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The Normal Heart and other such things

The Normal Heart and other such things

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#0The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/28/04 at 10:31pm

Ok guys, I'm super stressed out right now, but this is a sure-fire way to clear my head, so if this gets a little bit gushy, you have my appologies. I promise that this isn't all going to be useless gushing ... I do have coherent, intelligent thoughts in here. I promise... and this post isn't all about The Normal Heart, either. It's more like... "LuvtheEmcee's Story Time Post." (Well, it's Wicked_Elphie's, too. She'd best respond to this soon... hear that dear?) I want to share with y'all the fabulous, more-than-expected Raul Esparza-filled day that we just experienced. So here goes!

We went to the TABOO cd signing at Virgin, which was a tremendously good time. I mean, it was so much fun to hang out with tons of other people just as crazy as we were... to be standing in a room singing along to a cd all together. When Raul came down, I nearly stopped breathing. I wasn't prepared for finally seeing him in person. I was hoping he'd sing, but I had been doubting that he would. It was amazing to see Rosie and George and everyone there... George is SO funny. The performances were phenomenal, as would be expected from the cast.... I especially loved Jeffrey and Euan singing "Guttersnipe." When we actually got to get the CD's signed, I got a little bit tongue tied. I think I just smiled at Raul and George, and possibly said "hi" to Jeffrey. He's a sweetie though, I'd met him before. I'd heard Euan was a bit short (not height-wise... well, that too, but I mean personality-wise) but he was extremely gracious and was all smiles. He's adorable. And his accent makes me melt. So that was fun. The TABOO OBCR is my new obsession....I enjoy it a bit too much. Petrified is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Hearing it makes me kind of sad that I missed Raul as Phillip Sallon, but it's ok.

So, The Normal Heart! Wow. It was the first play I'd seen in years... it's been all about the musicals lately. I don't even know where to begin... I know that I won't ever be able to find the right words to describe the play, or how I felt, but it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It's a brilliant piece, no doubt about it, and so, SO well done. It was so heart-wrenching and so intense. I haven't seen something with that much emotion in a really long time, and it hit me hard. I'm reading this back to myself and realizing how cliche everything I'm saying about the play is.... but I'm trying to get some point across. I was so emotionally drained afterward, and I really didn't know what to do with myself, or what to say. You could hear the entire audience sobbing - it was so painful. But really, everyone PLEASE do youselves a favor and go see this play. You WILL NOT regret it.

Before I write about Raul's performance, I just want to mention the other actors, because while it seems like Raul gets most of the credit for the play - as I suppose he should - they were all wonderful, especially Joanna Gleason.

Alright, if you're still reading, I warned you. I am now going to confess my new-found love for Raul Esparza. I knew he could sing, and that his voice was to die for. That was old news. I knew that he was, IMO, (I know some don't agree) reallyyyyyy good-looking.... and I had heard all of the raves about his acting, but NOTHING prepared me for him. I also thought that the whole time I'd sit there with a reaction that consisted oh "OH MY GOD. THAT's RAUL ESPARZA!" but right from the beginning of the play I was completely removed from reality. Raul gave, hands down, the SINGLE MOST OUTSTANDING performance I have EVER seen from anyone in anything. Granted, I'm young, but for my age I think I've seen a lot. He was flawless. His timing was perfect - every second of it. I felt like he gave Ned Weeks - while still keeping his rough temper - a bit of a sweet, innocent side, and I loved that. Like, his scenes with Felix for example.... there was so much passion and... I don't know if I want to use the word chemistry, but I will anyway because I'm getting kind of tired. And, it wouldn't be one of my posts without something of this nature, so..... seeing Raul kissing the guy who played Felix (who was fantastic, I just can't remember his name right now...) was SUCH a turn-on. .... And I'm done being shallow. Sorry, I had to include that somewhere. Anyway, there was just so much emotion in every single thing that he did on stage. Perfection. There's no other way to put it. I don't know how he can put himself through that eight times a week without going crazy.

Almost done. We met Raul afterwards. Being that the last thing you hear is Ned's piercing scream (during which I couldn't help but think "OHMYGOD. Save the voice. Gentle with the voice.") it made me feel a lot better to see him after the play, and just know that he was alright. I know that sounds ridiculous, but the play was really painful to watch. Hopefully that makes sense to someone... maybe. First of all, he looked SOOOO sexy. I don't even know what it is about him. He's such a doll. And it was weird... usually I get very tongue tied, but I wasn't at all intimidated by him. Maybe intimidated isn't the right word, but I always get very nervous when I meet people. When I started to talk to him, it was so easy. I felt so comfortable around him... there's just something about him that's so, so genuine. I looked him in the eyes and told him exactly what I said before about his performance being the best I'd ever seen, etc. and showed him that my hand was actually shaking. He was incredibly humble and very gracious; he thanked us numerous times for our compliments (after appologizing for our having to wait because he was talking to someone else! SO unnecessary. I'd wait a year for him). He was sort of quiet at first, but at the same time he was extremely responsive... and he definitely opened up a bit as we talked more. His eyes are really intense, and his facial expressions showed his gratitide. He said we saw a particularly good show that night, because the audience was so in tune with it. He said that it was really us that make the play what it is... I thought that was really sweet. He could've just been like "thank you." He didn't have to thank us. So he signed, we took pictures, we wished him luck at the Tonys - to which he seemed to sort of cower back... then he crossed his fingers and looked up at me bashfully, like he thinks he has no chance. That man needs his Tony.

Wow. That was really long. If you stuck it out, thank you!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 6/4/04 at 10:31 PM

#1re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/28/04 at 10:38pm

Aww, that's fabulous! I'm jealous that you got to go to the signing (stupid summer session), but I'm so glad that you had such a perfect day. Everything you said about Normal Heart and Raul...yeah. Agree with it all. And the shallowness. re: The Normal Heart and other such things Right there with ya!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#2re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/28/04 at 10:39pm

aw, thank you for reading all of that! I didn't think anyone would stomach the whole thing. "Petrified" is on right now. re: The Normal Heart and other such things

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#3re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/28/04 at 10:40pm

Il Adore over here. re: The Normal Heart and other such things

#4re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/29/04 at 10:02am

You claim to be young yet that "review" seems to be written more maturely than alot of the older posters on here!

I am there with you 200% about Raul - he's a brilliant actor and oh-so-very-easy on the eyes. : )

p.s. I got turned on by those scenes with he and Felix too! LOL

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away."

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#5re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/29/04 at 10:08am

aw, thank you! I figured most of you know how old I am, but I'm 18... pretty young.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/29/04 at 10:08 AM

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#6re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/30/04 at 5:22pm

great review! i just got a TDF thing and 'The Normal Heart' was on it. I am so excited to go see it. After the review even more excited. You'll have to tell me the details later.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/30/04 at 5:25pm

GO GO GO! I can't even tell you.... just go see it. I'm still on the biggest Raul kick. I've been playing Taboo and TTB NONSTOP... and I get all giddy when I think about him. Then I think about the play and I'm instantly emotionally drained again. I think I need to see it again.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#8re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/30/04 at 8:48pm

Ok so here I am posting because Luvtheemcee told me I must...not that I would have to be forced into something like this.

Ok before I try to sound profound I just have to go the shallow route and say that oh man I love Raul Esparza. I'm not sure I can top Luv's post becuase well she's crazy but I love her!!

I have to say that he gave the best perfomance I have ever seen. I have seen a lot of Broadway musicals as we all have on this board but The Normal Heart was my first off-broadway play and I am forever changed because of it. I have had my obsessions with random Broadway the rest you here...but this is completely different. The great review by all of you here and well him are what drew us to the show but his pure and incredible talent is what enthralled us. The amount of depth and emotion that him and the rest of the cast showed was so intense. It was to the point where you could hear the rest of the audience members around trying to stifle their own sobs. I really do suggest you go see this and make sure you bring tissues.

And like Luv said we met him after and he was just so sweet. I don't know what I was expecting of him or that I had any expectations at all but I know it was very different than most "stage door" experiences(btw...for future refernce there is no stage door...just stand out there in the lobby and wait for him re: The Normal Heart and other such things) He was so humble and I was not intimidated at all once I started talking to him. We were literally shaking after the performance and we told him that and how we felt and how incredible he was and his reaction was great. We were not treated like little fans of his but just people he was talking to and he was listening and he said something about it being really great that night because the audience was so in tune with them and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was really trying to pass his performance off the audience and he was being completely genuine.

I think part of the reason I was so impressed is that I know he can sing beautifully and musicals being what I mostly attend is a lot of what draws me to people, but it had nothing to do with this. This was just pure talent and truth and I loved it.

Ok so I hope this didn't come off too gushy..I love and I could have easily resorted to talking about him making out with guys...yuuumm...or taking off his clothes...HOT..but we all know that's great!!

I will end this with....go see The Normal will not regret it...oh and he def needs to win a Tony this Sunday.

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y
Updated On: 6/4/04 at 08:48 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#9re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/30/04 at 8:54pm

Wicked_Elphie, I love you... both shallow AND profound.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#10re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/30/04 at 9:29pm

well I'm glad it pleased you...:)

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#11re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 3:44pm

haha, you always do, dear. There would not be such fabulous stories without you. Nice new signature, by the way.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#12re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 5:43pm

I'm glad you enjoyed Normal Heart. I hope the experience leads you to see more non-musicals off-Broadway. I see 70 - 80 plays in a given year and consistently, year in year out, off-Broadway has the most interesting, thought-provoking, ground-breaking, emotionally evocative theatrical presentations in the city. This production of Normal Heart is fine in most respects, but I personally wouldn't even rank it in the top half dozen or so productions I've seen off-Broadway so far this year. My point in saying that is not to slam Normal Heart, but to emphasize that there have been, as always, A LOT of terrific stuff playing off-Broadway in the last few months. I encourage you to keep expanding your horizons beyond the Broadway musical -- check out Intimate Apparel or Bug or Bridge & Tunnel or Kathy & MO (when it starts in two weeks).

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#13re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 5:46pm

Definitely. I think that (this isn't really something to be proud of) the thing that initially drew us to see The Normal Heart was Raul. The subject matter drew me too it as well, though. I fell in love with Angels in America, and what I read about The Normal Heart sounded similar. But the experience has definitely encouraged me (and I think Wicked_Elphie would agree, too) to expand my horizons and see more of this sort of thing.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 5/31/04 at 05:46 PM

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#14re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 6:00pm

wow, this makes me even more excited about being in nyc next year and being able to see off-broadway shows ALL THE TIME

luvtheemcee, you and me will be so BROKE next year re: The Normal Heart and other such things

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#15re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 6:02pm

nystateomind, I was waiting for you!! lol, we will, but we'll be broke and happy... at least for a little while. Then we'll be sad that we're broke. Eh, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. If the play extends, you're seeing it. lol

A work of art is an invitation to love.

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#16re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 6:12pm

definately, and joanna is in it! the icing on the cake re: The Normal Heart and other such things

luv- (i know this should be in a pm but...) have you had your graduation yet?

#17re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 6:27pm

Don't forget student rush and the various discount sites (,, -- they are the godsend of all theatre-obsessed folks in NY (student and non-student/broke and non-broke).

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#18re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 7:30pm

Discounts are my best friends.

nystateomind, Joanna is FABULOUS, and no, not yet.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

CherylA928 Profile Photo
#19re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 5/31/04 at 11:42pm

I agree that Joanna Gleason is fabulous but I'm afraid that Saturday night was her last performance in Normal Heart. When the company comes back from hiatus on June 15th, there will be a new Dr. Emma Brookner. Ms Gleason will be missed!

It's never too late to live happily ever after!

#20re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 6/1/04 at 9:24am

Actually, she performed Sunday night and took a solo bow with Esparza.

TWOGAAB "A Class Act" will never die!

CherylA928 Profile Photo
#21re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 6/1/04 at 10:20am

SORRY! Of course you're right...
I was there Sunday night not Saturday night.
(Give me a three-day weekend and i'll confuse the days)


It's never too late to live happily ever after!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#22re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 6/1/04 at 3:00pm

Thank you all for reading!

And who's replacing Joanna?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Wicked_Elphie Profile Photo
#23re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 6/1/04 at 4:23pm

yes definitely Margo-this has been such a great experience and given me a greater appreciation that I will continue to see more plays!

"Take a breath. Take a step. Take a chance. Take your time." -L5Y
Updated On: 6/4/04 at 04:23 PM

adampascalgal Profile Photo
#24re: The Normal Heart and other such things
Posted: 6/1/04 at 5:03pm

LuvtheEmcee I just have to say that I absolutely LOVED your post about Normal Heart, and Raul!! I could not agree with you more about thinking Raul and Normal Heart is the greatest!!

"All they say Is "Trust in What Is Writen." Wars are made. And somehow that is wisdom. Thought is suspect, And money is their idol, And nothing is okay unless it's scripted in their Bible." -Spring Awakening
