themselves. I would seriously consider if they indeed want tobe in the musical theater business. By double majoring, you are taking away important time needed to develop your MT skills."

Mr. Tuttle, while I semi-understand your reasoning I disagree wholeheartedly. yes, it will be a tremendous chore to doble major but a peron should not have to consider if they indeed want to be in musical theater b/c of this...they are just being practical. I believe strongly in having a backup in case you get out there and go wait I don't want this or you can't get jobs or for whatever reason it doesn't work out. I feel like this is saying to those kids who want to be pro athletes "Why are you going to college and studying something other than sports? You need to seriously consider if you want to be in athletics then!!!"

"I guess she is one very confident girl who feels if you see it, it shall be. I hope she sees a room with a piano player and a bunch of scary middle-aged queens sitting behind a table, talking to each other as she auditions!!" -Marc Shaiman on Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#21re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 7:40pm

Showstopper....I'm not being specific because I am uncomfortable discussing my child, in any detail, on a message board, especially when some people who are prone to making broad, sweeping, judgemental statements make me feel defensive and I can't defend her choices without talking about her. I hope that makes sense.

I'll be happy to answer questions privately. I'm very pleased with the program she's chosen. I think it was a good choice, for her, and she is thriving. But I am not comfortable debating or justifying it in a message board forum.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10
Updated On: 11/5/04 at 07:40 PM

#22re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 7:44pm

Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario not only has the best music theatre program in Canada, but also has the best animation program in Canada.
Although both programs are so intensive that there is no way you could possibly do both.
So I guess that wasn't much of a help.
*drinks mojito*

RockyRoad Profile Photo
#23re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/5/04 at 9:05pm

I totally agree that it is not a good idea to double major while in music school.

I did this a few years ago and it was a nightmare! I didn't have time to practice and learn things for music and acting class. I didn't have the time to be in shows. I couldn't brush up on my dace combos for testing.

I 100 % agree that a serious MT performer should take the time to study and that being in another program is too distracting. I find that people who have a double major in music are not serious about doing MT. They enjoy it but are too afraid of failure that they have to get another degree just to be safe. Then why even go for a MT major if you're not committed? In this business you have got to want to be a performer 100 % of the time. If you don't, then it's best that you quit now. No career option is a safe one..even banking, business, education, law.

And, just like peformers, you know if you want to be a professional athlete. People who are playing at second string colleges know that they are probably not going to the majors, but they still play. If you wanted to persue being a professional athlete, you would have taken steps long before college to prepare for that career.

#24re: musical theater/colleges
Posted: 11/6/04 at 12:10am

I know someone said this already, but seriously look into NYU... a lot of the counselors will tell you that it's not only a good idea to double major, but it's encouraged. One of my friends is in the MT program in Tisch and he's doing a double major and seems to be doing just fine... it's a matter of drive. I say go for it... screw em if they say you can't do it and prove them wrong :)
