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Member Name: Rypm25
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 May 2 2023, 05:30:39 AM

Clearly this is a production that is going to divide people on their thoughts when it’s over. And that’s great! Whether you really enjoyed it or felt it was a big miss, it gets you talking. 
I did want to reference the idea that the advertising doesn’t really promise horror or scares when it does. There’s one particular ad that begins with heavy breathing over the words that go something like “you’ve been to the overlook hotel (the shining), amity

 Apr 30 2023, 02:59:54 PM

So I gave my initial thoughts on this when I got home last night but now I’ve had time to sit with it, and i find myself more ticked off this afternoon more so than I was last night. Just some random thoughts, starting with the advertising of this show. Pretty much all of the advertising points at and suggests to the audience this is a horror/thriller. One in particular features the sounds of heavy breathing while referencing The Shining, Psycho, Jaws and Friday the 13th. This play has

 Apr 30 2023, 01:00:11 AM

Attended tonight’s performance of Grey House. My expectations were very high. I love thrillers and horror and it has a great cast lead by Laurie Metcalf. How could it go wrong? When we got to our seats there were invitations on every seat. When opened it revealed a letter basically asking to please keep secret as to what is going on here and what is being done here accompanied by a thin red bracelet. I couldn’t have been more excited. However, by the end Grey House didn’t ha

Those Who Saw the 2004 Assassins...
 Jun 10 2020, 03:56:17 PM
As it’s been said already, the Zapruder footage playing on NPH’s t-shirt instantly comes to mind. I also remember Cantone not being very memorable, however I’ve enjoyed him in other things.

I also remember there being a talk back after the show. Not sure how often they did that but some of the actors came out and talked with the audience about what they had seen if the audience chose to stay.

Jekyll & Hyde 1995 Tour vs. Broadway Production
 May 28 2020, 07:40:57 PM

I remember going to see this tour on Valentine’s Day with some friends. Having seen both the tour version and the broadway version, I personally preferred the tour version, though there are problems with both.

It’s all basically the same, although the set design was different, I seem to recall a staircase or maybe even two that would slide in and out for scenes. Obviously songs were there that were cut for broadway, most notably “Bring on the Men,” but my fa

Let’s Get LEGENDS! On Broadway!
 Apr 26 2020, 08:00:41 PM

I saw the tour with Joan Collins and Linda Evans.

While I agree the play is weak, it’s still a lot of fun.
Joan Collins was easily the stronger of the two and
really ran circles around Linda Evans on stage who
seemed at best, uncomfortable.

Even with those limitations there were still plenty of
scenes that crackled and had the audience roaring.

With the right two stars it could be a really enjoyable
night at the theater. Certainl

Buyer and Cellar Livestream
 Apr 19 2020, 09:48:04 PM
Wow. I had not seen it live, but enjoyed that immensely!
Really nice job!

ABC’s The Little Mermaid LIVE
 Oct 17 2019, 10:48:17 AM
To be fair, none of the commercials airing are making it clear what this is. It just says The Little Mermaid Live and most viewers tuning in are going to be disappointed when they realize what it really is.
Madea at BAM
 Sep 17 2019, 05:45:30 PM
This sounds exciting! I still remember seeing and loving the Fiona Shaw production in the early 2000’s.
Live Action Little Mermaid- Ariel
 Jul 4 2019, 02:16:26 PM
While Tangled was a moderate hit, Zootopia was a big hit for Disney. $350 million domestically and over a billion world wide.
 Apr 12 2019, 10:35:49 AM

I went with my husband to see this last night for my birthday. I have to echo much of what’s already been said about this show, but at the end of the night I didn’t hate it. I think having Beetlejuice show up immediately is a mistake. I believe out of a 90 minute movie, Beetlejuice has about 17-18 minutes of screen time. He should have been teased a lot longer to the audience. The first 15-20 minutes of the show I hated. I hated the opening number, Beetlejuice wasn’t funny a

Collins / Evans "Legends" - anyone ever see this?
 Aug 5 2018, 09:36:18 PM
I saw this when it came through Hartford here at the Bushnell. Agreeing with many of the comments above. It was fluff, but fun to see the two on stage. When it was bitchy it was awesome, but a lot of the jokes were lame. The fight mostly happened offstage on a balcony. Joan Collins was hands down the stronger of the two on stage. I remember enjoying the second act more, and the scene with the pot brownies was quite funny. The audience also ate the show up.
Wait Until Dark 1998 Revival and Question
 Aug 2 2018, 08:56:13 AM
I saw this production at the time, and I remember there not being good reviews but enjoyed it anyway. I do remember feeling Marisa Tomei was carrying the whole thing on her little back and she was quite good. Tarantino wasn’t anything special but not particularly bad either. I also remember the audience I saw the show with DID gasp and get startled by the end sequence and him jumping out at her. If I recall correctly the flash sequences referenced were scene changes scattered throughout, meant t
Fran Drescher is Using a Stamp
 May 22 2014, 06:14:29 AM
This reminds me of when I saw Victor/Victoria with Julie Andrews. The night I saw it she didn't stop to sign anything she just came out the door and went to her car and everyone clapped for her. Then a staff member told the crowd if they would like their playbill signed they could send it to the theater. I did that and when it came back the signature was clearly a stamped signature. I'm not judging her for it...but other celebrities do stamp their signature.
My Favorite Year
 May 23 2013, 08:52:34 PM
I remember going with my mom to see this. It was the first musical I saw in NY. She had loved the off we went. I remember loving some of the numbers, and being bored to tears with others. Andrea Martin of course does stick out, as well as a scene in a bathroom. The opening number was quite exciting...and I just remember one fabulous set piece after another. I also remembering being disappointed a bit with Tim Curry...but it could have been the character and the songs he was singing tha
Have you ever been at a show where someone had to leave mid-show?
 Aug 22 2012, 07:13:40 PM
I don't remember the actor's name, but when I saw the revival of Into the Woods with Vanessa Williams, an announcement was made at intermission that the actor playing the steward wouldnt be going on for the second act.
CHICAGO closing (in London)
 Jul 14 2012, 09:17:50 PM
If I remember correctly, not only did Melanie Griffith sell tickets..but she also got some very good reviews for her performance of a woman who could not sing or act.:)
Chris Cooper Joins the cast of 'August: Osage County'
 Jul 10 2012, 04:01:34 PM
I love the idea of Jean Smart in pretty much anything!
BIG The Musical
 Jul 8 2012, 11:58:12 AM
I saw it...I remember enjoying it while I watched it. When it was over I never gave it a second thought. In fact, I forgot I had even seen it until I saw this thread.
The Goat, or Who is Sylvia with Sally Field
 Jul 6 2012, 02:11:07 PM
I was looking through some old playbills and came upon my playbill for The Goat. I saw the original cast and really loved the play. When Sally Field took over I wanted to return to see it again with her in it but never made it back. I was wondering if anyone saw Sally Field in it and what they thought of her performance. On a side note..I always thought the play would make a great vehicle for an HBO movie...
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