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Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh- Page 3

Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh

freeadmission Profile Photo
#50re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:25am

According to and my own personal knowledge:


A derogatory name for a person of Italian origin. Historically stood for someone "WitHOut Papers" thus the term WHOP.

Those ****ing whops are at it again. They tried hitting on my girlfriend! Can you believe that ****?

Watch out for them whops. They like to cause trouble

Techinically, calling an Italian a "guinea" is worse.

Updated On: 8/29/05 at 12:25 AM

homosezwhat Profile Photo
#51re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:29am

Can you tell I'm avoiding work?
I've honestly never seen it spelled with an "h" before.
I've only ever seen the non-h version.
huh. learn something new every day.

From Merriam-Webster online

Main Entry: wop
Pronunciation: 'wäp
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Italian dialect guappo swaggerer, tough, from Spanish guapo, probably from Middle French dialect vape, wape weak, insipid, from Latin vappa wine gone flat
usually disparaging : ITALIAN

freeadmission Profile Photo
#52re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:31am

I've seen it both ways. Mainly "wop" because it makes more sense. LOL

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#53re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:32am

one more
rod in avenue q: sweet...suffering...JESUS!

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

homosezwhat Profile Photo
#54re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:41am

back on track.

DRS - Joanna Gleason's ever so underplayed
vocal and physical double take as the statue's ass comes into view.

Altar Boyz - When Tyler as Mark meets Matthew and Matthew asks him if he has done anything different with his hair and Tyler does this coquettish sort of hair flip, head tilt, look at Matt through his hair. Always got me.

Caroline or Change - When Rose turns to the audience and says:
"Other people's maids are so much nicer."
and when the kid sneaks in the bit about Barbie dolls...loved that!

homosezwhat Profile Photo
#55re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:44am

also, Jonart reminded me, in Avenue Q, When there's that long, horrible pause, and Christmas Eve finally says: GOD...DAMMIT! Ann Harada is a goddess.

PerforMeg Profile Photo
#56re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 1:13am

Bat Boy: "Sweet Wounded Jesus!"

overthemoon419 Profile Photo
#57re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 3:18am

EVERYTHING john jellison says in ASU. i've been shushed for giggling.

terrence mann's "son of a B!" in Lennon.

"and a mountain's no place to raise cows"..."and don't kill mrs. taylor's kids" from Bat Boy

the sponge from DOV. if you've seen it, you know.

mark price, in ASU: "dental school!"

"It's not for sissies, contrary to popular belief." - Tommy Tune, on musical theatre.

My avatar: Yummy, no?

#58re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 8:10am

In Spamalot during Won't Succeed on Broadway when they yell out "Hey" and a bushel of hey is dragged acorss the stage.

kasim Profile Photo
#59re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 9:25am

In spamalot> when the one king starts yelling directly at the orchestra guy to stop. I just laughed my ass off at the expressions the conductor gives :)

and i guess this isnt tiny, but the whole "Adolph ELIZABETH Hitler" in the procuders.

#60re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 9:48am

I love the "big pencil" bit in DRS - I actually almost bought a giant pencil when I was at Disneyland to send to Greg (but sadly I didn't...).

I also love the "Escargot?" "Goodness no!" line in "Here I Am"
Maybe it's funnier to me because I absolutey love escargot. re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh

There are a lot of funny bits that I love, but when asked to think of them - I seem to draw a complete blank. re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh


"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#61re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:42am

I can't think of anything I've seen in person at the moment (though there have been very amusing Wicked things..but we won't talk about those)

but on the Little Women cast Our Finest Dreams, where Jo is talking about her stories it goes like this:
JO-" you all know I've been writing stories forever. With much satisfaction. And people seem to like what I write"
BETH-"We Love it, Jo."

LMAO..I love how she says absolutely...just me?

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

freeadmission Profile Photo
#62re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:10am

No. It's not just you. I laugh EVERY time. There and when Megs says, "Jo, do I die AGAIN in this one?" and Jo responds in that morbidly-pleased voice, "yes..."


I LOVE it!

#63re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:22am

In Gypsy when Mama Rose is "assisting" during the "Dainty June and her Farmboys" number. It cracks me up every time.

In Carousel, when Carrie is discovered with Jigger by her husband, "...he was carrying me into the woods..."

#64re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:29am

SpamAlot-Tim Curry's facial expressions, the French guards who don't understand French, Prince Herbert and his father's conversation before Lancelot bursts in(But mother, Father I'm father; Look Alex, Herbert, Herbert), and Tim Curry asking "Are There any jews here?.

All Shook Up-Chad expressing his love for Ed; "And I'm in Love with Ed.... But I really liked Ed...Look maybe once and awhile you can put the hat and stuff back on, and we can both spend some time with him."

The Producers-The Blue Blanket scenes(Hunter does it the best, in my opinion), Adolf Elizabeth Hitler, Carmen's arm as he leaves to get Roger(Brad Musgrove does it the best, in my opinion), and the "I tell you when we are in too deep" running gag.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels- The lyrics "The fashion plate I'll date will give me hummers in my hummer", Ruprechet especially "Who saves up all his farts in a mason jar", and the Ruffhousin mit Shuffhausen(Dr. look he's soo happy he's crying).
"Sometimes weird stuff happens. Someone has to deal with it, and Who Ya Gonna Call?"
-Ghostbusters II

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#66re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:37am

Greg's pencil joke in DRS killed me and was my favorite joke in the show even before I absolutely adored him...

Freddy-So what do ya say?


Andre-Oh, you can't be serious! You can't afford a distraction!
Lawrence-Why not? Maybe a distraction is exactly what I need!
Andre-Listen, if you want a rollercoaster ride, I'll take you to the fair. I'll even buy you a pencil!

Lawrence...-A pencil?

Andre-Yeeees, they sell these big pencils th-I don't know!

Greg's facial expression in that is PRICELESS.

xxnewgirlxx Profile Photo
#67re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:40am

To add to the DRS "Great Big Stuff" moments, I love the robot-dance during "Guccione on the phone, he got a party goin' on..."

And Spelling Bee's "unfortune erection..."

And for some reason I loved the "I've been thinking..." "Yes, I've heard..." line in Wicked.

#68re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 1:59pm

When Trekkie Monster says "for porn" after Kate Monster says "Internet is Really Really Great!"

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

One Song Glory
#69re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 2:30pm

In Spelling Bee when William Barfee says 'That's retarted' that made me laugh.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

MagicToDo82 Profile Photo
#70re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 3:55pm

"My own personal Zamboni." - Because I know if I had a gazillion dollars, I would do dumb stuff like buying a zamboni.

There's always room for pathos - and jazz hands.

#71re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 4:36pm

"Princeton! Look! I caught the bouquet! Actually, some little girl caught it...but she wasn't very strong!"

It's the singsong voice that does it, man.

I must agree with whoever said Leif Coneybear's "I fell" in Spelling Bee. I basically died right there.

And Norbert's jerky bit in DRS. Dang. THAT is dedication.

#72re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 7:31pm

I must agree about the pencil and the beef jerky in DRS. Amazing.

Pippin - During the Finale, the Leading Player's line to the pianist: "Take your damn hands off that keyboard."

Miles: Build the pyre!
Pseudolus: Whoa! A pyre? What kind of pyre?
Miles: A pyre of fire!
Pseudolus: Oh, a fire pyre..

The Last Five Years - The song "Summer in Ohio" - "gay midget named Karl" and "former stripper and her snake. Wayne."

Sunday in the Park With George -
George: I hate that tree.
(the tree disappears, and a few minutes of other stuff takes place)
Mother: (walks on, looks around confused) Where is that tree?

freeadmission Profile Photo
#73re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 7:42pm

Speaking of L5Y: "Since I can't **** her anyway!" the way he says that all disgruntled like makes me laugh EVERY TIME.

BroadwayBettini2 Profile Photo
#74re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 8:13pm

I saw Jekyll and Hyde on HBO (the version with David Haselhoff). I have never seen a funnier show in my LIFE!

There was a part in the first transfirmation where he says something along the lines of "Slight feeling of......Euphoria", and he starts looking all high on crack! And then he starts laughing, and all of sudden out of no where he yells"OH DEAR GOD!!!!!" In a horrible fake high british accent. As he says the line his Leg goes up in the air. My friends and I almost peed out pants we were laughing so hard.

Another part of Jkyll and Hyde was right after the first turned into HYDE. He gets up from the floor with this monkey look on his face, turns with a glare and actually galres at the camera. I am actually laughing right now thinking about it.

And another Jkyll and Hyde David Hasselhoff moment was during the song Alive he yells AAAAHHHHHHH, and his hand goes in the air raps around and he literally grabs his buttocks and screams. It was worth watching for that moment.

"You gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for?" -Bernadette Peters SUPPORT ALL SHOOK UP!!!

#75re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
Posted: 8/29/05 at 8:54pm

basically everything in spelling bee kills me, but here are some:
the slow motion thing, when Barfee is spelling a word with is foot, in slow motion, he spelled it right, and then all of a sudden it's reg. time, and he goes "i know"

the i fell thing-i almost fell out of my seat laughing

"if you take the silent w from answer, the h from ghost, the extra a from aardvark, and the t from listen, you could spell 'what', but nobody would ever hear it." is that it?
