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Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS- Page 2

Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS

#25Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 5:01pm

He sounds like Will Ferrell's Bush performing as Forrest Gump...drunk.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#26Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 5:08pm

I haven't seen the show live, but I thought he did well in the filmed version (albeit vocally strained). Still didn't heal the wound, though. I'm not ready to talk about it though.

I'm still bitter it won over American Idiot.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#27Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 5:20pm

I wouldn't mind seeing Bryan Fenkart as Huey. I like the Bryant Park performance. I think a little break might be good for Chad. Maybe he can work on that last note in "Memphis Lives in Me."

After Eight
#28Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 6:54pm

I thought he was terrific, and I'm very sorry to read of his injury. I wish him a complete recovery, and look forward to seeing him in future shows.

kikki327 Profile Photo
#29Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 7:21pm

I saw Memphis in June and was absolutely blown away by the show. I fell in love with it and with Chad! I agree that his voice is strained but I completely understand why, that score is crazy and he is incredible to have sang that for the past 2 years and for 6 years before it was on Broadway. I'm sad to see Chad have to leave but I'm glad he is doing what he needs to get healthy. I just hope he is performing on Saturday when I take my sister to see Memphis...

ChiChi Profile Photo
#30Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 8:23pm

He's kind of cute and all, but I can't stand George W Bush, and that's all I was hearing when I saw it.

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

adamgreer Profile Photo
#31Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 8:30pm

I just hope he is performing on Saturday when I take my sister to see Memphis...

If you're seeing the matinee he won't be...

kikki327 Profile Photo
#32Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/21/11 at 9:36pm

really? I saw Chad perform a Saturday matinee in early June and for the past two Saturday evenings Bryan Fenkart has been on....

MotorTink Profile Photo
#33Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 8:54am

I watched the broadcast on Netflix last night. I thought it was enjoyable. I could not understand what the hell he was saying and that he was either damaged or drunk at first. But it got a little bit better as the show went on. I liked Memphis Lives in Me.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

suttonfoster Profile Photo
#34Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 1:08pm

Jesus, you queens are brutal. Know wonder the Broadway community hates this board. Chad has a degree from BoCo, is a tony-nominated actor and got mostly-good reviews for this. Get over yourselves.

#35Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 7:07pm

He is supposed to act like some "bum" and "loser," since he can never hold a job and such, AND he's not supposed to know how to read.

George W. Bush? Hmmmm...last time i checked, Bush can read, hold a few jobs, and isn't a drunk. If you are gonna compare Huey to someone, compare him to maybe like a TRUE southern redneck.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#36Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 7:08pm

Bush isn't an alcoholic? Since when?

#37Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 7:18pm

Well said Suttonfoster. Chad's "Huey", whether you agree or not, has made Memphis a hit. There are many Bway shows that had more money and star power that are no longer around - and didn't get a Tony nomination or award. Chad and Montego rock the Shubert every performance - their chemistry is off the hook. - and why the house erupts in a standing ovation every show. So, instead of tearing down a BRILLANT actor who has given his heart and soul to a lead Bway role - just be supportive and let Chad heal in peace.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#38Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 7:32pm

"Chad's "Huey", whether you agree or not, has made Memphis a hit."

Um...we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

#39Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 8:01pm

Wow! Its funny how offended some people are by his performance!

I thought he was a good leading man, and put a lot of passion into the role.
The odd posture and exaggerated accent are a character choice that I think fits the role of an academically challenged "country boy". He has, whether you are one of a large number who seem to have embarked on a personal vendetta against him or not, made a large contribution to the success of the show. And he grabbed a tony nomination en-route.

I have to say, having seen both, I prefer Bryan Fenkart's 'toned down' portrayal and fresher vocals. However, Chad Kimball created the role, and many elements of his performance are present in Bryan's aswell. I completely respect what Chad has done.

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#40Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 9:06pm

I really don't think that anyone in this thread who expressed a negative opinion about Chad Kimball did it because they're "offended" or "have a personal vendetta." They just didn't like his performance for the reasons listed. No one's out to get him.

And for my two cents, I think that Chad Kimball is talented but he's just playing a caricature now and he's blown out his voice so I don't enjoy listening to him like I did pre-Memphis. I don't dislike him as a human being (and I don't think anyone else who thinks negatively of his performance dislikes him as a human being either), but I don't like his performance.

#41Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 11:30pm

"George W. Bush? Hmmmm...last time i checked, Bush can read, hold a few jobs, and isn't a drunk. If you are gonna compare Huey to someone, compare him to maybe like a TRUE southern redneck."

Nobody compared the character to him like that. I just watched it on Netflix last night, and wasn't sure what I thought of his bizarre performance, I definitely didn't hate it. But I also can't deny that it absolutely reminded me of George Bush, particularly Will Ferrell's Bush, I think it was mostly the squinty eyes and high eyebrows.

#42Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/22/11 at 11:31pm

^ Well said. I have nothing agaisnt Chad, but i quit watching "Memphis" on Netflix after his entrance. I think it's a bizzare (but valid) character choice that really left me VERY cold.

ChiChi Profile Photo
#43Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/23/11 at 2:25am

So I'm confused. Does he really only perform a couple performances a week? Or has he just recently cut back?

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

#44Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/23/11 at 10:00am

Memphis became a "hit" because it was the best of the worst and won a tony award. Thats it. Without that award the show would have closed. look at its grosses pre-tony's and see.
thats it..nothing more. end of story.

kikki327 Profile Photo
#45Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 7/23/11 at 10:38pm

Saw today's matinee...was blown away again! Saw Felicia Boswell as Felicia...she was so good! Her voice is a lot different from Montego but I really enjoyed her performance. And she is apparently playing Felicia on the tour. I was thrilled to see that Chad was on at the matinee. Even with his injury his performance was just as phenomenal as ever. Every time he was pushed or shoved on stage I would hold my breath until he moved again because I was afraid he would hurt his neck more! The entire audience was really into the show and standing up and dancing by the end of Steal Your Rock and so much fun. And Chad got a little emotional during Memphis Lives in Me and it continued until the curtain call. It was really sweet because you could tell how much he has put into this role and how hard it will be for him to leave in October. All in all, the show was amazing and I'm so glad I went back. I'm already planning my next trip!

#46Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 8/1/11 at 1:21pm

I caught it on Netflix the other day because sadly, I haven't been able to make it to NYC to watch it live. I really enjoyed it. The only weak link was Chad, he was simply no match for the rest of the wonderful cast. I don't understand why he had to contort his body, it added no value to the character whatsoever. I get that he's supposed to be drunk, but good grief, he acted like he was playing Quasimodo not a drunk. All it served to do was distract from his portrayal, and all I wanted to do was reach in and straighten him out. His accent was painful as well. It's unfortunate because it's an interesting part, he's just totally wrong for it.

The lack of chemistry between him and Montego didn't do anything for the love interest angle either. She's way too much woman for Chad's pathetic Huey. The relationship was completely out of sync for me.

So now I'm really curious as to who will replace him. The show is very entertaining and definitely on my must-see list the next time I'm in NYC. But only if they hire someone who will infuse Huey with some grit and do the part justice.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#47Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 8/1/11 at 1:26pm

They might as well just replace him with Bryan Fenkart, the current standby, who performance as often as Chad does these days. He's supposedly very good (and different from Chad), and the show doesn't need a star to run.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

dragonlp86 Profile Photo
#48Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 8/1/11 at 7:33pm

I saw the show last August and got Chad on as Huey. Me and my friend absolutely loved it and thought he put on a wonderful performance (we could understand him just fine and weren't 'offended' by his portrayal of Huey). It's true that the role doesn't call for a lot of 'complicated' notes or songs, but the character is almost always on the stage. So I can see where doing it for as long as Chad has would take its toll on you. Not saying I understand his timing if it's a 'medical' issue, but I still wish him the best and hope to see him back on Broadway.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#49Chad Kimball Leaves MEMPHIS
Posted: 8/2/11 at 2:43pm

Leave/Escape- fine difference.

And I thought he was doing a very BROAD immitation of Jerry Lee Lewis (NOT Quaids version on film) esp the clothes. In fact all the characters were versions of various real life performers.
Early Jerry Lee Lewis Interiew
