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Member Name: songofendlesswondder
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Good plays for high schools?
 Jun 3 2015, 05:14:45 PM

I Hate Hamlet would be a good one.

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 09:59:03 PM

Marshmallow fluff is indeed delicious in moderation..

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 07:43:03 PM



Favorite Scores since 2000
 May 30 2015, 07:09:49 PM


Next to Normal, [title of show], Last Five Years...

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:33:44 PM

But I'm totally biased because it's Heidi Blickenstaff...

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:28:58 PM

That's what I was thinking too. I mean the score is just really bleh when looked at from a music perspective. I feel like Right Hand Man was the only slightly catchy song on there.

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:23:27 PM

""Well sorta in the musical theatre world they are. Not on like a Patti Lupone capacity but legends all the same. "
Maybe on Tumblr, they approach legend status. "

 Yeah agreed.

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:22:28 PM

"And if you want modern fluff, Hairspray, Spamalot, Curtains, and even something like The Drowsy Chaperone are all better."

 Just curious as to why that is? I mean I agree with you totally, but what do you think differentiates those from this piece? I mean Hairspray was based on true events and grounded in a real life sort of world, which I think tends to make a piece more relatable. But Spamalot totally wasn't and was still

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:16:55 PM

Well sorta in the musical theatre world they are. Not on like a Patti Lupone capacity but legends all the same. 

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:12:24 PM

I feel like it's doing well because of that cast. I mean you got musical theatre LEGENDS all in the same show. D'Arcy James, Borle, Blickenstaff, Oscar. I mean those people are amazing performers. Without them I think the show would be more prone to flopping.

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 06:09:10 PM

Agreed completely. But if you want modern fluff this is a good candidate I would say.

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 30 2015, 05:51:08 PM

It's not like a life-changing score or it didn't have an impact on me like other scores (I mean it's no Jason Robert Brown or Stephen Sondheim that's for sure). But I appreciate it for what it is you know? It's definitely one of those that don't require a lot of thought, but it's still enjoyable. 

I do wish there were more sweet moments in it though. One thing I love about most musicals is that in a lot of comedies, there's some relief in those sweet moments. I

SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album
 May 29 2015, 06:20:00 PM

It honestly fell a wee bit flat to me. But I'm not going to fully judge it until I actually see it...but Right Hand Man is literally the best thing ever.

What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 08:19:17 PM

""Also...referring to something as "all-white" is just kinda...weird."
Or observant.
"For heaven's sake, we are people! Whether white, black, Latin...I really don't care. "
Oh, but you do."

Don't tell me what I do and don't do. Because you don't know me, and I am a person who really doesn't care because I view people as individuals. Each one is different and speci

What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 07:08:19 PM

I don't really see a problem other than the fact that a casting notice wants all but one race. 

What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 06:51:08 PM

Also...referring to something as "all-white" is just kinda...weird. For heaven's sake, we are people! Whether white, black, Latin...I really don't care. It's about talent. At least it should be. 

But aside from all the differing opinions, I do find this message board very interesting and enlightening! It's nice to see a bunch of people with lots of different views on life. 

What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 06:47:20 PM

"I think that nowadays people are so touchy and afraid of being not politically correct that they actually discriminate black people by casting them. Let me explain that. I feel that in every show nowadays they cast a few black people, while it is clear that there are other people out there who sing or play the role better. So the only reason they get cast is because they are black."


What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 02:05:18 PM


I totally agree. And the original post could have at least been a little more sensitive at least. But apparently it's all okay if it's targeted towards white people.

What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 01:38:22 PM

Those stereotype examples were simply that, examples. I do not stand behind them, but simply provided them for example only.

What do you think of this casting listing?
 May 26 2015, 01:36:39 PM

Is white a race? Then yes. You're "opinion" is a racial stereotype. If I were to say that all Latin Americans were illegal immigrants, that would be a racial stereotype. If I were to say that all African American black males were drug dealers and criminals, that would be a racial stereotype. You might say that those are assumptions made by an uneducated racist person. And your previous statement is exactly that. You are being racist too, but somehow it's justified because its directed towards

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