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Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?- Page 3

Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?

Wynbish Profile Photo
#50Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/27/13 at 11:57pm

Is getting a buzz on your phone anymore annoying than having an usher come to your seat and telling you that you have a call in the lobby?

Yes, but an usher doesn't come get you when a friend calls or texts just to say, "What's up? I'm bored."

Updated On: 1/28/13 at 11:57 PM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#51Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/27/13 at 11:59pm

Does anyone know if it's even possible to install cell phone blockers that wouldn't also interfere with the mics and other wireless equipment needed to run the show?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#52Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 12:37am

DEAL WITH IT because it is not going to change.

I put my curse on you. May you never attend the theater again without being surrounded, on all four sides, by boundary-less, wrapper-opening, plot-discussing, cellphone-addicted harpies, and may you forever have to deal with it, because, now that I've put this curse on you, it is not going to change.

#53Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:27am

When the proliferation of cell phones began, some theaters looked into call blocking equipment but since cell phones are basically fancy radios and much automatic scenery, microphones and lighting are run by radio signals, it would interfere with the running of the show.

Brings to mind the story of when SUNSET BLVD. was going through tech before the London opening and the radio signals for the scenery fly-ins were on the same radio wavelength as London cabs, so whenever a cab driver would pass the theater and have his radio on, it wasn't unusual for a piece of scenery to fly in our out at an inopportune moment. They had to reconfigure all of the set cues to a new wavelength.

TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#54Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 7:36am

Only at intermission. During show of course not.

DEClarke Profile Photo
#55Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 9:24am

Only if they give us tazers to use on those who partake in free Wi-Fi during the performance.

suestorm Profile Photo
#56Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 9:49am


FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

#57Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 10:44am

I find this whole thread incredulous. Despite the fact that it happens often, I can't believe that anyone doesn't get how rude it is to keep their phone on during a live performance and even take a call or respond to a text.

I actually have grabbed the phone out of a neighbor's hands after her third call, multiple texts and my - at first nicely and then roughly - telling her to turn her phone off! The theater is not a place for cell phones.

madbrian Profile Photo
#58Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 10:53am

I haven't read the entire thread, so I apologize if this has already been posted, but a theater in Rhode Island is experimenting with the concept of 'tweet seats'.

Tweet Seats

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#59Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 11:07am

Now we're using age against those who don't want cell phones interrupting performances and that it's the new thing and to deal with it? Um, no. I'm only 28, and I know how to behave and not use my cell phone in a theater. And ushers only need to interrupt people when it's important. They don't just go up to random people in the audience to talk during performances, so that's a bad example.

I guess I must have bad parents too because they never called a million times if one of us was sick. They left instructions and had common sense on what was an emergency and what was not.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Movidude742 Profile Photo
#60Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 11:27am

As long as people are not on their mobile device during the performance (including Overture and Entracte when they exist) I don't care if they are on an app or texting. People on the phone or checking messages during the performance should be stopped by the ushers, just as always.

Now, There are a few theaters that already do have wifi in house. I don't ahve a problem with more adding them, but there is no reason they can't turn off any router with open public access before the stage manager cues the start of the show.

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#61Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 11:32am

I wish they would for before the show and intermission, but I understand why it's a bad idea.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#62Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 12:24pm

Why would you need wifi for your phone?

This is clearly for tablets...which are completely unnecessary in the theater.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

uncageg Profile Photo
#63Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 12:42pm

New World Stages offers free wifi in the lounge area. It does not extend into the theaters.

The Denver Center offeqrs a phone number to patrons who are doctors or who want to be contacted in case of emergency. The ushers go to their seats if a call comes in or they wait until intermission, I think, if the caller says it isn't something bad enough to pull the patron out of their seat.

Just give the world Love.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#64Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 12:46pm

Maybe they could provide free Wi-Fi and then shut it off when the show starts?

suestorm Profile Photo
#65Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 1:53pm

i think its pretty sad to not be able to be unconnected for an hour unless youre a DR, you must be Hen-pecked

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 1/28/13 at 01:53 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#66Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:24pm

There are ways of doing so without annoying those around you. Covering the screen with your hand.

No, that is still distracting.

If you see the phone, chill the hell out.

That sort of response is even more reason to ban cell phones from theatres. And probably from you.

As long as they're not being obvious and obnoxious with it then who gives a ****.

If they are doing it at all, they are being obvious and obnoxious. Especially since every show has an announcement at the beginning telling the audience to specifically NOT DO IT.

Ask nicely and I'm sure they'll try to be more discreet.

Tried that once. Didn't work. You're wrong.

Your kid's under the weather and is with the sitter.

If you're that concerned, stay home. Or wait until intermission. Like everyone else did for centuries. Or just "chill the hell out".

You and your husband spend over $200 on tickets to a show and your child gets sick.

And if your child is so sick, you are worried something tragic may happen in a couple of hours, to the point that you NEED to disrupt people who also paid hundreds of dollars NOT to be interrupted by your phone, then "chill the hell out" and stay home.

Phones maybe annoying, but most shows are even louder & brighter.

Most shows don't occur in a darkened audience.

What about if the kid falls and gets hurt while you're not there?

Then the sitter or the kid can use their phone to call 911, then leave a message with the parents that they will receive either at intermission or after the show. Just like it's always been.

Is getting a buzz on your phone anymore annoying than having an usher come to your seat and telling you that you have a call in the lobby?

Yes, because cell phones buzz FAR more frequently than ushers have ever been called to anyone's seat. That's precisely WHY it is more annoying.

DEAL WITH IT because it is not going to change.

Chill the hell out.

And to answer the original question. Of course not. Why on earth should theatres provide free Wi-Fi for patrons?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 1/28/13 at 02:24 PM

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#67Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:43pm

I still dont understand why anyone needs wifi in a theater. You can use your phone already...what else do you want to do, pull out your laptop?

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

suestorm Profile Photo
#68Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:47pm

OMG i agree TOTALLY with MISTERMATT. must be a sign of the apocolypes, or just a real ahole for us to be so in sync LOL

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 1/28/13 at 02:47 PM

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#69Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:49pm

"I still dont understand why anyone needs wifi in a theater.

Verizon nixed my unlimited data with my last upgrade, so I would appreciate the free wifi for preshow and intermission. However, my phone would would be silenced (not even vibrate, because that's almost as loud) and completely out of sight during the performance.

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

suestorm Profile Photo
#70Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:58pm

""Verizon nixed my unlimited data with my last upgrade, so I would appreciate the free wifi for preshow and intermission. However, my phone would would be silenced

i guess you cant spare the 10 cents or so you might be charged on your phone?

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#71Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 2:59pm

Why would I want to?

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

suestorm Profile Photo
#72Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 3:06pm

why would i want to??

Ummm i dont know, to be courteous to your fellow theatergoers? to not embarrass the person you're with? to not look like a total jackarse? to show your momma didnt raise you in a barn? to not be a totally selfish douche? PICK ONE!

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
Updated On: 1/28/13 at 03:06 PM

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#73Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 3:12pm

So instead I'll just pay more for my data plan to satisfy a particularly rude sock puppet on a message board?


And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

suestorm Profile Photo
#74Should Theaters Provide Free Wi-Fi For Its Guests?
Posted: 1/28/13 at 3:17pm

ha, WONDERWAITER youre using a cellphone in a theater and the people who dont like it are rude?? SELFABSORBED MUCH?

FINDINGNAMO, SNAFU, THEATERDIVE, JORDANCATALONO, LIZASHEADBAND, PALJOEY: You all claim to "IGNORE ME" I wish you would and stop constantly commenting on my posts. Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... The MOST POPULAR and DANGEROUS Poster on BWW! Banned by the PTA, PTC and the MEANGIRLS of BWW..................................................................................................................... ...Ukraine Girls really knock me out, they leave the west behind..........................
