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#1GLORY DAYS First Preview - REVIEWS
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:14pm

WithoutATrace should be replying to this post sometime soon. We saw the first preview of GLORY DAYS this evening with AdamGreer, who might also pop in.

Runtime ran exactly 90 minutes
Show started 10 minutes late
Spotted in the audience: Rob Ashford

First off, let me start off by saying that I HATE these kind of shows. I expected something like "A Separate Peace". But instead got the silly, stereotypes of college boys. Disappointing. VERY.

I really consider this, honestly, to be one of the worst things I've seen. But please note that this kind of material does NOT do it for me.

This should NOT be playing to Broadway houses. It will only appeal to the general stereotypical college student and THAT IS IT. Or unless you're desperate to look at semi-attractive, over-age twinks trying to pass off looking 19.


For those who haven't figured it out yet, GLORY DAYS is the story of 4 teenage boys returning home after the first year of college. They meet up on the football field (which they were all kicked off of for their terrible skills - or lack thereof) for one night to hang out and seek revenge on the old jocks that roamed their high school by ruining their alumni game by setting off the sprinklers in the middle of it.

Secrets are revealed, like how Jack is gay. And Jack kisses Will who doesn't stop him but isn't gay. (CAMP, anyone?) And Andy's the homophobic butch dude who just can't cope. And Skip just loves everyone and hates to see them fight.

They all part ways at the end of the night and nothing changes except for the fact they are no longer friends. Real happy story here. Will, our "narrator", confesses that he will begin to write a new story because he wants to write and yadayadayada his epiphany is that high school is over or something like that. Real moving, I'd say.

The good:

Adam Halpin as Skip, the most underdeveloped character, uses this unintentional secrecy about his character to his advantage and delivers a full, beautiful performance.

The lighting is cool, nothing mindblowing, but it definitely is impressive or Mark Lanks' Broadway debut as a designer.

The bad:

The plot - or lack thereof.

The set - or lack thereof. (Some cheap plastic bleachers/risers that look like they were recycled from SPELLING BEE'S Broadway set and a marble floor that acts as grass, apparently.) One actor tripped while maneuvering around these death trap risers. It's terrifying to watch them run up and down them and see the riser buckle underneath their weight.

Andrew C. Call, you're all right, is obnoxious. His performance is so over-the-top and matches every stereotype of a "meathead". He doesn't even TRY to break out of the mold the book lays out for him. He doesn't TRY to complete a character. He just overacts and hams everything up to the thousandth degree. Everytime he spoke, I wished he would stop.

The score is repetitious and dull. It tries to be new and fun and is certainly... new. But I think we might've heard it from Joe Iconis or Pasek and Paul or Brian Lowdermilk before. It's just... familiar. And dull. And all sounds the same after a while.

The direction - or lack thereof. The staging consists of pacing back and forth, jumping up and down risers, running up and down risers, sitting on a riser, standing on a riser, singing on a riser, jumping off a riser, jumping on a riser, climbing on a riser, running on a riser, walking on a riser, pacing, you guessed it, on a riser! These actors know how to act a song, yes. But it is so precise and the beats are so laid out perfectly, okay, this is a beat change, this is a new thought - that nothing is fresh. NOTHING IS HAPPENING. I repeat: NOTHING IS HAPPENING ON THIS STAGE. It is, byfar, the most boring piece of theater I've ever seen in my life.

The lyrics are AWFUL. Almost as bad, if not equally or worse, than THE PIRATE QUEEN's atrocious lyrics. One song, "We've Got Girls" professes that these boys have the girls. Not only do they have them but -- "We've got them by the balls." Another, "Other Human Beings", which could be, if worked out right, a great anthem against homophobia, fails miserably when Jack tries to convince Andy you can't call someone a "faggot." Apparently we are raised from the cradle and taught how to treat "Other Human Beings", which is repeated over and over again with these incessant, cringe-worthy notes.

And yes, folks, there's even a "doomdoomdoom" music whenever the boys begin to fight.


Steven Booth and Jesse JP Johnson are both fine in their roles. They are doing the best they can with them, though Steven Booth is a bit of a poor man's Aaron Tveit. They are talented young men and I look forward to seeing Jesse JP Johnson work again in the near future. He's adorable, has a beautiful voice and does have some great on-stage charisma. Except when he falls on a riser. Ouch.

SONG LIST (I know some will ask)
My Three Best Friends
Are You Ready for Tonight?
We've Got Girls
Right Here
Open Road
Things Are Different
Generation Apathy
After All
The Good Old Glory Type Days
The Thing About Andy
Forget About It
Other Human Beings
My Turn
My Next Story

*****END SPOILERS*****

Anyway, long story short, this is byfar the worst musical of the season, if not the worst of the past five or six.

And for those who are going to say it's only the first preview: many people have told me not much is going to change besides some staging and technical stuff... It is and, apparently, will remain a carbon copy of the Signature's production. Not sure if it's true, but it's what I've heard.

***NOTE: Again, I don't like this kind of stuff. A lot of people do. FORM YOUR OWN OPINION.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 4/22/08 at 11:14 PM

#2re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:20pm

Is the line "Get a lot of p*on" still in?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#2re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:25pm

Yes, that line is still in...

#3re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:26pm

That officially wins worst line in a musical ever.

#4re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:29pm

Yay, WAT is here!

I kinda think "We got girls by the balls" is worse...

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman
Updated On: 4/22/08 at 11:29 PM

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#5re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:34pm

WAT, I'm curious. Do you agree with theatertrash?

#6re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:35pm

He seemed to at the theater. :) I'm looking forward to reading his review.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

liotte Profile Photo
#7re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:39pm

I reviewed on the other thread, didn't feel like I had to start a new one just to get noticed.

I disagree with TheaterTrash. Here's what I said:

I liked it. I enjoyed the story (though lots to work out still), the music was good overall, the set was just metal bleachers and a lightboard (which was very pretty when it changed colors). I left with a bunch of unanswered questions and unresolved issues from the characters. Also found the first half had a lot of comedy both in songs and dialogue, and the second half was very serious. Needs a better balance.

Reminded me of college. I laughed at how many times they said "totes", and when one of the characters commented that he was old.

Theater wasn't super full, but considering this show came from nowhere, hopefully it does well. It's good to see original material on broadway!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#8re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:39pm

Ok, I definitely wouldnt say this was the worst musical in the past five or six years. I didn't care for it, but it wasn't AWFUL.

For me, the show was just boring and it dragged. I did enjoy some of the score, but the lyrics were painful. One lyric in particular was something like "My father is a commuter while I am on my computer." The sets were abysmal...ugly, cheap-looking bleachers...and the lighting was fine I guess. The staging, as TheaterTrash stated, was pretty much jumping/walkng/running on bleachers. Not very good. It is a crime that people are/will be paying $100 for this show.

The actors, for the most part, were fine. The only one who I didn't enjoy was Andrew Call, who I thought was way over the top as the straight jock. Jesse JP Johnson as the gay character Jack was fine, though it wasn't a surprise (to me anyway) when he came out. Adam Halpin was the best actor of the group, in my opinion, and Steven Booth as the main character Will held his own and did a good job.

The audience was not full at all...and I believe a large amount of it was comped. The audience reaction seemed fair...a few people did stand (not me or my friends) but does a standing ovation mean anything anymore? The show's overall message was the fact that four close friends in high school could easily go off to a year of college, find themselves, and reconvene and find that they aren't really compatible as friends at all. This story could have been told in 20 minutes...but it was told in a 90 minute musical instead.

Overall, not the worst night of theater I've ever been to, but certainly not good either. This belongs off broadway or off off broadway. It will be interesting to see how audiences take to this, if it will sell, and how the critics will review this.

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#9re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:41pm

I have been saying it from the beginning.... this show is SO overrated

what is the appeal??? I just don't get it.

#10re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:43pm

Yeah, I "totes" hated it.

Most people who know me, though, know I hate this kind of stuff. Pace, my college, did a production of COLLEGE! The Musical, and while I appreciated the pretty good score and book, and the talent of my peers, I hated the show.

I should've prefaced the review with the fact that I just don't like this kind of stuff. I hate stereotypical college jokes. They just... well, don't make me laugh.

(And Liotte, the snooty "to get noticed" comment is unnecessary and overly snarky. I didn't exactly want to BASH the show on its "Welcome" thread. Seemed a little... unbalanced. Like the show.)

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

#11re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:45pm

TooDarnHot, I don't get it either. I totally understand you. I went in, kind of expecting a touching "A SEPARATE PEACE" tale and got this stupid "he's gay, love him anyway"/"hey guess what! we're 4 college boys" musical. Ugh.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#12re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:45pm

I am shocked that this got rave reviews in Virginia...

Maurice Profile Photo
#13re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:46pm

Well, I'm glad I got a discount from for this show and that 5% will go to Broadway Cares.

"I'm a whirling mass of contradictions." - Douglas Carter Beane, The Little Dog Laughed

Equus (11/8), Billy Elliot (11/8)
Updated On: 4/22/08 at 11:46 PM

liotte Profile Photo
#14re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:47pm

Sorry, didn't mean to offend with snarkiness.

#15re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:47pm

Maurice, you might like it. I just hate this kind of stuff. It's fluffy and boring as all heck to me.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Maurice Profile Photo
#16re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:51pm

Yeh, you never know... I may like it and who knows what it will be like when I see it on May 10th.

"I'm a whirling mass of contradictions." - Douglas Carter Beane, The Little Dog Laughed

Equus (11/8), Billy Elliot (11/8)

#17re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:53pm

(Liotte, it's cool. I'm cranky, tired and approaching finals week. Probably just took it the wrong way.)

Yeah, like I said, I'm not sure that what we saw tonight was pretty set. It's just what I heard.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

acrocksyo Profile Photo
#18re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:54pm

It's terrible. It was trying too hard to be the next RENT and not adding anything new or exciting. I will post a more detailed review tomorrow when I have some time to process it's horidness. Reviews and the like

titleofusername Profile Photo
#19re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/22/08 at 11:54pm

I'm not surprised at all. I really don't think I'd ever see this anyways, even if it was a $30 ticket.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE: Passing Strange (7.17.08), [title of show] (7.18.08), [title of show (7.19.08 M), [title of show] (7.19.08 E), The 39 Steps (7.20.08 M), Damn Yankees (7.20.08 E)

ChildofDestiny Profile Photo
#20re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:01am

I couldn't disagree more with the negative comments here. I loved 'Glory Days' -- it's fresh and bright and funny and creative. I wasn't bored for a second and I felt like there was loads going on -- albeit emotionally, rather than plot-wise. Yes, it's small and yes, there's some college humor. For me, that made it feel more authentic than possibly any other show I've seen this year. That's what it set out to be. I thought they really nailed it! Loved the guys and will probably burn out the cast recording listening to the fantastic boy belting and great harmonies. :)

TheaterTrash, I'm glad you've now admitted that part of the reason you didn't enjoy it is because it's just not your kind of thing. I wish more people included their personal biases up front, especially in these ultra-early chatterati reviews, because as Maurice has illustrated, when we attempt to write like a neutral critic, it can (and does) lead people into pre-judgment of a show that may actually be up their alley. (Case in point, Cry-Baby, which I saw tonight and had a blast at.) Let's face it kids, do you really think someone who doesn't know you reads this board to find out what you liked or disliked, or is the point really to try and piece together what they might think to see if it's up their alley?

I recommend people not listen just to the opinions of a few of us here and give this show a chance.
Updated On: 4/23/08 at 12:01 AM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#21re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:04am

i agree that the harmonies were great...

TooDarnHot Profile Photo
#22re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:10am

ChildofDestiny - obviously there are fans. like you. why? I will never understand. but there's a reason it got to Broadway. a strong fan base and money.

always good to give shows a chance.... but this show is LAME. too bad to see it hasn't changed that much since the Signature

adamgreer Profile Photo
#23re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:15am

So here are my thoughts on the show....

It is certainly not the worst musical of the season, or even the past couple of seasons. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it's very good, it's just not a disaster.

The conceit of the show is not a bad one, and is actually a fairly interesting idea. The problem is that, for the most part, it's not executed very well. During the first half of the show, nothing very much happens at all. The four friends meet at the football field and sort of reminisce. The dialogue is "real," I suppose, but it's not terribly interesting. I don't want to pay and see people sit onstage and shoot the breeze. As Officer Lockstock and Sally would say, there is way "too much exposition" in the early part of the show.

However, there is about 25 minutes of a really good show in there once something "dramatic" happens for the actors to play off of. When that "secret" is revealed, the tension is kicked up a notch, and it sort of becomes an interesting character study of these peoples' reactions to the big reveal. This is when the show is interesting and actually engaging. However, the writers choose not to really pursue this, and they don't resolve any of the issues that are brought up. Characters just up and leave, and the plot doesn't get resolved or tied up in any coherent way.

The show does suffer from some very poor direction and staging, which consists mostly of them walking across the stage, or up and down the bleachers. I know it's a small space, but surely they can be more creative.

As I mentioned, the book has a lot of problems, mainly it's lack of focus and, save for 25 minutes, lack of any sort of dramatic tension.

Some of the songs are actually quite good, particularly the "My Turn" and the finale, "My Next Story." Other songs have really nice melodies, but bad lyrics.

The cast is sort of a mixed bag. The central character, Will, is played by Stephen Booth. After the show, I, not TheaterTrash, remarked that he was like a poor man's Aaron Tveit- he's not as good an actor, not as a good a singer, not as attractive, and far less charismatic. The character has potential, and in the hands of someone like Tveit, could really go somewhere.

Jesse JP Johnson suffers because of the four characters, he gets the least to do. He needs a better song than the awful road trip song he's given.

Adam Halpin, although looking far too old to have just graduated high school, does a nice job with an underdeveloped character.

I am in the minority here, but I found Andrew Call to be the strongest member of the cast. Sure, he spends the first half of the show playing the meat-head, but I confess, I knew many people in college who acted just like he does. His character struggles the most with the "secret" and I thought Call did an excellent job with the torment that his character faces over what just happened. Again, I would have liked to have seen it explored more and resolved, but that's the writers' fault.

The set consisted of bleachers, but really, what else was necessary? The lighting design was rather blatantly ripped off from Spring Awakening and Passing Strange- you had the rear panel lighting, and even blue light bulbs hanging down from the ceiling.

Overall, it's show whose effort I could applaud if it were a bunch of guys putting it on in their garage or something. It's got potential, but needs extensive work, and certainly isn't ready for Broadway at this point. I honestly don't know why they rushed in to Broadway with this. The house wasn't nearly full, and there were lots of comps, I am sure. I don't really see it lasting very long.

Again, not great, but certainly not a complete disaster.

#24re: TheaterTrash and WithoutATrace GLORY DAYS Review Thread
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:19am

I love the demo I heard, and I'm glad that all four songs are still in the show, and WT, I actually think that's a pretty clever lyric. I mean, yeah, it's simple, but its meaning is clearly stated. And it seems like the creators didn't give much for the director to work with. I mean, they could have been more creative, I guess, and done like "flash backs" or something, but I mean, if the setting is a football field, not much for a set designer to go off of. And a poor man's Aaron Tveit? Uh, Aaron Tveit is a poor man's Aaron Tveit.

PS. Yes the harmonies are beautiful (at least on "good old glory days")
