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Hamilton Previews

Kad Profile Photo
#475Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 12:44pm

It was 51 essays about the need for a strong federal government, in support of the Consitution. And the show says that. Did you want an essay-by-essay breakdown?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#476Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 12:48pm

I still don't understand what you would have had Lin write. Did you want Aaron Burr to read you the Wikipedia page?

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not complex.

Updated On: 8/6/15 at 12:48 PM

#477Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 12:53pm

It's not letting me edit my post. My point is that there's a difference between saying you don't like the show/it wasn't for you. What you're doing is trying to claim it's wrong or bad.

Glittergrrl Profile Photo
#478Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 12:56pm

"I didn't see it posted anywhere, but LMM was in the show last night.  

As to glitter girl's leaving, yes, of course she's entitled to do so. I've even done it once, and wanted to two other times, but they were intermissionlesss shows! I think we all just feel it's such a shame she did.




Awww. Well this was thoughtful. After reading paljoey's reply, I feel a bit bad that I left, but at the time, I just couldn't wait to get out of there. My major issue was the portrayal of women. I thought they were reduced to little more than the three women who swoon over Gaston in Beauty and the Beast.

I never claimed to be a history scholar... Somehow I managed to pass US history in college. I teach kindergarten for goodness sake, we don't get into the constitution with the 5 year olds. My ex is Harvard educated law student. He loves to tell me when I'm wrong about anything. He wasn't into it either. So we left. I could always grab a ticket and see it again, since everyone's making me feel like I committed a great injustice. I don't know if I can sit through that first act again.

Now, I'm going to back out of this thread slowly. I don't think I'll be back. I'm too thin skinned.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#479Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 12:59pm

Glitter, you have every right to find any show tedious notwithstanding what anyone else found it. But in essence what you are saying is that your tedium resulted in disengagement to the point you were not paying attention. That's valid too, but when you tell us you were not following the basic conversation that makes up the first act, which reaches its pinnacle in the first rap battle, your statement that the subject was not (gloriously) developed is divested of any merit. 

HenryTDobson Profile Photo
#480Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:04pm

"I'll admit, your post has me questioning myself, all except for the "spoiled" bit... I paid for the tix myself.. I'm not spoiled."

Out of all the ridiculous things you said, this actually makes me the most angry. Of course you're spoiled! You saw Hamilton - a legendary show, whether you think so or not. There are people spending literally hundreds of dollars to see this show (yourself included, I'm sure). Do you think there are people out there who could pay such an amount to see this show? Do you think there are people out there who could pay any amount to see ANY show? Do you think there are people out there who could pay to buy themselves dinner? If you're able to buy yourself a Broadway ticket, I consider you (and everyone) spoiled - Spoiled with theater richness. 

I'm sorry but I despise the sense of entitlement some of us Americans feel. You didn't like the show? Fine. You want walk out early? Fine. But don't you dare come here and whine about it when I'm sure there are people who would give a leg just to have the money to see such this show (or use it for more necessary things). 

Updated On: 8/6/15 at 01:04 PM

#481Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:14pm

"I could always grab a ticket and see it again" How nice to have such a luxury. Honestly, Glitter didn't even care enough to read our responses to her post since she's still claiming the female characters are bad.

Updated On: 8/6/15 at 01:14 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#482Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:22pm

I went with my ex husband-he's the smartest person I know

Don't date your ex. And if you do, don't go to an expensive Broadway show. And if you do, don't pay for the tickets.

I believe that's why you both had such a bad evening, not the writing or the staging or the performances. You were out with your ex. (Who is clearly NOT so smart.)

Updated On: 8/6/15 at 01:22 PM

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#483Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:29pm

Most of the responses to Glittergrrl's post have been valid in terms of their content, but the tone has been way harsh. Nothing she said justifies the personal attacks that have come from a few of you; as far as I can see, she's been perfectly respectful of other posters. Some apologies are owed here.

#484Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:39pm

If you're looking for apologies, you're in the wrong place.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#485Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:44pm

Wow, wow, wow, wow @ glittergirl. You're being flamed out and rightfully so. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around the reasons you are giving for having walked out on what is by most accounts one of THE groundbreaking shows that Broadway has seen in quite awhile.

I am so filled with pride that a fellow Nuyorican artist was the creative force behind this show.

Lin Manuel is going down in the theater history record books alongside Jose Ferrer, Chita Rivera, Rita Moreno and Raul Julia who paved the way for a Latino presence in American Theater.

Again, I am filled with much pride for his well deserved success.

Updated On: 8/6/15 at 01:44 PM

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#486Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:44pm

I just finished watching the video clips that were recently released and I was kinda....dissatisfied?! Idk...especially Leslie's performance. He seems off and a little tired.

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

#487Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 1:47pm

^ You haven't seen it. You can't have an opinion. Goodbye.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#488Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:10pm


"They're writing songs of love - but not for me,

a lucky star's above - but not for me

With love to lead the way, I've found more clouds of gray
Than any Russian play - can guarantee
I was a fool to fall - and get this way."

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#489Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:30pm

"^ You haven't seen it. You can't have an opinion. Goodbye. "

 I can have whatever I want to have on a few video clips I watched & I wasn't judging the show as a whole so you can take a seat. And Hogan shut up

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

#490Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:31pm

Don't worry, I'm sitting.

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#491Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:38pm

"Don't worry, I'm sitting. "

 & keep sitting 

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#492Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:40pm

I completely understand walking out of a show if you don't like it; it's your money, and you're perfectly entitled to do so. (I don't think I could stand walking out at intermission if I hated a show, mainly because I'd feel like I wasted a bunch of money by not watching the whole thing, but that's an entirely personal thought.)

However, I do think it's silly to complain about character development in a show if you haven't watched the whole thing. Act 2 tends to be where a lot of characters experience growth, and if you decide to walk out during intermission then you may get an entirely false perception of a character (or characters, as Glitter was talking about) that is resolved later on in the show. You walked out, you only got half of the story, so you don't know whether your complaints continue to be warranted or if things get better. With that in mind, it's not fair to criticize. 

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

Glittergrrl Profile Photo
#493Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:42pm

I threw away my shot!


#494Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:48pm

Glitter, you foolish ignorant slut, I just wanna tell you that I was in the same boat last Thursday night. I too was ready to leave at intermission but my date insisted that we stay. The second act was indeed better than the first but not by much. What you missed was seeing him die and then elevated to near sainthood. Don’t let these guys get to you. Just know that you are not alone.

#495Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:51pm

I guess you thinking you're joking but it's never OK to call someone a "foolish ignorant slut." Dear god, you're awful.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#496Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:52pm

Will someone please start the reviews thread so we can move away from this Previews discussion?

mariel9 Profile Photo
#497Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 2:55pm

Lin read the first five paragraphs of the book at today's Ham4Ham, which are about Eliza, 50 years after Alexander died. He choked up twice. I think part of the reason his performance works so well for me (even though he isn't the strongest singer or dancer) is that he feels this character down to his bones. It was really moving.

As for the women in the show, it's the 1700's. He can't make them founding fathers or political leaders. The fact that they are well-developed, significant characters is a testament to him. Most writers would have let them be window dressing.

#498Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:06pm

Since Miranda was and still is so inspired by the Chernow book why not have it on sale in the lobby right next to the t-shirts and mugs. That would be pretty classy don’t you think?

#499Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:11pm

The book IS  on sale in the lobby right next to the t-shirts and mugs.
