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Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba- Page 4

Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#75Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:11am

This is sad.

Not what everyone is discussing. Wicked is cool beans and so are all of you. But it's sad that nobody notices that they've been conditioned to think like producers when discussing an upcoming film or revival of a musical.

Thinking like a producer seems like the smart thing to do, considering they are responsible for enabling musicals to be adapted for a film version or for the opening of a revival on Broadway.

But it gives me the willies. This adopting of a point of view that is centered on anything but art these days, and is responsible for misguided casting in certain shows involving merry murderesses and revivals, which should aim to at least meet the quality of the original casts. To make that point of view the default where fans should be basing it on factors closer to the art form?

I mean, again, I'm not saying we shouldn't ever engage in convo featured in this thread but I also don't think we should adopt that mentality so much, that we shoot people down for having suggestions that don't include Hollywood A-list celebrities. Getting to the point where a lowly Broadway actor's name as a suggestion for a role in a film adaptation is WRONG? Es muy triste. =(

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

BroadwayStar4 Profile Photo
#76Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:16am

And just because you think that Les Miserables will make Samantha Barks a huge mega-star doesn't automatically mean that is going to happen either.

Oh, but of course it will. That is if Les Miserables becomes a big hit. Eponine is a great character who sings one of the most memorable songs in the musical. If Samantha does a good job, then she'll get some recognition. It sure worked for Jennifer Hudson.

As for Emmy Rossum, Phantom DID make her into a star, but her biggest mistakes were rejecting some amazing movie offers, releasing an album that flopped, and even took a whole year off for no reason but to relax at the beach. The girl just made some terrible, terrible career choices. Her show, Shameless, is doing really well though.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#77Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:34am

I should haae gone with my first instinct and not read this thread.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

#78Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 3:48am

Phantom did not make Emmy famous to anyone who didn't see the movie. It never reached higher than 4th on the box office charts. It was a financial disappointment in the US, while doing better over seas. For those of us that do know her for that movie, most of us were horribly disappointed by her poor performance which is the likely result of piss poor direction by Joel "I Killed Batman" Schumacher. Taking the role in Phantom may have done more harm than good. Fortunately, she disappeared long enough for people to forget about that performance. Now she is doing quite well.

While I do enjoy Samantha Barks, we have no idea how this film will do outside of the theatre community. We have no idea how the live singing will go over. We have no idea how well Sam can act on screen in a film, which is quite different than acting on stage or in a televised concert. She could do quite well, she may even be amazing, but right now we have zero way of knowing.

Anna Kendrick has a very recognizable face. She has been in a number of popular movies. Her acting is critically acclaimed and has been nominated for multiple awards. She has several upcoming projects that many are keeping their eyes on. She can sing quite well. Oh, and she is cute and quirky. If she were to try for the role, she would have a much better chance at getting it than Samantha Barks. At the same time though, Sam beat the very popular Taylor Swift for the role of Eponine, so anything can happen.

BroadwayStar4 Profile Photo
#79Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 5:18am

I followed Emmy's career at one point. After Phantom came out, I remember she wasn't the best in choosing projects, like choosing Poseidon (which flopped) over The Devil Wears Prada (which succeeded). I guess it's a good thing she "disappeared" for a while even though she kept trying to get back on track, but she was just always failing.

Now this Anna chick, I tried to look for clips of her singing on Youtube. I barely found some, but from what little I've heard....I don't see the big fuss over it. Her voice just doesn't sound very Elphaba to me. I was thinking of a slightly rougher voice. Anna's is more sweet and pop-ish.

Updated On: 7/30/12 at 05:18 AM

JulesReverie Profile Photo
James885 Profile Photo
#81Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 8:32am

it seems like the Les Mis movie will be a guaranteed hit. The teaser has gotten a positive response, it's directed by an Oscar winning director, the film contains a ton of talented celebrities, and it's a big budget movie based on one of the greatest musicals of all time.

We won't know until it comes out. The words 'guaranteed hit' were both used in regards to the Phantom and Rent films, both of which were based on popular, well-known shows. There have been tons of movies that were predicted by fans and the media to be huge hits, but then bombed both critically and at the box office.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 7/30/12 at 08:32 AM

finebydesign Profile Photo
#82Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 1:48pm

There is no way Les Mis is a "guaranteed hit." It is a HUGE gamble and unlike Wicked, it does not appeal to a large audience. I know Les Mis is a popular show, but I'm not sure it's all that appealing to the masses. I know a lot of people think it is a boring piece to begin with.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#83Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 1:53pm

I mean, again, I'm not saying we shouldn't ever engage in convo featured in this thread but I also don't think we should adopt that mentality so much, that we shoot people down for having suggestions that don't include Hollywood A-list celebrities. Getting to the point where a lowly Broadway actor's name as a suggestion for a role in a film adaptation is WRONG?

"Getting to"? Hollywood's held that point for nearly 70 years in most Broadway film adaptations.

Well beltingbaritone, that was before I knew Anna was "famous", since I never saw Up in the Air or heard of this girl until today.

Sorry you missed the boat on Anna Kendrick, but it doesn't mean everyone else did. Her first Twilight film actually came before her biggest breakthrough in Up in the Air, so the other Twilight films sound like she continued to fulfill commitments while pursuing other projects (including the much-admired Scott Pilgrim vs the World and 50/50) which she still continues to do. And given what she has coming up (as well as not even being 30 years old yet), I don't see any evidence that she's "peaked".

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 7/30/12 at 01:53 PM

best12bars Profile Photo
#84Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:13pm

I have no idea whether Anna Kendrick would be in the running for the film, whether she would want to play Elphaba, or whether she'd be good in the part. She can act and she can sing, certainly well enough to play it. She's a little short physically, though, clocking in at just five feet. That can be cheated to a degree on camera, but it's hard to be menacing at such a petite size without a lot of "cinematic" help. (Yes, Margaret Hamilton was just 5'1", opposite a 4'11" Judy Garland, so it can be done depending on the height of the entire cast.) Anna also still reads very young and could play a late teen if she wanted to (not that she does). I hope they don't cast the leads in Wicked too young. That would be a mistake, I think.

But the perception that Anna has "peaked" or that she's not well known or sought-after in Hollywood is way off. The fact that you haven't ever heard of her before says more about your awareness than it does about her budding career.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 7/30/12 at 02:13 PM

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#85Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:23pm

Remember, they have to play college students on screen (which matters more than if it were in a massive theatre). I wouldn't mind Lea Michele of she worked with an acting coach do she could learn how to act for the camera. Still on topic of GLEE, I wouldn't mind Darren Criss as Fiyero. If it were five years ago, I'd have loved Justin Timberlake as Fiyero!

As much as I love Anne and Amanda, I feel like they might read as too old. I'm of saying that they are old, but I'm not sure if I believe Anne Hathaway as a college freshman. If SMASH were more popular, I'd totally be down with Megan Hilty for Glinda, although she's already played the role (I saw her in L.A. in 2008 - great job!).

If she could sing it, I'd be fine with Taylor Swift as Glinda.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

Wynbish Profile Photo
#86Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:24pm

Jules, I will always think of that scene when I see Anna Kendrick. RISE!

best12bars Profile Photo
#87Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:35pm

Remember, they have to play college students on screen (which matters more than if it were in a massive theatre).

I'm hoping they try to show more passing of time in the second part of the story, but I have a feeling you're right and they won't.

Years are supposed to have passed after their college days when Nessa rules Munchkinland, etc. Actually, in the novel, Elphaba is supposed to be 37 when she "dies." The same age Margaret Hamilton was when she played the witch in the MGM film. I realize the time has been condensed for the musical, but I hope they don't come off as high school kids. That would sink the drama and trivialize it for many moviegoers, IMO. I hope they at least read mid-20s on screen (and act like it). They stand a chance of getting adults in to see it as well, then. Otherwise, you're looking at a "high school musical"/Glee audience at the multiplex.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 7/30/12 at 02:35 PM

#88Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:37pm

Hold it. I've got a few questions from page one: (1) Why does anyone think Sutton Foster doesn't have the lung power to perform this role? (2) Why does anyone think Samantha Barks DOES have the lung power to perform it?

I doubt that Samantha Barks will get a fame boost from the Les Mis movie. But Sutton is definitely getting more recognition from her TV show even if I can't understand why anyone watches it. I just can't believe that Samantha Barks would be more likely or more deserving to get the movie role than Sutton Foster.

best12bars Profile Photo
#89Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:40pm

Personally, I don't think Sutton has the dramatic chops to play it. She's more of a broad comedienne. It has nothing to do with her voice.

I'm not a fan of Barks ... yet. I hope my opinion changes when I see her in the movie Les Miz, but I was not impressed with her in the anniversary concert.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#90Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 2:59pm

Yes, I loved her Ladies who Lunch. BroadwayStar4, you have to be able to make google work for you in order to find this stuff. Her voice can be far from sweet and pop-ish, and Camp was made a decade ago.

#91Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 4:18pm

Well, I can agree with you about Sutton's acting. Someone on the first page had said Sutton couldn't sing the role. I believe there's a clip of her singing Defying Gravity on youtube (is it still the site that cannot be named?).

BroadwayStar4 Profile Photo
#92Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 4:20pm

James885 and finebydesign, I said that it seems like a guaranteed hit. Notice the key word there. I'm not psychic, so I can't be sure if it will be successful or not. But in my opinion, with the way things are looking for the Les Mis movie, I wouldn't be surprised if it does become a big hit.

JulesReverie, I already saw that video and I'm not impressed. Camp was back in 2003, so her voice sounds young. In the Pitch Perfect trailer, she still sounds young, but now it seems like she has taken singing lessons for pop music rather than for Broadway. I agree with somebody here who said that she might be too short for the role, which could be a problem. Especially if they choose a tall actress to play Glinda.

The fact that you haven't ever heard of her before says more about your awareness than it does about her budding career.

Listen, I read a ton of fashion/celebrity magazines, read gossip sites/blogs, and watch E! News every day. And I never knew who Anna Kendrick was. Just recently I asked a few of my friends and family members who she is, to see if I'm really alone on this, and they all said "No", except for my cousin who is obsessed with Twilight. Let's be real, she's an "up and coming" celebrity, not some mega-famous superstar that you all make her out to be. I do admit that her face was familiar to me, but I bet half the people in America wouldn't know her by name.

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#93Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 4:39pm

theminutepast, it's on her Life at Cafe Carlyle CD.

Men don't even belt.

#94Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 5:34pm

I am curious, what about this movie seems like a guaranteed hit to you? Sure we are all excited about it here, but we are a small fraction of the movie going public. The pictures and trailer do look great, and make this look like it will be a well crafted film, but many well crafted films do not perform well at the box office. The cast has many big names, but so did Rock of Ages, and that tanked. It is based on a mega hit musical, but so was Rent, Phantom, and The Producers, none of which were hits. So really, what about this screams possible hit to you this early in the game?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#95Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 6:06pm

Let's be real, she's an "up and coming" celebrity, not some mega-famous superstar that you all make her out to be.

Nobody made her out to be that. And how is she "up and coming" if she already peaked?

Listen, I read a ton of fashion/celebrity magazines, read gossip sites/blogs, and watch E! News every day.

And you haven't memorized the name of every celebrity. And that's okay. But I'm still not convinced Samantha Barks would make a better Elphaba because she might get recognized for a film not yet released. I mean, what you're basically saying is that Samantha Barks would be more qualified because she might reach Anna Kendrick's status at the time Up in the Air was released, but it wasn't good enough for Kendrick. Or something. Not following the logic.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

BroadwayStar4 Profile Photo
#96Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 7:06pm

jimmycurry01, what more can I say? I already said "it seems like the Les Mis movie will be a guaranteed hit. The teaser has gotten a positive response, it's directed by an Oscar winning director, the film contains a ton of talented celebrities, and it's a big budget movie based on one of the greatest musicals of all time."

Those are really the main reasons why I think it could possibly be a big hit. I am fully aware that not all movies succeeds well at the box office, I know that. But that is why I specifically said that I'm not psychic, because I'm not 100% certain if it will do well or not. In my opinion, it seems like it's the first movie musical in a long time that actually looks "Oscar-worthy". The fact that people are already predicting Anne Hathaway would be nominated/win an Academy Award for this role says something.

P.S. a Rock of Ages movie was already doomed from the start. There's no way that a movie with 80's rock music is gonna please the general audience of this generation.

Mister Matt, her success in Up in the Air is really the highest point in her career, and she hasn't done anything outstanding since then. But she still has upcoming movies that might do well, so that's why she's "up and coming".

It's a possibility that Samantha would be considered to play Elphaba, if Les Mis movie does well. I mean, why not? She looks the part, she's the right age and can sing really well. But for Anna, she's too short and her voice seems a little juvenile for the role.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#97Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 7:13pm

If Anna Kendrick were to ever play any role in a WICKED film, she'd play Nessarose, not Elphaba.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

#98Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 7:18pm

I think if they recreate the book for the screen, it could prove to be a hit. Especially if they took a more darker and serious tone.

#99Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba
Posted: 7/30/12 at 7:22pm

Jennifer Hudson as Wicked Movie's Elphaba:
