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The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread- Page 2

The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread

#131re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/6/05 at 11:51pm

Hello everybody!

For some reason, I never saw this thread 'til tonight, but now that I have found it, I have decided to post in it, since I think Denis is awesome!

Anyways, I have never actually seen Denis in a show or met him since I live in Arizona (and when I do go to NYC, we haven't been able to see the shows he's in and I don't see him walking on the streets re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread), and I am stuck to listening to cast recordings he is in. But nonetheless, I think he is completely awesome on the Assassins and Sweet Charity recordings!

And, that's all I can think of to say right now! I'm so happy to meet other obsessive fans of Denis O'Hare! re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread

iRuvPrinceton Profile Photo
#133re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/7/05 at 2:29pm

Heehee, okay, Betty, I shall next time I see him randomly in the streets.

My mom and my sister went to Broadway in Bryant Park while I was at theatre camp, and OF COURSE that had to be the day SC was performing *headdesk*

Ah, well. It's not like I'm never going to see that show again anyway! I'm aiming to see it again next year, lol.

btw, WELCOME, lizzie!

I get lost, unless, of course, I'm getting found.
Updated On: 8/7/05 at 02:29 PM

#162re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/11/05 at 11:38am

*looks at shirt* 'I'm going to the lordy?'

Was the question mark supposed to be there?

"The cynicism you refer to, I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys!~All About Eve

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#175re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/13/05 at 10:21pm

No, no, no!! They're definately going to air! The only reason they didn't air it already is because they were so pleased with it and wanted to air it at a time when it would get more viewers. Or at least that is the last I heard, and I can't imagine they would decide to push it back because they were pleased with it and then decide not to air it at all. Even if they do decide to not air it in the big timeslot they had planned, they will probably air it sometime.

I just hope they release a cast recording of it!

#203re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/23/05 at 9:03pm

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in a long time. School has been keeping me busy, I haven't had much time to come on here!

Anyways, Sarah, that is an awesome colorbar! Can I use it in my LJ userinfo?
Updated On: 8/23/05 at 09:03 PM

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#207re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/25/05 at 6:30pm


#208re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 8/28/05 at 12:57am

Yay! Thanks for letting me use it! I am putting it in my LJ userinfo at this moment, and I'm definitely crediting. :)

And it would make an AWESOME t-shirt. My mom just bought a ton of t-shirts for me to put on iron-ons of theater related graphics I have made, so I may just print that out and put it on a t-shirt! re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread

And the Assassins soap opera thing that was on your LJ was hilarious! It was one of the best things I have ever read. I hope there is more to come! And that would be hilarious to see people be performing it! I would so go and see it! re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#212re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 9/10/05 at 3:59pm

Yes, yes he is.

Majorly delayed bump because I don't want the Denis love to DIEEE!!

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#216re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 10/3/05 at 8:47pm

I love Dennis. I've seen Sweet Charity twice and he makes the show for me. And he's a great guy at the stage door. So I'm here to show my love!

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#217re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 10/10/05 at 6:39pm

*delayed reaction to WesternSky's love!*

Also, I had a party last night and had a cake that said 'I Love Denis O'Hare' following in a long standing tradition... I've also had cakes that said 'I love Philip Quast' and 'I Love Johnny Depp.' Guess that makes my Denis fan-ism official now. Do I get a badge?

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#220re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 10/14/05 at 6:40am

Well, I may be back to Charity this November so I may pick up the program there.

The pictures of the cake are forthcoming aaaannnnnd.... hey look I'm in your signature!

iRuvPrinceton Profile Photo
#222re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 10/15/05 at 2:05pm

+bumping yet again!

So- who is just uber excited for Once Upon a Mattress? *raises hand*

I get lost, unless, of course, I'm getting found.

iRuvPrinceton Profile Photo
#228re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 11/30/05 at 10:29pm

++++ BUMP la lurve de Denny

I get lost, unless, of course, I'm getting found.

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#229re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 12/1/05 at 3:50pm


I told my French teacher that over Thanksgiving break I saw Denis in an orange dress.

I meant to say coat...

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#231re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:53pm

I would laugh so hard if Denis came to your school play, was reading your bio, and leaned over to his boo and said "WTF?! I never had any laughs with that girl."

And then Stephen Sondheim would turn around (cause of course he'd be right in front of him) and be all "And I never gave her a helping hand, either."

But then Anthony Rapp would read it, laugh, and be all "Ahhh, good times, good times." And you'd be like, "Thank you, Anthony! Jeez. How come none of the cool Broadway people want to acknowledge my existance anymore?"

And Jim would be crying in the corner because you didn't include him. *pats Jim on the head*

iRuvPrinceton Profile Photo
#232re: The Official Denis O'Hare Lurve Thread
Posted: 12/3/05 at 10:33pm

Awwww, Jim/James! *huggles him* I SO would have included him, but I had a limit of 30 words! *cries*

I know! I can go onstage wearing a big sign that says, "JB's my HOMEFRY!" He'd like that, wouldn't he?

I get lost, unless, of course, I'm getting found.
