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Why Idina?

#0Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:05pm

Idina is so immensely popular with the theatre, and especially preteen/teen crowd. My question is... why? Is it the Elphaba thing? The fact that she played a main role in such a popular musical? But it didn't get that way with her after RENT first opened, did it? Is it because she's pretty, because I think she's gorgeous, and a lot of other people do too. But why would that constitute her as a role model. I'm a fan and all, but I'm confused as to why so many people seem to gravitate to her and be so obsessed with her. What is it about her?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#1re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:07pm

Her three most notable roles are from RENT, AIDA, and WICKED. Three shows that have young teenage fanbases.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#2re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:10pm

Well, she screams as loud as she can and she's really good at it, so she deserves special recognition for it.

...and I think Maureen was a good part for Idina.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#3re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:12pm

The age group that's sort of "adopted" Idina since Wicked has a large percentage of kids who identify with Elphaba, as the outcast. For the most part, they're even younger than what seemed to have been the majority of Rentheads in the first place. She's pretty. She has talent. (I said it, so shoot me.) It looks like the craze that's come over about her lately has to do with people who discovered her in Wicked and then in turn discovered Rent, not the other way around. She's *good* but I think it's the association with the show, when you're talking about a good lot of her (young) teenaged fanbase. I'm talking like... 13 year olds.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Just_John Profile Photo
#4re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:22pm

I really don't think she deserves it at all because shes not a very nive person.

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#5re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:25pm

Personally, I think she has a lot less talent than most actresses in the theatre world today - but she's done roles in shows that have huge fanbases.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#6re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:25pm

Oh, here we go.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#7re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:25pm


How do you know? Do you know her personally? How actors behave at the stage door has nothing to do with their real personality, whether they are friendly or stand-offish.

In any case, I think that she has her appeal, but her babyish pop voice has its limitations.
Updated On: 6/7/06 at 08:25 PM

gustof777 Profile Photo
#8re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:42pm

She's great and i have been a fan of hers since her Wild Party days...I think she's a great actress who unfortunatley got blown into something HUGE that she could never manage to live up to. I loved her in Wicked but I really REALLY loved her work in things like See What I Wanna See and The Wild Party. Personally I could care less about her stage door persona...w/ all her freak show fans I would be stand offish as well to say the least.

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

HighlyUnrealistic Profile Photo
#9re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 8:55pm

If you've heard any of her solo music, I think THATS why some people(outside the teenybopper Wicked fanbase) see her as a role model. Her music is very down to earth and it makes you feel like shes a real person, with real issues too. It's refreshing and inspiring.

"You know who I think is sexy? Robbie Hart." "You think the 'Time to Make the Donuts' guy is sexy."

#10re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 9:01pm

I liked Idina since Wicked (don't kill me)I saw it only a few days after it opened and I really liked it her.No not crazy like her but she's good. Anyway I don't really understand the whole Idina craze either. She was playing a part as Elphba why did everyone freak out about her?She is NOT elphaba she is playing a role. Really these Wicked fans need to stop it's really freaky.I went to the last performance of See What I Wanna See and there were girls who were wearing wicked shirts and had wicked posters. I was even scared and big suprise she didn't come out of the theatre to sign autographs.I wanted to meet her but I understand why she didn't come out. And people who say she isn't nice at the stagedoor come on wouldn't you be in the least bit annoyed coming out of the stagedoor to know there are at least 50 pre-teens screaming "LiKe OmG I LoVe YoU LiKe So MuCh IdInA...YoUr LiKe My IdOl"

"Men hate the things they fear and they fear those things which they do not understand" Susan Kay's Phantom.

Illegally Blondish Profile Photo
Illegally Blondish
#11re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 9:03pm

I actually quite enjoy her solo music... I wish she'd do more of that and less of Wicked.

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#12re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 9:30pm

There's something so amazing to young girls about the whole "belting" thing. Personally, I don't like the word belt. It reminds me of the word belch. And "belting" is only nice when done correctly (see Maria Friedman..).
But to young girls, some girl screaming it out on stage is inspiring and awsome. Trust me, I used to be one of them. Not for Idina mind you, but I always thought belting was AMAZING. But then I got some voice lessons and fell in love with sopranos.

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."
Updated On: 6/7/06 at 09:30 PM

#13re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 9:30pm

"Well, she screams as loud as she can and she's really good at it...".

That's my impression as well. I don't get her. In the film "Rent" she had a man and a woman fighting over her. I couldn't figure out why. And that screaming screeching yelling
"performance art" song was awful.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

iHeartMyGeek Profile Photo
#14re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:08pm

I used to think that was "OMG best singer EVAR!" but honestly...I dunno. Maybe it is the screaming thing, the power of the voice. It's not that I hate her, I do think that she's an exceptional artist most definitely and I do enjoy her in everything she's done but I think it might be her stage presence more than anything else. She sees so alive and bubbly or something. I dunno, that's just the impression that I get.

"I can't figure out what kind of life this is, comedy or tragedy, I just know it's showbiz. And what if I don't agree with the lines I have to read? They don't pay me enough, the way I see it."

bella cantato
#15re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:11pm

She's undeniably talented, but I think what makes her more of a draw than other actresses that might attract young girls (Kelli, and Sutton, for example,) is her vulnerability. She's just so damn vulnerable on stage at times (seen more in Elphaba, and her concerts) and I think that really endears her to the audience.

"You know, a little orphan girl once told me that the sun would come out tomorrow. Her adopted father was a powerful billionaire, so I supressed the urge to laugh in her face. But now, by gum, I think she might have been on to something!" --Reefer Madness

ahimsa Profile Photo
#16re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:13pm

Did you happen to catch her Today show duet with Trisha Yearwood on 5/31. Trisha sang first, and quite nicely. And then Idina sang. She sang rings around Trisha! It was crisp, it was melodic, it was powerful yet controlled. I was there and I was awestruck.

I'm not getting on the bash Idina bandwagon. I want to throw her a parade.
Updated On: 6/7/06 at 10:13 PM

jewishboy Profile Photo
#17re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:35pm

If you saw See What I Wanna See at the Public Theatre then I think you would ave more respect for her. She belted out the dramtic and jazzy songs, but was able to be very refined through her voice and really, did not waste a moment on stage. And I was most blown away by her acting during SWIWS.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#18re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:36pm

i love this thing that Idina does.... it is called gasping for air.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#19re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:42pm

I'm a huge fan of Idina's and have respected her work since I discovered her first solo CD not too long before Wicked came about. Personally, while I think as far as some technical things acting-wise and vocally she can improve, she's one of the most talented performers around today. Her connection to all her work always seems utterly geniune, heartfelt, vulnerable and she really layers her acting roles and makes some really interest choices. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the artist that she is. I think what she may lack in petty mechanics (minor, at the most, anyway) she makes up for in substance of her performances.

To be perfectly honest, though, while I know a handful of others who also truly respect her work and always have, I can't help but get the feeling that the craze over her is more because of the teenage facination with Elphaba and belting than it is because of a fascination with Idina's talent.

I also think that the over-zealous fans turn a lot of people off from Idina, which is a shame, because I truly think she's undeniably talented and the hatred towards her on this board wouldn't be so bad if some of the fans were a little less "OMG she totally deservd the tony becuz she belts a high f every nite and thats SO HARD."

Updated On: 6/7/06 at 10:42 PM

#20re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:51pm

Could Diggs be part of it?

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#21re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 10:52pm

If I cared more about what people thought I'd be afraid to say that I have a lot of respect for her, think she's fabulous and was blown away by her work in See What I Wanna See.

I own her solo albums and I think they're beautiful, honest, and moving.

I also agree that I cringe every time I see one of "those" posts about her because that just makes it that much harder for people to enjoy her when the insanity is just...

Anyhow, I'm not cool enough to jump on the "anti-Idina" bandwagon - if I like something and it becomes "popular", I'm just going to have to suffer through the repricussions of that.

And I'll see anything she does. I think she's beautiful onstage. She's got this really quiet dignity that's developed over the past year or two that is very calming to watch.

And I think PART of the reason people are so insane about her is how open she is at things like her concerts. She just comes right out and talks to the room like it's full of her friends - which is refreshing, but I think some of the younger fans then feel like they actually know her - vicious cycle.

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight

#22re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/7/06 at 11:35pm

I agree with what everyone's said here- she's very talented. She's a very good actor and has a beautiful voice, and I have a lot of respect for her. I'm a fan of all of her work- I own both her solo cds as well as the recordings of the show's she's been in, except See What I Wanna See, which I've been meaning to buy since it came out, but I haven't had the time/money. I could go more in depth about why I like her, but everyone else has said why already.

Why is she so popular? She's had major roles in two extremely successful musicals that appeal to a lot of people. I think that many people, especially teenagers, aspire to be like Maureen, since she is a character who is not afraid to be who she is. Elphaba is a role that I think everyone can relate to at some time in their lives, and especially during middle and high school, a lot of kids feel like an outsider. She has a huge young fanbase because both Rent and Wicked have appealed to preteens and teenagers and both Maureen and Elphaba are roles that these people can look up to and admire.

There's a lot I am not certain of...

kmbrlee8252 Profile Photo
#23re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:38am

Too add my 2 cents...

Honestly, I am a big Idina fan. I've seen quite a bit of her work from The Wild Party, to Wicked to See What I Want to See. And while I enjoy all her work, I think it's her solo albums, her concert performances and her smaller theater work that really attracts me. I saw her in SWIWS and was left amazed, she was truly incredible in each role, from the larger 'Wife' character to the significantly smaller 'Deanna' role.

I think that most (notice I say most) of the television interviews she has given has left audiences with a sense of her poise and personable nature. Also, I think her stance on topics such as interracial marriage, AIDs, etc. endear her to many people. She appears as a very down-to-earth, real, emotional, non-judgmental person. And while this attracts so many people, especially emotionally needy teenage fans, it repels others who don't want to be part of a 'fad' or be part of the 'popular concensus'. And while that's fine, I don't feel that it's right to criticize others' opinions because people don't want to be percieved as 'uncool' and can't on a very basic level even admit that she is talented or beautiful.

In response to those who criticize her stagedoor behavior or interaction on the street, really, how would you feel if you couldn't walk 2 feet out a door without being accosted by screaming kids, crazy adults, etc. Not to mention, any person she comes across could be one of those 'psychos' that send her death threats because of her marriage. Like my mom always said, "Until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes..." you know the rest.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#24re: Why Idina?
Posted: 6/8/06 at 12:40am

"Into every generation, one girl is born. She is the chosen...."

Oh, right, That's Buffy.

But it's the same thing. It's a generational thing. Every generation has had someone that teenage girls adore far beyond the norm. Sinatra and the bobbysoxers in the 40's, the Beatles in the 60's. Those doofus boybands in the 90's. What's really nice is to see young girls showing this much affection for a girl for a change, instead of some flavor of the month male singer.
