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Member Name: littlegreen2
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Gender: Female
Location: NYC
Occupation: Student

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Track listing for ANYTHING GOES revival cast album
 Aug 17 2011, 09:21:06 PM
Just pre-ordered it! So excited for this.
Bad audience behavior witnessed in NYC on my recent trip
 Aug 16 2011, 10:13:12 PM
When I saw Jerusalem a little over a week ago, There was a couple in our (completely empty) row who sucked face all throughout intermission and the short break between the acts. I even watched at the beginning of act 3 and they weren't stopping.

It wasn't distracting, but I just think it's weird behavior.

Moments You Love in Cast Recordings
 Aug 16 2011, 04:43:54 PM
I definitely agree with the Side Show sentiment - "Where is mine?!" is probably my favorite moment on any cast recording ever. Her belt was so beautiful and strong.

There are a lot of moments on the new Hair cast recording that really get me. When the tribe sings 'Freedooooom' under Claude's 'Tell me why' at the end of Where Do I Go... It's so powerful. At the beginning of Three Five Zero Zero when Kacie Sheik wails "Ripped open by metal explosion", it gives me chills every time. The en

Monday night?
 Aug 16 2011, 05:33:48 AM
next revival you want starring.......
 Aug 15 2011, 09:17:32 PM
I want a Passion revival. I don't care who's in it, although I think Jason Danieley would make a fantastic Giorgio.
Jerusalem question
 Aug 15 2011, 05:47:55 PM
Magic stuff, haha. Yeah, I couldn't figure it out either but after reading the script I figured it was the ashes of someone in his family (I was in the mezz). There is a lot in that play that confuses me. I'm glad I'm seeing it again this weekend.
Lily Rabe & Hamish Linklater Join Alan Rickman in SEMINAR
 Aug 15 2011, 02:17:12 PM
Oh, awesome, I just skimmed it. Thank you!
Lily Rabe & Hamish Linklater Join Alan Rickman in SEMINAR
 Aug 15 2011, 02:11:46 PM
Every day I get more excited for this. I can't wait for dates to be announced and for tickets to go on sale!
Hair on TDF!
 Aug 13 2011, 09:31:08 PM
The first time I saw it with TDF seats, I was in orchestra row C on the side (the second row on the aisle) on a Thursday. The second time, I was in orchestra row M on a Thursday. The third time, I was in orchestra row P on a Saturday evening.
Phantom of the opera prequel in the works
 Aug 13 2011, 04:05:22 PM
The only Phantom of the Opera prequel I condone is Susan Kay's "Phantom", because she did a beautiful job with it. It should remain in book form, though.

This looks ridiculous.

Understudy fetishism?
 Aug 13 2011, 03:09:35 AM
I've never been disappointed with an understudy slip in my Playbill. When I saw Anything Goes, I found it unfortunate that I wouldn't be seeing Colin Donnell, but his understudy was SO GOOD so I got over it. As someone said earlier, the only time I would be disappointed is if I bought expensive tickets to a show that I only wanted to see for a particular actor (which I've only done once, with Billy Elliot for Emily Skinner).

Would it be a nice gesture for Aaron Tveit to give Jay a sh

Brantley on RENT....
 Aug 13 2011, 02:35:22 AM
I love Rent as much as the next musical theatre fan of my generation but it just has so many flaws. I realized recently that there is not one character in the entire show that I relate to or feel sympathy for. I find all of them to be genuinely unlikable.

I'm finally seeing this next week, so I guess I can form my opinion about the revival then. I love Brantley though, and our opinions tend to coincide. It was much too soon for this comeback.

actos actually watch there bootleg shows?
 Aug 13 2011, 02:17:18 AM
I've been asked by an actress if I know where I can get my hands on audio or video of specific performances. It was her older work though. I think a lot of actors appreciate that it is being preserved.
Godspell Cast?
 Aug 11 2011, 06:55:51 PM
dramamama - Since I don't get to NYC as often as I would like I buy a lot of DVDs. I've 'seen' his performance in ITH, and while I would not consider that actually seeing the show, his performance drove me insane.
Godspell Cast?
 Aug 11 2011, 01:52:42 AM
"I can't stand him either. He's way over the top and trying too hard to be funny."

It's the worst. I've never been as annoyed with a performer as I am with him and I've never even SEEN him in anything (live, at least).

Godspell Cast?
 Aug 11 2011, 01:28:19 AM
I was really excited about this but if Robin de Jesus is in anything, I'm not interested. Welp.
How'd You Get Into Theatre?
 Aug 11 2011, 01:22:12 AM
After my parents got divorced, my dad came out and he really allowed himself to openly explore the community I guess. I was introduced to several musicals around age 5 by him, the first being Les Miserables. He played I Dreamed A Dream for me, and it was first time I ever saw my dad cry. I was so fascinated that music could move someone that way, and he let me take home the highlights CD. I had it memorized in two or three months, and he took me to see it in Boston when I was 8. I hold this expe
Sondheim vs. Porgy & Bess - YIKES!
 Aug 10 2011, 09:27:25 PM
Am I the only one who is genuinely annoyed by this? Sondheim is not actually God, as some people seem to think.
Let's do a fun post
 Aug 10 2011, 09:17:02 PM
Phantom of the Opera with one of my best friends on my very first evening in NYC. It's embarrassing how recent it actually was, but up until then, I had never realized how accessible NYC was to me.
The ridiculousness of the Book of Mormon
 Aug 10 2011, 09:13:17 PM
I haven't seen this show but I think it's silly for anyone to say that it's mindless or a "two hour fart joke", hyperbole or not. It doesn't take a genius to see that this show is incredibly smart, even if I'm not a huge fan and haven't seen it live. The satirical essence gives so much life to the show and the messages it provides its audiences with are genuine and thought-provoking. I think it goes deeper than 'magical AIDS frog' and has a very smart book.

Just my $0.02.

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