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Shows You Walked Out On

#25re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/3/03 at 8:54am

I walked out on Hollywood Arms. I was bored stiff. How that play made it that far in that godawful condition is beyond me.

I very nearly walked out of Thou Shalt Not, and am actually glad I didn't, just so I could see how low it finally went.

I almost walked out of Vincent In Brixton, the single worst play I have ever seen on Broadway. It got a bit better toward the end, but not good enough to justify the nearly three hour running time.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex Profile Photo
Alvin and My Sheepdog Rex
#26re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Walk Outs
Posted: 6/3/03 at 8:56am

Before you say that TMM is Blah again. Please notify paramedics so they can be dispatched to revive Dame Edna and administer oxygen!

My perfect day would begin at on the beach in Hana, Maui and end at a Broadway Musical.
Updated On: 6/3/03 at 08:56 AM

#27Walk Outs
Posted: 6/3/03 at 9:46am

You walked out of Hollywood Arms? I loooooooooved that ill-fated little show! Then again I could really identify with a lot of it... and I saw a lot of myself in Helen... but yeah -- loved that show. I might have been one of the few, and I might have been biased, but had Hollywood Arms stayed open it could very well have become my new Chicago lol

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#28re: re: re: re: re: re: Walk Outs
Posted: 6/3/03 at 10:03am

IT'S A HARD JOB being God

Best Little Whorehouse

Les Mis


TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#29Hollywood Arms
Posted: 6/3/03 at 10:54am

I also loved "Hollywood Arms." I'm sure there were things that could have been fixed to make some scenes shorter, but I adored it. I like the fact that the story was based on Carol Burnett's real life, the fact that she and her daughter (who sadly passed away from cancer) wrote it together, and the fact that it had Linda Lavin and Michelle Pawke in it!

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Rypm25 Profile Photo
Posted: 6/3/03 at 11:05am

Alvin, LOL...thanks for the warning! I stated my opinion, and I shall leave it at that. Out of concern and care for Dame Edna's health, I shall never repeat that "---------- ------ ------" was blah again!.....( but I'll be thinking it...)

BrdwyThtr Profile Photo
#31re: millie...
Posted: 6/4/03 at 4:07pm

The only show I have ever left was a high school production of Camelot. SOOOOOOOO boring!

#32re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/4/03 at 4:51pm

I have never disliked a show enough to walk out until I saw Dance of The Vampires. Against all better judgement I didn't leave at intermission. Act II was even more painful than Act I. This was a truly horrific experience, in and out of the theater going experience.

Albin Profile Photo
#33re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/4/03 at 4:59pm

I should have walked out on Les Miz but refused to because I paid so much for ticket...slow,over-blown and boring...kind of like Dollypop.

#34re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/4/03 at 6:57pm

Blood Brothers

You're Arms Are Too Short to Box With God

Mamma Mia

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#35re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/4/03 at 11:53pm

I have never walked out of a show (not that I could...I'm only 14) but when I went to see the tour of family wanted to leave during intermission- we were all bored out of our minds, but I wanted to stay and watch the show...I mean...boat...sink re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On

Also...when I was 9 my parents brought me to see Aida (the opera) at the Met...and I fell asleep.

#36re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 12:18am

I should have, but politely did not walk out of Perfect Crime. I must have fallen asleep or something, because to this day, I couldn't tell you what it was about. And I love mysteries. Please tell me this show has peacefully closed.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#37re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 12:50pm

I fell asleep during "Riverdance" (before it was officially on Broadway). I don't know how I fell asleep when I was in the 5th row orchestra and all that tapping was going on. I didn't hate it, but I was young and I had a headache. re: re: Shows You Walked Out On

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

Albin Profile Photo
#38re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 12:58pm

I fell asleep at Riverdance too. After 15 minutes I'd seen enough...Fell asleep at Ragtime as well...another snoozer...

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#39re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 1:10pm

I took my mother to see "Chicago" and she fell asleep! I wanted to kill her! I know she was just overworked that week and really exhausted,'s Chicago! & then she said she liked it!? I don't take her to Broadway shows anymore. LOL

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#40re: re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 1:29pm

I can seewhy some people my have fallen asleep during Riverdance. I'm an Irish dancer though, so I was watching every step very closely hehe.

#41re: re: re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 2:13pm

LOL theaterbaby! How could anyone fall asleep at CHICAGO?! I mean I was exhausted from not sleeping from excitement and all the things I had been doing for the past few days, so I was yawning a bit during last nights show.. but I couldn't have fallen asleep! Maybe if DMA was Velma I could have re: re: re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On just kidding.. I couldn't have even fallen asleep then -- there still would have been the ensemble to watch/entertain me.

I'm practically falling asleep here at my desk right now.. but that's another story entirely.

On a slightly related note, I had the theatre patrons from hell sitting around/behind me last night. They talked to each other very audibly throughout the whole show and then had the nerve to get mad at me at the end because I was cheering wildly and stood up for a very much deserved standing ovation. They told me quite bluntly that I was too loud and they didn't like that they couldn't see as a result of me standing up. I told them I didn't care. I wasn't screaming through songs, I wasn't talking the whole time and if they thought I was blocking their view -- they could get over it. I also told them, quite candidly that the two leads were two of my best friends and I was there supporting them.. and if they had a problem with that, OH. WELL.

To top it off, they didn't even like the show... well maybe if they had shut their big mouths long enough to actually pay attention to it, they would have liked it a lot more.

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#42re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 3:00pm

I hate when people talk during shows! I don't pay to hear the commentary from people who probably see a show once a year and think they know everything.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#43re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 3:10pm

Well I dunno WHAT they were saying because they were talking in another language.. and it wasn't spanish, because then I would have known what they were saying... it was just absolutely infuriating... and the woman sitting behind me kept kicking my seat everytime she moved, and kept leaning forward to talk to the guy sitting next to me. AND everytime she leaned forward, she hit me in the back. I had to ask her to be quiet a number of times and it didn't do a thing.

Ah well, I enjoyed the show anyway re: re: Shows You Walked Out On

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

PigletH13 Profile Photo
#44re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 3:57pm

I really wasn't going to play on this one but some of the posts are just so great and reminded me of the shows I wantedto walk out on, that I had to post!

Should have walked out on Les Miz. The ONLY reason why I didn't was that I was with my best friend who ended up becoming my boyfriend and he was so happy to have taken me to the show. Poor lad!

DOTV...oh what an error that was. I did go very early during its run...but I truthfully expected to want to go back to see what had been changed. But once the show started...I lost all of my feeling in my entire body and couldn't believe what I was seeing. At the end of the show, my friend had to help me out of my seat b/c my jaw had been on the ground so long. But then to see the cast members after the show that i that was an acting class!

I walked out of one show. And I really can't say what it was b/c my personal favorite actor had been in it...BUT NOT AT THE TIME I SAW IT!!!!! Anyway...I do regret not giving it a chance!

I never wanted to see a free ticket to it...thought it was good...but even though Frenchie is in it...I am still struggling to go back.

As for falling mother takes the cake b/c she has fallen alseep during almost every show I have taken her to. She was laughing too hard at PWIW, so she was awake for that one. But tonight is NINE...and she better not fall asleep! I am making her drink coffee as I type!

addition to the serenity prayer: Help me hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they pissed me off!!! :-)

#45re: re: re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/5/03 at 4:03pm

I would like to have seen Dance of the Vampires... but only for Max Von Essen and the elaborate sets.
I walked out of a regional production of The Wizard of Oz that was on a mini-tour. I remember that it satrred Kathryn Manning as Dorothy. She was good, but the production was terrible overall. I normally enjoy the stage version of the movie. It struck me as funny that the tour starring Jessica grove, Mickey Rooney, and Eartha Kitt was also essentially a regional production and it was sooooooooooo much better.

#46Albin's Sleeping Habits
Posted: 6/5/03 at 10:16pm

Have you noticed how many shows Albin has fallen asleep during? It's because he's so heavily medicated--and old.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

tbrean Profile Photo
#47re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/6/03 at 7:45pm

Never anything in NYC, since I paid so much to be there. Although I would have left James Joyce's The Dead if there had been an intermission! But professional productions here in Chicago...

1) Copenhagen
2) Gem of the Ocean (the new August Wilson)
3) A Tuna Christmas (if you can call that a show)

#48re: re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/6/03 at 7:48pm

I didn't enjoy The Dead. I only sat through it for Alice Ripley -- I love that woman.

tbrean Profile Photo
#49re: Shows You Walked Out On
Posted: 6/7/03 at 5:17pm

Alice was the only reason I even saw The Dead (and the reason I just got back from Coral Gables). I never understood the critical acclaim or the move to Broadway.
