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Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?- Page 2

Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#25Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 3:13pm

I'm not quite as old as Promises, Promises, but whatevs. Amoni, you are such a priggish little bitch. Almost are your posts are posts admonishing other people. How old are you?

Marquise Profile Photo
#26Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 7:23pm

I'm really disappointed that Kristin Chenoweth was chosen to play 'Fran'. This is the first ever revival for this show. They should have taken the time to make it an event and get the casting right. She's all wrong for this part.

If the rewrite rumors are true then that speaks volumes. She's obviously very aware she is wrong for the part and she's requesting that the character be altered to fit her needs, personality and quirks because she knows she's wrong for the part as it is originally written.

It's bad enough they've gone ahead and changed the show's time period ~ the music written for the show reflected the show's original time period of 1968...not 1962. The average theater goer won't know the difference but those with more knowledge on the subject matter will.

Reports that Turkey Lurkey, a legendary number perfectly crafted to stop the show before the curtain falls on the first act is now an underwhelming little ditty.

Just listening to what they've done to it's dance arrangement along with the hack job they've done to it's glorious overture is disheartening to say the least:

(a) intro: whoever you are i love you
(b) knowing when to leave (shortened)
(c) akward transition (because of the cut) into turkey lurkey time
(d) i say a little prayer dropped in
(e) she likes basketball leading into a very bad edit of
(f) promises, promises...

The overture doesn't have the flow it once had, maybe if they would have left Knowing When to Leave at it's original length it wouldn't be so jarring or maybe they should just drop I Say a Little Prayer and A House is Not a Home (which was the theme song from the 1964 film of the same name anyway) from the score, restore the overture to it's original brilliance and replace Chenoweth with a more suitable actress to play 'Fran' and leave well enough alone.

#27Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/10/10 at 10:28pm

It still amazes me that people assume that Kristin Chenoweth would demand a rewrite of an established part to fit her personality. I think that notion is absurd. Especially since not everyone thinks she is miscast.

#28Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 1:46am

I have not seen this production - I do not want to see this production, mainly because the creative team seems to think they're better than the material - that they know more than the people who made this show a hit back in December of 1968, where it ran for 1200 performances.

But I must say, that had Kristin been directed properly (although who knows if she would allow that these days) there is no reason on Earth she couldn't have been a wonderful Fran. If she'd come to the production as just an actress/singer without all the other baggage, my guess is she would be terrific. Anyone who doesn't think she can be real and have heart only needs to listen to her performance of Lion Tamer on The Stephen Schwartz Album - one of the most perfect vocals I've ever heard, and I've heard a lot of vocals. In fact, I'd say she's one of a handful of people who walked in and nailed a song on the first take. I told her to go home. She said, "Really?" I played her the take. She said, "I just sang it from the heart." And that was that.

She has the ability to be vulnerable and real - at this point it would probably take a very strong director to get her to do it, and if she's trying to be a "star" in this role, then she chose the wrong show - but that's another story. But do not doubt that if she'd just play it "from the heart" she would be fantastic.

I haz spoken.

Marquise Profile Photo
#29Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 8:25am

Well, I'm not assuming anything Liz7. I clearly stated: " "If the rewrite rumors are true..." in my post.

@ bk: I agree with your assessment of Chenoweth. I love Kristin Chenoweth...just not in this.

Marquise Profile Photo
#30Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/11/10 at 8:25am

Well, I'm not assuming anything Liz7. I clearly stated: " "If the rewrite rumors are true..." in my post.

@ bk: I agree with your assessment of Chenoweth. I love Kristin Chenoweth...just not in this.

OrbiterNY Profile Photo
#31Riedel: Could 'Promises' be receiving some rewrites?
Posted: 4/12/10 at 9:13am

What someone like Riedel says and an actual critic says are two different things. I saw the show on Saturday (4/10) - It was fun and the audience certainly seemed to enjoy it and compared with The Addams Family this is a sure fire hit.
Both Bacharach and Simon have recently said in interviews they are both happy with the addition of the 2 songs (I will agree with the other person who posted the overture is not as good as the original)and the rewrites. Knowing the show very well myself, these additions do not detract nor add much. The orchestrations are beautiful and the sets/costumes great. The performances, while everyone seemed to be trying hard, some fell short. Hayes surprised with a better sounding voice than in Damn Yankees (encore production) and while some of his "bits" were better suited for television were fun, he does have great comic timing. Kristin, while I think is a fantastic artist, never becomes Fran. This affects the "big" moment in the second act, not giving you much to invest in her. Miscast? maybe but if she is the performer she has shown to be she should pull it out by opening. Goldwyn seems a cad from the beginning and never convinces anyone he might be in love with Fran so again then the truth comes out no one is surprised. Latessa seemed to be walking thru the role forgetting lines and lyrics. Finneran, as previously mentioned, was a wow but never seemed to really let loose.
What everyone needs to remember is that all the comments, including mine, are based on PREVIEWS! This is a work in progress for all involved and they are working their butts off on the stage. A friend who went with me had seen the opening night preview and said performances had improved greatly since then - so give them the this preview time to make it solid - It is a fun show and I would recommend it to anyone based on that fact - its good music and laughs
