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Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!- Page 2

Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#25re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/12/06 at 5:39pm

*dances* (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#26re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 2:04pm

Bump 'cause it's tonight and i can't go. re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!! (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

Popular Profile Photo
dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#28re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 2:54pm

I'm sick. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler
Updated On: 3/13/06 at 02:54 PM

liotte Profile Photo
#29re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 4:33pm

I am about the 20th person on the waiting list, so I can't go either.

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#30re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 4:48pm

How do you know which person on the waiting list you are?

yr ronin,

Popular Profile Photo
#31re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 5:15pm

Liotte - I can't beleive THAT is going to stop you! Go, girl go!! You never know, maybe 1-19 will think the same thing and not show up.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#33re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 5:44pm

Liotte- You should try anyway. Two spots have already opened up (mine and my mother's). You neve rknow, more people could drop off. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#34re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 5:55pm

I wish I could go re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!! Steph's mah girl!

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Popular Profile Photo
#35re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 8:35pm

For those who care, Steph did indeed sing Neverland. A friend of mine who went called me and it sounded as great as can be expected over speaker phone.

There was a lot of laughter during her intro and after she was done but I couldn't make out what they were saying... something about him getting tons of emails requesting her I think. Maybe once it's over we can have a report.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#36re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 8:56pm

Ugh... I wish I had gone. re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!! (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#37re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/13/06 at 9:34pm

it was a good time! the 20 people on the waiting list should've shown up because there was an entire extra table behind me! (5 or so people could've sat there!)

newsieboy23 Profile Photo
#38re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 12:19am

I think you sat behind me re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!! Where were you sitting?

Popular Profile Photo
#39re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 12:20am

What the heck was everyone laughing about? I couldn't make it out.

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#40re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 12:31am

Oh, a lot of things.

There were a bunch of girls sitting in front of us, but I think there was one guy against the wall, if that was you.

yr ronin,

MenzelManiac Profile Photo
#41re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 12:52am

Hey everyone, I was at the show and I just thought I'd post a really quick review of tonight's show for all of you that couldn't make it.

I was at the show tonight, and because I was the first person to call for reservations, I got there and they said, "Anthony Romeo? You're at the top of the list." I almost threw up. The show was sooooo good. Really, to be honest, I went because I wanted to see Eden perform live.

As someone who has held back from posting anything on here really, I've held my tongue about my closeted love for Eden Espinosa.

Well...I'm out.

I saw Brooklyn four times. Went back to Wicked just to see Eden. I love her. So there...take me for what I am.

So the show tonight, right. Amazing. Neil Bartram started the show with a song about a school teacher named "Mrs. Remington." Cute, really funny to listen to, and opened the audience up to enjoy the show. Next up he brought out Jeffrey Kuhn, who I'm sure many of you saw in Wicked, and hopefully some of you saw in Assasins. He sang a song about a butterfly, which was also really nice.

After that came Christopher J. Hanke, who was really strong in "In My Life", which I'm sure some of you will dismantle. He sang a song that was written as a character singing his father's eulogy. Very beautiful, and Chris' voice was perfect for the subtle intricacies of Bertram's composition. Very soft, very beautiful, don't think I can say it enough. For those of you that saw "In My Life", you know the voice I'm talking about. A voice that just wraps you up and holds you, and takes you with him on whatever story he's telling you. Delicate, that's the word. Controlled delicacy. Just great. Thanks Christopher.

So then Eden came out. She looked really beautiful, and you could tell that she knew people were there to see her, because she had nothing but huge smiles for the crowd (and I got a little special smile, so that was really nice too) She sang a Bartram song based on his show, which I believe he described as a re-telling of Noah's Ark from the perspective of Noah's wife. Eden sang the wife's song, which of course let her belt out some really nice notes. While known for her belting abilities, I don't think too many people have pointed out that she has a very sweet voice when she's singing softly. Just a total tenderness and sweet approach, with careful consideration given to all of her phrasing. She was just a real treat to listen to. I guess she had to run off to Miscast, so she wasn't able to stick around after the show, and had to leave after her song. Too soon, if you ask me.

That ended the Bartram section, and next came Barbara Anselmi, who did three songs from her show tentatively titled "The Wedding Project", which examines the sometimes neglected areas of a wedding. She brought out Mamie Parris, who sang a heartbreaking song. It was called "Perfect" which is sung by the maid of honor, who is also in love with the groom that is marrying her best friend. Not so complicated, but something I'm really interested in seeing once it's more developed. I had no exposure to Barbara Anselmi (hence New Voices), so this was a real treat for me. All of her songs were really fun to listen to, including the songs sung by Carla Rose Arnone, who joined Mamie Parris in singing back-up to Sebastian Arcelus, who sang a song written for the best man. The character is a nice man who had read a ridiculous dating book that told him that women are the most horny at weddings, however, he's too nice a guy to capitalize on this. Barbara added, "It's like that saying. When God opens one door, he opens a waitress." So funny.

Sebastian (who I saw in "Rent" and "Good Vibrations" and is currently playing Fiyero in the national tour of "Wicked") has a really great voice. He's also fine as hell. Shooooooooot. He forgot about two lines right in the middle of the song, but recovered nicely and finished the song strongly.

The next song was when Sebastian and Mamie playing the bride and groom, sang the song "I Will Love You (Until The Day You Die)". Very funny.

Next came Jill Abramovitz, who sang a song as the bride. She was singing to her sister about never really being sure that you've picked the right one.

After that Scott Alan was up. I had been introduced to Scott at a New Voices concert in February of last year. Such a nice guy, and as I learned tonight, a really talented young composer. He did a few songs from his musical "Piece", which I'm dying to see, now that I've heard some of the songs.

His first performer was Lisa Brescia, who I had no familiarity with. She was absolutely the surprise of the evening for me. She has such a beautiful and fully supported voice.

After Lisa Brescia came Alysha Umphress, who sang "Home". Now, on Scott's website, he has Shoshana Bean singing "Home", so I was interested in seeing what Alysha would do with the song. As it turned out, I had two chances to see.

Apparently she started in the wrong key, because Scott stopped her mid-phrase and said "Let's just start over." She realized, laughed, and they started again. And then it was beautiful, now that it all made sense. Very pretty song, for those of you who haven't heard it. I definitely encourage you to get out and listen to some of Scott Alan's music, because it's definitely music that is fun to listen to, but at the same time, unlike stuff you've heard before. As someone who was very comfortable listening pretty exclusively to "safe" musicals, it was a nice surprise to attend tonight's show.

After Alysha was Stephanie J. Block, who clearly had a big fan contingent there. She sang "Never Neverland" and the crowd stood still. What a beautiful song. Thank you Scott Alan, and Stephanie Block. It's so amazing to me, that in a small 70-seat (at best) theater in downtown New York, that something so beautiful can exist for three or four minutes at a time. Listening to Stephanie (who I had never seen perform live prior to tonight) sing was a really special experience. She had some fun on stage with Scott before singing, ragging Scott about giving out her e-mail address, etc. as posted earlier. She seems very grounded (pardon the Wicked pun) and after the show she was so great about talking to every person there that wanted to talk with her. Before tonight, I wasn't such a big fan of Stephanie Block (in no way minimizing the work that she's done, only saying that I was unfamiliar). I'm not a "Blockhead" now, but these small performances definitely serve as a kind of appetizer that leaves you wanting much more. Steph's performance was just like that.

The last song of the evening was sung by Scott Alan. For a composer, I didn't really expect Scott to have a strong singing voice. Well, again, tonight was a night of surprises. He sang a song he had written called "Goodnight" for a friend who had passed away at a young age from HIV. The lights dimmed, and a series of stars lit up against the scrim. Just Scott Alan, a piano, and a room full of captivated people. A really perfect way to end the evening. And a damned beautiful song.

In closing (and in the interest of keeping a post "small", lol), I had an absolutely amazing time at the New Voices show this evening. By posting this, I don't expect all of you to run out and book reservations for the next one (because then I won't be able to get tickets, lol), but the next time you're looking to see a show, and maybe not spend $110 on a show you're not sure you will like, maybe think about giving a show like this your time. It was only my second New Voices show, but I'm sure it won't be the last. Giving young composers a chance on the stage, and giving either established or rising performers that same opportunity truly lends itself to a night of well-spent theater. I wish they recorded these things, because at the end of the night I wish I could listen to it all over again.

Anakela Profile Photo
#42re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 1:51am

Thanks so much for the review!!
I am bummed that I missed seeing Stephanie tonight, but I went to see Dustin Hoffman's Inside the Actors Studio instead, so I am ok with my decision...sometimes it sucks having all these choices out here. :)

#43re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 8:14am

Ah yes, there was Alysha. I don't think she had any business singing that song. She was cracking all over the place on the highnotes. Comparing her to Shoshana Bean is accurate, IMO, because I think that she doesn't want to be doing 'shows' per se, rather a recording a record, and it seems like she's getting tied into one, and she didn't look happy at all to be getting onstage. She was probably my least favorite part of the show, sadly.

Eden was good... but she just kind of blended into the background for once this time. Lisa, Stephanie, and Christopher were the highlights for me.

(And aside from just Stephanie fans, I think there were a lot of we've-seen-wicked-and-you-were-in-it-so-we-love-you-too-and-have-to-scream-about-it! girls. But who knows, I could be wrong!)
Updated On: 3/14/06 at 08:14 AM

#44re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 8:14am

double post. sorry! Updated On: 3/14/06 at 08:14 AM

MenzelManiac Profile Photo
#45re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 11:57am

After the show, all of the performers (minus the ones who had left for Miscast), stuck around and talked with the crowd. Sebastian and Stephanie were sooooooo nice to everyone, and so was Christopher Hanke. Just normal people, talking to other people that were extremely appreciative and respectful of their work.

I've been researching Scott Alan's musical "Piece", the musical he showed us in parts last night. Does anyone know if this is recorded anywhere that I can buy it? PM me with details if you know of a place.

It's the day after and I woke up with a big smile on my face when I thought about last night. (And now I'm under no influence of a 2-drink minimum as I write this, lol)

Can't wait for the next one...!

Popular Profile Photo
#46re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 12:41pm

Thank you all for your great reviews about last night.

My best friend finally got to see Stephanie for the first time last night. This will be hard for some of you to believe but she STILL hasn't seen or heard the music to Wicked, and up until last night she had never seen or heard Steph. She FINALLY now gets what I've been telling her all this time!

They got to chat a little afterwards and, needless to say, she was very impressed with Steph. I'm so glad to hear that a good time was had by all there :)

#47re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 1:39pm

I don't know who you're talking about alli. I didn't see anyone "fangirls" there. I think most of those people were there for sebastian.

I've loved stephanie for a long time (before she was in BFO) and was there to see her and support her. Nothing else. She knows how much I respect her as both a person and a performer. It was so wonderful to see her sing Never Neverland live! What a great night!

What is your dream role?
My dream role would be to be myself. To be performing at the Hollywood Bowl and to have an audience there just to see me, as Stephanie. They are there because they like what I do as a singer, an artist and a person (the last being the most important). I enjoy escaping and portraying other characters, but to be accepted and wanted as yourself... that's amazing! --Stephanie J. Block Just one of the many reasons I admire and respect Stephanie!!
Updated On: 3/14/06 at 01:39 PM

#48re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 3:21pm

I'm sorry you didn't see them, I did though! They were there. They were cute.

rainbow high
#49re: Stephanie J. Block and others at New Voices at the Duplex, March 13th!!
Posted: 3/14/06 at 3:59pm

I was probably at the table in front of you, Alli. I was with a friend & three other girls we didn't know were seated with us. We went for Sebastian, primarily, but I loooove Jeffrey Kuhn (saw him in Assassins) & I was thrilled he would be there, since I didn't see him on the list when I first made reservations. I was bummed that Wayne Wilcox couldn't be there, but Christopher Hanke sang his song so beautifully!

I've never seen Stephanie J. Block do anything before, but daaaamn, can she sing. The song was beautiful, I'm definitely becoming a fan of the three songwriters. Also, Lisa Brescia is stunning & her voice is amazing. I've only seen her Amneris, but I heard she was wonderful in The Woman in White, & I can only imagine how she was after she performed last night!

The songs about the wedding were so entertaining. The second song, particularly, with the bride & groom.

I really enjoyed the show... I'd like to go back & see more performances there.
