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EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/28/21 at 12:00am

The play Trouble in Mind begins previews at the American Airlines Theatre tomorrow night, prior to a November 18 official opening. Written by Alice Childress and directed by Charles Randolph-Wright, the show gives audiences an intriguing look at racism in America, and more importantly, in the world of Broadway theatre. Trouble in Mind premiered Off-Broadway in 1955, but this production marks its Broadway premiere. The nine-member cast is led by Tony winner LaChanze.

I read this for a college class last week, and I might go see one of the later previews with the class. It is a very good read, and I can only imagine how powerful it plays out on stage. 

“Follow an experienced Black stage actress through rehearsals of a major Broadway production in Alice Childress’s wry and moving look at racism, identity, and ego in the world of New York theatre. At the forefront of both the Civil Rights and feminist movements, the prescient Trouble in Mind opened to acclaim Off-Broadway in 1955 and was announced to move to Broadway in 1957… in a production that never came to be.”

Who’s going?

Oh look, a bibu!

BWAY Baby2
Posted: 10/28/21 at 12:05am

Another racism in America show-  perhaps an overload?

Updated On: 10/28/21 at 12:05 AM

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
Posted: 10/28/21 at 12:12am

BWAY Baby2 said: "Another racism in America show- perhaps an overload?"

The racism in America is an overload.

Bring on more anti-racist art.

Alexander Lamar
Posted: 10/28/21 at 12:30am

I’ll be there for first preview. Going in totally blind, but excited to see LaChanze on stage for the first time. 

Updated On: 10/28/21 at 12:30 AM

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/28/21 at 12:55am

TotallyEffed said: "BWAY Baby2 said: "Another racism in America show- perhaps an overload?"

The racism in America is an overload.

Bring on more anti-racist art.

Here, here.

Really looking forward to seeing this next Saturday.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

A Director
Posted: 10/28/21 at 3:48am

BWAY Baby2 said: "Another racism in America show- perhaps an overload?"

From your comment, it is clear you know nothing about TROUBLE IN MIND or have read it. Specifically, it is about racism in the American theatre. It was written in 1955 and sad to say, little has changed in the American theatre.  Yes, the play was going to be done on Broadway in 1957, but it wasn't.  What the good folks about Roundabout don't mention in the promotion of their production is the producers wanted Alice Childress to rewrite the ending so not to offended the White audience. She refused.


Posted: 10/28/21 at 8:16am

Seeing this on Wednesday! Really looking forward to it.

Posted: 10/28/21 at 12:59pm

BWAY Baby2 said: "Another racism in America show- perhaps an overload?"

If a show written in 1935 about race relations still resonates today in 2021, then no, not an overload. Yikes.


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/28/21 at 1:24pm

 "Another racism in America show- perhaps an overload?"

From your comment in another thread about not being interested in anything but white Christian men acting on stage......feel free NOT see it, brah. 

Updated On: 10/28/21 at 01:24 PM

Posted: 10/28/21 at 1:25pm

I'm not sure it is unreasonable to ask how many shows on similar themes can be sustained on Broadway right now given the current pandemic conditions, general box office malaise for many plays, and international tourist travel only starting to become possible again.

While I'm personally excited to see this production, asking if there is an audience for it is something that gets asked here without pushback for many, many productions of widely varying themes and content.


BWAY Baby2
Posted: 10/28/21 at 1:38pm

Sutton Rose-- you do not know me- or anything about me. I am not Christian- and I am certainly not opposed to serious explorations of all kinds of social issues. In fact, my favorites are serious drama- and musicals with depth, wit and something valuable to impart. You immediately pigeon holing me as a racist pig says more about your then me- obviously you are a person who judges- who is very set in his ways- and is intolerant of other points of view- especially points of view that- even if not toxic- disagree with you. We need less people doing that these days- and more people accepting different points of view. I am not a racist- though I am white- and respect people based on their character. Might you be more of a problem then me?

Updated On: 10/28/21 at 01:38 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/28/21 at 1:45pm

You clearly don't know me either, my name isn't Sutton Rose. And, shockingly, I'm a woman so your assumed pronouns are also incorrect. And no, I'm not a problem in society because I don't say things like this:

"I also am not interested in seeing 20 shows about gay issues- or feminist issues- or Jewish issues. If you do not feel over-saturated with the media's over-emphasis on racial issues- that is fine. But, many people do."  Source

 We're done here. Acknowledging you any further is a waste of my time and isn't worth it. Enjoy Parler. heart

Posted: 10/28/21 at 1:52pm

I think it’s a fair question to ask but, what, 4 shows currently running doesn’t seem like overkill. And the 2 shows closing early are the ones that don’t involve race relations (to my knowledge), so maybe there is an audience out there that is wanting this.

I mean, we are getting our second cis-man as a woman musical.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/28/21 at 1:56pm

It's not overkill to people who are not racists. It's only overkill to someone who can't stand anyone that is not a white male as the main role. 

Diversity of all kinds is what Broadway has been lacking for a very, very long time. I cannot wait to see this show. It's goddamn LACHANZE for Christ's sake!!!!!!!

Posted: 10/28/21 at 2:11pm

It’s not racist, and in fact, what they are pointing out is that they want diversity in the subject matters presented on Broadway. That said, I don’t think we have reached over saturation just yet. I mean look how many bio musicals we have playing…

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/28/21 at 2:18pm

Um, that is the opposite of what they have said in the past, Try to keep up.

"I also am not interested in seeing 20 shows about gay issues- or feminist issues- or Jewish issues. If you do not feel over-saturated with the media's over-emphasis on racial issues- that is fine. But, many people do."

- BWAY Baby2 in the Thoughts of a Colored Man thread

So again, the OPPOSITE of what you just said. I know you have issues admitting you are wrong but you are here. Thanks. 

Updated On: 10/28/21 at 02:18 PM

KJisgroovy Profile Photo
Posted: 10/28/21 at 2:25pm

It feels racist to me because it's reducing these plays about full realized human characters to a play about "Racism in America." Trouble in Mind is about a lot more than Racism in America. As is Caroline, Pass Over, and I'd imagine the other shows currently running (but I have not seen them). 

It's certainly a facet of these plays, but I don't know how you would write a play about African American characters without bringing up racism. Reducing every play about African Americans to plays about "Racism in America" is pretty short-sighted at best and racist at worst. 

Jesus saves. I spend.

JBroadway Profile Photo
Posted: 10/28/21 at 2:33pm

^Exactly. which shows about racism in America are we even talking about?

There’s a comedy about a family funeral, which is only marginally, peripherally about racism in an abstract sense. There’s a one-man show about a tight-knit community in Pennsylvania, which barely touches on the topic of racism directly.

The rest of them deal more overly with racism, but do so in such wildly different ways. We had a “Waiting For Godot”-esque surrealist play, a play about theatre, a play about truck-stock sandwhich-makers, a play about modern life as a Black man.

There’s also a revival of a renowned, Tony-nominated musical, as well as To Kill a Mockingbird – or are we only counting shows written by Black people as contributing to the “overkill”?

Not to mention, at least 4 of the shows I just mentioned are non-profit, including the one this thread is about - which means they aren’t as dependent on the whims of the market, and aren’t as at risk from any over saturation that may occur.

Posted: 10/28/21 at 2:40pm

JasonC3 said: "I'm not sure it is unreasonable to ask how many shows on similar themes can be sustained on Broadway right now given the current pandemic conditions, general box office malaise for many plays, and international tourist travel only starting to become possible again.


On the last point, there's an argument to be made that this is exactly the time for fare less likely to draw the tourist crowd, since the tourists aren't here anyway. As shows like Aladdin have seemingly shown, the ones that need the tourists are struggling more than they did in the past, so if you're ever going to try to do less star-driven material, or more American-focused material, or about the theater, or race, or all of the above, might as well do it now. Local audiences are more likely to be drawn to that than foreign tourists.


Posted: 10/28/21 at 2:52pm

Great point!

BWAY Baby2
Posted: 10/28/21 at 3:03pm

Um, that is the opposite of what they have said in the past, Try to keep up.

"I also am not interested in seeing 20 shows about gay issues- or feminist issues- or Jewish issues. If you do not feel over-saturated with the media's over-emphasis on racial issues- that is fine. But, many people do."

- BWAY Baby2 in the Thoughts of a Colored Man thread

So again, the OPPOSITE of what you just said. I know you have issues admitting you are wrong but you are are here. Thanks.  

Sutton Rose- I would probably like you as a person if we sat down and talked- so let's bury the hatchet and be in peace.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/28/21 at 3:21pm

Were you quoting what I said to SouthernCakes? There's a reason he did not respond to me, he simply cannot be wrong. That guy is amusing AF. He said that Marc Platt is a producer on Book of Mormon. That's like me saying Gettin' The Band Back Together won the Tony for best musical. He's a liar. It's ridiculous and easily debunked in under 10 seconds. Kid is hilarious and he is so jealous that Aaron Tveit stole his career it's delicious. 

Anyways, Baby2, we CAN bury the hatchet and be cool as long as you call me the correct name TROUBLE IN MIND Previews

Enjoy the Fall, it's a gorgeous day. 

Updated On: 10/28/21 at 03:21 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 10/28/21 at 3:50pm

Now that that is sorted we can get back to the matters at hand!

“Follow an experienced Black stage actress through rehearsals of a major Broadway production in Alice Childress’s wry and moving look at racism, identity, and ego in the world of New York theatre. At the forefront of both the Civil Rights and feminist movements, the prescient Trouble in Mind opened to acclaim Off-Broadway in 1955 and was announced to move to Broadway in 1957… in a production that never came to be.”

I cannot wait to see this, I got great seats and I haven't seen LaChanze on stage since If/Then so this is incredibly exciting. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
Posted: 10/28/21 at 4:39pm

Sutton Ross said: "I cannot wait to see this, I got great seats and I haven't seen LaChanze on stage since If/Then so this is incredibly exciting."

Same! If/Then was also the last time I saw LaChanze in a show ("I'm a f**king great kindergarten teacher"TROUBLE IN MIND Previews.

Oh look, a bibu!

Posted: 10/28/21 at 4:51pm

I didn’t reply to you because there is no there there.

But keep name dropping to sound cool.

Now back to the thread… love me some LaChanze. And hope she brings “Bees” to Broadway eventually.
