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GLORY DAYS First Preview - REVIEWS- Page 3


#50re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:15pm

Jeremy Woodard & Alex Brightman. - most underrated performers on broadway

shh282 Profile Photo
#51re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:17pm

Is there chance for it to improve THAT much as you guys claim neccessary during previews?

#52re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:23pm

I usually take the reviews posted here to heart when deciding what shows to see, so I appreciate you guys putting in your opinions.

But listening to the clips on Myspace, this sounds like something I'd absolutely love lol.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#53re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:24pm

"Is there chance for it to improve THAT much as you guys claim neccessary during previews?"

Honestly, they open in what...13 days? I don't think there is enough time to make the necessary changes...

#54re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:51pm

I just started a thread for all of you who wanted to read all the DC reviews for Glory Days. The thread is:

DC Glory Days Reviews

Joel Markowitz's Theatre Schmooze Column at DC Theatre Scene

#55re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:06pm

I saw the first preview last night, and after receiving emails from my friends complaining that the reviews were negative, felt the need to chime in.
I'm not a crazy big theatre person.  I don't see every broadway show and run home and post a review as soon as the show is over.  That being said, I was a crazy OBC renthead and do have it my genes to WANT to run home and post on sonic but then I remember that it is not 1997 anymore and sonic went away in maybe '98.  We're getting off track.
What I am trying to say is that I am a fairly run of the mill audience member.  I see a new show maybe once a month or once every 6 weeks, depending?  I definitely know what I like (Idina and Kristen Lee Kelly as Maureen) and don't like (Sherie Scott as Maureen but only b/c KLK didn't get it)but my theatre obsession prety much went away a long time ago, as you can probably tell by my dated references. 
Anyway...Glory Days was GREAT.  It is a very simple concept but the simplicity is what makes it so endearing.  Anyone who has graduated high school and gone on to college can relate. 
And to quote from a post earlier "It will only appeal to the general stereotypical college student and THAT IS IT. Or unless you're desperate to look at semi-attractive, over-age twinks trying to pass off looking 19." - this is completely false.  I was so not your general, stereotypical high school student OR college student.  My entire group of friends from high school are gay (a bunch of us saw it together last night) and were all still able to relate to each of the characters.  They were hanging out on bleechers at the football field - I mean, I don't think I ever even went to my high school's football field once but still, I was able to put myself in their place and feel what they were feeling.  (We would have been hanging out in our school's auditorium and then possibly a diner, if I had written the show.)
The guys were well-cast, well-costumed (really, it stood out to me) and totally well prepared for an audience.  Sure, it was the first preview, there will be changes, but all in all, I would definitely go see this again, and bring more friends from high school and college.  It's nice to see that even though I'm technically almost 10 years ahead of these characters, I still see similarities.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#56re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:06pm

2 scrawny boys are supposed to be football players?

I thought part of the point was that they weren't good enough to make the team. Is that not correct?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#57re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:25pm

Nice to see someone here giving the show a chance. They are in previews, and you've got to give them a chance to watch the audience reaction, and give them a chance to make changes if they see the need to do so. They may not make changes, and they may make some changes. Give them a chance.

And those beautiful harmonies...
Podcasts of The Happy Time, John Kander, In The Heights, Sunday..Passing Strange, Tony Roberts and Others

blaxx Profile Photo
#58re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:44pm

I didn't exactly want to BASH the show on its "Welcome" thread. Seemed a little... unbalanced.

Do you guys think I should start preview threads to keep them all together instead of starting "Welcome" threads? Would that be more useful?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

#59re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 3:41pm

What's the point of having a two week preview period if they're not going to change anything? Why not just open the show.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#60re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 4:45pm

They're not going to change anything.

regarding the money, I don't think it's a huge budget. I don't know the exact budget but I do know that the creative team (James and Nick) had to raise $500,000 on their own for the show to even be moved.

Obviously it's more than that but this little musical will limp along. Too bad. They could be using that theatre for a more deserving show.... which would be anything other than GLORY DAYS.

I saw the Signature run three times, to give it a chance, but I couldn't do it. I tried to expierence it from various perspectives and put myself into someone else's shoes. it still didn't do anything for me.

the score needs the most work, to begin with. then they could work on the characters. god. they're all one-dimensional stereotypes!!

#61re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 5:01pm

I completely disagree that they are one-dimensional stereotypes. I know someone exactly like Andy in the show and will gladly introduce you to him.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#62re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 5:05pm

I think I'll skip it. It sounds like an unholy mash-up of AMERICAN PIE and IT'S ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER....only sucky.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

#63re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 5:10pm

NYC, maybe Call is not playing the role to its full potential.

TooDarnHot, I don't think they're ALL one-dimension. Jack and Andy certainly are, Skip has a little meat to him, and Will is certainly stereotypical, but there is something there. Sort of. If you squint...

And Borstal, it SORT of is. Only the all-male, sentimental, mushy version. They use friends telling they love each other to get a laugh - which is just pathetic. It's a bit more like a one-location, mushy version of SUPERBAD with just the two boys. Sort of.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 4/23/08 at 05:10 PM

#64re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 5:22pm

"They use friends telling they love each other to get a laugh - which is just pathetic."

I don't think that is meant to get a certainly didn't when I saw it. Perhaps the first preview audience just didn't get it?????

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#65re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 6:11pm

or maybe you have something invested into this mediocre college musical so you're trying to make the audiences get it???

there is nothing to get, NYC. there's a lack of depth and clarity with both the character's arcs/journeys and the score itself...

just read through the lyrics (to start with). then go back and actually listen to the music. oy.

#66re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 7:18pm

I drove from my home in Pa. to see it at The Signature. I am not a young or recent college grad. No, both of those were milestones I reached 30 years ago. I liked it. One of my favorite songs is "Open Road".

I don't think that every review of any show has to be positive, but some of you are militant in making this show sound like it was written by third graders and should have only been performed for family members during Open House at school. The more I read, the more I thought, "Damn, some of these people seriously either need their meds or to get laid".

Geez, you say you don't like it. Fine. Do you have to post 15 times and respond to every poor soul who has the audacity not to agree with you? I suggest that maybe you write your own musical or play, do all the work , perform it for yourself and sit back and be your own best critic.

#67re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 7:54pm

Well said theatreislife. I particularly love that anytime someone supports a show, he/she automatically has an investment in it. The only point I was making was that you were incorrect to say that the "I love you" portion of the show was written to "get a laugh."It is meant to be serious, as stated in the review:

"It may very well be the first time on stage where one guy says to another, "I love you," that isn't sexual or familial. It's about that elusive thing – real emotion between grown men. Perhaps that is the greatest glory of this terrific new musical."

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
adamgreer Profile Photo
#69re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:00pm

"I suggest that maybe you write your own musical or play, do all the work , perform it for yourself and sit back and be your own best critic."

That's the argument you're going to make? Can't you do any better than that? No one who disliked the show said they could do better- none of us are writers or composers. I wouldn't expect to be able to write a better show. I don't write musicals for a living, and I'm not charging $97.50 for a product that clearly isn't ready for Broadway at this point.

#70re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:33pm

You're gonna listen to these guys? Haha...look, the show is a tiny snippet of one night in the lives of 4 best friends. These trashing negative reviews are from a few probably very homely, very jealous guys who most likely have NO FRIENDS and who have nothing else better to do than bash something new. Look at who their favorite performers are...all diva women. That should tell you something about what they only like. Also, "the lyrics are awful"?? Ok, what about "I feel pretty and witty and bright and I pity any girl who isn't me tonight"...ha!..genius Sondheim, just genius! (sounds like third grade to me). I saw Glory Days and really liked it. The music is great! I haven't seen a show in ages where you remember the melodies while leaving the theater; with Glory Days, you do.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#71re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:44pm


did you seriously just compare Sondheim and Blaemire? you make me sick.

your example, from WSS, is a terrible example for your argument... it proves you wrong.

those lyrics are very clever and some argue that they are TOO "clever" -- english is NOT Maria's first language and she clearly didn't have much education so, as a character, how could she even be that witty to create that type of rhyme (the syntax)?

while we have Mr. Nick fresh face Blaemire writing this crap about his dad being a "commuter" while he's on the "computer. Why the **** would I care about that?

If anything, you are the one with NO FRIENDS my dear. You get lonely so you clearly come on here maybe once or twice a week and try to bash the opinionated intelligent posters of the board. because it makes you feel better about yourself.

We will never agree on "Glory Days" but I never bashed anyone who disagreed. I bashed the show... I bashed the material. NOT the posters. Get a life, dildo3.

Go suck off Mr. Blaemire

adamgreer Profile Photo
#72re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:56pm

"You're gonna listen to these guys? Haha...look, the show is a tiny snippet of one night in the lives of 4 best friends. These trashing negative reviews are from a few probably very homely, very jealous guys who most likely have NO FRIENDS and who have nothing else better to do than bash something new. Look at who their favorite performers are...all diva women. That should tell you something about what they only like. Also, "the lyrics are awful"?? Ok, what about "I feel pretty and witty and bright and I pity any girl who isn't me tonight"...ha!..genius Sondheim, just genius! (sounds like third grade to me). I saw Glory Days and really liked it. The music is great! I haven't seen a show in ages where you remember the melodies while leaving the theater; with Glory Days, you do."

Oh, this just gets better and better. I'm glad you seem to know all about my personal life and have been able to determine I have no friends. I'd love to know how you were able to make that determination, but it certainly shows your maturity level.

No one who has disliked Glory Days in this thread has made any personal attacks against those who have liked it. The people who've liked Glory Days are the ones resorting to attacking those who didn't like it.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#73re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 8:59pm

this is why I think almost everyone who defends this junk has a vested interest in the musical -- all Dildo3 does is come on here and blab about GLORY HOLES. check it out.

soo obnoxious.

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#74re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:08pm

Glad to see others see the same weaknesses I saw in the Signature production. I was beginning to think I was crazy or something.

And it did not get rave reviews in DC. The Post was extremely positive, but there are other review sources. Not that reviews matter all that much with a large subscription-based theatre especially in this town (DC, that is).

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)
