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Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet Charity?- Page 2

Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet Charity?

#25re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 2:50pm


"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#26re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 2:50pm

Britney Spears pairedwith anyone BUT her husband would be a better match than what she's got now.

I would'nt like Britney Murphy as Charity. She always reminds me of a crack addict. very Mimi Marquez.

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
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<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#27re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 2:53pm

I personally would have gone to see Spears in Charity in a heartbeat. I think it would be hysterically horrible.

GodIHopeIGetIt Profile Photo
#28re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 2:54pm

I think that's why this stunt casting works. The Spears-ygirls want to see Spears, and we want to see how bad she is. Everyone makes money.

#29re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 2:55pm

I would've gone to see it also just to watch how bad she would be!

THINK ABOUT IT! Britney Spears and Denis O'Hare a couple?!?! They wouldn't have any chemistry at all!

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey

#30re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 2:56pm

double post!

"I'm tellin' you, the only times I really feel the presence of God are when I'm having sex and during a great Broadway musical." - Nathan Lane - Jeffrey
Updated On: 8/10/06 at 02:56 PM

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#31re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 3:02pm

Trueeee..... Stunt casting DOES work sometimes.

I think Denis would be SCARED of Britney, though.

However, in a thread like this I would like to break out in Avenue Q song "Schadnfreude"!!!!

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

#32re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 3:11pm

Britney replacing Christina.


(like...Christina Aguilera...) was funny in my head. shut up.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#33re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 3:15pm

Don't tell me to shut up!! You shut up!! I know you are but what am I???

How about Dakota Fanning as Charity?


"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

#34re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:21pm

While Britney ended up being at the top of the list, do remember that both Gloria Estefan AND Goldie Hawn were the other two strong potential candidates. All three were flown in to see the show and everything...

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#35re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:27pm

I think Goldie is too old. As someone said before me, Charity is not too young, but not too old.

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

OnMyWay Profile Photo
#36re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:28pm

Hopefully there will be a revival soon, with Britney in the starring role.

"People that excel in the arts understand that the journey is the reward...the result an added bonus. Every day I act or train is a blessing and a dream come true. If Broadway beckons so be it. I have a personal definition of success that is unshakable by a possibly unobtainable goal." -HamletWasBipolar

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#37re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:36pm

Hopefully that was sarcasm. If not, watch out for sharp object that will magically appear in front of your face.

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

gustof777 Profile Photo
#38re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:48pm

I have always thought that Sarah Jessica Parker would make a wonderful Charity and she's a Broadway gal too!

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#39re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:52pm

Sarah would need a lot of make-up, tohugh, becuase she looks much older than Charity would, ideally.

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

gustof777 Profile Photo
#40re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:55pm

Isn't she only 40? And she certainly doesn't look it. Charity is supposed to be older.

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#41re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 4:59pm

I thin kcharity is supposed to be borderline. Not too old, not too young. Sarra looks a lot older. but I think that she'd be able to do it.

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

Funny Face Profile Photo
Funny Face
#42re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:00pm

I like both Sarah and Brittany Murphy as Charity. Those would have been great choices.

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#43re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:02pm

Britany Murphy's voice buggs me. Britany is too skinny, and a little too rough around the edges I think.

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#44re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:13pm

"There was one girlwho stated "Wouldn't Paris Hilton be a great girl to play Christine in DRS if Sherie ever left?" I almost died. She wasn't being sarcastic either. Paris Hilton and Britney Spears would corrupt Broadway."

I think I'd rather see Britney as Charity than Paris Hilton in anything. Add me to the list of people who would want to see Britney just for laughs. Hell she might be suprisingly good.

"Gloria Estefan AND Goldie Hawn were the other two strong potential candidates..."

What?!? Are you serious? Did you pull those names out of a hat? I can't imagine either of those two doing Charity. If you're bringing Goldie Hawn into this...maybe Kate Hudson as Charity.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Horton Profile Photo
#45re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:16pm

I thought that Sara Jessica Parker would be great, and is a great name!

#46re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:25pm

I know you all HATE the idea of Britney as Charity--but there's no way I would be able to resist getting tickets.

Sadly, I'm a huge Britney fan--her music, anyway.

Sara Jessica Parker sounds like a good idea--I'd love to see that, actually. Gah! Now, THERE is some lovely stunt casting that could work! I'd love to see her in a show soon.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

theatrewolf Profile Photo
#47re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:36pm

Since Britney can't sing and dance at the same time, she'd have to lipsync. And she'd probably want to bring in her choreographer to change the dancing to suit her tastes. Like most of you I would go just to see the tragedy that it would have been.

I totally agree that Sherri would have kicked some serious butt in the role.

HiHeatherIloveyourdressit'sso purpleI'llseeyouatthepoolwhodiedGod! Forbidden Broadway

broadwayxminixidina Profile Photo
#48re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:39pm

HOORAY!I think Sherrie would've been a great choice also. I totally started that idea!

Yes, I am gonig to hide in a hole if Paris does ANYTHING on Broadway. Anyone want ot join me?

"Broadway is a very special place, filled with very special people, people who can sing and dance, often at the same time! They are a different people, a multi-talented people, a people...who need people...and who are, in many ways, the luckiest people in...the world." --Spamalot
<^>RENT is LOVE<^>
<^>WICKED is LOVE<^>
<< Me and Norbie. I look icky becuase I was FREAAAAKKKIIINNNGG out.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#49re: Wasn't Britney Spears supposed to replace Christina Applegate in Sweet
Posted: 8/10/06 at 5:50pm

According to a friend of mine who worked at the theater during the show's run, Parker's people were contacted, but they were told she wasn't interested in returning to theater at the time. The only other names that person was told they were considering were Spears and Murphy, and both of them fell through.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
