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Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts

Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts

#1Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/23/07 at 11:17pm

OK. So I was walking down 45th and my bf had to use the restroom so I said why don't I sign up for the Drowsy lottery while he uses the plush Marriot facilities. Fully expecting not to win and then go try to see Grey Gardens, I waited patiently until lo and behold I was the third name called. So we had front row center seats for The Drowsy Chaperone.

First off, let me say that John Glover is one of the finest actors of the age, and I fell in love with the actor from the moment he spoke, but the character of the Man in Chair is a sad and pathetic character, but with enough pretentions that I didn't have any sympathy for him.

While The Man in Chair provides the raison d'etre for Gable and Styne's Drowsy Chaperone, The Drowsy Chaperone by Bob Martin, et al, has no raison d'etre itself, and therefore falls flat.

The show is entertaining, it's cute, it's funny, but at whose expense? The Brechtian attempts to mitigate and distance itself from the stereotypes it portrays are funny, but pretentious. I really wanted to like this show, and I'm sure like many people who grew up listening to cast recordings and imagining what the shows looked like on stage, I see something of myself in The Man in Chair, but I know I've grown beyond that kind of self-serving, pretentious, escapist behaviour that characterized my adolescence, but not my adulthood; and to see this kind of behaviour in the character of a grown man who obviously has not handled his reality-based life well is less than appetizing.

JoAnne Worley was astounding, and it's always a pleasure to see Jeanine LaManna on stage, and John Glover just commands your attention on the stage, he's phenomenal. The show, however, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/23/07 at 11:18pm

Nice review.

I like the show, but feel it does drag a bit.

#2re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/23/07 at 11:18pm

I almost walked right into him (Glover) on 46th Street today. I seem to see him every time I walk through the Mariott wind tunnel.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#3re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/23/07 at 11:27pm

I felt the same way when I saw it last year.
Great performances, didn't love the show, though.

#4re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/23/07 at 11:30pm

I also think that the piece stands diametrically opposed to it's audience. I mean, it keeps saying that the show is bad, and that it's cheesy and vulgar, and racist, but when the show becomes a succees, what is that saying about it's audience?

It sits on the fence of insulting its audience, a lot. But if anything the show needs more of that than less.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl
Updated On: 5/23/07 at 11:30 PM

#5re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:56am

Fenchurch, which night did you see the show? Tuesday or Wednesday?

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#6re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:59am

I thought it was tacky and low, a very bad show, Im in shock it's still running.
I mean, it was meant to be just for a wedding. It should have never left Canada, but oh well, they are making money, so good for them!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#7re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 1:15am

I disagree! I had a fun time at the show. I wish it won Best Musical (and I'm not saying that just because I am a Sutton Foster fan). It was original and witty. Oh well, it didn't but glad to see it got quite a few awards at the Tonys!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 5/24/07 at 01:15 AM

mallardo Profile Photo
#8re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 2:26am

In order to enjoy it a sense of humor is required.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

courtnyj Profile Photo
StageFan2 Profile Photo
#10re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 6:55am

Nice review.
However I disagree. I thought Drowsey was very enjoyable and original. I love the humor of it amd I was totally taken with 'The Man in the Chair' concept.
Updated On: 5/24/07 at 06:55 AM

#11re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 7:56am

what a bunch of Moron's you people are. Show is brilliant, just brilliant. Stick with Rent or something that is more of a thinker.

auggie Profile Photo
#12re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 8:44am

I saw it on 5/9 and loved it. Bride's Lament is an excellent song and some of the takes on Broadway musicals are right on, especially the bit on intermissions. Liked Glover as the Man in the Chair but wished I saw Sutton Foster as Janet; wasn't that moved by Janine LaManna. Danny Burstein & Beth Leavel made the show for me.

#13re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 9:05am

Sorry if you think Im a moron for having an opinion about a show. I had a good time, but the jokes weren't worth it, and the Man in Chair is a sad, sad, pathetic man.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl

#14re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 10:48am

Man in chair isn't an actual man. He is a character who simply represents that little bit in EVERY broadway fan who loves to sit down and listen to their records and imagine the show as they saw it in the theatre. The same is true for all the characters in Drowsy. They aren't meant to be a literal character. They are all placed in the show to represent something or someone. Drowsy is an absolutely brilliant show. It's one of the most original shows on Broadway and I hope it stays even longer.

bschneid76 Profile Photo
#15re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 11:30am

One should be able to walk away from the show saying "hey, I am like the Man in the Chair" We all have something that we each hold dear to ourself that others cannot understand. The Man in the Chair says to us that The Drowsy Chaperone is his favorite musical, even when the world looks at him saying "I don't understand why you like that musical or whatever you enjoy so much." I felt myself in the part and thus made the show 100 times more enjoyable than other shows I have seen.

"Love the Art in Yourself. Not Yourself in the Art." -- Stanislavski

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#16re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 11:42am

"what a bunch of Moron's you people are. Show is brilliant, just brilliant. Stick with Rent or something that is more of a thinker"

So anyone who disagrees with you about a show is a moron? Grow up!

"the Man in Chair is a sad, sad, pathetic man"

I just felt like I wasn't being represented the way I should as a gay man who likes theatre. This straight actor, who wrote the show, as well, used the typical stereotype of the gay guy who enjoys Broadway. I don't like stereotypes, they can be offensive, and I couldn't relate at all.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#17re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 11:48am

The author is straight? That's even more offensive.

Now I'm kind of sickened by the show. The Man In Chair, in my opinion, has set back positive portrayals of gay men about 20 years.

Yes, I saw some of myself in the character, but I don't know anyone as sad, pathetic, self-centered, self-abusive, self-fearing and lonely as Man in Chair.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl

ljay889 Profile Photo
#18re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 11:51am

I think we're looking into the character way too much.

I saw the show and had a good time. I left the show, didn't really think about it, because I was seeing FOLLIES at Encores that night.
If you look too far into Drowsy - it'll make it much less enjoyable.

#19re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 11:53am

Sorry you couldn't relate and didn't enjoy the show (you've been very clear on this point for at least a year). No offense Muscle, but you're not the only model of a gay man who likes theatre. From my experience you come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life, butches and nellies, passers and flamers. And I'm delighted to count many of you gay men who love theatre among my friends. I think the character is an example, not a stereotype. And I don't think the Man in Chair is sad and pathetic.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#20re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 11:54am

Did they ever say Man In Chair was gay?

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#21re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:01pm

WW11: They didn't HAVE to. Do you think ANY of the tourists who left that theater said "I bet he was straight after all"


And don't get me wrong, on the superficial level, it's a hoot and a holler, but you come to a point in your life when you wonder if the laughs are worth it. I don't really buy the argument that lets you leave your conscience outside the theater just to be taken out of yourself, that's the Man in Chair's argument, and it's kind sad.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl

mallardo Profile Photo
#22re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:05pm

Lighten up, guys. If you're offended by Drowsy then your sensitivity threshold is set WAAAAAY too low.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

#23re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 12:09pm

Mallardo, I disagree, and I'll tell you why.

The show itself points out the social irresponsibility of the Styne and Gable Drowsy Chaperone, and therefore puts those issues in the minds of audience already. And it's quite difficult (if you have a conscience at all) to just ignore that once the show itself has already brought it up. Where the show fails is that it applies those moral criteria on the fictional 1920's musical but not to itself, which is irresponsible in itself, because it doesn't have the excuse of being written almost 100 years ago. In actuality, neither does the fictional piece, either, but it works as a parody.

"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." -Keen on Kean
"Fenchurch is correct, as usual." - muscle23ftl

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#24re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
Posted: 5/24/07 at 1:40pm

Fenchurch is correct, as usual.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
