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CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square- Page 2

CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square

#25CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/24/21 at 5:15pm

You’re totally valid to be concerned about how this play will, uh, play. But you know what? It’s not my money. So I don’t really care. I do think a lot of the heavier subject matter might struggle as people just want upbeat fun theater to take our minds off last year and all that. But I’m curious to see how it all shakes out!

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#26CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/24/21 at 5:41pm

For me, I don't necessarily need it to be fun...though I won't eschew a good time. I need to feel. I have been numb for 15 months at this point. I want to see something new and interesting that will make me feel something on a deeper level again. Now...there are not enough people who think like I do to run a show. But...and I have to reiterate this...we are in uncharted territory. No one knows how this is going to go. But there are people taking chances and, no matter what, that has to be applauded. There are people looking at this through the lens of the old rules. Those rules no longer exist. At least for another year. So...let people lose their money. Let them take the tax deduction. And, for God's sake, let them give us something that might be new and thrilling. Or new and boring. But new is what points us to the future. And we need to have a better vision of the future right now.

Updated On: 6/24/21 at 05:41 PM

#27CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/24/21 at 6:07pm

I get that. I just don’t really want to be in a theater and being yelled about race. But that’s just me. Some people might want that. I’d rather go see Mamma Mia right now. With a happy hour before.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#28CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/24/21 at 6:12pm

It's a comedy. 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#29CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/24/21 at 7:02pm

Some of us have been saying for months that in the early going the prudent course is to produce shows for locals not tourists, shows that, for the most part, are new and stimulating. A huge number of shows that do not fit that description are opening this Fall, and I sadly believe many of them, including some that are household names, will not be here very long. I think that shows that can attract the attention of locals (i.e., shows not pitched to the lowest common denominator, shows that have not long been "tourist fodder," and yes shows that are new and stimulating) have a better chance to survive the bloodbath. We shall see. I am delighted this is coming in.

#30CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/24/21 at 7:14pm

Same! Excited for all the debuts! And yeah I see what you’re saying.

#31CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 9:58am

SouthernCakes said: "I get that. I just don’t really want to be in a theater and being yelled about race. But that’s just me. Some people might want that. I’d rather go see Mamma Mia right now. With a happy hour before. "


The show hasn't even gone into rehearsal and you're thinking you know what it's content is?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#32CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 11:47am

Shows generally have a plot summary. Especially a show that’s already played elsewhere.

#33CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 11:47am

Shows generally have a plot summary. Especially a show that’s already played elsewhere.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#34CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 11:50am

You haven't seen it anywhere and it's a comedy. So, just stop. 

Sauja Profile Photo
#35CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 12:25pm

I have tickets. I'm trying to make sure to support new work by Black playwrights (and directors and producers). So many shows are going to open this Fall when we really don't know how theater attendance will be--there just isn't really a precedent for this year anywhere. Locals may be beating down the doors to get back in theaters, but it's also possible that people don't have the inclination yet. Or finances have changed for people. Or whatever may be the case. And my fear is that if the proliferation of plays by Black playwrights don't succeed, many producers will say, "Well, we gave you what you said you wanted, and no one came." I just don't know if the answer to theatrical inequity is trying to produce all of these plays in the most uncertain market we've ever had. So...I'll keep trying to do my part and snatch tickets, which I have for this, Pass Over, Thoughts of a Colored Man, and Lackawanna Blues and Skeleton Crew (via subscription). And intend to see Trouble in Mind and can't wait to see Clyde's as I adore Lynn Nottage's work. But...we'll see. It's a wider spread of plays by Black playwrights than we've ever had on Broadway at once, and they range from new writers to double Pulitzer winners. returning classics to brand new works. Light comedy to intense drama and a few works that seem maybe beyond neat categories. We don't know what will happen, but the one piece I'm holding onto is that I'm super excited to have the opportunity to see a whole bunch of new work this season!


In the meantime, I'll just hope that there's an excuse for Norm Lewis to sing in this EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#36CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 12:32pm

Same. For ALL OF IT.

#37CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:07pm

Never said I’d seen it? weird how you know it’s a comedy yet it’s not in rehearsal so….

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#38CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:09pm

Generally shows don't change genres after they've already had one production.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#39CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:10pm


BroadwayGuy12 Profile Photo
#40CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:14pm

SouthernCakes said: "Never said I’d seen it? weird how you know it’s a comedy yet it’s not in rehearsal so…."

I'm not sure why there seems to be confusion about whether or not the show is a comedy. The tagline for the show is "A feel-good comedy that will feed your soul." The official website is billing it as "Chicken & Biscuits: The Broadway Comedy."

There's also a summary listed on the website, as well as on the show's Telecharge page:

"The Jenkins family is coming together to celebrate the life of their father—hopefully without killing each other! Eldest daughter, Baneatta, wants everything to be perfect for her father's funeral. "Favorite” daughter, Beverly, would rather honor her daddy dressed to show the entire congregation what she’s been “blessed with." Teenage granddaughter, La’trice, can’t mind her own business if it was on a leash. Not far behind comes grandson Kenny and his very Jewish boyfriend Logan who is maybe, sort of, okay definitely afraid of Baneatta. But Baneatta’s hopes unravel when a family secret shows up at the funeral..."

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#41CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:20pm


#42CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:20pm

I’ve never said it wasn’t a comedy? People just love to bully on here. Happy for the show and all it’s Broadway debuts and hope it does well!

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#43CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 1:24pm

Never said I’d seen it? weird how you know it’s a comedy yet it’s not in rehearsal so….

"A feel-good comedy that will feed your soul." The official website is billing it as "Chicken & Biscuits: The Broadway Comedy."

Yeah. It's really confusing. 

#44CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 2:47pm

Y’all are messy. Not even sure why you’re so angry.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#45CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 2:59pm

When three people inform you that this is a comedy, think that Lizzie Curry was agreeing with you (it was the opposite) and another has been kind enough to give you the official synopsis of the play and you still don't get it and blame others instead of saying "my mistake"?

We aren't the ones who are acting messy, angry, and frankly stupid regarding this show.


#46CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 6:49pm

I never said it wasn’t a comedy…

#47CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/25/21 at 9:16pm

I think chicken and biscuits makes sense after chili and cornbread ! (Cue Oklahoma)!

#48CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/26/21 at 9:17am

Just got my ticket!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

quizking101 Profile Photo
#49CHICKEN AND BISCUITS at Circle in the Square
Posted: 6/29/21 at 9:22am

I bought my ticket last week plot summary unseen because I would watch Michael Urie act (and/or Norm Lewis sing) the terms of my Hyundai’s warranty.

To me, this very much screams the plot line of “Death At A Funeral” and considering how much I enjoy that movie, this should be a riot.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!
