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Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?

Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?

ljay889 Profile Photo
#1Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 3:10am

Probably not, but this is interesting.
Updated On: 4/9/10 at 03:10 AM

#2Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 3:19am

That's hilarious about Kristin getting a show stolen from her once. Maybe if she weren't so cast out of type she wouldn't feel the need to make the character perkier to suit her style.

James885 Profile Photo
#2Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:39am

Wow. I guess the rumors are true about her being miscast if she herself is complaining that her character isn't perky enough.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#3Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:40am

Did she not read the script or see the movie THE APARTMENT before signing up to do this? I mean, everyone figured she was miscast but as a fan of hers I thought she'd prove us all wrong...doesn't seem like she's interested in shaping her acting around the show and the character, instead she wants the show and character to be shaped around her. If she wants that, why doesn't she do a new show on Broadway where the writers can actually write material for her? It seems absurd to star in a revival of a show, have songs that do not fit the score whatsoever added especially for you (I imagine "I Say A Little Prayer" sticks out like a sore thumb, especially if it's not even set up by the book), and then ask that they re-write the character to fit your persona. Why didn't they just cast someone who would actually be right for the role and who would actually make the production work?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

newintown Profile Photo
#4Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:04am

I think Neil should totally re-write Fran to be just like Sally Brown - a little manic psychotic. So Kristin can play it with all sorts of zingers, one liners, and physical schtick to show that Fran is in total denial about her life, up to the point of "Whoever You Are, I Love You," which would be taken up an octave to sound more like a primal scream. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?

darquegk Profile Photo
#5Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:24am

I don't think rewriting THIS show would work too much...

However, I'm not against rewrites on revivals, simply because I liked a lot of the reworking of "Little Me" for Faith Prince and Martin Short.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#6Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 11:57am

Disappointing if true. I loved that we got to see a different side of her in this role.

#7Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 12:14pm

This NY Post critic caught maybe ONE single preview show. Some say that Sean and Kristin have gotten rousing roaring applause at Curtain call so it is debatable as to whether Katie Finneran got more or less than the leads. Shows that are in a Preview only status can do some adjusting and tweaking prior to the Premiere night. Any/all kinks that need to be worked out will be worked out.

This critic, Michael Reidel seems to be favoring Katie Finneran anyway. Maybe a fan of her work??? Maybe not able to be objective on reviewing the preview show he saw???

Promises, Promises will do just fine, to be sure of that. I like the fact that in preview shows, the producers, writers can detect hitches and glitches and fine tune the show. Just makes it all that much more better when it gets into the run of the show. Go Sean and Kristin!

wickedfan Profile Photo
#8Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 12:51pm

Michael Riedel is not a critic, he's a gossip columnist. He doesn't write reviews (although sometimes he tries to slip one in), he writes what's happening on the theatre scene. Chances are he didn't even see a preview and just heard from "a source" that Chenoweth and Hayes weren't getting rousing applause.

There could be two sides to this, one is understandable and one is, well, stupid. The understandable side is if Chenoweth is asking that the added scenes featuring the new songs be re-written because, as of now, they simply don't mesh well. That's understandable and is a concern for the sake of the show (as well as Chenoweth). Also, I understand the desire to make Fran a little more, well, memorable in the beginning. The Fran in Promises, Promises is different from the Fran in The Apartment. In The Apartment, there's a rapport between MacLaine and Lemmon that shows us a witty, warm, and lovable side to Fran, until we see the dark side of the life she leads. That rapport and that first impression isn't there in Promises, Promises. She sort of just comes on, comes off, comes on and then comes off until "Knowing When to Leave," where she REALLY makes an impression. Also, in addition to all of this, MAYBE Rob Ashford is realizing from the audience reactions that while there are some dark moments in Promises, Promises, it isn't ALL "Mad Men." There's a great deal of lightness to the piece.

However, if Chenoweth is simply asking for shtick so that she can go back to her comfort zone, then I've lost a great deal of respect for her. I would've had more respect for her if she made a valiant effort to do this role as is and failed, then try to conform the role to her comfortable shtick.

"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#9Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 1:17pm

All this talk about Cheno.

Cheno Cheno Cheno.

The real problem has to be Sean Hayes.

He can't sing.

And his singing is better than Tony Goldwyn's singing by miles.

How on earth did they go ahead with this show with two male leads who can't sing?

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#10Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 1:20pm

I would've had more respect for her if she made a valiant effort to do this role as is and failed, then try to conform the role to her comfortable shtick.

Same. I guess we'll find out soon enough how much truth there is to this. Hopefully they're just rewriting to put the added songs in contaxt.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#11Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 1:51pm

I'd have a lot more respect for anyone who takes Riedel's column for what it is: gossip.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#12Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 1:57pm

I understand Fran is now waking her entrance via bubble.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#13Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 6:14pm

Re. darquegk's comments about re-writing certain material in revivals--the poster cites rewriting parts of LITTLE ME for funny actors Martin Short and Faith Prince(both of whom I like very much). I find it incredulous that Neil Simon's book for LITTLE ME required any re-writing, regardless of who was playing the leads. I saw the original production in 1962, starring the brilliant funny man Sid Caesar and the delectable Virginia Martin. That LITTLE ME remains the funniest Broadway show I have ever seen in my 59 years of theatregoing. I should add that Carolyn Leigh's lyrics added to the non stop humor of the show.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#14Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 6:17pm

Didn't it have to be rewritten to make Belle one character instead of two?

#15Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 6:35pm

"However, if Chenoweth is simply asking for shtick so that she can go back to her comfort zone, then I've lost a great deal of respect for her. I would've had more respect for her if she made a valiant effort to do this role as is and failed, then try to conform the role to her comfortable"

Kristin Chenoweth is a consumate professional. I can't imagine her asking to rewrite for shtick. At. All.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#16Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 6:44pm

I did not see either the James Coco revival or the Martin Short revival of LITTLE ME so I was unaware that they dispensed with the older Belle, played so well by the veteran Nancy Andrews in the original production. I fail to see any reason to dispense with the older Belle as she has two great songs: "The Truth" and "Here's to Us". I hope they were retained in the revivals.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"
Updated On: 4/10/10 at 06:44 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#17Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 7:44pm

I dunno. All I know is that there was only one Belle in it when Faith Prince did it.

darquegk Profile Photo
#18Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:47pm

Older Belle and Younger Belle were both played by the same actress, Faith Prince. The Patrick Dennis interview structure was done away with- the frame structure is now that Belle Poitrine, the aging former film star, is throwing a party in her own honor to celebrate the publication of her intimate memoirs- the same book that, in the original production, was being ghostwritten during the show. Here's To Us is still in, as her closing toast to the party guests- before she is interrupted by the vengeful Mama. The Coco production also did away with the interview- the new frame structure was that Belle was now starting out on a cabaret tour based on her life story.

The rewrites to the Coco production were drastic and mostly inferior to the original production. The Short/Prince revival went back to the original book, deleted the Patrick Dennis character, and other than adding some new jokes here adn there, remained essentially the same- simply a tighter version with a few new laugh lines.

snarkywannabedreamer Profile Photo
#19Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 7:06am

And lets all hold our breath for the award show Riedel and his frustrated, "wish I had the talent to actually do what I pick apart each day" band of f*#ktards get on television in the near future.

What he fails to realize is the reality that when it comes to Broadway other than The Times the rest of these clowns are just noise.

amoni2 Profile Photo
#20Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 7:57am

MacLaine's Fran wasn't likable. She was cold and having an affair with a married man. Not exactly the making of a musical comedy role. No where any of the creators claim "Promises Promises" is an exact recreation of the movie. The audience always rooted for Lemmon's C.C. Baxter. Hoping he finds happiness, even if it meant being with Fran. Sounds to me like some people here are finding reasons, 700 perhaps, to just not give KC any credit what so ever. Having the original author tweak a line here and there during previews is hardly "rewriting" anything.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#21Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 8:26am

Not if the material that's being tweaked is 40 years old.

amoni2 Profile Photo
#22Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 11:33am

Well Phil, at your advanced age, you know a little nip or tweak doesn't really change who you really are, now doncha, Sweetie?

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#23Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 2:18pm

McLaine's Fran wasn't likable? In what world? McLaine gave such a magnificent performance, her Fran was incredibly complex and in many ways, sweet and adorable. And if you're not in love with her by the time the final scene arrives, her reading of the last line does you in, she's pretty brilliant as Fran. Chenoweth is completely wrong for the part and the fact she expects re-writes to make the character "perkier" confirms it.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#24Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 2:43pm

I'm sure they're just working to set up the new songs a little better.

I don't know why everyone is out for this show - from the 2nd preview, it was hardly in bad shape, and they still have TWO WEEKS to fine tune. I have good feelings about this show.

amoni is officially my new favorite poster.
