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Complimentary tickets

#25Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/13/19 at 11:52pm

Lizzy, most comp tickets just say comp on it.  However, this past week, I almost bought some Spamalot tickets, from Craigslist, that had the tv station who gave them away in a contest, printed on them.  Yes, the box office would know by the seat location who actually received the comps to giveaway.  Majority, don't care.  They received their free publicity in exchange for the free tickets.  I'm most excited that this week I won tickets to Sarah Maclauchlin.  (spelling and don't want to look it up)  I'm a big fan and she is in a small venue so tickets were really high to purchase.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#26Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/13/19 at 11:56pm

Yeah, I've gotten comps before, but I wasn't sure about the intricacies of who gets what and where, and how it's determined. Thanks!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

senorvoce2 Profile Photo
#27Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/13/19 at 11:58pm

StubHub is a middleman, a broker. They connect buyers and sellers.

In this case, the show's marketing department arranges "trades", complimentary tickets for ads, commercials, etc, Those receiving these comp tickets are obliged not to sell them per the rules of these transactions. When these tickets are sold, via StubHub or other means, the vendors have violated the terms of these trades transactions and are subject to penalties. The buyers of these tickets are just unknowing players in the whole messy business. 

#28Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 12:04am

senorvoce2 said: "If complimentary trade tickets are found to be sold, the show's marketing department will penalize the vendor that did it. Selling comps is prohibited and will result in their cancelation. Contrary to the earlier blithe comments, you risk showing up and being denied entry to the show. While Stub Hub may make you whole, it is still a spoiled night out."

This is pretty much completely unlikely. There's zero way that a ticket taker knows how you received the comp tickets that you are using. You just as easily could be the person who the tickets were comped to for all the ticket takers and ushers know. Whatever you may think about the person selling those tickets, nothing about your experience will suffer from using those tickets.

senorvoce2 Profile Photo
#29Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 12:05am

What does a ticket taker have to do with this?

#30Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 12:11am

Comps are no different than music promos.  On your vinyl, cd, etc it will state for promotional use only Not for resell.  People and legit stores have been buying and reselling these promos for years.  I have actually given some people on this site free promos that I received.  What they did with them and whether or not they sold them is their business. 

Updated On: 2/15/19 at 12:11 AM

senorvoce2 Profile Photo
#31Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 12:16am

That's nice but it changes nothing.

#32Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 12:18am

senorvoce2 said: "What does a ticket taker have to do with this?"

I am assuming they are bring up ticket takers since two prior posters stated tell the box office and are grouping ticket takers along with box office workers.  Again OP, do not say anything to the Box Office employee, the ticket taker, the merchandise employee or the bartender.  Just stand in line and get your ticket scanned and go to your seat.

haterobics Profile Photo
#33Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 12:32pm

_(•_&bullComplimentary tickets_/ said: "Really??? Can I get an explanation please mods, my post is no where as mean as some of the others that are STILL up."

Complimentary tickets

#34Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 1:01pm

OP -- if you want to go to the trouble, you should take a clear photo of the tickets, and then after you've seen it, send the picture to the General Manager's office and let them know you purchased them from StubHub. They will know who was given those locations, and at the very least would have the ability to "cut them off" from any future comps. GM's have long memories. 

A while ago, someone on BWW posted that they had a set of free tickets for the first preview of Groundhog Day that they were looking to resell, and they (even more stupidly) gave the locations.  Jujamcyn Theatres saw the post and voided his tickets so they would not be able to be scanned in.  That was a fun day here!

You will not have an issue getting in to the show.  

#35Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 9:16pm

senorvoce2 said: "What does a ticket taker have to do with this?"

You were talking about getting denied entry to the show. The point (as others have also said) is that unless you report yourself about the tickets you are holding, no one is going to stop you from using those tickets. A lot of things can be in the gray area like selling comp tickets - technically resllers aren't allowed to sell tickets for more than 20% over face value in New York - but that doesn't stop people from reselling them for more than that or buying and using them.

Who narcs on themselves? Frankly, who narcs at all in these cases? Even if you have some moral issue with the resale of comps you have to be a special kind of um...person to be the one who reports someone else for doing it.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#36Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/14/19 at 9:53pm

OMG another post with incorrect information. It really is reaching epidemic proportions in this thread. 

Let's try this on for size: if you want to post about a FACT, and you don't know the fact and are too lazy to look it up, don't post it. If it's just your opinion, have at it, but if it is an opinion masquerading as a fact, kindly say so.

senorvoce2 Profile Photo
#37Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 12:04am

ccbway said: "senorvoce2 said: "What does a ticket taker have to do with this?"

You were talking about getting denied entry to the show. The point (as others have also said) is that unless you report yourself about the tickets you are holding, no one is going to stop you from using those tickets. A lot of things can be in the gray area like selling comp tickets - technically resllers aren't allowed to sell tickets for more than 20% over face value in New York - but that doesn't stop people from reselling them for more than that or buying and using them.

Who narcs on themselves? Frankly, who narcs at all in these cases? Even if you have some moral issue with the resale of comps you have to be a special kind of um...person to be the one who reports someone else for doing it.

One last point.

If you bought trade comps on StubHub, others have done it too. You may not be the one that is found out, it could be any of those illicit sales. If one is discovered, all that was used by that trade order would be implicated and canceled. It doesn't have to be you that is discovered for you to be affected. 

#38Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 8:34am

senorvoce2 said: "One last point.

If you bought trade comps on StubHub, others have done it too. You may not be the one that is found out, it could be any of those illicit sales. If one is discovered, all that was used by that trade order would be implicated and canceled. It doesn't have to be you that is discovered for you to be affected.

My point is...if you are a person who bought any of those tickets what possible reason do you have to report on the tickets you purchased? What is even the incentive of cancelling any of the tickets from the theatre's perpective? A free ticket is a free ticket, they don't lose money and an otherwise unused seat is filled. Reprimanding the person whose comps they belonged to, sure. But any of those tickets could have been legitimately distributed, canceling all of them would be a hassle that can't be worth the order to what? Teach the offender a lesson?

haterobics Profile Photo
#39Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 11:38am

ccbway said: "Reprimanding the person whose comps they belonged to, sure."

Sounds like you hit on the point here, but then just kept on going...

Kad Profile Photo
#40Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 12:13pm

In many cases, it would be difficult to determine who exactly put a comp up for sale. Comps aren't always associated with a particular individual or entity the way purchased tickets are. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#41Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 12:22pm

Kad said: "In many cases, it would be difficult to determine who exactly put a comp up for sale. Comps aren't always associated with a particular individual or entitythe way purchased tickets are."


More incorrect information.  The GM office keeps track of what tickets are given out and to whom (specific locations noted).  If a block of tickets was given to, say, the ad agency, they probably wouldn't know who was using them --- but at least they know to tell the ad agency one of their people was caught selling comps.  Then the ad agency will deal with it internally.

#42Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 1:02pm

haterobics said: "ccbway said: "Reprimanding the person whose comps they belonged to, sure."

Sounds like you hit on the pointhere, but then just kept on going...

Not really. Telling/warning/reprimanding a PR agency or a staff worker "hey, we saw someone had purchased a comp ticket on Stubhub that we have assigned to you, please (tell your reps to) stop doing this" is one thing. My point remains no theatre/theatre company will just suddenly be like - OK PR agency, I've now cancelled all of the tickets in that block thereby rendering all of them useless in a "we'll show them who's boss!" reaction.

artscallion Profile Photo
#43Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 1:12pm

JSquared2 said: "If a block of tickets was given to, say, the ad agency, they probably wouldn't know who was using them --- but at least they knowto tell the ad agency one of their people was caught selling comps. Then the ad agency will deal with it internally."

In that scenario, the ad agency may use tickets in any number of ways. They may give some to a delivery boy as a tip. The delivery boy may then give them to his Grandma because she likes theatre. She may not want to go so she sells them on stubhub. No one is going to scold or hold the ad agency responsible.

In any event, once a show gives comps to an agency, or anyone, in trade or to grease wheels or whatever, they have no say over what that agency does with them. That's like buying a coffee and telling Starbucks they can only use your $3.50 for rent, but not supplies.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#44Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 1:27pm

artscallion said: "JSquared2 said: "If a block of tickets was given to, say, the ad agency, they probably wouldn't know who was using them --- but at least they knowto tell the ad agency one of their people was caught selling comps. Then the ad agency will deal with it internally."

In that scenario, the ad agency may use tickets in any number of ways. They may give some to a delivery boy as a tip. The delivery boy may then give them to his Grandma because she likes theatre. She may not want to go so she sells them on stubhub. No one is going to scold or hold the ad agency responsible.

Sure, whatever you say, dude.



artscallion Profile Photo
#45Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 1:30pm

I happen to be a Sales and Marketing Manager at a theatre. I'm not making anything up.


Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#46Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 2:09pm

HogansHero said: "OMG another post with incorrect information. It really is reaching epidemic proportions in this thread.

Let's try this on for size: if you want to post about a FACT, and you don't know the fact and are too lazy to look it up, don't post it. If it's just your opinion, have at it, but if it is an opinion masquerading as a fact, kindly say so.

What's right and what's wrong?

#47Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 2:10pm

JSquared2 said: "OP --if you want to go to the trouble, you should take a clear photo of the tickets, and then after you've seen it, send the picture to the General Manager'soffice and let them know you purchased them from StubHub. They will know who was given those locations, and at the very least would have the ability to "cut them off" from any future comps. GM's have long memories.

A while ago, someone on BWW posted that they had a set of free tickets for the first preview of Groundhog Day that they were looking to resell, and they (even more stupidly) gave the locations. Jujamcyn Theatres saw the post and voided his tickets so they would not be able to be scanned in. That was a fun day here!

You will not have an issue getting in to the show.

I didn't know Jujamcyn was on here. (Hi, JORDAN)!

HogansHero Profile Photo
#48Complimentary tickets
Posted: 2/15/19 at 7:53pm

zainmax said: "What's right and what's wrong?"

My post, which was quite a ways up this thread, was in immediate reaction to some nonsense about NY law, but overall we have a lot of people saying unequivocally that someone will not have a problem using a ticket that was a comp not intended for them. No one can say that. Then there are people making up stuff about publicists and ad agencies that no one in this business will recognize as true, and others who are riffing on the propagated nonsense. The (few) people on here conveying accurate information are pretty obvious. There are an awful lot of posts on here that would be a lot less offensive if they stated with "My guess is..." 
