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Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover

Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover

#1Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:39pm

This year's choreography Tony is certainly one of the most interesting contests in years. I am leaning towards Blankenbuehler - the movement in Hamilton is integral to its success and is really co-direction of the entire show. Glover's work is always glorious and deserving too. I suspect this category is going to be the closest (it would be great if it were a tie!) Wondering what others think? (sorry, Hofesh Schefter, Randy Skinner and Sergio Trujillo have to be happy with their nominations, since they won't win)...

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#2Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:42pm

Glover SHOULD win, but he won't.

tazber Profile Photo
#3Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:44pm

I was thinking about this earlier.


The direction of Ham is so movement-based I'm not sure what's Blankenbuehler and what's Kail.



....but the world goes 'round

#4Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:48pm

Could go either way, honestly. People might want to recognize Savion as the win for the show, or they might vote straight down the ticket for Ham.

TNick926 Profile Photo
#5Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:55pm

I really think this one will go to Savion, as Shuffle Along features such blazing, blistering real dance...Blankenbuehler's work in Hamilton is breath-taking, terrifically cinematic, but I agree with previous poster who said it's hard to know what is Blankenbuehler's "choreography" and what is Kail's staging...whatever it was, it resulted in a seamless partnership that helps make Hamilton flow like few shows ever have...  Still, based on pure dance, I think it will go to Savion...

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#6Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:58pm

neonlightsxo said: "Could go either way, honestly. People might want to recognize Savion as the win for the show, or they might vote straight down the ticket for Ham."

Let's hope they take the time and thought to not do the latter. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

tazber Profile Photo
#7Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 3:59pm

I love HAM, but I hope Savion gets it.


And I also hope She Loves Me wins best scenic design.


Again, I love me some Hamilton, but the set was really just a rolling staircase and some chairs.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 5/3/16 at 03:59 PM

Sauja Profile Photo
#8Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:00pm

I'm curious who people think deserves it in addition to who will get it. They both did exceptional work, but personally, I'd lean towards Glover for personal choice but think that Blankenbuehler will get it--it's very, very strong work in the most beloved show. For Hamilton to lose a category, I think it would take exceptional work that also feels much showier than what Hamilton is offering. For me, that makes them most vulnerable in Leading Actress where Soo could be considered a featured performer and there are phenomenal actresses with much larger roles (Erivo and Mueller in particular) or Set Design where She Loves Me has a fantastic set that is also much more detailed than Hamilton's (I'm not say more detail or flash is better--just that it might be what it takes to eke out a win). 

#9Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:02pm

"For Hamilton to lose a category, I think it would take exceptional work that also feels much showier than what Hamilton is offering."


I actually think Glover's work meets those qualifications, though.

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#10Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:05pm

Am I the only person in love with the Fiddler choreo?


This is totally off topic but since the discussion started - the Hamilton turntables would be scenic design, no? They might help pull out a win there.

TNick926 Profile Photo
#11Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:13pm

This is totally off topic but since the discussion started - the Hamilton turntables would be scenic design, no? They might help pull out a win there.

Right, turntables are part of scenic design, but Blankenbuehler and Kail's use of them is choreography and staging - again, hard to know which is which.

And I agree with you, the dancing in Fiddler is wonderful, but it feels like we've seen most of that before and before and before...

madbrian Profile Photo
#12Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:15pm

I would think all these comments about the seamless work in Hamilton would only mitigate in its favor, in all categories.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Sauja Profile Photo
#13Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:22pm

"I actually think Glover's work meets those qualifications, though."


That's...a very good point, neonlights. Hm. I admit that I'm waffling on my own thoughts. 


In the meantime, Jesse Green has an interesting article on which Tony's Hamilton will win.


Hellob Profile Photo
#14Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:40pm

Glover's work is the star of the show. The dancing gets more applause than the actors- save the Billy Porter number that is begging for it. 

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#15Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:50pm

TNick926 said "And I agree with you, the dancing in Fiddler is wonderful, but it feels like we've seen most of that before and before and before..."

Interesting - I came here to say the exact opposite! I thought the choreo in Fiddler was the coolest part of the show - the way he merged traditional Eastern European Fiddler choreography with modern dance really fascinated me. 

Either way, I agree that the race is between Blankenbueller and Glover. I'm 100% Team Glover.  

Updated On: 5/3/16 at 04:50 PM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#16Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 4:51pm

This will go to Blankenbuehler.  But it should go to Glover.

#17Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 5:04pm

For me, I am just not a big fan of Andy B's choreography in anything he has while I get he is an intricate part of Hamilton, I would also pick Savion.

#18Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 5:08pm

I HATED the Ham choreography the first time i saw it. The second time I liked it- then it stuck with me over the months, and now, when i see clips, I really love it. Its different, new, unusual, and great. Like all great things, it doesn't necessarily connect with audiences right away- kind of like Stravinsky's Rite of Spring

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#19Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 5:12pm

Savion Glover has been producing astonishing dance work on Broadway for 30 years if you go back to Tap Dance Kid. His work for SHUFFLE ALONG tops everything that came before, and will be studied for decades to come as the sui generis of brilliant tap shows. The Tony should be his.

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#20Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:32pm

It would be disturbing if Glover didn't win the Tony for his work in Shuffle Along. The tap is the star of this show and he choreographed complicated numbers with a ton of people tapping on stage (of course much credit to those executing it).  

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#21Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/4/16 at 2:21am

I am with team Savion Glover for a win for Choreography!Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

uncageg Profile Photo
#22Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/4/16 at 2:42am

I have not seen Hamilton. I have seen Shuffle Along. My thought is that I need to see HAMILTON to appreciate the choreography because what I saw of the 16 minute best of/montage cilip seemed to be repetitive. However it seems that the choreography and direction merged in this production. For pure choreography I have to go with Savion. That Pennsylvania piece alone deserves a Tony. I have never been that jaw dropped over a piece as I was the evening I saw the show. Flat out stunning. JMO


Just give the world Love.

#23Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/9/16 at 1:09pm

Regardless of the "which is which" argument, I'm Team Savion. Incredible work and, frankly, I think much of the choreography in "Hamilton" is kinda dumb. I look forward to (far in the future) stripped-down versions of the show.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#24Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/9/16 at 1:17pm

It was when I noticed the motifs in choreography during Hamilton's monologue in "The World Was Wide Enough" last time I went to Hamilton that I noticed how brilliant Blankenbuehler's work is (consider watching the ensemble members alone during that minute and a half if you have tickets to an upcoming performance—you'll no doubt cry like I did). Glover's choreography is the finest of its craft, but in my opinion, Blankenbuehler's is as well—and his goes above and beyond in making the movement of the show both emblematic of the time period as well as, in a way, a character itself. Count me in Team Blankenbuehler (which isn't, by any means, saying that Glover's work isn't ingenious as well). 

HogansHero Profile Photo
#25Andy Blankenbuehler vs. Savion Glover
Posted: 5/9/16 at 1:21pm

I think AndyBlank will win for several reasons:

1. The juggernaut.

2. Tap is not favored nowadays.

3. Glover has been honored for doing essentially the same -I would say better-before.

4. The choreography in Hamilton is of a piece with the show; in Shuffle, it IS the show. The former skill set is more impressive. 
