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What do you think of this casting listing?- Page 5

What do you think of this casting listing?

#100What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 6:47pm

"I think that nowadays people are so touchy and afraid of being not politically correct that they actually discriminate black people by casting them. Let me explain that. I feel that in every show nowadays they cast a few black people, while it is clear that there are other people out there who sing or play the role better. So the only reason they get cast is because they are black."

YES DAVE YES. Think about it people


#101What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 6:51pm

Also...referring to something as "all-white" is just kinda...weird. For heaven's sake, we are people! Whether white, black, Latin...I really don't care. It's about talent. At least it should be. 

But aside from all the differing opinions, I do find this message board very interesting and enlightening! It's nice to see a bunch of people with lots of different views on life. 

#102What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 6:56pm

How does Dave even notice actors of other races if he doesn't see race?

Also, saying a problem shouldn't exist, when tge problem does exist, does nothing to change the problem. 


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Updated On: 5/26/15 at 06:56 PM

#103What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 7:08pm

I don't really see a problem other than the fact that a casting notice wants all but one race. 

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#104What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 7:22pm

All I see is someone who spells wonder with too many Ds. 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#105What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 7:29pm

"Also...referring to something as "all-white" is just kinda...weird."

Or observant.

"For heaven's sake, we are people! Whether white, black, Latin...I really don't care. "

Oh, but you do.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#106What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 7:29pm

How long after an unsatisfactory performance begins does Dave notice race?

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Updated On: 5/26/15 at 07:29 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#107What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 7:32pm

And are they just a costume and wig floating around on stage until that point?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#108What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 8:04pm

If all unsatisfactory actors are cast on the basis of race, I don't understand why the two black "Les Mis" actors are even mentioned.

#109What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 8:19pm

""Also...referring to something as "all-white" is just kinda...weird."
Or observant.
"For heaven's sake, we are people! Whether white, black, Latin...I really don't care. "
Oh, but you do."

Don't tell me what I do and don't do. Because you don't know me, and I am a person who really doesn't care because I view people as individuals. Each one is different and special. You may see that as hippie crap, but it's not. You'll find yourself much happier if you assume the best in people. 

If this conversation ever was a respectful debate, it has come down to people hanging out in chatrooms for hours on end insulting each other over their opinions. It's a waste of my time, and while I only posted here to provide a differing opinion, I now see it was a pointless effort.

Unfortunately, this community (of Broadwayworld) seems to me as though it's a gathering of bored people itching to fight with someone. I've been getting very nasty comments from people ever since I posted here in the first place. I had hoped it would just be a gathering of Broadway fans and apparently it is not.

I respectfully remove myself from such people who have nothing better to do than insult others on the internet. Make fun of me all you want, but I will stand by my opinions elsewhere. 


#110What do you think of this casting listing?
Posted: 5/26/15 at 10:09pm

Yes yes yes that's all great.  It's important that people view people as individuals.  But it's also important that people who live in a system examine who benefits from the system and who is oppressed by it and if they see people being oppressed by the system that bestows advantages on them (not because they are individuals with value contributing something spectacular but because they are part of the dominant culture that is rewarded by the system), then, THEN, if they have consciences, they try to confront the problems and contribute to their solution.

It's also all well and good to say, "This shouldn't even BE an issue" but it IS an issue.  To then say "*I* don't see race" is not only impossible but it's an abnegation of any duty or responsibility or ethical decision to do something to help change things for the better.  Which is totally fine even though I personally believe the maxim that if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.  But other people can make other decisions. But if they think they "don't see" race or if they think giving, for example, black actors jobs is RACIST, well, I think they're deeper in denial than most.

On a side note, it's delightful to see so many long posts from the lying man who wondered how I do anything when I post regularly on these boards!  I guess he took some of the copious time he normally spends donating and volunteering to overthrow the current two party political system to wonder aloud like a good Ayn Randian how unions or the governtment would guarantee and regulate this isuse when NO ONE NOT A SINGLE PERSON SUGGESTED ANYTHING LIKE THAT BUT HIS PARANOID BRAIN COULD NOT NOT TAKE HIM THERE!

Get well right quick, Liza'sHeadrand

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Updated On: 5/26/15 at 10:09 PM
