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Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night- Page 3

Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#50re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 1:23pm

Oh, thank you very much for the info MB. I wasn't aware that they were not credited. I guess she had a problem maybe with being the lead in Chicago and Sweet Charity's standby.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

gymman Profile Photo
#51re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 1:29pm

I think that's the issue; in a recent interview, Nixon joked that she was responsible for Equity changing the rules so that an actor could only be billed in one play at a time. I was surprised that thee was no stand-by listed in June, when I saw the show. It is common practice to list stand-bys in the Playbill.

justme2 Profile Photo
#52re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:13pm

"I am tired of Applegate being held up on this board like she is this flawless musical comedy star." can't be serious! There are people like lijay and I who spend way too much time responding in SC threads to the opposite of what you are talking about above!!

I've never held her up to be a flawless musical comedy star, I know lijay hasn't either....I think there are just some people who honestly enjoyed her performance, didn't think she stank up NY, and have said so! :)

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

ljay889 Profile Photo
#53re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:22pm

^ Very true.

I know Bobby brought this up earlier, but it's been bugging me. I can't believe he considers Janine to only be a "passable dancer." LaManna danced her little butt off in the CHICAGO ensemble, and has also played Velma - I think to dance in the Chicago ensemble and play Velma- you have to be MUCH MORE than a "passable dancer." The woman is also a GREAT singer, she considers singing to be her main talent, but the woman can also dance her little butt off.

Bobby you might be tired of people thinking Applegate is a great comedy star - but WE are tired of your false, and hypocritical comments. Updated On: 7/8/05 at 02:22 PM

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#54re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:26pm

Ljay, just a few posts ago, you stated that "people have different opinions". Now you're calling Bobby's opinion of Christina and the show "false and hypocritical". Talk about hypocritical...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#55re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:29pm

Exuse me. Bobby tends to BASH the show, Christina, and other peoples opinions. I don't bash others opinions. Since Bobby does - I find his comments to be false and hypocritical.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#56re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:36pm

I don't think any of Bobby's posts fall into the "bashing" category. He saw the show. He didn't like it. if you ask him his opinion, he's going to give it, the same as you or me.

#57re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:42pm

The audience should be ashamed of themselves. How dare them complain loudly about Christina being out and demanding a refund. She is human, she can get sick.

She has a wonderful understudy that is immensely talented and qualified. The show is in great hands when Christina is out.
I bet the audiences behavior made Charlotte and the 50 member company feel just great about themselves.

And intentionally NOT CLAPPING during "Charity's" scenes simply because an understudy is on? Wow, that is the rudest thing I have ever heard.

Audiences already disrespect theatre by showing up dressed as bums and now they don't even applaud.


eslgr8 Profile Photo
#58re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:43pm

Christina's singing and dancing are not amateur at all. She is absolutely at the level the show requires, and the show's success is due as much to her star performance as to any other factors. And so what if she's young? It doesn't have to be a carbon copy of the previous show. I LOVE CHRISTINA as Charity!!! And I also think this is the BEST cast recording I've heard of the show.
Updated On: 7/8/05 at 02:43 PM

justme2 Profile Photo
#59re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:44pm

Hmmmmmm MEF... critiquing the show versus bashing the actors....hmmm..let's see....

"She's lucky she broke her foot. Got her better reviews than she would've gotten without the injury."

"Weren't they fired because they were better and made Applegate look second rate?"

I don't see HOW lijay could have misunderstood these "show" critiques as bashing.

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#60re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:44pm

Bravo, Di2! *stands and applauds*

ljay889 Profile Photo
#61re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:47pm

^ Thank You, Just me. Thankfully someone understands my point of view.

justme2 Profile Photo
#62re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:52pm

I'm all for BobbyBuddy hating the show...I understand his VALID points regarding the choreography and his enjoyment of the songs in their original incarnations instead of this version.

But don't be bashing just for the sake of meanness. You don't like the show? Cool....MOVE ON and let those of us who do enjoy it (which is turning out to be MANY who see the show with great reservations (due to the BASHING) and are amazed at what a fantastic time they had)have a good time!

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

#63re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 2:56pm

Thank you, MEF..

I am an actor and an understudy and let me tell you, if I ever heard people complaining that I was on and not our original "Belle" (BATB..not to mention that I am better than her) that would really hurt my feelings..

Audiences today can suck...lack of common, sense lack of manners.

Just because you paid $100.00 to get in does not give you the right to behave however you feel and make your own rules.

Get a grip people. You shouldn't be going to see just one person, anyway. You should be going to enjoy the entire production and a wonderful evening out.

If one person can make or break an entire show, then that show is doomed to fail.

My ex used to understudy Carl Anderson in JCS (tour and Broadway)and my heart would sink when the announcement was made that Carl was out and my former sweetie was in. Why did my heart sink??? Well, the audience would boo. The booing would upset the cast and my sweetie as they were working hard to make the evening a success. Knowing that the audience is angry is not an easy way to start a show.

How appropriate is that??

Not very nice.

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#64re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:00pm

People that I understudy fear me as I have a record for always going on if I am an understudy. ( SHOWGIRLS marble trick does it every single time re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night ) Just kidding. In all seriousness though, I always think about Shirley McLaine going on for Carol Haney in THE PAJAMA GAME and how she was greeted with boos and hisses yet went out there and became a star. I love seeing understudies go on and often times they are just as good if not sometimes better.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

justme2 Profile Photo
#65re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:05pm

Hissing and booing understudies?? That is wrong on so many levels. Di2 , your points are perfect, so I have nothing else to add.

And....sometimes the understudies are better than the stars themselves!

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

gymman Profile Photo
#66re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:06pm

But seriously, folks, people are paying to see he star. You
wouldn't be diappointed to see Bibi Osterwald instead of Carol Channing? or Lanie Kazin instead of Barbra Streisand? Understudies may be wonderful, talented, etc..but this is a business, where people have every right to get what they are paying for.
I saw the third cast for "Movin' Out" and frankly they were not up to it. Yet I paid the same $$$ as people that evening who would see the original cast, the cast which was reviewed.

justme2 Profile Photo
#67re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:08pm

but you didn't boo and hiss them, did you gymman?

please tell us you didn't!! :)

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#68re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:10pm

If you don't wish to see an understudy, you simply ask for a refund. There is absolutely no need to boo or hiss or withhold applause. That is simply RUDE.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#69re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:11pm

Well I have paid to see a show for an understudy before. I went to see Chicago for a third time to see the wonderful, and stunning Michelle DeJean as Roxie. She is a true star, and her big break will come soon. She gave a performance as an understudy, that could rival some of the acclaimed Roxies.

So I think sometimes the understudy can definetly be better than the star. But the general audience does want to see the star.

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#70re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:11pm

I can't believe that you can get refund because the "star" isn't on. I think that is bull!

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

gymman Profile Photo
#71re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:12pm

I would never boo or hiss, unless the performance itself were SO bad....but I have never done that! I have refused to stand at times, however; I don't know when the standing ovation became the norm in Broadway heater, but it is now so ubiquitous that it has lost any meaning.

justme2 Profile Photo
#72re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:14pm

The whole standing ovation issue has had many thread discussions. Suffice it to say...I agree with you..the obligatory "Lets all stand and clap in unision and whoop" for an OK show is also wrong. On many levels.

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

WonderBoy Profile Photo
#73re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:16pm

Steve Sondheim talks about the standard standing ovation in theatre nowadays. He says that it is so people can remind themselves that they are having an "experience" at live theatre. You pay so much money for tickets, dinner, baby sitter, hotel, etc.; that people feel like standing up for a mediocre performance or even a poor one at that validates it all somehow.

"For me, THEATRE is an anticipation, an artistic rush, an emotional banquet, a jubilant appreciation, and an exit hopeful of clearer thought and better worlds." ~ an anonymous traveler with Robert Burns

gymman Profile Photo
#74re: Sweet Charity w/o Christina Applegate last night
Posted: 7/8/05 at 3:17pm

Bull? If it is a star driven vehicle??? The only reason to see something like "Boy from Oz" was Hugh Jackman. You bet I'd get my $$ back if there were an understudy (though actually he never had one, since there was no show without him).
