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How was HAIR tonight??

#1How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 1:32am

They re-opened on Broadway tonight. How was it???

Going in a few weeks!

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#2How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 1:50am

was still really good, the huge theater makes it lose some of its intimacy , and if you have yet to see the tour prepare thyself for massive key changes through out.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 1:58am

I saw the show on Broadway and on tour. The touring venue I saw it was much bigger than the Al Hirschfeld. The show does lose intimacy in the larger spaces, but the tribe members still visited all level of the theatre. I loved both productions and both casts, though I definitely prefered the Broadway production!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

littlegreen2 Profile Photo
#3How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 2:02am

I can't wait to see it on Thursday! I've never seen it and I'm not very familiar with the plot line or anything so I'm really looking forward to it.

"I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land."

Dennis-in-ct Profile Photo
#4How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 2:08am

It was high energy and intense. You could tell the actors were psyched to be back in NYC and their bodies and performance reflected it. I saw the tour twice in New Haven CT and once it Hartford CT and this NYC show was full of LIFE :)

At the end of Aquarius, the audience gave a noticeably extended applause and it was touching to see the actor's reaction. You can tell they were appreciating the love. And there was a LOT of love to the cast.

Banana Berger got a rousing cheer when he said you can call me " equality burger " and Claude's "where do I go" and "flesh failures" bounced off the back wall of the st James. Friggin LOVE his portrayal of Claude. The mom (and budda) and dad (and the tourist lady) were hysterical as usual. Woof was on fire tonight. The most animated I have seen him. Spectacular. Jeannie was spot on as usual.

Hare Krishna was extremely intense and powerful tonight. Uber tribal. Shelia nailed easy to be hard. HUD was as charming and funny as ever. I love his playful audience interaction and we were treated to him crawling over the seats and right through our group.

We had row H far left and I would avoid the far side seats because there is scaffolding in front that blocks some views. other technical nits was the sound and lighting seemed a little off but nothing some minor tweaking couldn't fix.

What else... Rado was there in his black and white striped knit pullover hat and groovy glasses. The original Dionne was there. At the end when people were invited on stage there was practically a mosh pit. The stage filled up so fast I was amazed. We were one of the last groups to get on before the shut it off to more people and were 8th row.

If I think of anything else I will post. I am tired from my drive back to CT and I need to go to bed. Love to the cast - Love to HAIR !!!
Go see it and enjoy :))))

#5How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 2:38am

Thanks, that sounds awesome! How exciting for them.

I saw it twice in Chicago and it was at a fairly large venue, so it will be interesting to see the St. James. The second time I knew to get aisle seats and was treated to Steel being the one who came out near us and played with my hair. :)

8th row and they cut people off from the stage? Haven't gone up yet. That's good info. I hope we are able to get good seats during our visit!!

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#6How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 8:54am

Lots of people came forward during The Flesh Failures, filled up the far side aisles of the St. James, waiting for the cast to invite them up on stage after bows.

The stage quickly filled up. Once it reached capacity, ushers blocked the stairs. One woman begged, pointed to her husband onstage, but couldn't get by.

Also, I noticed that the AMERICAN IDIOT graffiti wall had fresh wallpaper on it. And was the back wall of the lobby bar always open into that entrance hallway? Or is that new?

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#7How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 9:05am

It was great to see them back in New York. The cast is great, I loved Paris and Steel. I saw the original revival cast many times and when the new cast came in I was very disappointed but this cast is very strong. At the end of Let The Sun Shine In (My favorite part of the show) the entire front row on the side of the Mezz it up to go down for the dance party and it completely ruined the end for me. Its so rude and completely ridiculous. I think it's fine to go down during the curtain call but during the show is out of line especially if you are in the front row.

#8How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 11:42am

DCR - That is terrible! That scene is one of my favourites and always sends chills. Having the whole section pretty much block and obstruct that part would really ruin it for me too.

Does anyone know what the cover of the playbill looks like? Also, I heard they have some new merch? Can anyone confirm what they have?

singalongsong2 Profile Photo
#9How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 11:47am

And was the back wall of the lobby bar always open into that entrance hallway? Or is that new?

It's not new. The bar was like that during American Idiot, as well.

DrunkChita, That would definitely be distracting, especially during such a powerful part of the show.

I enjoy reading everyone's reviews. I saw it on Broadway several times, and I'm glad that it is back in NYC. I can't wait to see it again.

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#10How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 11:47am

The playbill is the original B&W with the words HAIR on it.

The new merchandise is a Limtied Edition poster (Says Summer of Love 2011 instead of Let the Sunshine in). ($20)

Tour Lanyard which has all the cities they have visited. ($10)

New Shirt ($30) & Jacket ($50)

The pattern of the lanyard is on the back of the shirt, with HAIR Summer of Love 2011 on the front upper right where the pocket should be.

The jacket has nothing on the back.

suttonfoster Profile Photo
#11How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 2:46pm

Was there last night, too. I have to say, I never saw the original revival cast (with Gavin) but I saw the replacement. Paris BLEW Kyle R. out of the water in his portrayal of Claude. His voice was on fire last night. Riffing at some places with almost perfect control. I loved him. Steel was also fairly good last night, too. Caren (Shelia) wasn't THAT much of a let down. Her lower register is extremely strong and her "Good Morning Starshine" was excellent. Kaitlyn Krissy's "Frank Mills" was pithy and all over the place but all in all, this cast was better than the replacement.

On side notes, I agree with DCR. I was next to the people who left during the end of "Let the Sunshine" and TOTALLY ruined the end. My chills went away.

I also had the pleasure of sitting a few rows behind one of the RUDEST girls I have ever witnessed in the theatre. This girl could not sit still and get comfortable the ENTIRE show and would take random naps in the middle of the show. (I still have no idea why someone would pay over $120 for a ticket and sleep) She would almost stand up randomly and be on her knees on the floor. I'm surprised the ushers didn't catch her. Finally, a guy told her to sit back in the 2nd act and she listened. Oh and the guy next to her, was texting and TALKING on his phone.
Updated On: 7/6/11 at 02:46 PM

Dennis-in-ct Profile Photo
#12How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 3:25pm

<<<< Kaitlyn Krissy's "Frank Mills" >>>>

Completely agree. It was awkward.

I did not see the show in the park but I have seen the original cast, the replacement and the touring cast.

Gavin and Will were outstanding. I thought Ace young did a phenomenal job and the current Claude is as good as Gavin.

I am so sorry to hear about those idiots behaving so rudely. And I can totally see how it would ruin the moment. How anyone could not be totally captivated and still during those intensely powerful emotional numbers/acts is incomprehensible.

I know who you are talking about because they made their way to my row (H) and jammed the aisle. When it was time to go on stage, I looked to my left and literally saw a swarm of pushing people - hence my mosh pit comment previously - to get on stage. We walked to the left to get on stage and we the last people to make it cause those lunatics were too busy to "just get up onstage" rather than feel the emotion of the show.

#13How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 3:56pm

Wow, the reports of people rushing the stage before being invited up for the dance party sound obnoxious. I mean--hello, you're invading the *actors' space.* I suppose it's a credit to the cast that people are so touched that they want to be up close with them, if they'd seen the show before and know that that even happens; I had forgotten they do that at the end of the show and in the two times I saw it in Chicago, didn't go up there. I mean, I'm a grown adult. Then again...if the opportunity availed itself next time I see it, who's to say no?

But in any case, as that adult, and an entertainer and sometime-actor, I'd never get up *before the show is over* just to get close. Were they Yeesh.

Josh Lamon said on his FB page last night, "must be up bright and early tomorrow," so I assume he meant they're doing a matinee today. Wonder if the same thing happened, if they had any security issues, or if they'll cut out the dance party altogether, for a few weeks while they settle in on B'way.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had the practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Alice in Wonderland

#14How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 6:54pm

hey guys, question: i already stage doored for hair when i saw it a few months ago on tour and got my playbill signed. i really wanted to get a windowcard signed, especially since there is a new one apparently? is it excessive to go again when i have already been? i don't want to be a creepo

Cathy L
#15How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 8:28pm

I am taking my daughter to HAIR on her 16th birthday in August. She would be thrilled to get on stage for the dance party, and to help the chances of this happening I purchased tickets on the aisle (row H, 101). Can you get on the stage from this aisle, or do you have to go to the far sides to get on stage? She has some mild mobility issues, so I would be a bit afraid for her in a mad crush situation. I haven't told her about this yet, I don't want her to get excited about it if it is unlikely to happen. Any tips would be appreciated, and I promise we will not stand up to move until the appropriate time!

#16How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/6/11 at 9:25pm

Cathy, there are two main aisles, and your seats are on the right-hand one. So the stairs to the stage will be nine rows straight ahead of you. The ushers will place a handrail in the stairs during bows, and your daughter will be in the perfect spot to get up there.

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#17How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/7/11 at 12:27am

I was at the matinee today and the tribe was great. The leads were a little bit of a different story. Darius Nichols was perfection as Hud, and Steel Burkhard was terrific as Berger (I think I liked him more than Will Swenson because he wasn't trying so hard to be zany). That's where the praise ends. Kasey Sheik was ok as Jeanie (but I didn't like her at all when I saw her with the original cast, so this is high praise from me.)

On the other hand, I was embarrassed for Caren Lyn Tacket and Kaitlyn Kiyan. Kiyan's Chrissie was obnoxious, not sweet, and while her belt may be appropriate on some occasions, it was definitely not a pleasant way to hear anyone sing Frank Mills. Tacket was even worse. She sounded like she was having a hard time hitting and sustaining notes and a lot of her phrasing and vowel sounds were really unpleasant. The only thing worse than her singing was her acting. I understand why she was replaced after the Delacort run and I have no idea why anyone thought that it was a good idea to bring her back.

Whatever happened to class?

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#18How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/7/11 at 5:06pm

I was there last night and the night before. I feel bad for saying it since she was so nice at the stage door, but Tackett really is not a good Sheila at all.

As for the rest of the cast, they're all doing a great job. I didn't think Kiyan was a bad Crissy. To be fair, there's really not that much you can do with the character. Kacie Sheik is doing a good job as Jeanie, but she has not changed a single thing about her performance since they played the Hirsch.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#19How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/7/11 at 5:20pm

Why should she change it if she is still getting laughs and is gives one of the best performances?

Dennis-in-ct Profile Photo
#20How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/8/11 at 7:04am

Agreed. Kacie Sheik's performance is so spot-on. How she has been able to keep her performance both flawless and consistent speaks a lot to her talent.

The same could be said for Darius Nichols (Hud - He is soooo good), and Lee Zarrett, Josh Lamon, and Allison Gunn. So talented. Larkin Bogan was just a playful last Tuesday night at the st James as he was at the Al Hirschfeld.

I guess my point is none of them have become sloppy with the roles. They are all focused and deliver 100% - I am so impressed.

Who is the actress that joined the tour that was a finalist on the TV show "Grease: You're the one that I want"? She is a beautiful blonde girl. I apologize for not remembering her name - anyway - if I could give an award for most transformed - it would be her. I saw her the first night of the tour in New Haven and the first night this past Tuesday at the st James and she blew me away. You can see how engrossed in her character she is and how intensely she sells the emotion in stage. I was really impressed with her.

I love love love this show and the entire cast. Go see this show and have fun. The music and message should be required for all :)))

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#21How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/8/11 at 9:18am

Dennis-in-CT, I believe you're referring to Kate Rockwell, but she left the tour very early on and is consequently not in the show on Broadway.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.

californiasnow Profile Photo
#22How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/8/11 at 9:24am

Has anyone who has attended noticed if the souvenir program has pictures of the current cast? Programs were sold out when I saw the show in Atlanta, and I was going to have a friend pick one up for me if it is of the current cast. Thanks in advance for any responses.

#23How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/8/11 at 9:25am

Is it Kate Rockwell, she joined the tribe before the show left B'way, (replacement cast in 2009)

Dennis-in-ct Profile Photo
#24How was HAIR tonight??
Posted: 7/8/11 at 10:31am

Thank you all for clearing that up. Now I am even more curious who the actress is that sings "Black Boys". She is the blonde one. That is the one I am talking about. All great people.
