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JCS Previews Thread
 Mar 21 2012, 11:03:25 PM
Just back from seeing tonight's performance with my daughter. We both have an inexplicable fondness for the show and were anxious to see how this stood up to the last go-round on Broadway. It doesn't actually open until tomorrow, but I doubt much is going to change in the next 24 hours.

Jesus has a nice voice, but no charisma that would explain his inspiring a following and I thought the choreography was just awful. The one performer who really delivered was Jeremy Kushnier as Judas. H

The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
 Aug 19 2011, 12:14:11 AM
The bottom line is, fair or not, something like this is bound to follow him around and bite him in his professional ass from time to time. I've seen him a bunch of times, and agree that he is talented. But so are a lot of others. I learned a long time ago that EVERYONE is replaceable.

I wish him and his family well, but I can't really feel all that sorry for him. Sometimes we make mistakes that will change the course of our lives, no matter how sorry we are about what we did.

 Aug 18 2011, 11:58:48 PM
Just a fly by to mention that Fourteen Flights is absolutely worth an extra trip downtown and the 2 1/2 hour running time investment, even on a work night. (OK, I'll be honest. I called out sick the next day...but still...)

It's one of the strongest stories, and among the most skilled and charismatic acting I've seen at the Fringe this year or any other. And I'm still mulling it over; it really packed a wallop.

I have tickets for Julie Taymor and Yeast this week. Looking for

 Aug 13 2011, 11:11:50 AM
Since I don't have the ability anymore to edit (when did that happen?) My two previous posts refer to Metaphorical's posts immediately preceding mine...Chagrin and Cobu.
 Aug 13 2011, 11:06:06 AM
What a way to end the night! I love dance, but more often than not I tend to tolerate drumming (scarred by early exposure to unnecessarily lengthy drum solos a la Iron Butterfly during my formative years, no doubt) when it goes on for more than a couple of minutes.

No problems with THIS drumming. Or dancing. It was mesmerizing, precise and focused with flawless choreography that seemed to have hundreds of variations.

I'll recommend this without any reservations. It's a perfect

 Aug 13 2011, 10:57:34 AM
What he said. Except to add that, as an Ohio native, I can say with some authority that no one from Chagrin Falls has an accent anything like Seymour's. It took away all credibility from everything that came out of his mouth.
 Aug 13 2011, 10:53:33 AM
I responded well to Rachel Calof, in no small part because I am fighting situations (mostly medical) that are beyond my control at the moment. That being said, I would be uncomfortable recommending to someone I didn't know well, because the story itself has a flawed construction (articulated nicely further down in the thread).

I thought the actress (Kate Fuglei) portraying the title character in this solo show, could easily win a prize for her performance, even in a weak vehicle. She'

 Aug 12 2011, 10:44:18 AM
I look forward to this every year...and it truly is a potluck smorgasbord of the good, the bad, and occasionally, the ugly...of a wide range of theater.

On my agenda for tonight:
Rachel Calof 5:15
Chagrin 7:15
COBU (dance) 9:45

Anyone else going to anything tonight?

has anyone ever done a high-colonic irrigation before?
 Jul 30 2011, 02:22:07 PM
I've given a few in my time.
Do not use H & R Block for your taxes!
 Jun 22 2011, 08:48:43 PM
I think our H&R Block tax preparer pretty near walks on water. The first year she did our taxes, it had been an eventful year, and we walked in owing a LOT of money. Sara Pierce (who can be found at the office on 3rd Ave between 78th and 79th for those looking for someone extraordinary) spent her own time researching how to make things work out better, and in the end, we got a refund.

I think it's about the individual you end up with rather than the company sucking.

Anyone watching The Fools debate on CNN?
 Jun 13 2011, 10:17:08 PM
We only lasted about 20 minutes.
Anyone watching The Fools debate on CNN?
 Jun 13 2011, 10:17:00 PM
We only lasted about 20 minutes.
Happy Birthday Miss Pennywise
 Jun 11 2011, 07:46:14 PM
Celebrate! Here's to a terrific birthday and a great year ahead!
'Why I No Longer 'LIKE' Tracy Morgan'
 Jun 9 2011, 04:26:54 PM
Really disappointing.
Why doesn't he just change his Weiner???
 Jun 2 2011, 01:23:52 PM
Because even if he changed it, it would be a matter of public record and he'd still get made fun of. Tough name. But it IS his.
Words With Friends on iPhone
 Jun 2 2011, 12:57:27 PM
Haven't heard of it...but am going to try it now.
 May 31 2011, 08:09:14 PM
Confession: all this time in the recaps when someone mentioned the girls hanging out at Posches, I misread it every time and thought that Kim G (or whatever ABC it is) was a car salesperson.
RHoNY premiere- so Alex is a model now?
 May 27 2011, 08:57:13 AM
Their behavior in another county and culture was SO embarrassing. Ramona and Sonja are just narcissistic entitled bitches who can't deal with the fact that they are middle aged. The "countess" and her "dahling" thing (when did THAT happen...I missed last year...) is obnoxious.

And I've always despised people who talk about the "help" or the people who live somewhere as if the were stupid and didn't exist. The look and semi-eyeroll on the maid's face when Ramona was unpacking said it al

RHoNY premiere- so Alex is a model now?
 May 21 2011, 12:43:14 PM
The thing about Kelly is that we really don't know how she is with her friends because all we see are the fake "friendships" of the show.

Sonja just plain sickens me. There are few things more pathetic than a woman who treats every man as a sex object... especially at her stage of life. And after the vagina flash on the dining room table, try telling me that she didn't intentionally forget the petticoat of her costume last week.
She disgusts me.

And Ramona is a narcissis

BRIDESMAIDS..a triumph for vomit and feminism
 May 15 2011, 07:15:49 PM
Saw it today. REALLY funny and it manages to keep you rooting for the protagonist no matter how big of an ass she is being. Wiig's awesome.

And usually the use of the c-word pisses me off, but it was perfect here.

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