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Rannells' understudy?

#1Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 4:04pm

Just saw Andrew Rannells tweet:

I WILL be in the show tonight! The chords are great, I'm feeling great and I am happy to be back to work!

Was he out yesterday/did anybody catch his u/s in Mormon?
Updated On: 6/23/11 at 04:04 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 4:12pm

I'm wondering that too! I love Andrew, but would really, REALLY love to see Kevin Duda in this role.

Here's a direct link to that tweet:!/AndrewRannells/status/83988134051856385

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

suttonfoster Profile Photo
#2Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 4:13pm

Yes, I was at the matinee yesterday. Kevin Duda was on for him. He sounded phenomenal and was great in the role.

#3Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 7:30pm

Kevin Duda was on last night as well, and he was incredible. It would be interesting to hear a comparison from someone who has seen both Duda and Rannells.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#4Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 7:42pm

Kevin is a super sweet and talented person. I have no doubt he would do well. :)

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#5Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 10:55pm

I saw the matinee yesterday afternoon with Kevin Duda on as Elder Price and a performance back in April with Rannells. I really enjoyed both performances for totally different reasons.

Oh, and there will be spoilers ahead, so, uhh, here's the warning!

Duda seemed pretty nervous as the show began with "Hello." I hate to point out small things, but he made a small lyrical mistake on his second line and missed a short line at the song's end, leaving a brief silence for a second. He smiled the whole time and kept going, and you could see a lot of heart in his Elder Price.

By the middle of "Two by Two" you could tell he was getting more comfortable with the performance; the choreography made a difference for him.

His vocals and acting were bothvery different than Andrew Rannells' and they both have their ups and downs. Vocally, Rannells has a very strong high range and a very happy, almost "poppy" voice. Duda had a softer, more innocent voice with a great vibrato, something that isn't very present with Rannells. I don't want to say that Duda's voice is more pleasant, because Rannells voice is pleasant, but Duda just wasn't as harsh on some of his attacks. On the other hand, some of Duda's high notes were not as strong as Rannells' high notes.

Acting wise, Rannells is just kind of a lovable jerk whereas Duda was just a sweet guy you really pulled for. It was hard to hate Duda, even during his most conceited times, where Rannells can easily be "that guy."

Duda clearly gained confidence over intermission, his Act One was very good and his Act Two was outstanding. Starting with "Spooky Mormon Hell Dream" he just took off. And then there's "I Believe."

Now, I might get crap for this, but it is my honest opinion...I think that Duda's "I Believe" was one of the best things I have seen on a Broadway stage in the last few years. I really love Rannells' rendition of the song, but I feel that Duda blew him out of the water. Rannells, arguably, is almost defiant in his performance; Duda was simply honest. With Rannells you could say that Price just kind of believes to believe (if that makes sense) where with Duda you could tell that he honestly believed every last word of what he said with all of his heart.

It was sincere, and his vocals were his best in the show. He let his beautiful vibrato shine throughout the song and rightfully deserved the minute long ovation he got at the song's end.

At the end of the day, I have to say that I enjoyed Rannells a bit more than Duda, however, I feel that with a few more performances under his belt and a bit more confidence that Duda will easily equal Rannells. Rannells just has that cockiness that makes Elder Price who he is,and that seemed a bit lacking from Duda. Duda had some great character choices and made Price a really nice guy, but, personally, I felt that he could have been a tad less likable.

For his first performance of Elder Price Duda simply did a fantastic job, and I don't think I will be forgetting his "I Believe" anytime soon.

Well, I hope this was coherent! If anybody has any questions please ask and I will happily answer!

suttonfoster Profile Photo
#6Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 11:33pm

Agreed ^ His "I Believe" was very memorable and he got applause for about 30-40 seconds after.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#7Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 11:51pm

just curious, but was Graham Bowen or Nick Spangler on in Duda's ensemble track??

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

#8Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/23/11 at 11:56pm

Spangler was on and was absolutely fantastic, Bowen was in the back of the house taking notes (presumably for Duda between shows).

Elder Katt
#9Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 12:24am

I have been lucky enough to see the show twice now and I've seen both Rannells (who I love, love, love. I was actually disappointed when I first realized he was absent,) and now last night Kevin Duda. I lurk here usually but I registered a few minutes ago just so I could post and add to the chorus of praise for Duda.

After I saw the show the first time I couldn't imagine anyone replacing Rannells. I was proven wrong. While I still think he has the edge comedically (I just love his dry, narcissistic deliveries) Duda more than held his own and matched Josh Gad just as well. afaye11 is so right when mentioning how sweet Duda seemed. His face just has the friendliest, most earnest expression, and before you might think "but wouldn't that not work for Price?", it actually did. He seemed like someone who was very immature and blindly following a path, even if it made him do some douche-y things. You did really root for him through the show's journey.

His voice was gorgeous! He has a clear, soaring, and very pretty tenor. It served him well the entire show, but especially in "I Believe". The audience was cheering for him after, and it was well-deserved!

Two other moments I loved: his reaction during "Two By Two" after finding out they were going to Uganda. His face looked faraway and he distractedly got back into the choreography for "our shirts are clean and pressed..." Rannells does this too, but Duda actually made it a little more poignant. The other: when he leered at the coffee lady after "We Are Africa": "Gimmie another one! Come on! (she pours)...Yeah, that's right." It's hard to describe over the internet but it was so freaking funny.

So, don't be afraid if for some reason you happen to see him. You are in good hands. The show didn't suffer and the balance of the two leads didn't, either. Everyone around me at intermission was saying they couldn't believe he was the understudy. I even heard some comments of "This isn't the guy we saw on the Tonys, but he is outstanding."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#10Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 12:29am

Thank you, thank you, to both of you who are writing so much about Kevin. :) It nearly makes up for not having seen him (yet)!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Elder Katt
#11Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 1:15am

You're welcome, Lizzie! I hope you'll get to see him someday. :)

kyl3fong2 Profile Photo
#12Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 2:09am

Does anybody know how long the current cast with Rannells and Josh Gad are contracted till? With the way ticket sales are going now, I plan to see the show sometime next Spring and would love to see Andrew Rannells perform...

Astrid2 Profile Photo
#13Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 2:25am

Andrew Rannells mentioned in a recent interview that he's signed on for "nine more months," which I believe means he signed a one-year contract and will leave in March.

Not sure about Josh, Nikki or Rory.

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#14Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 4:19am

Nikki is contracted until March too.

#15Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 6/24/11 at 6:29pm

Rannells is getting a lot of TV offers, he might be off a lot more in the coming months for auditions in LA. Don't expect him to resign on for another six month after March.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#16Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/4/12 at 7:14am

Kevin Duda is on as Price for both shows today!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#17Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/4/12 at 12:15pm

congrats for him!!! I guess Nic Rouleau is on vacation?? Or could they simply prefer Duda over Rouleau.

EDIT: according to Broadway Understudies, Rouleau was on from Jan. 25-29. And for the matinee on Jan. 29, both Rouleau & Gertner went on.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
Updated On: 2/4/12 at 12:15 PM

#18Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/4/12 at 12:16pm

LizzieCurry, are you going to be able to catch the show today? If so, let us know what you think of Duda? I'd love to hear how he has changed since I saw him in June!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#19Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/4/12 at 1:29pm

Yes, Nic's on vacation right now. And yes, I'm seeing the show today! :)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 2/4/12 at 01:29 PM

Elder Katt
#20Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/4/12 at 5:06pm

Updated On: 11/26/13 at 05:06 PM

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#21Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/4/12 at 10:33pm

please report back!!!

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#22Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/5/12 at 12:14am

Well, I got my money's worth and more. :) There were a few transposed lyrics here and there but other than that a newbie probably wouldn't have noticed. I completely agree with all the raves previously posted -- Duda's Price is a super nice guy (not quite as generically nice as Nic Rouleau's, though I did like Nic as well), very sweet and earnest. His confrontations with Cunningham were angrier than I'd seen with the two other Prices, which was also a nice change. I'd never seen a Price actually start screaming during Spooky Mormon Hell Dream when his dad... well, if you've seen it, you know. Rannells' understudy?

It was a little strange hearing a more traditional musical theatre voice sing that role, and he definitely had some problems with the higher notes in I Believe (no cracking but straining). BUT, I really really hope he gets more stage time, because I'm sure that he could absolutely rock this role. I'm so glad I went!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#23Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/5/12 at 4:18pm

Rannells was apparently out today as well. anyone know if Duda went on again, or was it Spangler, since Rouleau is on vacation??

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#24Rannells' understudy?
Posted: 2/5/12 at 4:34pm

Rannells was back today... and no, I was not at the show. :)

(For completeness' sake, I'd like to see Spangler, though!)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 2/5/12 at 04:34 PM
